



February 18


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  • Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on this email( ubabawauh@gmail.com ) for the full details,
    Have a nice day

    Thanks God bless.

    Mrs Abiola.

  • Hi Wen,
    Yes they are all so big, not only r we getting older, i hope wiser too. Glad to hear from you, hope Tui is well, give him my best. Yes, Kamaile told me, she could not wait to see you, she was so funny when she found out you had an appointment scheduled. Wish you well! Miss u lots too.
  • Hi Wendy!!!
    Hope all is well! Talk to u soon
  • Yep, same person. talked to him today and he's excited too! Wants me to go shopping with him to buy his clothes...cute yeah :) Anyway, will call you sometime this week.
    a hui hou....Lani
  • Aloha e Wendy,
    Nani nui ko mau lei!
    Congrats on your house :)That's pretty darn fast! Will call you later...Been busy with hālau and class stuff. Any other news on the holokū ball?
  • Aloha Wendy Mahalo Nui for adding me. I miss you guys too. I love you page. Well just wanted to say Mahalo. Take care and God bless you and your Ohana.
  • Aloha Tita,

    Ok! I am up and running still gotta fix up my site little bit more but I love this. I told Malia I gotta go practice my Olelo
    so we can rap with the rest of them. Will keep in touch with you.

    Alrighty den,
  • Hey girl isnt this just fun, so now i guess when i see you all into your computor its either Deal or no Deal or maoliworld that your having fun with......
    Ill see you on Tuesday.

  • Yup, I'm back at work. grandma is just great! the board meeting was ok - nothing major at this point to do. when i get home and have some more time i'll check out the groups and definitely the ks one.
  • Hey Wen~
    Thanks for the invite! Hope all is well with you and Tui. Talk to you later.
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