Google books has this project where they take old and out of print books from libraries and scan them and put them on the web. This site also has more contemporary books as well as a "take a peek" option for books you may be interested in buying.If you enjoy reading 19th century works about Hawai'i check out Google Books. It's cheaper than buying old books if you don't have that kind of a budget.If you have a gmail account you can actually set up your own digital bookshelf, so that the books you are interested in can be kept all in one place.Some of the interesting books currently on my bookshelf:With Lord Byron at the Sandwich Islands - Lord Byron, HMS Blonde brought back the bodies of Kamehameha II and Kamamalu who passed away in London from measles. Accounts of the funeral and their tour of the islands.Varigny: Fourteen Years in the Sandwich Islands 1855-1868History of the Sandwich Islands: With an account of the American Mission 1829History of the Sandwich Islands by James Jackson Jarves 1843History of the Sandwich islands by sheldon Dibble (popular title 'a'ole anei?)Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands During the years 1823, 1824, and 1825 Charles Samuel Stewartanyway, y'all get the drift.