

Kawailoa, Kailua


March 3


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?


No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

Kawailoa, Kailua, O'ahu

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?


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  • Aloha Keala.

    I think you gotta show me where this garden is in Nanakuli...I had know idea there is a botanical garden....in Nanakuli....

    When I was young this Hawaiian man named Honey Child lived at Punaluu beach and taught me so many things that i forgot cause i must have been about 7 years old visiting him alot. He took me and my cousin Paul one night to go holo holo and it was so easy to catch the fish his way....

    He told us to grab that leaves from a small green shrub and mesh it up and put it by the fish hole and come back later.....we came later and the fishes were floating up and alive but drunk or something...that was easy to catch the fishes....but i have no idea what that plant was....Do you know what green shrub with fat leaves can do this?

    Bobby e
  • See you Poalima:)
  • no act like you gotta ask for go to da loi.
    just go.
    my ma and pops would be stoked!

    Aloha a hui hou!
  • Hi, Keala!
    What days are you free? I wanna schedule appointments for us!
  • maha'oi? 'a'ole kela maha'oi mai hopohopo....
    he kukakuka wale...lol..
  • aia wau ma kahana haiki makahi o makua a pela aku no ke aha?
  • Aloha kaua!

    OK, I`ll get used to calling you Keala. Nice to know I can keep in touch with you here...hugs to Ka`ula!

    A hui hou!
  • alooOOoooHa keala!!
    mahaloz for sharing this beautiful place with me! hope all is well with you and your family!! tell ka'ula we said HI and hau'oli la hanau! see you guys sooon! malama pono!
  • Aloha keala! Long time no talk girl. Lets do something over break if youʻre not busy. Iʻll call you.
  • yah tita! isn't this a crazy place! And all for us maoli! cheee hooo! Try look my friends, I get Ryan and Miyeko! Aloha....
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