

February 22


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?


No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?


ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?


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  • ??? u neva add me hello .......


  • Shoots (: but umm if you didn't want me to give out your number, how come you posted it on my PUBLIC page lol
  • Teddy Bear
  • sup killa long time no hea 4um u so wat?
    how da waves on dat side bombin?
    try take some pix and put um on so we can critisize
    k killa wen u comin back?
  • eeeyyy!!!kaya juss thougth id drop by nd say hi
    much love to you frum tana gurl......
  • haha, thats ohkay! i havent been on in a while too!
    omg yeah volleyball, i want a scholarship,
    and now im playing high school volleyball so its keeping me busy!
  • idk whose been telling you we were going out but it's not true.. and if he is telling you that then please tell him to stop cause I hate it when people do that to me... and I have no idea who I'm talking to? are you Kaleo or Kaya right now?? cause whose ever phone I called was "Kaleo"... so yeah dude, thats not cool... & where were you for so long?? :) <3
  • no I am not going out with your cousin.. which ever one your reffering to?? I don't even talk to him anymore..
  • Yeah I'm okay, sorry I haven't been on in a while, and yes I would love to call u, but on two conditions, you can't call my house ( my parents are strict) and you have to send me a picture first :)
  • oh bah, volleyball is my sport rite there!
    i go mainland every year for play!
    omg. yeah.
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