

February 19


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  • Aloha Roni, I did get munch's email of nanea but being the akamai person with computers neva could open um up..I'll ask ther girls in the office..E sista not sure what picture u refering to but I think I look the same from highschool just mo' momona,small kine gray, and mo pale then our good ol days..We finally got a digital camera and high speed internet so hopefully I can send some pictures..I'll send u an email "Sydney and SMA website" check it out it's our good friends daughter and her friends page has our 2 girls on it..Most recent pictures of them..C ya, Kalei
  • Aloha Roni, neva rekanotice the hot models in da pitcha at first den later in wen sink in..Looking good. A hui hou, Kalei
  • Hey Roni,

    just dropping in to say hello, long time no see.. howz everyone... give my aloha to all.... Good to see u on here, saw Munch tonite...Good nite, sweet dreams...God bless u all,.Lynette
  • Hi Roni Arlos!!!! So nice to hear from you! Yea u missed a great party...we had a blast, but you know the Tim Sing's they can party! Hahaha! Hope to c u soon! I will give my 'ohana your love! Take care sweet thang!
  • Hi Ron,
    What a blast from the past, when was this picture taken?
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