

February 23


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

'O Billy V ko'u inoa.

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

Honolulu mai au.

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  • hey i was on the palace ground filming this shoot for the movie...i wish they left it was nice.
  • Hi Billy V!
    I have this great​ produ​ct that might​ inter​est you !!
    Do you know anyon​e who drink​s monst​er or red bull?​ I found​ out that it has 52g of sugar​ (​52pac​kets)​ in each can, And 200 calor​ies. I just started drinking it at my night job for more energy and it worked great, and without the crash.

    Our energ​y drink​ has only 24 calor​ies and 2g of sugar​ in it.

    My produ​ct that I belie​ve in and take is much bette​r than the other​s out there​.​ It also helps​ diabe​tes,​ high blood​ press​ure,​ chole​stero​l,​ and many more other​ thing​s.​

    If anyon​e out there​ might​ want more info or you may know someo​ne just e-​mail me or check​ out the site yours​elf.​ I promi​se you won'​t be disap​point​ed.​
    I want every​one to atlea​st check​ out the site.​


    http://rapozauyezu. bhipglobal. com

  • hui aloha... mahalo nui no kou hui 'ana me ka 'ohana i Makua. Piha ku'u na'au me ka hau'oli. Just swinging by... mahalo for the other day it was really nice. aloha, Hokuokalani Kauakahi
  • Billy! How you been? Aloha, Adrian
  • Bill...omg it's been a while...hope all is well...
  • Billy V! This IS the place to be! Chee-hoo! MAHALO NUI for being one of my friends...A hui hou!!!
  • hey bill - thanks for keeping it real.
    a hui hou,
  • Aloha Billy V, welcome to Maoliworld!
  • Aloha Stranger, long time no see/talk... Whats it been, about 10+ years huh? So I heard from a lil birdy that you'll be doing feeds for your show from our station(KWXX) during Merrie Monarch week... Maybe we can wala'au then...
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