DANGEROUS CREATION — for thinkers.
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Why We Need War!
We want the owner of this beach bungalow to feel secure, don’t we?
Politicians, who are rich themselves, look after their mates!
I read somewhere the other day why war is so necessary. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me a long time ago. I mean it makes such good sense when you have it explained to you.
War, friends, is to keep the rich people feeling secure, feeling that their millions, their mansions, their luxury motor yachts are safe and not likely to be taken from them.
Of course, it’s hard for us ordinary folk, the ones who just get along, who just survive day by day, to understand how it must feel to have so much money that we just don’t know what to spend it on. I mean, to have that kind of pressure must be difficult to endure. I mean, to have to decide whether to buy a castle in Spain or a grand Villa in Italy must be gut-wrenching. Of course, many of these wealthy people would solve the problem by buying both!
And then, on top of that quandary, to have to face the possibility that someone might take away their vast wealth is another constant worry and, of course, I don’t mean the tax man! These wealthy people have the tax situation well under control. They set up schemes in all manner of places and pay little or no tax at all.
No, I mean ‘TERRISTS’. Yes folks, the world is full of terrorists who want to take the wealth from the ultra-rich and spread it around. Have you ever heard of such a terrible notion. I mean taking the wealth from a rich person must be the cruelest thing anyone has ever thought of.
Then, to add insult to injury, giving it to the great unwashed who would just waste it feeding their children and building a home for them is inconceivable. Shock, horror!
I mean, wealth is meant to create more wealth. You’re meant to double your money then triple it, quadruple it, keep building it up until you have a fortune. That’s the only way you can show your life has been well spent if you can forgive the pun.
Of course the people who end up with a fortune are few in number. You have to have a big nose that can smell a dollar a hundred metres away, a cunning mind, and be completely unscrupulous. So once they are ensconced in their prestigious enclaves and mixing with the very best of folk, you can understand why they begin to feel anxious about the possibility that, one day, someone might knock on their door and tell them to move under the nearest bridge.
So that’s where war comes in. You send the cannon fodder…sorry, the patriotic heroes off to die so that your wealth is secure, so you can sleep at night knowing that your wealth is safe from the marauding hordes who would bring you down, spoil your lifestyle of lobsters and caviar and Maseratis.
And besides, smart wealthy people know there are big bucks to be made from investing in industries that are part of the war machine. Imagine that, you make even more money by keeping your money secure. All you have to do is to buy a few politicians and get the wars underway and keep them underway. And we all know how politicians love war, love making speeches when the bodies come home!
I do hope you better understand the world situation now. War is necessary. The rich must feel secure. They must sleep at night. Their fortunes must be preserved so ‘trickle down’ occurs. What? You haven’t noticed any dollars coming your way courtesy of the rich? That’s funny. Neither have I.
No matter, we, the people, must have role models to look up to even if we have fallen short in our own lives. We must be happy for those who have made it, feel no envy! Envy is not Christian.
And if one of our children die in a war protecting the rich, we know the rich will shed a tear, don’t we?
Now, don’t be like that!
This entry was posted in Posts by David G. Bookmark the permalink.
I propose an end to war as we know it. We no longer need standing Armies, or floating Navy’s, all we need are drones, UAV’s, death from above, remote control devastation. And all we need is one control center, in the Oval office. The -resident picks and chooses his wars, not we the people. Let him do all the required killing. Since ha already has the power to kill, and detain, let him have at it, let him get his hands bloody, as if they weren’t already. Let him have the nightmares, the PTSD, the guilt.
On another avenue, Sony could build cheap home drone controller units, and the US government could sell monthly subscriptions for drone, and ammo rentals. With a choice of weaponry from Hellfires, to Heatseekers, to laser guilded’s, 50 cal’s, cluster poppers, DEPLETED URANIUM(for an extra fee). Anybody over 18 could buy a controller at Wallymart, subscribe to the service and kill innocent foreigners too. We could have competitions, with cash prizes. How American is that? Watch out Playstation II.
Joe, I’m sure as I write this, some capitalist is already working on a drone prototype for sale in Wallmart!
Hey, it would make the Colosseum look like a Sunday School Picnic. The operator could do the killing instead of just watching it!
The sad part is that many Americans would buy and use these things. And I’m sure the circle of users would soon be much wider.
‘Joe, I’m sure as I write this, some capitalist is already working on a drone prototype for sale in Wallmart!’
Skynet devices are in plenty full supply already. A controller product though with return to sender feature would sell well.
it will be the next model for playstation or nintendo children instead of killing their parents (accidently using guns) as many cases have hapened in US they will be encouraged to kill foreigners anyway we have to control population which have reached the7BN mark let some Arabs black chinese die
My son got a remote controlled spy copter for xmas… It is a plastic drone for children. It takes movies and photos too. He is 9 and this is exactly what he thinks is super cool. The mentality of a nine year old is what is running the world.
as allways – Great article.. – you’re fantastic….
“I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me a long time ago”
thank you David
what can’t be done by a litte help from a friend? – isn’t worth mentioning.. – when even I, seems, (I think that I believe) – to understand…..
and now put up on my FB – in the hope to help other confused who neither CAN understand)***********************************