Jesus Nuha

Jesus Nuha
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  • Most things the church tells you is so, is actually forbidden in the bible examples include:
     Christmas, Easter, the Sabbath being on a Sunday, the naming of days after roman and pegan gods i.e Satur-day Sun-day, the building raised alters or holy places with mortared stone enclosed to but a small sect of elite people, the use of paper money in place of just weights and balanced lawful money of gold and silver, The use of an engraved image on our money akin to worshiping man made idle.  Abiding by laws other than gods laws, the constitution was actually written to exempt people with sincerely held religious or spiritual beliefs or activities  from state or federal government issued laws regulations etc so long as it does not diminish the equal rights of others in any way such as  murder, harm, theft etc..  Amish do not pay Social Security Taxes because it is against their religion and also they do not have to public school their children either see Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972) for the same reason.. just to illustrate the point.
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