next, let's first understand the basic principles, and then work together to improve our judgment.

first of all, we need to make clear the essential difference between air conditioning and fresh air system. The common air conditioning systems are almost all internal circulation working mechanisms except vehicle mounted systems.

when you turn on the air conditioner, you usually close the doors and windows first, and then turn on the air conditioner. At this time, the indoor air is relatively closed in a fixed space. The air conditioner starts to cool and inhale the hot air in the room. After the refrigerant cools down, the cooled air is returned to the room to take away the heat and remove the outdoor. When the space temperature conversion is almost the same, the air conditioning always ensures that the indoor temperature is fixed. When the temperature rises slightly, the air conditioning automatically recycles. Therefore, the indoor air is still cooling air for a short time. As for the air quality and the concentration of various pollution sources, the air conditioner can not control it.

although some air conditioners in the market have the function of "fresh air", the fresh air is not that new air. When using the air conditioner, the indoor air is generally in a closed state, and there is no effective replacement with the outdoor air. Only simple indoor air purification can be achieved.

the fresh air system needs to change air with air at all times. In addition, the user is advised to open the fresh air system 24 hours a day, so that the air can be clean all the time, but the pure air purifier,carbon filter air purifier temperature cannot be changed. The working principle of the two systems is different. If the two systems operate at the same time, it is no different from "opening the window to blow the air conditioner". The energy consumption of the air conditioning cooling and the fresh air rise each other, so the power consumption is needless to say. Moreover, due to the constant frequency conversion and efficient cooling of the air conditioner, the service life of the air conditioner will be shortened for a long time.

So, can't a machine have two functions at the same time?

it's not impossible, but the market is not perfect. Even if the latest fresh air blower's haze removal and PM2.5 value purification effect are not available in the market, the air conditioning disease has been fixed for a long time, and the air conditioning disease cases occur frequently every year.

the white paper of air conditioning industry in 2017 released by Suning e-buy put forward the concept of "indoor air full dimensional control" popularization and upgrading of installation and maintenance services. The first demand for air conditioning function will change from cold and warm to health, and pay more attention to energy saving, comfort, intelligent and personalized appearance.

in the future, the portraits of air-conditioning products may become: hidden installation, no operation, standard configuration to remove harmful substances such as PM2.5, standard configuration to increase fragrance, negative oxygen ions and other beneficial substances, highly intelligent, rich human-computer interaction, and achieve full-dimensional indoor air control.

the function innovation brings huge imagination space for brand merchants and is the future industry outlet.

recently, a new product called Xianjing machine, which is used by tooling companies first, has not yet entered the home independent market, but has a certain scale.

and this product has set off a "cloud forest wind" in the tooling market.

according to the installation company's general manager Ma, the fresh fan directly has the function of air conditioning temperature regulation, fresh air ventilation, and the purifier's functions of haze and dust removal. The price is similar to the ordinary air-conditioning price, but the complete function is the only choice in the market.

, where does "yunsenfeng" come from? It is claimed thatBased on the traditional fresh air system, the fresh air fan is loaded with multi-stage filtration and air pollution treatment technology devices, and forms a positive pressure saturated indoor and outdoor fresh air exchange system, which effectively recovers to the natural oxygen bar level (negative oxygen ion value reaches 1000-1500 cells / cm3).

however, this product has broken through the barriers of the industry, successfully broken the integration of air conditioning and fresh air functions, and got a promising product in the tooling market. When can it be faced with thousands of households? I believe it will not be too long.

this era is a trial gold age; it is also a humanized era in which consumers can solve multiple problems without having to pay for many times. How to meet a high consumption and truly embody people's value pursuit is increasingly the foundation of an enterprise's long-term development.

in the long run, the high requirements of "full dimensional control of indoor air" are not only the outlet of the industry, but also the satisfaction of consumers' demands. It is expected that the market will become more mature and the consumption will not website suffer from air pollution any more.

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