HERE'S HOW THE US GOVERNMENT, WITH THE HELP OF THE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS, IS PLANNING TO STEAL THE HAWAIIAN NATION By their own laws the US cannot simply walk in and take Hawaiian land titles and erase the word "Royal" and replace it with "United States" Patent.They and the State of Hawai`i have never had "Clear Title" since Jan 17, 1893. They all know this and have known for a long time.The only way the United States will ever be able to get clear title to the Hawaiian Islands is if Hawaiians give it to them.This is why title to the Hawaiian Islands never transferred to the United States by the Newlands resolution. The Newlands resolution relied on the treaty of Annexation from the republic of Hawai`i. But the republic never owned title because the Kingdom of Hawai`i never gave it to them. But now they got a plan...they are going to get Hawaiians to give title to them. How will they do that? They are going to register a majority of Hawaiians to sign onto the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Kau Inoa roll.They are going to draft governing documents to "re-organize the Hawaiian government".They are going to get Hawaiians to elect officers to that government.They are going to make sure those governing documents give the officers of the government the authority to give away title in negotiations.They are going to get the majority of Hawaiians on the Kau Inoa roll to vote for the new governing documents to reorganize the Hawaiian government.That government authorized and approved by the majority of Hawaiians is going to sit down at the negotiating table with the United States and trade land title for cash and benefits.Many people believe that only the Kingdom of Hawai`i is authorized to give a way title to the Hawaiian Islands,and they are correct, but only as long as the kingdom remains intact. If the majority of its subjects revolt by forming a new government, the kingdom no longer exists. This is the effect of popular revolution. A federal recognition bill is only the bait. The hook is the formation of a new government and the negotiations between the U.S. and the new government. As long as Hawaiians don't bite the bait...the hook is harmless...The bill is not intended to settle any claims...The bill dos not tell Hawaiians, but asks them to form a government that can and will extinguish Hawaiians claims.
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  • Aue! I never thought of that...but the above comment is correct, it is sneaky and underhanded. I know someone who is running for OHA and I'm going to ask him about it...see what he says, or doesn't say. Mahalo for the eye opener....yet again Malama Pono
  • We need to come or meet together as one and let the government know how we the kanaka are not giving any more away just because they want it we do not need what they have they need what we have. how can we get the other kanakas to understand how the US does not own any thing and that we should not be afraid of them and their words. As the indians say they speak with fork tongues... We need more kanakas to run for offices in our communities and in our state capital. Our graduates of Kamehameha Schools should be able to come out and help their people and get things rolling for the kanakas and we should be educating the tourist in the proper proto calls and knowledge of what truely happened to the kanaka people.
    E kala mae if I had hurt anyones feelings, but we need to move forward. We live on kuleana ainas Ukumehame and we stand on what we believe, and that is ke akua has made it possible for us to return to our kuleana and no other country will move us off...
  • I agree with everything you stated here.

    What really bothers me is that they do not fully disclose that when title is transferred there must be 1) Acceptance and 2) Delivery.

    They have delivery... though sneaky and sly delivery.

    As for acceptance that is exactly what Kau Inoa is because they can always amend the bylaws to enable them to transfer title "with" our "acceptance."

    Do they ever disclose this to Hawaiians? No.

    So sneaky and sly!

    I guess it's too much to ask for the board to FULLY DISCLOSE. Oh wait. That is part of their job along with loyalty and OBEDIENCE.

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