

February 9


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

'O wau 'o Alohalani. 'O Aloha ko'u inoa kapakapa.

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

No Wai'anae mai au.

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?

Noho au ma Wai'anae.

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    && i ENjOy BEiNG HERE LiSTENiNG TO yOOh'R jACk jOhNSON...
  • Mahea au e ki'i ai i keia profile maika'i?
  • Aloha e Alohalani! Pehea 'oe i keia la?
  • ahahahaha. aka ua le'ale'a! cuz ua ha'i 'o kumu, kohu like 'o ia (mele) me kona hoa hese me ka be, nona ka inoa 'o KALEI!. xDD i <3 kumu maps. xD
  • ha'o a aloha wau ia'oe!!
    n im gonna jack your song love u!!
  • well..
    if you get down to it..
    this ISS like a myspace for native people!!

    hawaiians are getting up there!!!
  • aloha!!!

    DUDE this native myspace is so freakin cool!! im lurrvin it!!

    ps guess what? kawenas excited for free dress tomorrow . . . hehehe
    pps guess what else? kawenas excited that theres only . . . five . . . more . . . days . . . of school!!! yayy!!
  • pshh. mai ho'opunipuni. xDD

    omg. lol. so funny i loko o ka papa, ua koho makou i kekahi kumuhana no na ha'i. a ua ha'i 'o mele, "MELE!!!" so ua ho'oma'ama'a 'o kumu. "E ha'i ana au e pili ana i kekahi kaikamahine pupule, nona ka inoa 'o meleana." a ua make a face 'o mele a ha'i, "makemake au i kekahi ha'i 'olelo MAIKA'I." and i go, "well, 'olu'olu kela no ka mea ina na'u e 'olelo, e ha'i ana au, 'hese me ka BE." xDDDD slapsss. xD
  • 'ae ka shitt.

    its like.
    and you know what's scary??
    i go on this BEFORE i go on myspace.
    that's a knee slapper.
  • oh oh oh. he camera whore 'oe, 'a'ole anei? xDDDDD
    MAKU'E AU!!! =]
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