'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?
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Aloha Cousin, Man I miss you cousin, I hope all is going good for you and that soon I get to see you. Just got a letter from Bryce telling me to send you lots of love and Aloha and to tell Kaipo he said wassup!!!! I going back up there in March and coming home a Jose.. NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But all in all i am more than happy. Miss you and love youKeahi~
Hey there! Sorry it's been so long that I haven't typed.... MY BAD! Well just wanted to make my rounds in dis place. So nice to hear that you like my HOMETOWN! My kids like Oahu I know it is the shopping and all the things that you can do there compared to what little we have here.... Well I have to cut this short because I have to get myself ready for work in a few! Just thought of sending some HELLOS to some friends before the start of the day for me! Well have a good one and take care K....
Hey there friend! So how you been?!? Well just thought of sending all the friends some weekend cheers... Well have a good one and enjoy the weekend, because I know that I will!!!
Hear from you soon....
HaPpY bOyS dAy.....
And make the best of it!!
How you been? Me same old work, work and more work. Other than kids and household chores.... And so how are things @ your end? Well just thought of sending you a weekend cheers your way! Take care and have a good one!!!
It has been awhile! Just working and having a great weekend while my kiddies are in Oahu... They come back tonite and their father is going to pick them up and have them until Monday when they start school. Well thanks for touching base with me, and I hope you too have a good weekend. I know I will make the best out of it. Well tomorrow we have a BIG Canoe race in Hilo Bay so that will be an all day thing. Well take care! ~Kili
Hey you~
Just thought of sending you something before the weekend! I know I won't be on the computer for the weekend because will be having a few and will be too busy to come on the World.... So have a good weekend and enjoy it! *=) Kili
Thanks for stopping by and seeing if I was still ALIVE.... Well things are all good here other than me feeling a little under the weather! Kinda ill here and very cold and rainy here. Shabby weather, haven't seen sun in awhile. Have a KRIP rest of the week and hopefully hear from you later. Have a good one!!
Kili =)
Have a great weekend....