wow----death threats

you call this women (amelia) to her attention of lies as a direct kingdom heir using the davis/young it is a Threat???......I only Expose this Hewa, by this amelia gora.......that she is from the desendants of murders sharp shooters Davis and Young families,that have crawled their way into our Sacredness...through marriage and adoption.....this is only a fake state police list in her mind....this women in getting old and for pomai....Ke Akua have him resting in a peaceful and safe place.....let him rest already.....stop bashing his name to be part of your lies....pomai had a good relationship with me until you started to brain wash this poor old man about me and Kupuna Kaohi....i could not believe the names both of you (pomai and amelia) was allowed to abuse Kupuna Kaohi like that.

my blessings to him and his ohana nation......i speak of Truths and sometimes the truth is hard to face for the Deaf, Dumb, Lost, Greedy and the Blind of our generation. however we have the next future generation that is Listening to our Wisdom, so speak in Kindness and in Truth.

have the other readers  judge for themselves the truth that i have spoken and i will continue to educate the eager minds to IMUA (move forward) and over look saying from the confused and to do what is PONO.....know the good from the bad and observing the right from the wrongful criminal actions, then Expose it so it dosent happen to another Royal Heir!

as for me i again only expose the hewa and the exploitation of our Sacredness.......this is no threat...... only Truths to stop and end confusion....we will educate our next generation to listen to the truth and look at it, from Ke Akua eyes not ours.

i give my greatest aloha to the Police Officers that have extended their SERVICE to us on Maui La Haina. i am also familiar with our Prosecutors office on Maui Nui. i am very familiar with the ways of our Judges on Maui Nui and the Courts is my second house by choice.

our head Native Hawaiians of Maui Nui is very aware of my Position as a Royal Sacred Heir of Loko O Mokuhinia, Village of Moku'Ula in La Haina the Royal Capitol our Kingdom Hawaiian Government.

my mama is Pure Hawaiian Ali'i Kahuna Nui of our Kingdom of Maui Nui from the Waine'e Ahupua'a and yes i have my Royal Lineage of my direct line (6th generation) to my Great Great Great Grand mama High Chiefess Queen Keopuolani and i have showed it to a few on Maui Nui that is worth seeing my Mo'okuauhau (genealogy) you prove to me  (amelia), that i not one Heir to Maui Nui of Loko O Mokuhinia, hummm???

for i proved your lineage to the davis and young families as desendants of murderers (sharp shooters) that killed my Royal Sacred Ancestors of Maui Nui in the name of!!!

so no be mad......for the truth that is revealed in honest with the right INTENT~~~

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  • tokens4.jpg

    E Komo Mai !! Welcome !





    Kanaka Maoli Patriot sisyphusANI.gif

    Since he was 19 years old, Pomai has been

    "lobbying the Legislature" !




    'AINA O PONO !!"





    Honolulu's Favorite Son !

    Giving Imperialism Hell


    Individualism Unleashed ! Why Co- Operate ??


    in Court ??"


    In Honolulu the Patriots Rally

    "After renouncing my citizenship to the

    United States on January 17, 1993, I have

    gone home to my country, my nation, my

    Hawai'i, the Hawaiian Kingdom. My loyalty

    as a Hawaiian Kingdom national is to the

    Hawaiian Kingdom."


    "I can see through your mind.

    I can see through your brain

    like I see through the water that runs down my drain." 



    Our Queen Lili'uokalani

    On March 31, 2009 the U.S. Supreme Court took back

    the Apology to the Hawaiian People and got the United

    Church of Christ completely off the hook for any

    "reconciliation" whatsoever !

    "They speak with forked tongue." -- Pomai


    Total and Complete INDEPENDENCE !!
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