World's Largest Telescope proposed on Mauna Kea!

This is not a joke. The initial proposal will be heard by the BLNR this Friday. Meeting starts 9 am. Hard to say when the telescope plan will be heard. I'll post more when I get the info.

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  • Here's an open letter from my friend Kealoha (who has been fighting to protect the mountain for many years), which explains some of the issue:

    Aloha Kakou,

    We have received many inquiries from supporters, wishing to remain in
    standing for the protection of Mauna Kea, regarding the meetings
    called by the University of Hawai`i's planning firm--Ku`iwalu
    Consulting LLC. It is our understanding that Ku`iwalu Consulting LLC
    is contacting various groups and individuals to meet with them to
    discuss a "comprehensive management plan" for Mauna Kea "pursuant" to
    the recent court order. There are a number of problems with the
    claims and assertions being presented to the pubic by the University
    and Ku`iwalu. (/Please see also attached letter from Mauna Kea Hui to
    BLNR regarding other University/Ku`iwalu meetings/)

    As many of you already know recently the people and the Mauna Kea Hui
    plaintiffs (Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, Sierra Club, Hawai`i Island
    Chapter, Clarence Ching and the Royal Order of Kamehameha I) won the
    case for the protection and conservation of Mauna Kea. However, both
    the University and BLNR are appealing this court decision, a decision
    that specifically calls for the protection and conservation of Mauna
    Kea. All of the above named plaintiffs are back in court in the
    Intermediate Court of Appeals, against both the BLNR and University.
    In short, the University is seeking to have the lower court decision
    protecting Mauna Kea overturned.

    We are not participating with University/Ku`iwalu nor can we in good
    conscience encourage others to participate in the meeting being
    sponsored by the University and Ku`iwalu for the following reasons:

    1. Ku`iwalu Consulting LLC is hired by the University and
    therefore is an agent for the University. The University is the
    developer of Mauna Kea. It is inappropriate for the developer (a
    conflicted party) to determine the scope of public access, Native
    Hawaiian rights, conservation and development of Mauna Kea all at the
    same time.

    2. We are plaintiffs in the current lawsuit and must preserve our
    arguments for the court, hence we cannot participate in these
    meetings. The lower court decision was clear, the BLNR has the duty
    to protect and conserve the entire summit of Mauna Kea. The court
    called for a Conservation Plan for Mauna Kea, not a Development plan
    for more telescopes/observatories. We believe it is inappropriate for
    any developer including the University to claim to be the controllers
    of any conservation lands such as those of Mauna Kea.

    3. The University/Ku`iwalu Consulting is claiming they are
    following the court order for protection of Mauna Kea, but if this is
    in fact the case, then why is the University still appealing the
    court order? It is inappropriate to claim to to be following the
    court's order while simultaneously seeking to have the court order

    4. The BLNR is the legally responsible entity mandated to protect
    and conserve the delicate cultural and natural resources of all
    conservation districts in Hawai`i, including Mauna Kea. The
    University is not the legally responsible entity and cannot make
    claims that they are. It is inappropriate for them to call the public
    to participate and to give testimony on the use of conservation lands
    when they have no legal authority or say over these lands. The
    University is only a leasee/developer, and as such is required to
    follow the BLNR rules of conservation for the Mauna Kea Conservation
    District. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has address this questions
    numerous times and has repeatedly held that State may not transfer
    their legal responsibilities to anyone else, including developers.
    The University's claim that they are doing this with BLNR consent
    ignores previous court rulings on this same question.

    We hope this clarifies our positions regarding the
    University'/Ku`iwalu's call for meetings and public input on Mauna
    Kea. As the court process continues we will do our best to keep
    everyone informed and updated. We remain firm in our commitment for
    no further development, destruction and or desecration of Mauna Kea.
    We remain steadfast in our commitment for Justice, Peace and Aloha
    for the `Aina and People of Hawai`i and the World. We thank you all
    for your show of Aloha and support for Mauna Kea--it gives us hope
    and strength to continue to resist further destruction of Mauna Kea
    and to stand for the life--Aloha that Mauna Kea brings to the World.
    Aloha no,
    Kealoha Pisciotta

    I will try to attach her letter to BLNR here.


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