

March 12


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

Waiapahu, Waialua and Haleiwa Hawaii

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

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  • Hey cuzzo....thanx for da b-day vid....dat was so cute. I loved da girlz halloween pics.... so cute! Love you cuz!

  • um yeah cuzzin' i meant da other picture..... u know da one in da comment "box" bellow from April 25th...... ha ha ha ha ha....... u so crazy!! what kine camera u had? da miniDV or the dvd...... do u have da usb cable for it then u can import it into windows movie maker to upload da whatever vids & clips you want.

    I'll send u more pics. I'll let "B" know ur email but i not sure if she's on-line at dis moment.

    Love u guys' ***Aloha Ke Akua***God Is Love***

  • Aloha e Irene,
    Mahalo for joining. I'm new at all this too. I was invited by a fellow classmate at a hawaiian class that Makaio invited me to. We're all trying to learn our language.
    Love you Lots****olu***
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