
  • So how do we smoke these terrorists out of their fox hole?

    • No need! It's obvious; they wear uniforms, their hair is cropped short, and they speak funny!

  • There is no more Terroristict nation then the United States. On January 16, 1893 when United States thru an Act of War invaded Hawaii, Queen Liliuoklani and the Hawaiian Kingdom was not a threat to the United States. The Hawaiian Kingdom was at Peace with the United States. The Hawaiian Kingdom was not a militant Kingdom. The Hawaiian Kingdom did not have a national Army, Navy, Air Force or even a national Coast Guard. Today, Hawaii plays a Key Role in America's Terroristic Role. FREE HAWAII
  • Terrorist became a buzzword, and the term "terroristic" replaced the word "serious" in police lingo, therefore you read "terroristic threat" in Police Blotters frequently, while 10 years ago almost never used this term. It is meant to underline the essence of today's U.S. policy: disseminating fear and inducing distrust among the people. When people don't trust each other or they are afraid they can be easier manipulated. That's what they want not only among the Hawaiians but also among the haole population, because those few in power won't be afraid that the masses will organize and kick them to hell. It is closely intertwined with the policy of dumbing down the students. Smart people are dangerous, because they may challenge them or outsmart them. Dumb kids are needed, because there is an enormous need for cannon fodder. The money paid to them is nothing, because the taxpayers who are already brainwashed don't have the guts to speak up, and they foot the bill of any stupid war and related expenses.

    To counter it we can never ease up on resistance, which does not have to be violent, but it has to be smart, constant, unpredictable and visible. There are thousand ways to do it. The skill is to do it without getting caught. We have to use their own principles against the occupiers. For example during world war 2 the Jews were placed in the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland by the Nazis. The Jewish schools in the ghetto taught the children "It is your obligation to hurt the occupiers wherever and whenever you can, and you do yourself and your nation a favor if you don't get caught". I heard it from an old Jew who was there. Would the permanent bosombuddy of Israel, the U.S. ever say that those Jews were wrong. Of course not. Now, can every occupied nation apply it today against the occupiers? Everybody should decide by his/her conscience. Remember: ku pākū ka pali o Nihoa i ka makani.
    • YEP! So true...I like your thinking because it is TRUTH. To conquor only means to actively strategize, much preparation and think out of the box within reason of safety and peace. If anything, a bigger message will follow along with the masses.

      Do what you can with the energy you have to be for the good of ALL concerned. What you do can either bless or curse....okay, in a "enlightened way of speaking" is positive or negative...and with each consequences. And yes, everyone should decide by his/her conscience as to how or what they can contribute to the greater good of ALL concerned.
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