Why are they memorializing the dead???

Why are they memorializing the dead??? It seems hypocritial for people to memorialize their dead and have no empathy for the dead of the Hawaiians. Here in Hawai'i, of all places where it is more evident of the loss of loved ones in their own country which the settlers have come and called their home and say nothing of the desecration of the remains of our Hawaiians whom they trod on everyday. Today they solemnize in remembrance of their dead through ceremonies and observances such as the Lantern Floating Ceremony and at the military cemetaries on Memorial Day; yet not a peep from any of them nor empathy on how we feel about the desecration of our families' bones being dug up and scattered like rubbish. The iwi of my great-grandparents, whom I personally knew, and their parents, whose names I know, have been dug up and tossed aside like trash and a nuisance. The archealogists of today claim it's not a cemetary yet will acknowledge it is a burial of human remains, inadvertent as they say as they unearth 40 to 100 remains as if they were unknown fossils of a distant past. This is constantly being done and yet not a peep by the community-at-large. DLNR goes through the motions of being concerned but will over-ride the protest of cultural and lineal descendants to cater to the whims of developers. Archealogists, professional grave-robbers, declare there is no ties or moral feelings of the native Hawaiians who should be insensitive about their dead and relegate the bones to less than a pet cemetary. The U.S. military honor their dead on a myth and lies. They claim the dead killed in their aggressive wars were fighting for everyone's freedom and democracy. What propaganda and Sales and Marketing scheme! The myth lives on! The colonial American Revolutionary war was a treasonous uprising of the British colonists fighting to overcome the suppression and slavery of their own country and to create their own. Since then, they have behaved as their Mother Country of Britain and foster the doctrines of Manifest Destiny and hegemony. They brainwash their citizens into believing that they are fighting to protect their country to preserve their freedoms and form of democracy from those that are jealous of them. The U.S. claims to be a friendly, neutral country; yet continuosly and aggressively invade other countries in support of their corporate oligarchy that runs their government for their own private, pecuniary purposes. So, U.S. Americans are fighting wars to preserve the interests of the elite corporations who enslave the U.S. American people and the rest of the world. Don't mind me for scoffing and ignoring their vacuous rituals, myths, and sales and marketing propaganda used to brainwash and condition people for their own self-interests. I see things all too clearly to join in and promote the myth and lawlessness of such a WASP racist country with its ethnocentric motives, power, and greed for its elite. France was wise; it had its Bastille Day; but since then they have fallen also to the grips of the corporate elite. I will continue to revere my na kupuna of our ancestral lands and nation-state. God bless the Hawaiian Kingdom! Tane

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  • It seems hypocritial for people to memorialize their dead and have no empathy for the dead of the Hawaiians. Here in Hawai'i, of all places where it is more evident of the loss of loved ones in their own country which the settlers have come and called their home and say nothing of the desecration of the remains of our Hawaiians whom they trod on everyday.

    Good point, of which I never gave thorough thought into.

    They brainwash their citizens into believing that they are fighting to protect their country to preserve their freedoms and form of democracy from those that are jealous of them. The U.S. claims to be a friendly, neutral country; yet continuosly and aggressively invade other countries in support of their corporate oligarchy that runs their government for their own private, pecuniary purposes. So, U.S. Americans are fighting wars to preserve the interests of the elite corporations who enslave the U.S. American people and the rest of the world.

    It's sad & frustrating at the same time to have people do this to me. They are so brainwashed and although on a day like "Memorial Day" they can turn so patriotic, and feel like all the military invading other countries trying to promote if not encourage democracy on some level is a means of justice and good will, yet they cannot comprehend nor will they accept the things the US has already done, esp. to Hawaiians, not to mention other groups of people like the diff. N. A. tribes & slaves.
  • Give 'em Uncle..I'm behind you in your thoughts on this.
  • Mahalo Plenty Uncle Tane 4 telling it like it is!!!!
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