“CORESHELL GROUP” DIGGING OUT FROM TIDALWAVE OF MANURE OVER SHARBOT LAKE DEBACLEMNN. Mar. 21, 2008. Coreshell is one of the mercenaryprivate companies that Canada and its agencies useto settle any “domestic” problems or internationalissues with Indigenous nations and anyone else theymay “need to deal with”. Why would a state be dealingthrough corporations? The bottom line is that the statehas fiduciary duties. Corporations don’t! Their onlyduty is to their shareholders. These privatelyincorporated companies are the state’s way of doing an“end-run” around the governmental obligations theyassumed by asserting sovereignty. This is how theyare violating Indigenous sovereignty, land and resources.In the middle of our investigation of a major crime takingplace on Haudenosaunee Territory at Sharbot Lake,Coreshell almost pulled a fast one. They’re trying tocover their tracks by pulling most of their website offthe internet. They didn’t want anything untoward to getout. They’re operations make it look too much liked theCanadian government is trying to “privatize Indian Affairs”.Canada wants to deal with us through private for-profitcompanies like Coreshell. This company is involved withall the skullduggery that’s been going on with virtual“Indians” at Sharbot Lake.The point is to disguise colonialism, keep on doing thesame old, but come out “looking clean”. It’s likewrapping pollutants in green packaging. The affects areoften devastating. The same kind of tricks have beenused to send prisoners by private jets to other parts ofthe world to be tortured. It’s been spun as “extraordinaryrendition” to hide what is really going on. Even “waterboarding” is made to sound like amusement, like a crossbetween “surfing” and “snow boarding”. It’s actuallywhen a victim is drowned and resuscitated back to life.It’s only fun for perverts.“OPEN FOR BUSINESS” is a hidden language to alertinvestors to start contacting them. Hmmm! Doessomething called “Algonquin Treaty Negotiation FundingTrust” 2006 sound like a good investment? It must be tosome people. Indian Affairs put $405,000 into it. Let’s see!Ambulance chaser, Robert Potts of Blaney McMurtry, setup the accounting for this fund in his office. Coreshellhandles the business investment side from everywhere toexploit Haudenosaunee territory. It looks like they hire theCEOs, managers and everything else that’s needed to setup the operation. They also make sure no one interferesor questions what’s going on.Coreshellgroup provides “strategic communications forclients in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors”.They boast of having worked with prime ministers,premiers, CEOs, cabinets, boards of directors, task forcesand senior civil servants. Doesn’t this sound like agovernment agency?Their work “with executives and managers on criticalmatters of commerce and public affairs” sounds like a“think tank”. In a democracy this work is supposed tohappen in parliament and in public. These think tanksare usually funded by diverting corporate taxes tofoundations. So the public indirectly pays for them.The chosen few who are allowed to participate in thisprocess circulate from the think tank, [like “C.D. Howe”,“Hudson” or “Fraser”] to universities to governments andback. In other words, they control information and formthe education of the “hoi poloi”. Hardly anyone can get auniversity degree without going along with the tricks of thecolonial trade and conforming to this kind of thoughtprocess.We are told that the first step of a project is to find theplayers to perpetuate the fraud. Then the sum of theparts are needed. When the two interact, the crime iscomplete.They say their work for clients involves “change”. Theyare not even embarrassed to announce they are engagedin “defining public attitudes and group opinions”. Inother words, they have totally subverted the function oftheir democratic institutions. Hitler followed this kind ofprocedure. Today it’s not called “propaganda”. It’s called“spin”.This work includes creating and executingcommunications strategies for “large transactions” [likephony land claims] and lobbying for changes in publicpolicies and laws to conform to what they’re doing. Thisis like the insidious creeping of unannounced changesinto our lives introduced by their operatives like JamesGabriel at Kanehsatake. People are put to sleep, but,Coreshell claims, “It’s about helping leaders lead andmaking things happen”.They will send in anybody to any level of a project fromthe lowest to the top because they all come from thesame manure pile. They brag about their “ability to workeffectively in participative and complex decision-makingprocesses”. This means they make sure the decisionsgo the “right” way for their client.Coreshellgroup describes strategic communications as“research, consultation and engagement activities”. Inother words, they can train and set up mediaspokespeople like “Would-be-Algonquin” RobertLovelace and ambulance chaser, Chris Reid.The bottom line is their expertise lies in the area of publicaffairs manipulation and propaganda. They don’t wastetime objecting to democratic processes. They know howto pitch to people. They do things like send settlers toKingston to rally for Robert Lovelace for who knows why.Coreshell forms peoples’ attitudes, changes public moresand makes sure they go the way the client wants. Who isthe client? Aren’t the clients supposed to be the people?If so, why aren’t the people allowed to speak or be listenedto? Why are they being manipulated? Coreshell creates“spins” against whoever has a contrary opinion. That’swhy they have it in for MNN.The heads of Coreshell are J. Patrick Howe and his wifeLee Allison Howe, at 157 Douglas Drive, Toronto M4W 2B6,T416-929-0512/8640, phowe@coreshellgroup.com andiahowe@coreshellgroup.com.Are Lee Allison and J. Patrick fronts for “the government”?Both Howes appear to be great manipulators. She hasbeen at senior levels of government and corporations.She’s worked with prime ministers, premiers, CEOs,cabinet, boards and senior civil servants. How come shehas so much access when the public has to line up forweeks to talk to their Member of Parliament? Then theyfind that he or she too is excluded from wherever the realcenters of power may be? And, why is Sharbot Lake onher agenda?Patrick Howe states he is involved in natural resources,manufacturing, health care, venture capital and thePremier’s Council. Coreshell has dealings in commerce,finance and handling corporate funds for the TorontoStock Exchange. Howe started out as a journalist. Thenwent into advertising and then sold it 11 years later to aCanadian affiliate of a multinational corporation. Heknows money. Has a degree in economics.Howe brags he is connected globally to places like India,Brazil, United States and Germany. [Globeinvestor.com].In other words, this megalomaniac’s claims to have theresources of the whole wide world at his fingertips. Doeshe think he’s god? Does he think he’s Allah?Howe is also chairman and managing partner of the“Jeffery Group Ltd.” of Toronto. This company doespublic affairs and executive search services to “private,public and not-for-profit” organizations [where have weheard this before?]. It owns the Women’s ExecutiveNetwork. Does it mean instead of “stand by their man”,they’ve decided to stand in front of their man to act as ashield!Other staff members or affiliates are Charles Harnick,former Ontario Attorney General and MinisterResponsible for Native Affairs [read Ontario’s claim toour resources]; and Caroline Pinto, senior vicepresident and was a senior policy advisor with theHarris government [this would be during the time whenDudley George was murdered by the OPP at Ipperwash].Rumor has it Coreshell spent $160,000 on the virtualAlgonquin [tanakwin.com] website designed to foolpeople, as they would say, “to provide leadership”.“Mother” Joan Holmes, the genealogist, was a big helpon the misleading history. Many people have been putin dire straits and their dreams of becoming a magic“Algonquin” have been crushed. They’ve beenabandoned to purchase lottery tickets like others.Even a newspaper might be going down – if it doesn’tfind a way to admit to its readership that it has beenduped. Their Puba, Robert Lovelace, is in jail.But they should not despair. This may all be part of“A PLAN”. Uh huh! Somebody is talking big wordsthat sound good. They know how to hypnotize like anold snake oil salesmen. The victims don’t know how todefend themselves from these “double talkers” whogive them a few measly dollars.White people who have been turned into “Algonquins”are playing out false historic relationships that arebeing written for them. Coreshell conducts thesymphony - a confusion of cacophony. Coreshelltreats the real Indigenous like primitive hollow drumson whom they can beat out their cynical tunes in thistheatre of the absurd!We want Coreshell to stop. They’re a big headache!J. Patrick Howe also works with “TerraVest IncomeFund of Edmonton Alberta. John B. Zaoziray, trusteeand director, was VP and Director of Canacord Capital;is now director of Acetex Active Energy Income Fund;Alberta Newsprint; Bankers Petroleum; Canadian OilSands; Computer Modeling Group; Fording CanadianCoal Trust; IPSCO; Matrikon; Middlefield ResourcesFunds; Pengrowth; Provident Energy; and TitaniumCorp. [TSX:TI UN. Terravesindustries.com Paul A.Casey, CFO 780-632-2040 pcasey@terravestindustries.com].Its Board of Directors is Dale Laniuk, president andCEO; Tom Kileen is chief financial officer; Tim Zosel,is the senior vice president 1-877-323-2010.Coreshell has a complex network of pseudoIndigenous organizations.-Aboriginal Canada Portal –Community aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/acp/community;-Aboriginal Connectionsdirector.aboriginalconnections.com/Canada/first_nations/tribal_councils/index.html;-Algonquins of Pikwakanaganwww.algonquinsofpikwakanagan.com;-Anishinaable Baptise Community Organizationhttp:/anishinaabe-baptiste.info;-Anisinabeg Algonquin Portal Websiteswww.alongquinnation.ca;-Assembly of First Nations www.afn.ca;-Bonnechere Algonquin First nationhttp://www.bafn.ca/;-Chiefs of Ontario www.chiefs-of-ontrio.org;-Algonquins of Greater Golden Lakewww.greatergoldenlake.com;-The Mattawa/NorthBay Algonquin First Nationwww.mattawanorthbayalgonquinfirstnation.com/They’ve hired a few indigenous people who probablyhave a hard time getting work elsewhere. It tries toassimilate them into the colonial structure. For itsresource exploiter clients, it has all the informationit needs to make our rights and sovereignty slitherinto the “Genie’s bottle” so that nothing is left buta “puff of smoke”. They are trying to make surethat the struggles of our ancestors crumbles intothe dust of the pages of a few forgotten historybooks. Poof! We’re gone like magic! A few of uswill be given “McJobs” under their direction. Theyhope to coerce us in the “glorious exfoliation” ofour land that we are supposed to be protecting forour generations to come.Coreshell looks more like a “tsunami” of b.s. RobertPotts and his buddies must have known from thebeginning it was Haudenosaunee Territory, notAlgonquin. Was the idea to bypass us to “get thingsdone”?“Mother” Joan Holmes created the new “Indians” forthe Algonquin registry. The “Christian PeacemakersTeam” went in to pacify. The Greater Golden LakeIndian band was created. The computer with all theinformation on everybody that is Algonquin wasapparently taken out of the “Tikwanikan” Office ofGolden Lake in 2001. This is where the “AlgonquinTreaty Negotiation Funding Trust” meetings wereheld. [For More information go toOttawaAlgonquin.com].Coreshell doesn’t appear to answer to anyone.What is Coreshell?Kahentinetha HornMNN Mohawk Nation NewsSee Category: “ Sharbot Lake “New MNN Books Available Now!The books below, email us:Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usdThe On-Going Confusion between The Great Law and The Handsome Lake Code$20.00 usdThe Agonizing Death of "Colonialism" and "Federal Indian Law" in Kaianere'ko:wa/Great Law Territory$20.00 usdWho's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake$20.00 usdRebuilding the Iroquois ConfederacyKaroniaktajeh$10 usdWarriors Hand BookKaroniaktajeh$10 usdMail checks and money orders to...MNNP.O. 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