"Why We Need WAR" by David G & Friends


DANGEROUS CREATION — for thinkers.

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Why We Need War!

We want the owner of this beach bungalow to feel secure, don’t we?


Politicians, who are rich themselves, look after their mates!


I read somewhere the other day why war is so necessary. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me a long time ago. I mean it makes such good sense when you have it explained to you.

War, friends, is to keep the rich people feeling secure, feeling that their millions, their mansions, their luxury motor yachts are safe and not likely to be taken from them.

Of course, it’s hard for us ordinary folk, the ones who just get along, who just survive day by day, to understand how it must feel to have so much money that we just don’t know what to spend it on. I mean, to have that kind of pressure must be difficult to endure. I mean, to have to decide whether to buy a castle in Spain or a grand Villa in Italy must be gut-wrenching. Of course, many of these wealthy people would solve the problem by buying both!

And then, on top of that quandary, to have to face the possibility that someone might take away their vast wealth is another constant worry and, of course, I don’t mean the tax man! These wealthy people have the tax situation well under control. They set up schemes in all manner of places and pay little or no tax at all.

No, I mean ‘TERRISTS’. Yes folks, the world is full of terrorists who want to take the wealth from the ultra-rich and spread it around. Have you ever heard of such a terrible notion. I mean taking the wealth from a rich person must be the cruelest thing anyone has ever thought of.

Then, to add insult to injury, giving it to the great unwashed who would just waste it feeding their children and building a home for them is inconceivable. Shock, horror!

I mean, wealth is meant to create more wealth. You’re meant to double your money then triple it, quadruple it, keep building it up until you have a fortune. That’s the only way you can show your life has been well spent if you can forgive the pun.

Of course the people who end up with a fortune are few in number. You have to have a big nose that can smell a dollar a hundred metres away, a cunning mind, and be completely unscrupulous. So once they are ensconced in their prestigious enclaves and mixing with the very best of folk, you can understand why they begin to feel anxious about the possibility that, one day, someone might knock on their door and tell them to move under the nearest bridge.

So that’s where war comes in. You send the cannon fodder…sorry, the patriotic heroes off to die so that your wealth is secure, so you can sleep at night knowing that your wealth is safe from the marauding hordes who would bring you down, spoil your lifestyle of lobsters and caviar and Maseratis.

And besides, smart wealthy people know there are big bucks to be made from investing in industries that are part of the war machine. Imagine that, you make even more money by keeping your money secure. All you have to do is to buy a few politicians and get the wars underway and keep them underway. And we all know how politicians love war, love making speeches when the bodies come home!

I do hope you better understand the world situation now. War is necessary. The rich must feel secure. They must sleep at night. Their fortunes must be preserved so ‘trickle down’ occurs. What? You haven’t noticed any dollars coming your way courtesy of the rich? That’s funny. Neither have I.

No matter, we, the people, must have role models to look up to even if we have fallen short in our own lives. We must be happy for those who have made it, feel no envy!  Envy is not Christian.

And if one of our children die in a war protecting the rich, we know the rich will shed a tear, don’t we?

Now, don’t be like that!



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6 thoughts on “Why We Need War!

  1. I propose an end to war as we know it. We no longer need standing Armies, or floating Navy’s, all we need are drones, UAV’s, death from above, remote control devastation. And all we need is one control center, in the Oval office. The -resident picks and chooses his wars, not we the people. Let him do all the required killing. Since ha already has the power to kill, and detain, let him have at it, let him get his hands bloody, as if they weren’t already. Let him have the nightmares, the PTSD, the guilt.
    On another avenue, Sony could build cheap home drone controller units, and the US government could sell monthly subscriptions for drone, and ammo rentals. With a choice of weaponry from Hellfires, to Heatseekers, to laser guilded’s, 50 cal’s, cluster poppers, DEPLETED URANIUM(for an extra fee). Anybody over 18 could buy a controller at Wallymart, subscribe to the service and kill innocent foreigners too. We could have competitions, with cash prizes. How American is that? Watch out Playstation II.


  2. Joe, I’m sure as I write this, some capitalist is already working on a drone prototype for sale in Wallmart!

    Hey, it would make the Colosseum look like a Sunday School Picnic. The operator could do the killing instead of just watching it!

    The sad part is that many Americans would buy and use these things. And I’m sure the circle of users would soon be much wider.


  3. ‘Joe, I’m sure as I write this, some capitalist is already working on a drone prototype for sale in Wallmart!’

    Skynet devices are in plenty full supply already. A controller product though with return to sender feature would sell well.



  4. it will be the next model for playstation or nintendo children instead of killing their parents (accidently using guns) as many cases have hapened in US they will be encouraged to kill foreigners anyway we have to control population which have reached the7BN mark let some Arabs black chinese die


  5. My son got a remote controlled spy copter for xmas… It is a plastic drone for children. It takes movies and photos too. He is 9 and this is exactly what he thinks is super cool. The mentality of a nine year old is what is running the world.


  6. as allways – Great article.. – you’re fantastic….

    “I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me a long time ago”

    thank you David
    what can’t be done by a litte help from a friend? – isn’t worth mentioning.. – when even I, seems, (I think that I believe) – to understand…..

    and now put up on my FB – in the hope to help other confused who neither CAN understand)***********************************

now a  diversion............aloha.


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    DANGEROUS CREATION — for thinkers.

    "Argue not with fools, frauds, fops, and fanatics. Seek instead better companions." —– "Show me a millionaire and I will show you a man who has never thought about the meaning of his life."

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    Charter Of The PEACE Movement.


    We, Members of  PEACE (Prevent Empire America Controlling Earth), which is a democratic, secular, and international Movement, will peacefully and to the best of our ability work individually, together, and in local groups:

    1. To stop any further progression of the militaristic American Empire which is a purely selfish entity, one that is seeking to seize control of the world. If it succeeds, we’ll have a world where inequality, oppression,  torture, rendition, prisoners in cages, endless war, fascism, etc, will reign forever. PEACE opposes all forms of imperialism.

    2. To work peacefully but aggressively to stop the American Empire before it leads the world into another dangerous arms race (as it did with the Soviets) which is highly likely to result in a nuclear war and human extinction.

    3. To use protests, sanctions, marches, boycotts, political pressure, sit-ins, non-violent civil disobedience, etc, to bring awareness to the world of the dangers of rampant American nationalism and its foolish  delusions of grandeur, its rampant plutocracy, and its insane belief in its exceptionalism.

    4. To help the American people to get rid of their current warmongering, deranged leadership then help them to set up a proper democracy which is not controlled by Corporations, Corrupt Politicians, Religious Fundamentalists, their truth-adverse MSM, Right-wing Loonies, the Jewish lobby, etc.

    5. To expose the grave shortcomings of capitalism and greed which the American Empire is built upon, shortcomings which result in gross economic inequality and injustice for the majority of the world’s people and ultra-wealth for an elitist few.

    6. To work to bring down the American Arms Industry and those of all other nations. These industries fuel endless wars and make enormous profits to say nothing about the terrible weapons they develop such as depleted uranium explosives, napalm, cluster bombs, landmines, phosphorous shells, drones, lethal germs and gases, etc.

    7. To stop the invasion and occupation of resource-rich countries by the leaders of the American Empire and its Allies and the wanton killing and destruction which accompany such invasions and the subsequent exploitation and oppression of those who are occupied.

    8. To work to close down every American Military Base in the world and force America to go back to its own borders where it belongs and stay there and keep out of the affairs of other nations. Further, to get rid of all American-supported and financed Dictators, Despots and Royal Families as well as  America’s subversive network of clandestine manipulators (such as the CIA, FBI, etc).

    9. To put pressure on our own governments to stop supporting and encouraging America’s Empire building which is not designed to improve the quality of life on earth but is designed to control the world purely to advantage American and European oligarchs and billionaires and their parasitic ilk.

    10. To work towards peace, equality and justice for all the world’s people and encourage each human being to see themselves as being part of the human family and a citizen of a world without borders and to understand how important it is for all the world’s people to work together to look after each other and care for our fragile planet.



    21 thoughts on “Charter Of The PEACE Movement.

    1. I’m an Australian, but I agree with PEACE (Prevent Empire America Controlling Earth). No nation has the right to control any other nation or part thereof. Now, with the Global Financial Crisis, the USA unable to pay its debts to China and elsewhere whilst spending more on armaments then any other nation, we envisage the end of America as a global power.
      Yet, the American President is visiting Australia to sign an agreement enable more groups, more planes and weapons to be stored in Australia as well as greater access to navy facilities in Queeslands and Western Australia, to the airport near Darwin, and a greater role for the telecommunication facilities in Pine Gap, NT.

      We do not want war, nor the military weapons. We want a stable and sustainable America, where all people who want to work have a job, a sovereign nation where education and healthcare are free and racism absent.

      It is a pity that such a nation does not exist.


    2. Thanks for your comment, Ben. I think that a sustainable and stable America is an impossibility. The nation is now run by madmen, people who are of the same ilk as those in Germany in the 1930′s!


    3. I agree with much of what you’ve posted here with the exception of the fragility of the planet. The planet is just fine. In the immortal words of George Carlin, its the people that are fucked, the planet is gonna shake us off like a bad case of fleas.




    4. Agree. We are living in scary times. as the Empire’s malignancy metastasizes world wide……while the Empire’s population is being held hostage by constant threats of “terrorism”. Between the constant and growing economic crisis and the empire blood thirsty lust for aggression, we are living in very dangerous / explosive times.


    5. I can sign up to that. Reminds me of ‘The Wobblies’. They took a terrible beating by the Yanks…like we still do.
      I’m so sick of America,Imperialism and all the crap that comes along with them.


    6. As others here, I too am fed up with the empires self grandizing , actions that are causing so much death and destruction on the planet ….under the guise of “terrorism” or something related. (whether it is relavent or not.) terrorism has become a gift that keeps on giving , while the power elite benefit as does the war machine ..while the empire plays victim (terrorism)… and causes more angst / anger that fosters more rage at the empire……so the cycle of violence is perpetuated. All the while the empire is spreading its tentacles of control world wide, without much regard to the laws, laws of humanity , ethics, or the standards it claims to maintain. (another empire -myth)

      What is unspoken , yet true, is that there is plenty of justification for anger at the empire. Any rational mind can see that. Yet when any criticism is extended towards the empires nasty conduct.. one is branded all kinds of ugly names. It takes the phrase “empire strikes back”, literally When some self analysis and serious introspection is in order.


    7. Can I assume that you want to be a member of PEACE, QVB11? I’ll put your name on the list and if I have erred, let me know and I’ll remove it!

      Down with all Empires, I say. They are our enemies!


    8. Yes, I want to be a member of Peace. (and anything that is a peaceful resolution to issues that have become so troublesome over the past decade.)

      Thanks for your kind words and accepting me into such a group.

      Down with all the wars. War has become too much of a common response to challenging issues ….and those that are not so challenging. It has become the empires FIRST OPTION and that to me is totally unacceptable. It negates every humanitarian principle and ethos in existence.


    9. The corrupt are the enemy and this be my simple global citizen note. We will continue to abandon the systems have abandoned us and create through mutual respect for all living things on earth a better way.

      PEACE is I think a good start point in squeezing the black head on a political system full of pus.


    10. I’ll assume you want to be member of PEACE, gc. If that is not your wish, let me know. And if it is: THANKS!


    11. Dear BlackWidow, Yes you are right, the planet is just fine, however the flora and fauna, including humans on this planet, are subject to climate changes and are fragile. I have no doubt that life on this planet will continue, but climate change will accelerate species loss, and possibly some of humankind also. The carrying capacity of the planet is limited, 7 billion people may be ok, but there are limits at our current rate of consumption of non-renewable resources. From a simple Darwinian viewpoint evolution may be positive – survival of the fittest. How does this fit with global justice and social equality/opportunity


    12. Ben, from your continuing interest in PEACE, I’ll assume you want to become a member. I’ll put your name on the list and, if my assumption is incorrect, let me know.


    13. Hello David, What is involved in becoming a member? I’m a pacifist, and opted out of (at that time) compulsory military training.


    14. Ben, if you read the CHARTER and its 10 points and agree with the objectives, then that’s all that is involved. What you do after that is up to you.

      We are a peaceful movement!


    15. Yes, of course do I agree with the 10 points. They are relevant. Although I live in Australia, recently Australia accepted the ‘offer’ from Obama to house more American Marines in Darwin, and open op our Darwin airport and harbours in Queensland and Western Australia to American ships. And in Pine Gap we have an American global communication centre. So Australia increasingly is part of the American military empire.

      But peace is not good for business, and the military/industrial complex, aided by Wall Street, keeps increasing conflict to make more money. For instance, making an enemy in Iran.

      No wonder America is increasingly hated around the world.


    16. Ben: Have been reading about Obama’s “offer” to Australia. Was a tad surprised that the PM obliged so enthusiastically. Wonder what the behind the scenes “deal” was. One is hard pressed to trust any political decisions, let alone the motives of the empire. “ even if they are obvious.
      Very concerning times. When an empire has to drum up reasons for war, and target certain nations while building them into a “threat” …..so the empire can “justify” its invasive actions or increase their vitriole against the latest target……. the empire is showing itself as a rogue nation going rapidly out of control. (by choice)

      Have a nice day. everyone.


    17. As suggestion for charter my personal quest goes broader. Prevent Empire Controlling Earth: Be it corp, govt or control freak citizen beating a helpless dog.

      Try observe which primates are behind producing demented lobby campaigns such as:

      Society for Cutting Up Men, SCUM


      Observe and cease funding vulture capitalism where able:

      Antony Loewenstein – Who trusts corporates to help the poor when real agenda is clear?


      Starve the despot operations of those hard earned quids is a method all us global citizens can all take part in.


    18. only truth can set us free from corrupt and evil warmongers


    19. Yes, truth does set one free. Exposing these warmongers and their lies would probably be a start.


    20. All of what you say about the Empire is true… and America is certainly the leader of the gang. But England and Australia and, always in the background but increasingly now in the foreground, the EU are charter members as well. We’re really talking the Western Multinational-Corporate Plutocracy here. I think you need to address the entire problem if you hope to get at the root of the problem. Please hold your automatic enrollment, in my case, of everyone who comments here until we’ve cleared that up, OK? I think opt-out is a dishonest policy to tell you the truth. It’s origin is imperial-corporate for sure.


    21. Everyone who comments here has not joined PEACE, John. I only enroll those who request membership.

      As was the case prior to WW2, Germany was the clear leader but others nations were involved. It’s hard to unscramble eggs!


    My Comments to the above (did not join though):

    "8. To work to close down every American Military Base in the world and force America to go back to its own borders where it belongs and stay there and keep out of the affairs of other nations. Further, to get rid of all American-supported and financed Dictators, Despots and Royal Families as well as  America’s subversive network of clandestine manipulators (such as the CIA, FBI, etc)."

    Get rid of all American-supported and financed Dictators, Despots and Royal Families, as well as America's subversive network of clandestine manipulators (such as the CIA, FBI, etc)." are to be looked at separately........How can America truly support all the above when America, the U.S. is bankrupt, corrupt, an arm of the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations which is made up of England, the U.S. and the BANKERS.............  It appears that the CIA, FBI, etc. were set up for the purposes of ONE WORLD ORDER ----see the background of the FBI for example which supports only 40 years of history ---see the background of J.Edgar Hoover....

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq2Dj185oSE also read John Nelsons research at http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037  lastly, the Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands exist, not in alignment or being paid by the U.S., etc. (owes the Royal Families/Hawaiian Government) and the U.S. continues to criminally use monies, resources, occupies lands without rights, criminally occupying our lands and now everyone is finding out the truth of the criminal premeditation of taking over a neutral, friendly, non violent nation till today....the U.S. owes $500 Trillion Dollars for the wrongs since the dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893......point being that not all Royal Families/ Governments are.Wicked.... and thanks for posting your info ..it is most interesting!  aloha.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGKx2LNbF5M

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