

March 3


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?


No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?


ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?


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  • Hey, where is your posting on the Surfers United group? Maybe it will be there tomorrow morning...
  • Iʻve unlocked the five mele, so you (and Sam) should be able to ako them now. The songs are from travel cds that I made for our studentsʻ Kauaʻi and Maui trips (we play them while we drive from place to place); the words and translations should be in K and Kʻs workbooks for those trips -- part of our mission to put beautiful old songs back in the ears of our keiki.
  • Aloha e Laahia,
    I'm at Volcano until Monday w/ no wireless access, but I'll unlock the mp3s for you and Ohu when I return. Give my love to the girls.
  • Mahalo for joining Maoliworld!
  • Heheh, I get to be your first comment. welcome to Maoliworld!
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