Why Native Hawaiians need and exit plan from Hawaii in 2050

For days I have been doing nothing but trying to figure out what went on above my house in Wailua in the 1960s. I'm getting closer.

Report to the Twenty-second Legislature
State of Hawaii 2003 (34 years after the last spraying on Kauai)

Kauai Agricultural Reseach Center-Agent Orange

Between 1967 and 1968, the University of Hawaii in collaboration with the Department of the Army (Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland), conducted an experiment to assess the defoliation effects of various pesticies, including Agent Orange, on jungle vegetation on Kauai. This site includes three areas of contamination: the drum disposal area; the actual spray sites located at Waikoko Block, Hanahanapuni; and the Sam Thronas area. The areas were applied with different rates of Agent Orange and PCP, respectively, that were applied singly or in combination with other herbicides. The DOH Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch is overseeing the removal and disposal of drums at the drum disposal area.


Soil sampling was conducted in September 2001 to determine if foliar application of various pesticides is affecting soils in the area. Given the concentrations of contaminants detected, it appears that no further CERCLA actions are warranted. However, a sediment sampling is scheduled to determine if marine habitat at Waikoko streams are affected.

The area is huge - stretches from the mountain side at Hanalei across the interior of the island almost to Waieleale. There are required EPA testing frequency specs. I have not been able to find a followup with results. Waikoko Beach is just beyond Hanalei. The two men who came from Fort Detrick to oversee the lab, returned home and died. They tried to file for disability benefits, but were denied. It was not long after their return that they passed away - it's a little vague.

Information from Department of Defense (DoD) on Herbicide Tests and Storage
Outside of Vietnam

Kauai Branch Station near Kapaa 6/1967, 10/1967, 2/1968, 12/1967
Blue, diquat,parapuat, Orange, PCP, Picloram, White (Agent White is arsenic), HCA, 2,4,5 T (this is what caused all the illness also called Silvex), Endothal
During the period of 12/1966 - 10/1967 (already a date discrepancy), a comprehensive short=term evaluation was conducted by personnel from Fort Detrick's Plant Science Lab in coordination with contract research on formulations by chemical industry and field test by USDA and U of HI.

Kauai,HI 1967 Orange Field tests of defoliants were designed to evaluate such variables as rates, volume of application, season, and vegetation. Data from aerial application tests at several CONUS and OCONUS locations are provided in tables.

I could find no "tables" anywhere. What this means is that many areas were sprayed with small and huge amounts of poison to determine how little they could use and still poison everything. Some areas were sprayed once, then twice, then three and four times. CONUS/OCONUS refers to continental and not. So this does not make sense. Either nobody read it, or it was all just canned information with same wording used everywhere. Essentially no dates and no locations, no names, no supervisory entity, etc. This is non information concerning the most poisonous chemical on the planet that has poisoned, killed, deformed and destroyed the lives of millions of people in the US and abroad. Including myself.

I found the following information on the web site of a disabled and poisoned Australian veteran:

All the testing took place within 5 miles of the Kapaa Station Lab. That means that this mess of huge amounts of chemicals all being mixed together was very close to schools and residential areas. Four spraying areas were listed:

Wailua Game Refuge
Bauxite Reclamation Project
Department of Land and Natural Resources
Moalepe, Wailua Game Refuge.

This is apples and oranges. Dept of Land and Natural Resources is not a place. I am not there and I have not been able to sort out the names of the agencies. Wailua Game Refuge has a different name now and Google Earth does not want to plot these places. There might be some crossover here with the Hanahanapuni area. Dates: July 24, 1967 to December 21, 1967. What I know for sure is that relatively this is not a huge area, it is directly behind where I lived and the whole area drains into the Wailua River.

It is important to understand that these chemicals were developed specifically for defoliation use in the war. They are NOT the same as the agricultural chemicals regularly used to poison farms, ranches and people's homes. Domestic poisons are diluted with water or petrochemicals. THE WAR CHEMICALS USED ON KAUAI WERE UNDILUTED.

Another thing I discovered is that the application process was not functioning properly until 1968. When parts were missing, they jerry rigged the thing together to get it done. It's interesting that the big project in Vietnam was named Operation Ranch Hand. It seems to have been put together in pieces ranch style. The size of the drops was not consistent either.

Some of the notes state that "there was some drift but it was going in the opposite direction from any agriculture." I love high tech talk when people are dropping like flies. The UofH people were so locked into their concern for not irritating anyone by damaging their ag businesses that they forgot to pay attention to the humans. Dow Chemical had already issued memos that the Agent Orange chemicals were the most toxic on the planet and mice were being deformed and stillborn. Oh well. UofH recommended using Silvex (this is one of two ingredients in Agent Orange) combined with burning the dead brush. BURNING DIOXIN EXPONENTIALLY INCREASES ITS TOXICITY. Plus then it's blowing around everywhere. The UofH person also stated that it seemed to work better when the foliage was dry - meaning that they were spraying during the near constant rain up there. WHAT ABOUT THE RUN OFF??? Right into the Wailua River and into the canal behind my house. Additionally, when applied chemicals are hit by sun a process known as out gassing occurs. Just like it sounds - an indeterminate number of chemicals drift away.

Drifting chemicals do not fall back to earth. Especially in the tropics they get up in the clouds and come down wherever when it rains.

One of my favorite scientific statements: "There are NE trade winds, but they are not blowing in the direction of any agriculture." Well, thank God for that. Maybe just heading straight toward Lihue. I cannot recall being in the mountains and feeling trade winds consistently blowing in one direction.

I had to find where the Australian got his information. Today I located the UofH logs for 1967. They are absolutely astonishing. I'm really tired right now and will continue tomorrow after I get on the baddest horse I've got for a while. If only I still lived where there are no fences. And where it won't be 20 below zero next month. Those are not complaints, more facts.

I do not know where some of these places are. Sometimes I missed names of where we were all together because I couldn't understand Hawaiian unfortunately. Also it has been 42 years since I was up there. Please make any suggestions. Or try to remember who was ill, had cancer, suddenly seemed very depressed or hostile or whatever. There is a 20-30 year period before the going gets really bad after the exposure. I was exposed in 1966 or so. In 1984, I could barely walk. Right on schedule. I found a woman in southern CA who is my age and has two types of cancer. She went to Vietnam at 19 years old on an entertainment excursion or something. She is the only civilian I have been able to find who is ill and can directly link the illness the the herbicides. I KNOW WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES. There are many thousands of sick children of vets, but that is different too. Look how close Wailua Homesteads is to the spraying. Everyone did not get sick in Vietnam, and only some will be ill here. Most of them will never know why they have been ill for 40 or 50 years.

Remember this: Nearly everyone during the 60s was stoned out of their minds on tai stick from the east and bad marijuana laced with smack from Los Angeles. Kauai was full of R&R people from Vietnam. Everybody seemed sort of flat. That's why I didn't go to college on Kauai. I left in 1969. It is not logical to assume that all the people working on the spraying and frankenstein experiments at the lab were thinking properly. To do the spraying at all was insanity. Thirty five years later they still don't know if dioxins or whatever are running into Hanalei Bay. I read today that Monsanto and Dow are backing political candidates in Hawaii with money from the mainland. I would find out who they are and vote for whoever is running against them. The chemical companies made a fortune killing as much food as possible in Vietnam, now they are making further fortunes developing food that requires only their pesticides. The bugs won't eat those crops because they know it is not real food. Stores of seed are important in every real culture. Watch out for Monsanto.

I searched the Garden Island for stories about the spraying. There were short little Agent Orange stories about the vets trying to get their benefits, not one word about the spraying on Kauai. There was spraying on Hawaii too. I have not looked at that because I have not been there - no point of reference. There is a story about a whole town in Missouri being bought by the government because the defoliant chemicals somehow got into the water they used for dust control. Every road was covered with dioxin. All the people were moved and a fence built around the area. I don't know if dioxin is forever, but I know it sticks to everything. That's why it works so well killing things.

OK. That's too much happiness for one day.


This was taken from ablog by Collins

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  • Need to clarify what I mean by 'cash cropping'. Lot's of people in richer areas in Hawaii sit at home with their non profit organization status and concoct bogus programs and reaching out to corporate companies for their guilt monies. But, they need social security numbers and use our free lunch listing for their multi million dollar projects.

    It' so sad, those of us that are victums of 'un' accountability from these organizations find this a 'joke' game. So we call it the human cash crop.
  • Collins,

    Excited to hear from you and all the things that's going on in your area of abode. I try to write a response to you on your blog. Cash cropping is the biggest business in Hawaii and without accountablity too. Much aloha
  • I just read an article stating that dioxin stays in soil for decades and water for years. So every time I paddled my board down the canal to the river was another exposure. One of the UH workers who was soaked with Agent Orange has the same last name as one of my favorite friends from Kapaa High School. We were only 15 at the time. Could have been his dad or uncle. Three UH employees were soaked with 2,4,5-T. One died. It was not clear about the health of the other two. Seems like none of the stories in the legal briefs are exactly the same. There was a class action suit on Kauai in the mid '80s. I cannot find the current status. No one in my family told me about it. In 1985, I was too ill to work and I had two small children. Guess my family thought I just left a $12,000.00 per month job in Alaska to lie on the living room couch and wonder what I was going to feed them. If people don't know what's wrong with you, they decide you are crazy or lazy. How would I know what was going on in Hawaii from a cabin at Lake Tahoe? Seems like somehow I should have known for my daughters.

    In 2003, the Navajos were still getting their $100,000 settlements from the uranium mining company that poisoned them years ago. Hawaii has a two year statute of limitations on litigation. So now that the vets are being reconsidered due to 20-30 year latency of dioxin, it may be it is too late for civilians. For about 3 years doctors told me I was "just tired because women with children can't expect to work in field engineering jobs." That made me so mad that I kept working until I could barely stand up.
    • hi Sheridan,

      thank you for sharing your stories........it sounds like you Kaohi and others need to be detoxed.

      I found out from some military guys that Agent Orange was buried on the Ewa Plains........noticed that the entity State of Hawaii made some exchange and started the Hawaiian Homes buildings on the Ewa Plains.... construction workers in the area noticed that their cars and trucks were spotted and the drops were actually burning holes in their paint!

      I found out that the planes above drop their excess gas before they land.........was wondering if that was the toxic fuel or toxic Agent Orange, etc.

      Have a girlfriend researcher who has had a detox done because she had loads of toxic environmental chemicals that she got in contact with and she's super allergic............think it would be a good idea to have a discussion about that too.........we need to also keep all in mind, those who are getting an intense amount of exposure too.......includes many in the Waianae area........Pohakuloa area because many have varying types of cancers as a result of the toxic exposure.........keep in contact with Kaohi.......aloha.


      gotta get you up and dancing again!

      • Thank you for your post. Loved the music. In 1991, I decided to move my daughters out of the country so we went to Costa Rica for 3 years. Discovered Panamanian Raggae. It is like Hawaii there - not much tv and a lot of music and dancing. High school kids would put a small boombox in the enclosed concrete garages attached to houses - big music. Dancing all the time.

        You are right about detoxing. I went to a sauna therapy program in San Diego in 1989. Cost about $30,000.00. One day in the sauna something came out of me that smelled like a solvent. Everyone in the sauna got sick. I could not move my legs for about half an hour. Then I began to improve. Worked for about two months. Looks like dioxin continues to release from fat cells forever. One hope is to increase polyunsaturated oil (organic olive oil), fish oil, etc. because it might bind to the dioxin which is not water soluble. Most fish oil is rancid, but Eskimo 3 and Norwegian is OK. I was a construction inspector and did a lot of dirt work. You never know what you will find beneath the surface. I cannot understand why this is OK. I read about DU in Hawaii. Do they create the mess in Hawaii because they like to hang out there? Then they can leave it all behind and forget about it. Do they think it lessens the liability because it is away from the mainland?

        During the med fly malathion spraying in California they recommended garaging vehicles because the spray might damage the paint. What about lungs and skin? In 2004, the chemical companies talked the State of Arizona into spraying malathion on every highway to combat West Nile Virus. So out in the hard pan desert, with no mosquitoes within 500 miles, there was constant spraying. That's when I collapsed again.

        There was class action litigation in the 80s with 35,000 residents of Kauai as plaintiffs. I cannot find the current status. I saw another article on problems involving people like me who left exposure areas and could not figure out their health troubles. They are pretty much lost. The difference between civilian Agent Orange exposures and Navajo uranium mine exposures is that Hawaii has a 2 year statute of limitations on litigation. This law is not relevant when the really weird health events do not happen for 10-20 years. In 2003, Navajos were still collecting $100,000 checks - those who were still alive.

        Some in medical community are talking about enzyme disruption caused by toxic chemicals. I don't see how the government can continue denying it all on the basis of blood tests. It's not in the blood, it's in the fat cells. The systemic damage has already been done by the time person with a job and family is forced to stop and demand to know what is wrong with them. Nobody stops working because they feel tired. When it gets really bad, it's impossible to do the research and listen to doctors tell you that you are just depressed or whatever.

        Aloha and Buena Suerte from New Mexico
        • aloha Sheridan and amelia,

          I reread again, and was so shocked in reading sheridan's Kauai time spent there.

          I went to Kapaa High School 1964, where I met my husband at the age of 15, I came back home when mother found out about my relationship with a senior. I later returned to Kapaa 1969 and spent time in both hippie camps Valley House and Taylor Camp with two children. Agent Orange was definetly part of my everyday inducement. I do watch both my children now in their 40s and their children and grandchildren.
          My husband went to Vietnam in 1969 came home and yes contaminated me with Agent Orange through intercourse. I became sick and left. People just don't get the post war and bringing home the contamination from a work place or war front.

          I grew up near a military installation Air Force Bellows Field and monthly DDT spraying went on where I grew up.
          Every household where I grew up had a person(s) die of cancer. It's disgusting and unexceptible.

          Today, Wahiawa Schofield removed their Depleted Uranium by trucking it to Waianae and placing these contaminats into surface dumps along side farms and native Hawaiian families.

          My biggest problem are Na Kanaka ( my people) that block information, pretend to be leaders, and use every means to stop litagation. Death or getting rid of the evidence seems much more induring than the battles of living a quality of life as a functioning human being.

          The Time-honored from the first inducement to the illness is a problem. We have a Native Hawaiian groups of lawyers that have used every means to block 'tort'. And yes, we have no means to stop the injustice in courts. And yes the military are transites like beach combers--here today gone tomorrow.
          And without any remorse to what they have left behind for our children to breath into their tiny bodies.
          And yes, you are right the illness and when you lack the energy it's nuts and psyche for medical doctors and their cheap medical treatment.

          Lots of deaths here in Waianae but it is looked upon like a Princess Party, new clothes, feel sad and then the party after.

          What's missing is 'thinking, talking and researching'. What exist in the minds of our native thinking is the social love life much more than analyzing the things around us and how we are at the effect of it. What ever 'it' is!

          Here is a quote fromLinda Tuhiwai Smith "Decolonizing Methodologies, "We had to know to survive. We had to work out ways of knowing, we had to predict, to learn and refect, we had to preserve and protect, we had to defend and attack, we had to be mobile, we had to have social systems which enabled us to do these things. We still have todo these things." pg 13.

          This so profound.
          • Hello Kaohi,
            It's late and I still haven't fed the horses yet, but I was glad to see a post from you. We must have been at Kapaa High at the same time. I was there in 8th grade I think in 1964. We lived on Aliomanu Rd in Anahola at that time. I got off the bus before my stop and walked on the beach to the house. Once I got caught at high tide at the river. It was scarey. There were little green frogs everywhere - like the ones we would rescue from the shower. We didn't have to wear shoes to school then. It was convenient for walking home.

            Anahola looks different now - google earth. We used to buy sushi from Ching Ma Leong Store. Where was that? It was so good every day after school. I saw a brochure for Kauai in a travel agency once with a picture of Ching Ma Leong MALL on the front of it. That made me laugh. I remember the old glass and wood cases and the worn wood floors - all that good sushi in there - 25 cents.

            There was a tiny donkey stud down in the meadow this morning after the mares. It was a rumble with the two boys going after him. Those little donkeys are a lot smarter than any horse. I wasn't too worried about him. He is still hee hawing away. I would love to have mules like I used to be around in Hanalei, but not now. Hay is really expensive here. and there is a lot of snow all winter. I tell people I had to learn about baled hay in New Mexico - where I grew up I never saw a bale of hay - the grass is just growing everywhere all the time with birds and flowers. They don't really get it or imagine it's like Texas. They don't know the horses smell like guavas.

            Tomorrow I will come back and read your post and Amelia's post. When I can think about them.

            Today I spent most of the day with IRS papers. First the government poisoned me, then they spend the rest of my life ringing out every last cent. Almost figured out.

            Aloha, Sheridan
            Still 75 during the day. Supposed to snow Friday.
        • hi Sheridan,

          Thank you for the interesting information...........

          Detox could probably be done a a cheaper rate.............my girlfriend was covered under medical insurance for her detox treatments........she couldn't talk...........it took a long long time to speak and make sense once more...there was a disconnect because of the toxins that contaminated her system....such treatments are costly......

          American Indians have sweat lodges........and in Hawaii a group came over and did a sweat lodge using canvas.........didn't care for that because the canvas gave off a paint smell and I thought that they were getting contaminated while doing a 'medical treatment'.... the group of them came out looking totally dehydrated........didn't seem healthy at all.......but I guess that's the purpose of sauna baths too....

          guess that's why body cleansers are important...having the purpose of flushing out toxins....it's also called a decontamination process..............water is used to clean off contamination..... but one needs to know the kind of chemical it is, and it becomes complex.

          for example, cancer studies evolve around the issue: "How does one turn off a cell?" cancer grows out of control and scientists have been trying to find out the sequencing, chemicals used, the study of the DNA and constant experiments to figure out how to shut off a cell..... I did some cancer research in the past (and stopped to work at a better paying job in order to support my children, had I continued then I think I'd be a Doctor already)--and sometimes things aren't meant to be.

          changing the subject, I knew a nurse who was totally wiped out/couldn't operate normally and had to lay down/stay in bed due to her extreme tiredness.............found out in medical articles that some people come in contact with bacteria that causes that condition.........which was caused due to environmental reasons.......

          then again, unless part of the family health history, all illnesses are caused due to the environment, chemicals or what the military calls "chemical warfare" which is the real cause of much of the illnesses by many................notice that the target population is the "People of Color".

          It appears that "experimentation on people of color" is an ongoing activity...........and it needs to countered ............however, Depleted Uranium affects everyone here in Hawaii as well as everyone around.................who cares about money paid out, because health can't be bought.

          This is what Leuren Moret, Depleted Uranium expert says:



          Who causes this? "the Ruling Elite" says Leuren Moret.


          email: hawaiianhistory@gmail.com (I'll post to my girlfriend and perhaps you could discuss the health issues, because many will get sick due to the criminal activities of the known nations causing the demise of many around the World: U.S., England, France, Russia who regularly test nuclear based experiments, bombs, weaponry.

          Notice that the list covers most of the Nations who signed the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona: Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, U.S., England, and the Vatican who's complemented for maintaining "obedience" amongst the people. Austria usually plays a part in selling weaponry as an introductory to WAR with other nations, and the Vatican with their army of perverted priests corrupting the young children, poisoning them in another way.... same nations involved with the move towards One World Order/New World Order...it's possible to counter them by their citizens taking back their countries

          Aloha and Malama Pono from the Hawaiian Kingdom!


          • amelia,

            I'm listening toLeuren during the day, I'm babysitting this week. I had a great time with my dad and brother this past Monday and Sunday. It was a needed visit!
  • Yes,

    We need to stay on top of residual contamination of all produced products from R&D projects at UH Manoa.
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