'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
Christina Kamalani Kapeliela-Lassiter Keala'oku'uleialohapa'ina'ole
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?
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long time no talk......i wanted to know if you had a facebook?????? we'll i know your busy so hope to hear from you soon....bye
love always,
Kamalani Kawa'a
wat island is that skul on? my life is so good hows urz....
ur so rite we haven't talkked 4 long time we'll umm
i gatta get ready 4 my aunties wedding well i'll
talk 2 u soon luv u....
luv always,
i never talk to u 4 long time!!! so....tell me everything. How was ur summer? How have u been? Tell me anything and everything..... well i miss talk to u? i wanna no how it's been and wat skul ur @ now n stuff lyk dat. so ummmm...... i guess thats it for now. well can't wait 2 wait to here from u soon.
well thats it i gadda run!!!!!
luv u lots,
Kamalani Kawa'a
Hey girl! So how have you been? Well summer is coming to an end soon... And are you still going to move off the B*I? Well sorry haven't been hitting you up lately, I was off the computer for awhile and now here I am. Didn't want to be one STRANGER!!! Well have a good one and take care of yourself and don't forget to SMI*YO =)
omg congradulations!!!!!!!
weʻll nothings not going on much with me so yeaah
oh one more thing
SORRY I NEVER RITE 4 LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :}
I'm not during much.....
never talk to you long long time we'll the rest explains
Hey sister~
Sorry I haven't been in contact with you for awhile! Just working and dealing with the kids.... That is bad enough already. Well thought of stopping by and saying hello! Take care and keep in touch.... Shoots