Blame is a good way to start answering this question.  Or, one can look at the truth of why Waianae has the highest drop our rate in an American Education? Note, I don't have time to take this 'bag of tricks' article apart.  "Diploma distress" /27/10 Front Page article witten by Mary Vorsino--Waianae High 29.0% and Nanakuli High/Intermediate 35.1% drop out rate.  I say too little too late for the DOE.  Yes, The Kamehameha Bernice Pauahi School is a solution, but only in part.  Changes in home envioronment is another (but that's not going to happen).  Remove DOE form Waianae, now that's something I could really spend time arguing why Waianae has the highest drop ourt rate.  But, I don't have time to list the reasons why, maybe touch up on it.


Warning, I am not a quantitative person to whereas I could do a detail numbered bean counting job here, we need others to jump on this article on Maoliworld.  By the way--when one is doing re/search like wiki pedia-- Maoliworld shows up, so if you like your privacy, sorry, I don't know what to say.  Truly, I don't have any answers about the whole world reading Maoliworld, ugh!  I could use 5% by 2011 and 90% by 2018.  Realisticly, unless Na Kanaka sink 'evil' nails into this problem, Waianae will still be at the bottom by 2018 and there will be a gap between the next highest drop out rate which is Waipahu on the Leeward Coast.


Please don't think donating computers to Waianae is a solution, that's for the military to up their Veteran program in Waianae--to sell their idea of military live fire in Makua which is why Kam school is in part a solution to this problem. Another go green problem, manufacture'ers are looking to dumpt their trash in Waianae.


Really want to know where the solution and Kam school are?  It's in the Eala and the Hokuleia, but some smart ass teacher from Waianae zapped that solution, I'm not sure if Nainoa Thompson heard my grumbly at the heiau and on the beach.  So, how much of this is saved, I don't know.  Teaching students out here in Waianae is 24/7--the real problem is that Na Kanaka education is rotting at the very core of our survival on earth, moon, mars universe.


Olelo Kealii Lopez just shredded what connection we had in Waianae in favor of other Olelo stations such as Waipahu.  Keali'i Lopez was evil at the very vulnerable core of Waianae, she saw what worked and zapped it conciously, besides the military has this resource now in partnership with Apple Corp.  Gottah know what redlining is to be ahead of the game.


Politically, both Democratic candidates are weaklings physically and the Republicans--Aiona is a dingle do do scooper.  Kam Day Parade had the cutiest do do scooper's in back of the horses.  My grandson pointed that out to me.  "Grandma, can I be in the parade next year and walk behind the horses too!" (Imagination here as to my nonverbal response)


Personally, I am a substitute--too much student loans and yes I am a native Hawaiian with 50% plus bloodquantum DHHL leasee and I grew up on DHHL since 1956.  So, what the hell am I doing with a huge student loan that I cannot pay back and which is now stopping me from obtaining my Master's in teaching?  To cut to the chase (crack) of the problem--Na Kanaka lolo heads in the system, stupid excuse. Alamihi problem, no that's cheap talk!  It's called Lolo head.  But, I don't have time for Lolo head.


Getting back to the article on the front page of the Sunday paper (worthy of news).  Waipahu stole the resources and the show for Olelo from Waianae.  Waianae wanted to listen to Lucy Gay, William Aila an elementary teacher much much more than crazy me (ego-centric).  Yup, I wanted to take Keali'i Lopez out in the parking lot.  Bad, stupid and wrong---don't go there!  Leave it in the hands of our ancestors and the aina and pray that our young people will take this as a learning lesson and go for Independence and Free Hawaii.  That is the only solution!


Maoliworld needs to learn and post straight-geees as in G force as far as education for Na Kanaka communities and it needs to happen really quickly.  That 'gap' I talked about by 2018 that is the problem.  And Aiona is happily gearing up for the joy and pleasure of seeing to it that our teenangers in Waianae that are now in elementary schools especially the Na Kanaka Kindergartens fall prey to the 'gap'.  Tutu's can help some, but not having a degree and teaching/babysitting in the DOE is a problem.


Between US east coast teachers and babysitters and as a sub, I die in Waianae's classrooms.  White, blond and blue eye are a dis/attraction and mother's without a degree are just babysitters and gossip wanna-bee-teen-again, besides their cheap paying for the DOE.   By the end of the day, I'm fired! Walking into surfer dude/mountain climbing or Barbie/Ken Doll classroom mentality with my Na Kanaka look and get your pencils and paper out-GLO's/Beanchmark, I get reported to the Principal by our Toy Story Na Kanaka kids at the end of the day.  It happens even in Kapolei--Na Kanaka gang mentality among our children are the in-thing.  It's popular among kids and a great attention getter.


I work from Pearl City High to Makaha Elementary for seven years and I lived in the dorm's at UH Manoa for 10 years (one year college US).  Student ego-centric conditioning tools are essential to teaching in Waianae.  I'm going to be 70 years old in 2018 staring at the 'gap' in the most populated Na Kanaka community with lot's of Aiona Kakio's teenangers with a 10% death rate among teenangers plus or minus 5 margin of error. 


Where the fuck is Independence and Free Hawaii, today?  Wasting my fricken time with " your comment ...pending approval" or  Don Quiote riding on a horse hitting windmills and intimidating National Security!!!!  Na Kanaka Lolo Heads. ( I was thinking of deleting this statement, but decided to be a shit head and leave it in).  Risk worth taking.


The two problems for high drop out rates are immigration and Na Kanaka.  The differences is the immigration have laws to instill education real teachers and housing plus a huge budget to support their career goals.  The Na Kanaka which is my focus is because of lots of things--one being non-profit organizations needing 10% death rate to obtain cheap admistration grants or carrots. 2010 Census will give-up bogus numbers from Waianae for all to feed at the US trough.


So where is our Na Kupuna in Waianae on this, Keali'i Lopez and the Board at Waipahu Olelo literally took a gun and shot the old, the young and the disabled.  It was a clean sweep of our Na Kupuna ancestors culture values and malama the aina. 


Parodoxially, laying blame on our Na Kupuna ancestors and their aina is much more easier than walking the Independence talk, or Free Hawaii


No time to edit..I gottah go...





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  • Two things that I look for upon entering my classroom and that is (preach the gospel) time and space. An important skill to learn. A human being needs to understand ones universe would be the second. Goals are written and then their objective as to why they are coming to class. This part takes five to ten minutes.

    Then, I do the phonics, but I didn't do this last night directly. Indirectly, I had them read the 15 words they circled in a short story. I did multi tasking read and project your voice to your audience, I was listening to their the way in which they were saying and speaking. Also teaching how to instantly look for patterns in a paragraph and go directly to the questions who, what, when, why without reading the paragraph. That what cause the flying on the ceiling behavior of learning. There are many strategies, but one has to get over their low self esteem first to dance on the ceiling. And they did.
  • Aloha Tane,

    Sorry about the rotten apple attack!

    Anyhow moving on thanks for the inspiration, I went to my sub job and it was fun and rewarding. There was an elder Hawaiian woman and I know she would be happy if I shared her comments. She's older than I am and she said, "look at me, I'm old and I don't have my diploma." I looked over to her way and said, "we were suppose have babies and stay home." She laughed and smiled because I understood. She showed me her score which was 6 grade and I told her, "hey, I was a freshmen at UH Manoa with a 3rd grade reading comprehension and I graduated with a BA in Geography. I ceased the opportunity to share about the possiblity of going to college and what steps they need to take to get there. She was so happy and so amazing with the other students encouraging them to do their work.

    Tane, it was a wonderful night thanks for getting me out of the doldrums and back in front of a classroom tonight. Tonight was fractions, reading strategies, spelling, and homework and within an hour the classroom was dancing of the ceiling just learning and sharing. I had a fun night! love you much
  • Tane,

    The high Drop-Out-Rate for Waianae--it's by design. In a homeless camp, the teens are strong willing and able to carry water to the camps--and they are now the targets. The pregnat to fourth grades they are vulnerable as well as the sick and disabled. The fishermen got taken out/down with so much fines. The working class are the women, however, many are too sick to meet the 'right to work' demands. My point is the teens are targets again, if one reads Mrs. Clintons thesis--it all makes sense. What I percieve the article is saying however --they bought time. The year 2018 buys time for the DOE.

    What's rotten about this, I know this stuff. The teachers on the Waianae Coast do not use the General Learner Outcomes and their Benchmarks, so it's not possible to achieve education by US Standards when comparing to schools outside the Waianae Coast the evidence is there. Even if the teachers (regardless of where they are from) teach and implement GLO's and Benchmarks the Na Kanaka community will still fail. They the teachers are not from here or our dominant culture. The voice is on Free Hawaii, and how many have seen that show? Repeating 7th grade twice? Why? There is a serious disconnect between parent and child and it's by design.

    I got fired from my night time job because I hired a sub and that sub's pay is half mine, she inturn was hired in my place--tonight I have to sub for that sub. Regardless of the ring-around-the-rosy, I am still committed to my students and keeping the night classes going for our young adults.

    For the past ten years on the Waianae Coast 600 students combine dropped out. The DOE have ways to hide these numbers, accomadate, and continue wasting away our economics and to keep Waianae communities unstable.

    Ooops forgot about my main concern 2018, it was suppose to be 2014 they bought time for their administrative retirees, budget catch up and maintaing their bean counting of poverty, poor, and suicidal teens. Working day time, night time, and on week ends and the loss of Olelo, I don't have ideas. Eight more years of political mayhem should Aiona win the governor's seat. All the more we have to teach and educate Independence and Free Hawaii so that our children will have the mindset to face their challenges. Love you much
  • Probably more time is spent on the band-aid rather than the cure. Looking at the symptom rather than the reaction can be revealing. Waianae/Nanakuli Leeward-side experiences the trickle-down effect; whether if it's funding, support, motivation, or encouragement.

    Active character-assassination is employed to that side of the island and many lose hope. Children aren't stupid and sees what is going on. The question is how do we turn things around in a positive way. O'Toole's bar and grill pushes the mentality that if you're from Waianae, you are crude, ignorant, loud-mouthed, and looking for free pupu to enhance their drinking. This comercial is seen almost daily. I do know I will never step inside that bar for their racist and classless depiction of Hawaiians. This is just a minute example of how Waianae is portrayed.

    It demonstrates how the Waianae people act and should be acting. The public now have a derogatory profile on Waianae and its people. It's a throw away zone on O'ahu; a ghettosville. We know this is simply not true but this profiling continues. The Leeward side was known to be rough and tough; just like Palolo (the birthplace of having a gang).

    This view was painted on all the Hawaiian Homesteads throughout Oahu by the public; especially by the Calvinist/Congregational missionary families. It was also taken out of context because the better athletes came from those districts; who were superior athletes. People started taking it as they being rough, crude, animals. Now, in the age of gangs which are born from the U.S. America and Asia, Hawai'i had to conform. Once we had freedom of movement, but now it seems if one is not of a particular ethnicity or district, one is an enemy. This is a far cry from when I was born and I hate what it has become.

    Wahiawa went through some changes, too. It became more of a military town where the conflicts were civilian versus military. Later it was overrun by military kids and the conflict was on the football field and military against the leeward schools, Waipahu, Waialua, and Kahuku. Today there is still a conflict with local versus military whose arrogance and racism along with the tenets of manifest destiny which rears its ugly head. Military superiority seems to take the lead in how they think; like U.S. Americans in a racist WASP society which still struggles with its race problems which it introduces here.

    I can see the evolution of behavior induced by the U.S. society. Meanwhile, a state of hopelessness permeates throughout the Leeward side of the island as they keep getting pushed out of the mainstream island society. It's, "So what's the use?" when facing a losing battle. No one's listening and equality is elusive as are job opportunities. Those mindful of the disadvantages have learned to play the game to keep working in a job and not to make waves while being taken advantage of by their employers.

    Many have fallen through the cracks and these are the ones we should help in earnest for them to know their worh rather than complying to the character-assassinations enforced on them. The double-standards should be eradicated and Waianae should receive their just respect and equality as human beings.

    People whine about how drugs have infiltrated within that community but fail to see the drug problem that immersed throughout the island. I've know business people that destroyed their careers because of drugs and they weren't from Waianae. They had even lost their houses, jobs, and possessions. I find it ridiculous to highlight Waianae as a drug haven when it occurs equally throughout the island.

    So, how can we help Waianae and turn hopeless to hopeful and promising? One way is to first stop profiling Waianae as a hellhole with unsavory people. I've seen worse in Waialae-Kahala; or even worse in Hawai'i Kai. Push people enough and they come out fighting. It's all about what one is buying into that makes the difference.

    Let's build on love, respect, comapssion. Empathy can go a long way to create a positive image and regard of one's neighbor.

    Waianae has a lot to offer and wonderful people. By the way, Waianae moku and ahupua'a goes all the way up past Kukaniloku to Wahiawa-uka. I am privileged to come from that ahupua'a and moku.


    • ALOHA Kaua, e Tane,
      Waianae is like a Barrel of Apples, all it takes is "One Lulu Belle" to spoil the Barrel. o Pomai
  • Yes they have tried to make Olelo THE source of information for local people. Make your guys' own primary source because most people are not watching television like how they used to. They are online!!! So why focus on Keali'i Lopez when people spend more time ONLINE than they do infront of the Television. They do not automatically go to Olelo. They go to Youtube! When they do searches they use Google and Google owns Youtube. Use it!

    Board No 24 in Waianae are doing the best they can to fight the developers from developing the area.Yes time is running out. I am here and you are there. Thank God because if I was at home I would not be able to use my voice!!! but you still have people like Scotty and Pono. Keali'i Lopez is not nor should be the focus. People like Scotty and Pono should be the focus. They can get the message across using other media!

    Don't stop on account of Keali'i Lopez trying to censor the people of Waianae and excluding them from the process. Find other ways and get around her!!!
  • Aloha e Kaohi.

    Yes some people do lurk including FBI, CIA, etc but if they want to take you or anyone else out... they will do it. I'm fortunate in that I am independent so I write and say what my kupuna, ohana, and hoaaloha wish they could say but can't because of their work. No one can fire me.

    The numbers speak for themselves. Aue!

    I wish you would not solely blame Aiona though. It is also the Democrat controlled House and Senate in Hawai'i. What you call the Home Rule Party. It's neither nor. It is ALL. ALL of them are corrupt. No damn exceptions.

    Each and everyone of them allow this bullshit to happen. We all pick and choose our own battles. No one is an expert in everything! We do what we can!

    As far as Keali'i Lopez you folks CANNOT give up!

    Yes she diverted it and e kala mai but this is still no excuse to quit! Yes it takes money. Yes it takes time but there are ways to save them. Perhaps they do not want to be saved but that does not mean you quit. Student loans and all.

    Use Youtube. Use Livestream. Use Vimeo. I don't care. There are other ways! Scotty and Pono are already doing it. He is doing what he can. We all should!
  • Tried to re-read after posting..ugh lot's of can help..gottah go..!
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