Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice No. 2014-0801 Updating the Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles

Amelia Gora <theiolani@gmail.com> Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 5:03 AM
To: Switzerland Government <webmaster@admin.ch>, Irish Government <support@www.gov.ie&gt;, info@rachi.go.jp, info@nhlchi.org, Courage to Resist <courage@riseup.net>, "john.maguire@rfi.fr" <john.maguire@rfi.fr>, comments@whitehouse.gov, president@whitehouse.gov, "mayor@honolulu.gov" <mayor@honolulu.gov>, mayor@hawaii.gov, mayor@kauai.gov, mayor@maui.gov, comments@foxnews.com, Peoples Video Network <actioncenter@action-mail.org>, Office of the Chief of Police <hpdchiefsoffice@honolulu.gov>, hpd@honolulupd.org, hpd@honolulu.gov
Bcc: Amelia Gora <theiolani@gmail.com>, amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
Greetings Everyone,
The Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands exists as documented through research.  
Research shows that Kamehameha had 21+ children, step-children, hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited sovereignty.
With the research of history, genealogies, and laws, it has been found that the handling or mishandling of Treaty(ies) were made by the U.S./U.S.A./United States of America who also operates the American Empire which oversees territories claimed by them.
The Treaty(ies) applications affects the U.S. Constitution because Treaty(ies) supersedes State Laws, etc. and Judges must adhere to the U.S. Constitution.
The Treaty(ies) with the U.S./U.S.A./United States of America may be seen at the following link from the University of Hawaii at Manoa: 


  • [PDF]

    Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation

  • versus
  • The U.S./U.S.A. operates with the U.S. Constitution and the American Empire oversees Territories and has special handling ---- They/the U.S. classified the Hawaiian Islands under the American Empire.........which is a Fraud.....the Treaty of Friendship remains, it's a done deal and the Kamehameha, Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III's  families/descendants/heirs exists.......Read the case because it appears that the Department of Interior is the panel that's talked about in the case, etc. ..........posted for everyone's information from the Royal Families, the House of Nobles, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii/Sandwich Islands

    WC Peacock case:vs. Republic of Hawaii

  • Genocide Issues Revealed:
  • Sanford B. Dole, American operative, treasonous person did in 1874 planted seeds of lies that Kamehameha V was 
  • "the last of the Kamehameha's"  then U.S. Congressional Digest repeated the same lie in 1950 or 76 years later.
  • Genocide Issues: TONGUES PULLED OUT of Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Due to Englishmen, and Americans Influenced by the Cruelty of the Persians in 1887 and Others thereafter....

  • The U.S./U.S.A. did commit acts of conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies) affecting the Hawaiian Kingdom, a neutral, friendly,
  • non-violent nation which has affected all in the World since 1893.
  • The Crown Lands, Alii lands, Estates of Bernice Pauahi Bishop/Kamehameha Schools, etc. are currently operated by 
  • Pirates who did criminally assume lands of our Families.
  • Furthermore, due to the prolonged occupation, the premeditation by Americans in the Hawaiian Islands, who have
  • wrongfully assumed lands, assets which does not belong to them, including collecting taxes, etc. from kanaka maoli
  • who have been under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, genocide, it is only right that a Tribunal be formed.
  • The U.S./U.S.A. are currently moving to create a corrupt entity with the intent of stripping all kanaka maoli of their private
  • properties.
  • The move is to also assume lands, assets that does not belong to the Pirates.  Please watch this youtube video which
  • includes the current Pirate Governor Abercrombie laughing about lands, assets of our kanaka maoli from a neutral, 
  • friendly, non violent nation:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjELyim8q80
    1. No Treaty- No Law- No Land

      • by Kuleana
      • 9 months ago
      A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
  • The Hawaiian Kingdom exists amidst Pirates.  Pirates prosecutions are possible due to article XIV under the 1850 Treaty 
    There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and
    the King of the Hawaiian Islands, His heirs and His successors. 
  • n view the cause which led to their seeking refuge. 
    The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender, upon official
    requisition, to the authorities of each, all persons who, being charged
    with the crimes of murder, piracy, arson, robbery, forgery, or the
    utterance of forged paper, committed within the jurisdiction of either,
    shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall
    only be done upon such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws
    of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his
    apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been
    committed; and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two
    governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to
    issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person so charged, that he
  • may be brought before such judges or other magistrates respectively, to
    the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered;
    and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the
    charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify
    the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issue for
    the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and
    delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the
    requisition and receives the fugitive. 
  • Your assistance in helping us to prosecute American Pirates, which includes those acting as Trustees of our
  • Alii Trusts, example:  Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools, etc. who have funded WARS
  • through investing in Goldman-Sachs, Wall Street bankers who are the prime financiers of WARS against
  • Innocents in the World today.  
  • Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
  •                                                                                           Sincerely,
  •                                                                                           Amelia Gora
  • Reference:
  • 2014: Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs Exists..........Including Myself, Amelia Gora et. als.

    A Chronological History of Kalaniopuu's, and Kamehameha's Families With A Focus on Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs
                                                                                 by Amelia Gora (2013 Updated 2014)
    The following is a brief overview of our Alii Nui lines.
    After reviewing the following, there are many of our ancestors who have 'dropped through the cracks', disregarded, ignored over time but have recently surfaced through documented genealogy research.
    Although the following is not complete, it may be useful for our families to study each portion and realize that our families names are part of the fabric of Kalaniopuu and Kamehameha's lines........It appears that Kamehameha, Liholiho/Kamehameha II, and Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III appears to have many descendants/heirs after all.
    (the entire article/thread posted here)
                            Kamehameha's Descendants, His 21 Moopuna/Grandchildren (three were his Hanai Hookama/adopted with sovereignty children and also adopted by his son Kamehameha III /Kauikeaouli
                                                                                                                Documented Today
    Kamehameha I
                                                                              by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants (2013)

    Kalaniopuu, Uncle of Kamehameha, and Big Island Leader was married to Kekupuohi; Kalola Pupukao Honokawailani; Kamakolunuiokalani; and Kanekapolei.

    Kalaniopuu's children were:

    Kiwalao (k); Keoua Ahuula (k); Keoua Peeale (k); and Puali Nui (w).

    Kanekapolei (w) married her nephew Kamehameha and had Kaoleioku/Pauli Kaoleioku; Kanekapolei 2(w); Keliiokahekili (w).

    Other wives of Kamehameha's were:

    Peleuli Kekela

    Kamehameha's children were:
    Kaoleioku/Pauli Kaoleioku
    Kanekapole 2 (w)
    Keliiokahekili (w)
    Kamehameha Iwi
    Kamehamalu (w)
    Kahoanoku Kinau (w)
    Maheha Kapulikoliko
    Kahoanoku Kinau
    Kalanikualiholiho/Liholiho who became Kamehameha II
    Kalanikauikeaouli/Kauikeaouli who became Kamehameha III
    Nahienaena (w)
    Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (w)

    Kamehameha's step-children were:
    Keoua Ahuula
    Keoua Peeale
    Puali Nui

    Kamehameha's Hanai Hookame/adopted with sovereignty were:
    Hueu Davis
    Kale Davis
    Peke Davis

    Kamehameha II / Liholiho had the following wives:
    Kekauluohi/Auhea - was the stepmother of Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's children; step-children; and hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited Sovereignty.

    Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi

    Kamehameha II/ Liholiho became the stepfather of Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's children; step-children; and hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited Sovereignty through his marriage to Kekauluohi/Auhea.

    Kamehameha III/Kauikeaouli had hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited Sovereignty:

    Alexander Liholiho who became Kamehameha IV
    Hueu Davis - he was also Kamehameha's hanai hookama and became siblings to Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's children.
    Kale Davis - she was also Kamehameha's hanai hookama and became siblings to Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's children.
    Peke Davis - she was also Kamehameha's hanai hookama and became siblings to Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's children.

    Kamehameha III/Kauikeaouli's wives were:

    Gina Lahilahi

    His children became siblings of Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, Peke Davis, and Alexander Liholiho who became Kamehameha IV.

    His children were: Opunui, Kekipi, Keawe, Mahoe, Kahalaoa, Papa, Nalimu, Albert Kunuiakea, Keawe 1, Keawe 2.

    His step- children were: Kahue (w), and Pohihi (w).

    The following are Kamehameha's grandchildren found in research:
    Children of son Pauli Kaoleioku/Kaoleioku:
    1)  Pauahi - Ruth Keelikolani's mother
    2)  Konia - the true Bernice Pauahi's mother
    3)  Hanuna (k) - Kapule(k); Kini (w); Poohina (w); and Hookahe's (w) father
    4)  Keola (k) - research incomplete
    Children of Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki:
    5) Abner Paki
    6) Kalaniulumoku
    Children of Kanekapolei (w):
    7) Kikau 
    8) Kepilino
    Children of Maulili:
    9)  Kahue (w)
    10) Pohihi (w)
    Names found recently under the "moopuna" of Kamehameha:
    11)  Keawe
    12) Mahoe
    13)  Kekipi
    14)  Nalimu/Kailakanoa
    15)  Kahalaoa
    16)  Opunui
    17)  Papa
    18) Hanai hookama/adopted with inherited sovereignty: Alexander Liholiho who became Kamehameha IV;
    19) Hanai hookama/adopted with inherited sovereignty: Hueu Davis (became both son and grandson of Kamehameha)
    20) Hanai hookama/adopted with inherited sovereignty: Kale Davis (became both daughter and grand daughter of Kamehameha)
    21) Hanai hookama/adopted with inherited sovereignty: Peke Davis (became both daughter and grand daughter of Kamehameha)
    Not listed:
    Children of Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole (k) 
    Children of Keliiokahekili (w)
    There are 21 of Kamehameha's grandchildren documented today.  Research remains incomplete.
    The ramifications of finding/documenting the above is that Abercrombie, Governor Abercrombie, the Courts, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Roll Commission, etc. should not be too eager is  claiming what is not theirs.
     The descendants/ heirs of all listed above are the true land owners, true Title owners of the Crown Lands, the Alii Nui lands, etc. and all are directed to sue the Title Companies, the Banks, the State of Hawaii, etc. to recoup monies paid to occupiers, etc.
    The above are part of the Royal Families, and Royal Families are not subject to the laws.
    The above are also protected by the Treaty of 1850, International Laws through the Minister of Foreign Relations/Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Relations/Department as accorded in the Landais Case and the Flanchet Case(s) documented in the Supreme Court Law Books, Volumes I, and Volume II.
    Treaties supersedes State laws, etc.  The Treaty of 1849 applies only to Kamehameha's family(ies) including Kamehameha III's families, and his descendants are part of the grandchildren listed above.  
    The Treaty of 1849/1850 locks in the U.S. Constitution of 1849 also.  30 States are locked in to the U.S. Constitution of 1849.
    The non- annexed (No Treaty of Annexation) State of Hawaii, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs,  Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Kamehameha Schools, etc. are truly Not the land owners, not the Title owners in the Hawaiian Islands, the Hawaiian archipelago.
    Cease and Desist.
    Rents and Lease are due/overdue, etc.
    The U.S. government needs to take back their Pirates under International laws.
    This posting is made so that the whole world can see that the true land owners, the true Title owners, etc. are here, were here at the time of the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and we are peoples of genocide activities by belligerent, aggressive occupiers who have done wrong to our people over time through genocide, rape of our environment, mucking up our lands, water, etc.
    This posting documents the facts that we are surrounded by Pirates occupying our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.  
    The criminal occupation has affected our ancestors and our families over time and we continue to be surrounded by Pirates who have continued their lawless approach on a neutral nation whose gold, resources have been a gain to bankrupt nations namely the U.S., England supported by the J.P. Morgan bankers, the Bank of England, etc.

    Kalaniopuu, uncle of Kamehameha, did marryKekupuohi; Kalola PupukaoHonokawailani; Kamakolunuiokalani; and Kanekapolei. Kanekapolei's marriage to Kamehameha linked the families together because her children and step-children became Kamehameha's also.

    The genealogies of Kamehameha and his marriage to Kekauluohi/Auhea did link his families to Kamehameha II. Kamehameha II became the step-father of all of Kamehameha's children, including his hanai hookama: Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Kamehameha III became the step-son of his brother Kamehameha II/Liholiho.

    Kamehameha III did have hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited Sovereignty. They were Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis.

    It was Sanford B. Dole who wrote the article in 1874 which declared that Kamehameha V was the "last of the Kamehameha's".

    In 1950, the Congressional Digest also declared that Kamehameha V was the "last of the Kamehameha's".

    Due to gross errors or deliberate calculations to defraud our kanaka maoli, especially our Kamehameha families, it is only right and just that we form a Tribunal as instructed by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III in his documents and properly adjudicate Pirates, etc. as documented in Article XIV of the Treaty of 1850. Seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian%E2%80%93American_Treaty_of_Fr...

    Rents and leases are due to the true land owners, the true Title owners who exists today, descendants of those who existed in 1884 (the death of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, etc.), etc.
    No Rail.  No GMO's. No Depleted Uranium, No weaponry in a neutral non violent nation, No mucking up of lands, waters, seas, waterways, etc.
    All of the above are true, correct to the best of my research, best of my knowledge.
    Amelia Gora, one of the many Kamehameha descendants, landowner, Title owner, etc.
    Contact e-mail:  theiolani@gmail.com
    Contact address:  P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786
    What does this all mean?  It means that the Crown Lands Owners, Alii Families Title Owners/Land Owners/Private Property Owners, the Kamehameha descendants, including Kamehameha III's - Kauikeouli's descendants existed in 1849 and their descendants exists today.
    It also means that the Treaty of 1849 with the U.S.A., which locks in the 1849 U.S. Constitution remains, it also means all treaties with other Nations continue as well.
    It also means that the  Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Trustees, and the many other Trusts such as Queen Liliuokalani's Trust, Queen Emma, King Lunalilo, etc.  are maintaining Racketeering entity, a Mafia, Conspiracy based criminal entity which pursues Pirates, Criminal deviance, Fraud, Identity Theft, Genocide activities in the Hawaiian Islands at the expense of our Royal Families, which is not O.K.  
    Much research has been made over time by a long time researcher named Greg Wongham who did expose "Corruption in Hawaii" including information affecting Federal Judge Ezra which is covered in the article "

    Judge Ezra ordered Greg Wongham to Remove His Website, Greg Wongham Died, and Judge Ezra is in an Undisclosed Location....What Have We Here?

    This important communication is to inform everyone that the true Land Owners, Title Owners, the Crown Land owners and not the "ceded lands as wrongfully, criminally dubbed" by a concerted group of conspirators who did plan to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 and were supported by U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Congress, and conspiring Americans claiming to be Hawaiian subjects operating under the elected body of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives.
    The two permanent parts of the three (3) part Hawaiian Government, a Monarchy Government, is here legally:
    1)  Sovereign - descendants/heirs also known as the heirs and successors.
    2)  House of Nobles - descendants of the original members of the House of Nobles exists.
    Because the 1849 Treaty with the U.S.A. existed then, the descendants of Kamehameha as well as the descendants of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli exists now, the treaty(ies) supersedes State laws, which includes the facts that the Judges too must adhere to the Treaty(ies).
    This communication is also being sent as a certified, return receipt requested mailing through the Postal Services which we also have a Treaty with.
    All Communications /contact may be forwarded to my address and our Royal Families will be informed, others will be informed through phone calls, blogs, and through the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.
                                                                                                            Amelia Gora
                                                                                                             P.O. Box 861781
                                                                                                              Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786
                                                                                                               e-mails:  theiolani@gmail.com 
                                                                                   websites:  theiolani.blogspot.com and http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037  

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