



January 14


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  • Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on this email( ubabawauh@gmail.com ) for the full details,
    Have a nice day

    Thanks God bless.

    Mrs Abiola.

  • Hi Lehua, nice to see you here. See you at practice lol.
  • Aloha aunty,

    Happy mother's day! Mahalo for letting me leave my stuff at your house again. But yeah, the sisters are getting big especially Tiare, and her stomach. haha. No tell her I said that, but I'll see you laters.
  • aloha my fellow qkaha-an,
    I heart your letters of aloha. mahalo a nui for the manaʻo...yup, one more week,...then itʻs on to the next degree! howʻs like after this Iʻm for another one,..aahhhhh!! no life here in hilo,..just rain and books to educamacate oneself. malama pono,..god bless you always. a hui hou.
    aloha no,
    the other qkaha, homestead child,..ha!
  • The honor is mine!!! You sound fabulous as usual!! And with Uncle Walter??? takes me back to my grandma's clean house days with all that music...

    love you big!
  • aloha aunty. the semester's goin pretty good. i think i gettin pretty good grades. but yeah, guarantee i give u guys one ring if u guys have the time to do anything. haha. well, i'll talk to you laters. a hui hou
  • Hi Lehua...It's a trip who I find on this thing...loving it so far! How's everything - Kalama, the keiki? Long time no see yeah?! It's so cute your little Curious George...my son Makoa's nickname is "GEORGE" because he's so darn curious and very mischievious...very!!! Anyway sister...hope we can gather soon...take care! Pi'ikea
  • Hi there!
    I know it's been long time. I haven't decided if I going paddle yet, but I think that I will be at OCC. Easy and painless. Plus too, get the bar for after practice :-) Other that, same 'ole same 'ole. Say Hi to everyone and hope to see you guys around.
  • Huuuuuuuiiiiiii Miss Lehuanani!!!

    Yeah, I was told about this great thing, Ke Ao Maoli by Dana Kamai when I was Hilo last week. How fun!!! I did get the link to the CG1984 from Ang on myspace. I actually sat there listening and cried......can you believe it??!! I never realized that we sounded that great....WOW!!! I wonder how we'd sound now....hmmmmmm. Well, aloha to you, Kalama and the keiki!!!
  • I cannot believe I forgot the STELLA shout out. See too much air in the brain from all that singing. Thats why Im a dancer. haha
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