The fact and reality of the matter is that Murdock does not have title to lands in Lanai.

The Crown Lands, as well as the Private Property of our Alii, Konohiki, kanaka maoli......

Guess everyone is finding out the truth about what happened in 1893 and before..............since the American Missionaries/Mercenaries arrived..............their descendants, their promoters, their followers, etc........

SCUM, SCOUNDRELS, CRIMINAL DEVIANTS, TREASONOUS PERSONS, WICKED, VILE, PIRATES, PARASITES are some of the words for those who criminally planned, conspired, had ANIMOSITIES for our people, including our Queen Liliuokalani from a neutral, non-violent, recognized nation called the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.......

The Crown Land case is in Court now.............and realistically it does not belong in the State of Hawaii Courts but remains an issue of TREATIES, permanent, friendship Treaties with the U.S. and many other nations.....because Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist with documentation, researches, historical information,  prima facie evidence.........

Murdock will need to sue all who sold him the properties claiming they had ownership, as well as all the people in the Hawaiian Islands...............

who needs to be sued for return of their monies?  the bankers, the State of Hawaii, the title companies, the United States government, etc.


and corrections need to be made.......  Help from God, Angels, and good people...

Once again, mahalo for posting this...........


p.s.  This was posted in Andrews thread about how Murdock is selling Lanai for $500 Million.

of course there are good people too who are trying to help make corrections too, and we know who some of them are................and they have become friends.............will you be our friends too?

Everyone in the World knows that in the current State, Hawaii is the CRIMINAL MECCA of the United States, which is why hundreds of thousands of postings exist all over the internet.....writings, researches shared, documenting WICKEDNESS ........and our Kanaka Maoli did no wrong...........

WICKEDNESS is exposed with Prayers, Truth, Honesty, Love, Belief in God - who is NOT the Pope, etc.

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