why is APEC given more attention????....on Oahu

instead of giving the attention and money's to our Recognized Native Hawaiians......

the HOST CULTURE of Kanaka Maoli's is put to the back burners (homeless)

and yet this asian business outsiders is welcomed with open hands

by this illegal fate state of oahu????????

So much moneys went into this asian event.....that could have been used

to help our ohana nation of Native Hawaiians......get off the beaches and

get them on a place that is SAFE and CLEAN for all our Kanaka Maoli's families).....

There is so much AGENCIES and Government Organizations on Oahu

why isnt any one giving aid to these Homeless Hawaiians to seek BETTERMENT

for the BEST INTEREST for our People.

Where is OHA (office of hawaiian affairs), Where is all this nonprofits that suppose to help

ones in these situation......of Homelessness????.....Where hawaiian home lands???????


ON maui nui......we need to send the homeless back home to the mainland....lots of military/druggie homeless and lost souls from the mainland lurks and linger on our Sacredness

i lead them to our Lahaina Salvation Army to give them a one way ticket back home or

i tell them to go see the agencies that helps the homeless to assist a one way ticket back home...once we cleanse the mainland homeless, by sending them back to their own city/town to deal with, then we can consentrate on our

Native Hawaiian Homeless and find a home for them by Christmas.....I pray for our

Homeless Kanaka's and ask for the assistance they so DESERVE.....mauruuru...da princess

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  • again...i am looking for a known government and or nonprofit to answer my question above

    about why the APEC has more Benefit and Consideration than our Recognized Native Hawaiians

    stuggling on Oahu and i mean OHANA NATIONS of Kanaka Maoli's....(waianae homelessness)?????

    i want a government person that allowed this hewa to answer....i am so awaiting a direct RESPONSE...please!!!

  • e ka la mai....kaohi......we on maui nui is battling another issue....for now these intruders (APEC) is lurking on your state of oahu....and your news on your island is identifing these illegal intruders of more asians and businness people.....as for our maui nui we are recieving alot of oahuains that is totally confused and fruastrated due the leaders on your island, massive oahu people stay also roaming our Kingdom of Maui Nui, hummmm???..LOST and CONFUSED....in the state of oahu, mentality thinking...just like you Kaohi??????....speaking Facts and Truth~~~

    there is NO Monitoring....and proper PROTOCOLs on your island, intruders have Lacked our treasured Traditional Values of our Ancestors and their SACAREDNESS.....what brought the over population to your kingdom island of oahu was GREED in Business (just like APEC),this is not the fault of our Kingdom of Maui Nui.....for at this moment maui nui has been connecting with SOUTH Korea and making Greedy illegal deals......without the Recognition of our living Kupuna's of our Royal Sacred Valleys and Ahupua'a-s of Maui Nui....our sacred waters is heading Japan?

    i highly understand why you kaohi on Oahu is CONFUSSED.... in the mess of unprofessional Leaders not taking the lead Correctly.....again.....no monitoring. no mana, no ha......to the breath of the voices of truth....for all is in the hands of this illegal christian/military americans....where the thinking MENTALITY is not kanaka but full on american...just by reading some of the fed back from other comments of oahuians, hummm????

    for me it is no wonder much Chaos is being noticed on that illega state of oahu.....my humble prayers that Ke Akua assist all of you to Kukanaka (stand tall) and IMUA (move forward) for on our Maui Nui is also educated and aggressive and dealing with our own DEMONS in DISQUISE of illegal INTRUDERS....thats why i only "Expose da Hewa"...that is my Spoken MISSION....mauruuru

    mahalo for sharing...thats why i enjoy this open forum of honest and straight forward discussion....my many more wonderful Blessings to you kaohi and your ohana nation...thank you greatly for sharing and looking forward to hear more from you........mauruuru...da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia 

  • i am very surprised that NO Oahu Leaders had step up to the plate and could answer this very important question???

    of why this outside asian influrence of APEC is put up on high....in and around OAHU,

    and i just watched a video of the "BLUE TARP" in Waianae......whats up with that??????

    State of Oahu Leaders may i remind you.....that a Law of your Lands states that we are the RECOGNIZED Native Hawaiians, why is your oahu people suffering in pain and in tears (as i witness in this video), begging asking for some kine of assistance?......please i would like a RESPONSE......for your Oahu leaders have a RESPONSIBILITY to reconciliate with our Recognized Native Hawaiians seeking the Betterment for the BEST interest of our Culture

    and our SACREDNESS......for i only "Expose da Hewa" knowing good from bad and right from wrong....mauruur

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