"Buyer Beware" of Stolen Property! It is being reclaimed!

Like that fable of the grasshopper and the ant; they had been forewarned yet they scoffed at the truth and continued playing their American fiddle. Granted, many Hawaii nationals suffer from the Stockholme Syndrome and have been brain-washed as well as conditioned to believe in the deception. Many are afraid to act, thinking they will lose the comfort or security in the process. They will side with their captors until there is a definite change and a guarantee they won't lose their sustenance that they worked so hard for. It's the uncertainty that unnerves many who lack the confidence that was stripped away from them through servitude. They are afraid of the kuleana thrust back to them with the challenge of survival. In essence, they have lost hope of recovery, independence, and freedom which their ancestors possessed and faith in themselves. This is what a long-term belligerent occupation will do to many people.There is hope for them because of those who are intelligent, educated, confident, and aware of the truth whom want to do something positive to regain their rights, freedom, and autonomy in conducting their affairs as proud Hawaii nationals bent on liberty and justice for all within their Polynesian Hawaiian mainstream society. These are the ones willing to work at it and not shirk their kuleana and willing to make the sacrifices to protect it. These are a growing number of Hawaii nationals striving to promote good governance, economy, peace, justice, protection and the pursuit of freedoms and happiness for all.Knowing this, the U.S.A. must de-occupy our sovereign nation-state. The laws of occupation is the law of the land which protects our rights as Hawaii nationals which the U.S.A. has been continuously violating. Our neutrality status has been trampled on and disregarded. Our international status has been usurped and our trust has been betrayed. The criminal conduct of the U.S.A. has produced the policy of buyer beware.
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