
Tamashiros has good kine, and so does Alicias but does anyone know of other good poke places? Or recipes even? I prefer ahi but aku is good too. Oh and wasabi is nice. And tamago. And limu. And inamona. And onions and shoyu. But only fresh kine not frozen. Anyone?

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  • Donjiote's is good....they have some fresh Ahi poke and not too expensive. Waipahu, Pearl City and Downtown. But I prefer Waipahu.
  • tanioka's in waipahu is the sssssssssssssss.bomb!!! the hot one and the one with limu fat kine.......winna!
  • 4 oz Ahi, Aku, or Ono
    2 oz Crab (A'ama or even imitation)
    1/4 cup onions
    1/4 cup tomato
    1/4 cup Wakame Salad
    1/2 oz Cilantro
    Mix and add 1-2 Tbs soy sauce 1-2 tsp of rice wine vinegar and roasted sesame seeds. With the peanut scare goin on, no oil. I have gotten some great reviews on this simple but flavor recipe in my restuarant. Let me know what you think?
  • Oh wot? No one like share your secret places? Come on share I promise I wont buy em out.
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