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  • R5aAFqbxrOESOwWNBeaE0VRPQhtwpSHyNemJLL2uDk1V_LBrx9sDP8A-NT1fa7ZG9-9wpvFmqYj5QDupRtuaa0LHkcn3Vp6NZB9-MB_P_2e_sx6cuXsMuzsrtOQqzYxvgxd20MGwmJ0=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/hawaiianbill/Hawaiian%20Flag..."/> 


    [Kanaka Maoli flag]http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hi_1.gif"/> 


     QyKH6VnDzalRlQOemprCizhVaDr1-7TPs2Gi0Xmprl5Nr0RjGBpKYaVbnD5tHGRSE3YvY0Gxj7LiAyJPCB9r1h0m_DVf1bt--Ev1duXW2L-ESY60d9x4DP0S9-HiAmE5B0OzZTNEWsNx0px8f2Qd12auIHEDh3syT7KYxbK3=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZwXcWrQYVqsG..."/>   

    President Barack Obama

    Secretary of State - John Kerry

    Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands

    Many Interested others


                                            Re:  Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-0430 Opposition to Telescope, Building Activities, etc. on Mauna Kea, the 15th Largest Mountain in the World; Cease and Desist/Null and Void Lease / Canceling a Criminal Contract by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, one of the True Land Owner(s), Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs and Successors, Royal Person, Royal Family Member, One of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Heirs and Successors,  Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,Judicial Tribunal Member, Land Owner, Title Owner,  House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative

             Opposition to Telescope, Building Activities, etc. on Mauna Kea, the 15th Largest Mountain in the World is entered here.
                Cease and Desist/Null and Void Lease / Canceling a Criminal Contract made by Identity thieves, the entity State of Hawaii through DLNR/ Department of Land and Natural Resources documented in the Judicial Tribunal list posted as Hawaiian Kingdom Records Nos. 2015-0410 and 2015-0420 Matters of the Treaty which supersedes State Laws, etc. - The Twelfth (12th) Judicial Tribunal Meeting Held on April 3, 2015; The Thirteen (13th) Judicial Tribunal Meeting Held on April 10, 2015; and The Fourteenth (14th) Judicial Tribunal Meeting Held on April 20, 2015 Affecting USA/United States of America Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom, DEC. 20, 1849/1850 from Amelia Gora, Royal Person, Royal Family Member, One of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Heirs and Successor, Judicial Tribunal Member, Land Owner, Title Owner, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative. 
    The following article shows who the heirs and successors of the Kamehameha's.
    The entity State of Hawaii is Not a successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  They are documented identity thieves as shown in the article below:


    OUR ROYAL FAMILIES   - The Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors
    In the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/
    Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian
    Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii or

    Corrected Version:  Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners: The Royal Families/ Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research by Amelia Gora (2015)



    Corrected Version:  Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners:  The Royal Families/Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research

                                                                                      by Amelia Gora (2015)

    The following are some of the Descendants/Heirs of Kamehameha Found in Research.  

    Introducing the Royal Families who are the Crown Land, etc. Owners who are not subject to the laws, have sovereignty, maintain all non-treasonous persons/kanaka maoli and subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and maintaining the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Treaty with Japan, Treaty with the Netherlands, Convention with Portugal, Convention with Russia, Treaty with Spain, Treaty with Sweden and Norway, Treaty with the Swiss Confederation, Postal Convention with Tahiti, etc.:

    Kamehameha's Family/Bloodlines/Heirs/Children/Descendants:

    1)  Kaoleioku - his four (4) children were:  Pauahi (w); Hanuna/Hanuno (k); Keola (k) and Konia (w)

    2)  Kanekapolei (2) - her children were:  Kikau (k); u.i. others/research incomplete

    3)  Kahiwa Kanekapolei - her children were:  Kepelino (k); u.i. others/research incomplete

    4)  Keliiokahekili (w) - her children were: u.i. others/research incomplete

    5)  Liholiho/Kamehameha II - research incomplete

    6)  Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III - his children were 10:  Keawe 1(k); Keawe 2 (k); Opunui (k); Kekipi;                          Keawe; Mahoe (w); Kahalaoa; Papa; Nalimu; and Albert Kunuiakea.  His hanai                                            hookama/ adopted and inherited sovereignty:  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV;                                 Hueu Davis, Kale Davis (w), and Peke Davis (w)

    7) Nahienaena (w) - her u.i. child/research incomplete

    8) Kamamalu (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children

    9)  Kinau (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children

    10)  Kinau (k) - his children were:  Miriam Kekauonohi/Kekauonohi (w); Maulili (k); and                      

                            Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k)

    11)  Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (k) - his children were:  Kalaniulumoku (k) and Abner Paki (k)

    12)  Kahalaia (k) - was with Pauahi (w) the mother of Ruth Keelikolani; also married Kekuanaoa (k)

    13)  Kapapauai (w) - child u.i. - research incomplete

    14)  6 other u.i. siblings of Liholiho/Kamehameha II; Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; and

                             Nahienaena  (w) - research incomplete        

    Kamehameha's had 19 Children, which includes those being researched.              


    So, the foreigners claimed that Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V was the "last of the Kamehameha's"

    In 1874, Sanford B. Dole, a treasonous, conspirator, pillager, pirate did write an article stating that Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V(died in 1872) was the "last of the Kamehameha's".,  see the article "Thirty Days of Hawaiian History" from the PACIFIC  COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER at:  http://theiolani.blogspot.com/2014/05/vol-iv-no-494-wednesday-weekl...

    Sanford B. Dole was one of the planners of taking over the King's/Queen's position or the Royal Families genealogies, lands, assets, resources since the 1870's.  

    The other planners included Charles Reed Bishop, husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who was a hanai sister/adopted sister of Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Ruth Keelikolani, et. als.  

    Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V died in 1872.

    Ruth Keelikolani died in 1883.  

     Ruth Keelikolani was also called "the last of the Kamehameha's" by the foreigners.  She died in 1883.

    Ruth Keelikolani died in 1883 and it was claimed to have left all of her lands to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was also claimed to be "the last of the Kamehameha's" by the foreigners, a lie that was promoted and perpetuated by treasonous, conspirators, pirates, pillagers named Sanford B. Dole, Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, et. als.


    The Truth:

    Kamehameha had a total of 19+ children.

    Royal Families are Not subject to the laws.  Kamehameha's descendants/heirs existed and were living in Kamehameha's life time.  

    Let us review where "the last of the Kamehameha's" Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, and Ruth Keelikolani came from:

    Kamehameha's  three (3) of his 19 children and their children:

    Child #9:                                                         Child #1:                                             Child #11: 

    Kinau (w)               ( step siblings)          Kaoleioku (k)                                   Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (k)

          /                                                                        /                                                                                      /

    Moses Kaikioewa                          Pauahi (w) daughter:  Ruth Keelikolani (w) 1) Kalaniulumoku(k)

    David Kamehameha                     Hanuna (k) children: Kapule, Kini(w),Hookahi(w),  2) Abner Paki(k)

    Lot Kamehameha/                                                   and  Poohina (w)                                          /

      Kamehameha V                      Konia (w) daughter:  Bernice Pauahi (w)     Bernice Pauahi

    Alexander Liholiho/                         hanai daughter:  Kaeha/ Makaeha/

       Kamehameha IV                             Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani                         Kalaniulumoku (k) ch:

    Victoria Kamamalu                     Keola (k)                                                                               Kalola (w), Alapai(k)


    hanai/adopted:  Bernice Pauahi (w)                                                                                  Jane Loeau (w)                                                                                                                                                               Abigail Maheha(w)

                                                                                                                                                               P.F. Koakanu (k)

                                                                                                                                                                    et. als.,

    step children:  Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua (k) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 1st wife - Kalehua)

                                Ruth Keelikolani (w) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 2nd wife - Pauahi)

                                 John Kapena (k) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)

                                 Sam Kapena (k)  (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)

                                 Umiokalani (w) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)


    Note:  Kinau (w) and Pauahi (w) were two of the five (5) widows of Liholiho/Kamehameha II.

    1) Mataio Kekuanaoa, House of Nobles member, married  Kalehua - Son:  Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua(k)

    2) Mataio Kekuanaoa married Pauahi (w)  - Daughter:  Ruth Keelikolani.  

    3)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kinau (w) - Children:  Moses; David; Lot/Kamehameha V;

                                                                                      Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu;

                                                                                      hanai:  Bernice Pauahi

    4)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kaloloahilani/Kalolo (w) - no children

    5)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married step sister:  Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w) - her children were

                                                   John Kapena, Sam Kapena, Umiokalani (w), Alenoho (k), Kapehe (w) et, aks

     Mataio Kekuanaoa had a total of five (5) marriages.

    Mataio Kekuanaoa had a Probate disregarding the fact that he was a Permanent member of the House of Nobles, a Sovereign successor through his ancestor Kaumualii.

    Mataio Kekuanaoa was part of the Royal Families who are not subject to the laws.

    Mataio Kekuanaoa, a successor, a non-Kamehameha descendant/heir of was made heir of a Kamehameha descendant Victoria Kamamalu by the First Circuit Court Judge.

    When Mataio Kekuanaoa died, his heir was Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop, et. als..

    Ruth Keelikolani  who was not the only heir, left her interest to her hanai sister Bernice Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

    Kamehameha's successors are  Kalaniopuu's - Alii Nui/High Chief of the Big Island, uncle of Kamehameha -six (6) children who became the step children of Kamehameha, and Kamehameha II - Liholiho:

    Kalaniopuu and Kalola Child: Kiwalao (k)
    Kalaniopuu and Kalaiwahineuli Child: Kalaipaihala (k)
    Kalaniopuu and Kamakolunuiokalani Child: Pualinui (w)
    Kalaniopuu and Mulehu Manoua/Manowa (w) Child: Asa Kaeo (k);
    ; Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (son of Kamehameha) and Manoua/Manowa (w) had sons: Abner Paki (k) and Kalaniulumoku(k)
    Kalaniopuu and Kanekapolei Child: (Twin)Keoua Kuahuula (k)
    Kalaniopuu and Kanekapolei Child: (Twin) Keoua Peeale (k)
    Kalaniopuu and Kekuohi/Kekupuohi Child: u.i.

    Kamehameha's Additional Successors were Kaumualii's - High Chief of Kauai -  nine (9)  children:  1) Kealiiahonui, A. 2) Humehume/George Humehume, 3) Kinoiki, 4) Kahinu, 5) Haupu/Kahekili, 6) Kuheleaumoku, 7) Kahai, 8) Kanekoa, 9) Kaulia.  Children 5-9 were the sons of Namahana/Piia who was married to Kamehameha and Kaumualii.  She was the sister of Kamehameha's other wives:  Kaahumanu and Kaheiheimalie/Hoapiliwahine.

    Kamehameha's hanai children were:  1) Hueu Davis, 2) Kale Davis (w), and 3) Peke Davis, true children of Isaac Davis, English Counselor of Kamehameha with John Young/Olohana.

    Problematic Issues

    1)  Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop were Not the "last of the Kamehameha's".

    2)  Kamehameha had a total of 19+ children and the three - Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop were from  three (3) out of his 19+ children.

    3)  All three (3) were Kamehameha's descendants leaving first cousins existing who were also descendants/heirs of Kamehameha.

    4)  All three (3) were Kamehameha's descendants, part of the Royal Families who were Not subject to the laws, as with their siblings/step siblings/cousins who were Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.

    5)  They were and remain beneficiaries, reciprocal beneficiaries of all of Kamehameha's lands which includes the Crown Lands, etc.

    6)  It was the desire/greed/lust, etc. of the non Royal Families/foreigners/whites/Americans, et., als. to assume Kamehameha's lands since their arrival in the Hawaiian Islands.

    7)  The foreigners who made up the third part of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary, voted in position called the House of Representatives helped to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, did conspire, premeditate, pirate, pillage lands, estates, trusts, etc. of the Royal Families.

    They were treasonous and did belonged to the third part or temporary voted in part of the three-part government.  The permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government was headed by the Sovereign's / Kamehameha's heirs and successors, and the House of Nobles heirs and successors.

    It was the treasonous group which dethroned Queen Liliuokalani and acted as the Provisional Government which was backed by the United States.  

    The United States of America became the United States and the American Empire as documented in the Peacock vs. Hawaiian Republic case in 1899. ( see HAWAII REPORTS at the Archives, Main Library, or the Supreme Court Law Library,)

    Queen Liliuokalani did state that those who dethroned her was an entity, neither de facto nor de jure.  Reason being that the treasonous persons were only part of the voted in, temporary body of a neutral, friendly, non violent nation which was supported by the United States, England, and the bankers - including the J.P. Morgan bankers who were the investors for bankrupt nations United States, and England due to their American Civil War losses, etc.

    8)  The foreigners moved on the genealogies, the history, and the legal activities to accommodate themselves but have been discovered through research the criminal undertakings with the intent to defraud, assume, pirate, pillage what is not theirs, does not belong with documented evidence, etc.

    9)  The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV is applied against all who have pirated, pillaged, against our Royal Families, which includes Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs/descendants and successors which includes Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha I's, and Kaumualii's children, step children, hanai children/adopted children, and including the House of Nobles permanent members descendants/heirs documented in articles posted for the Judicial Tribunal evidence, etc.


    The above shows the 19+ heirs of Kamehameha,  the six (6) children of Kalaniopuu, Alii Nui/High Chief of the Big Island, and  nine (9) children of Kaumualii, Alii Nui/High Chief of Kauai.

    Kamehameha's heirs and successors existed then and their descendants/heirs exists today. including myself, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs from four (4) of his children,  two (2) of his hanai/adopted children, four (4) of his successors through Kalaniopuu, and two (2) of his successors through Kaumualii.

    In other words, our families, for example, have multiple claims through heirship and reciprocal beneficiary heirship.  

    As one of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's descendants/heirs, I am one of those who are party to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, and did invoke the Treaty with other family members in the Judicial Tribunal.

    The above shows the Kamehameha heirs.  The successors list are posted at http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/our-royal-families-part-2 "Our Royal Families Part 2".

    All of the above is part of the genealogy, history, legal research which uncovers the treasons, criminal frauds, the mega frauds, pillaging, piracy(ies), racketeering, corruption engaged in by the Americans supported by a bankrupt, corrupt, deviant nation which wrongfully Plundered upon a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and wrongfully utilized villainous characters to conspire against the true land owners, the true title owners who maintains the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, which recognizes the Constitution of the United States of America even today.

    This evidence is also being used for the purposes of the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc. and supports the reasons why it is Not O.K. to utilize our Families, our Nations funds for the use of Wars and wrongful Plundering Upon Innocents at our expense, etc.

    There are legal reasons why the American Consulate needs to operate here because War crimes have been committed and crimes against our Royal Families, subjects, friends, and supporters is unacceptable.

    The entity State of Hawaii along with their branch DLNR - Department of Land and Natural Resources who Leased Lands to the University of Hawaii, etc. are Not the Land Owners and are documented Pirates, Pillagers, Fraud entities who criminally claim that they are the "successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii".  

    The following were listed in the Judicial Tribunal list of Pirates, Pillagers, etc. affecting the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV.

    425)  The State Legacy Land Conservation Commission

    426)  Land Use Commission

    427)  Department of Land and Natural Resources

    444)  U.S. and American Empire Federal Government and Agencies in the Hawaiian Islands

    445)  State of Hawaii and agencies in the Hawaiian Islands

    446)  City and Counties and agencies in the Hawaiian Islands


    It has also been discovered that the Territory of Hawaii is documented as claiming "successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii" in 1912.  The following is part of a discussion about false claims to annexation by Judge Scalia at:   http://www.civilbeat.com/2015/03/on-annexation-of-hawaii-justice-sc...


    My comments:


    *sad to see that many kanaka maoli don't know the true history....know that Premeditation has been uncovered which shows the conspiracies, the pillaging, piracy of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by broke a--/bankrupt nations including the U.S. and England....read http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9F0CE6DC1F3FEF33A2575AC0A9679C94629ED7CF for starters then read all 537 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web theiolani.blogspot.com or accelerate your learning by reading the latest Legal Notice to President Obama, Governor Ige, et. als. because the Royal Families still exist...the land owners, the true Hawaiian Kingdom exists whether anybody likes it or not...and are the only parties to the permanent Treaty of 1850 at http://theiolani.blogspot.com/2015/03/special-posting-saturday-3715.html oh by the way Scalia is bound by the U.S. Constitution because the treaty supersedes State, Federal laws....and it was locked in place before the usurpation of the American people as documented by the bankers Secret Constitution in 1871 with the information thanks to and by whistle blowers Karen Hudes, World Bank; Vladimir Putin, Russia - who denounces One World Order/New World Order, etc. which can be seen at http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updated-chronological-history-of-our-queen-liliuokalani-by-amelia and http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updated-chronological-history-of-our-queen-liliuokalani-by-amelia by the way appears that my letter is the only one on the whitehouse website http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/formsubmissions/54/c1dc2d2b35964f0392b21da2d9b05b42.pdf bet you that even you don't know that the U.S.A. became the U.S. and the American Empire documented in court case Peacock vs. the Republic of Hawaii in 1899.....bet you didn't know that the treasonous persons/conspirators/pirates /pillagers also placed Queen Liliuokalani back on the throne for a day in 1915 to celebrate the European's Balboa who visited the Pacific Ocean in 1514, etc....... empower yourself with knowledge, then blast the hell out of those who lie.......and by the way spread the truth and deny that the entity House of Representatives turned conspirator, treasonous persons supported by the U.S. and the American Empire, turned Provisional government, then Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii by U.S. President Eisenhower's executive order, are successors to our Hawaiian Kingdom as claimed in "THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII TO REGISTER AND CONFIRM ITS TITLE TO CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN LAHAINA, ISLAND OF MAUI, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, AND KNOWN AS PA PELEKANE" (1912), HAWAII REPORTS Vol 21, Supreme Court of Hawaii, RH 345.4 H32 v.21 pg. 177 
    "That the Territory, as successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii, has obtained title to this lot by prescription."

    There was no treaty of Annexation, the Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors exists and are parties to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America"


    see also:

    http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/identity-theft-by-the-state...  also read the article "American Mafia"

    The entity State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii are NOT related to our Royal Families and are Not on the List of Heirs and Successors to the Kamehameha Families's as documented above showing Kamehameha's 19+ children, Kamehameha's 3 hanai/adopted children, Kalaniopuu's six  6 children, and Kaumualii's nine  (9) children who are the legitimate successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaii.  

    Therefore, the entity State of Hawaii are Identity Thieves of Hawaii's Royal Families.


    • The Royal Families existed since the time of Kamehameha, and their descendants/heirs and successors exists today.  They include the descendants/heirs of 19+ children of Kamehameha, 3 hanai/adopted children, 6 children of Kalaniopuu, 9 children of Kaumualii, successors, including King Lunalilo whose mother was married to both Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho, treasonous King Kalakaua, and under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation Queen Liliuokalani whose mother was a hanai/ adopted daughter of one of Kamehameha's grand daughter.  

      The grand total of Kamehameha's Heirs are 19+, and Successors are 21.

      The entity State of Hawaii are Not part of the Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors and a documented Pirate, Pillager, Fraud, Identity Theft setup, etc.

      The entity State of Hawaii, DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources, etc. supported by the United States are Not the Land Owners and have taken on illegal contracts with agencies/entities and the contracts including the University of Hawaii contract for Mauna Kea lands, etc. have been null and voided by myself, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's heirs, successors and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representatives, and konohiki.

      Maintaining our Royal Families land claims, all kanaka maoli land claims in the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii and aloha.

                                                                        Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, successors,

                                                                       House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Konohiki, Hawaiian

                                                                       Genealogical Society member - Hawaiian Kingdom

      References:  theiolani.blogspot.com  http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037

      http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/hawaiian-kingdom-records-no...     446 Persons/Entities listed on the Judicial Tribunal list to date



      More References:

        More References:

        Friday, May 29, 2009

        May you live in interesting times.....

        Let’s scatter some monkeys!
        The Chinese know a thing or two about proverbs. I thought it might be nice to look at some of them, especially the three curses that begin with:
        “May you live in interesting times”
        The world is run by criminals. The criminal warmongering and war profiting usurious luciferian baby murdering elite masters that exercise their evil control over the politicians and lawmakers of the world , and those puppet politicians ,their servants or slaves, that are busy fulfilling their program of driving us to the Apocalypse and to the mass control matrix of the fifth Reich.
        That they are criminals is unarguable. A review might be worthwhile, if only to remind us:
        No1: Top of the list must go to mass murder. The British and American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, over 1.3 million dead and many more leading blighted lives as refugees. Any thinking person will acknowledge that the events of 9/11 (c.3,000 dead), even if not a “false flag” operation (the “new Pearl Harbour“ called for by PNAC), by simple mathematics have been more than avenged. And yet they persist, and the spread is about to widen into Pakistan, Iran and probably from there to the entire globe, repeating the blood fest of the first two global wars-but with a far more dangerous arsenal.
        May you live in interesting times.
        No2: Must go to “FEAR”. Right across the globe the elite and their greedy and pathetic political puppets waste no opportunity to induce fear in the public. Fear of terrorists, fear of global pandemic, fear of economic catastrophe, fear of global warming, fear of terminal illnesses, fear of global nuclear war, the list goes on. Like rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming juggernaut, the sheeple mentally freeze. They’ll agree to anything if they are given something to fear. The loss of civil liberties won over millennia of struggle by our forefathers which now make it almost impossible to publicly protest about governments and the people that run them. The “War on Terror”, that fabulous invisible enemy , giving “just cause” to genocide and baby murder. The list goes on and on. Be afraid, be very afraid, it helps them get what they want.
        May you live in interesting times.
        No 3: Straight theft, but on a grand scale. I’m still amazed at the numbers of people that do not understand that the global banking system is owned by a few elite bloodline families and that most governments do not issue their own money but borrow it from these blood sucking usurers. They have achieved this state of affairs after many ,many years of plotting, blackmail, murder and political chicanery. Today, every child born in the UK owes them £30,000 the day they are born as a share of the national debt. A child’s birth certificate records that child as an asset of the UK Corporation and the child immediately assumes responsibility for the debt. Just how long do you think it took the elite blood suckers to get that system into place? This world domination business is a long, long game. The recent bank bailouts saw governments the world over borrowing money off the banksters to pay to the banksters in the greatest fraudulent robbery of all time. It’s as if they had broken into your house and taken $50,000 from a shoebox under your bed, then woken you up and told you not to object because it will be good for you in the long run. And guess what? Most people believe it.
        May you live in interesting times.
        I could go on and on. Torture. Kidnapping and holding against the will. Rape. Poisoning. Blackmail. Drug running on a grand scale. On and on Ad Nauseam.
        We truly do live in interesting times, and my guess is we ain’t seen nothing yet.
        “May you come to the attention of those in authority”
        The second of this increasingly ominous set of curses has already happened to me, for writing this, and to you, for reading it. It is almost impossible these days for anyone who objects in any way to the genocidal thieves that run the world and their lackies and lickspittles in the police, the security services, the civil services and any of a thousand more busybody apparatchik organisations to avoid their intense watchfulness.
        You now live in a society where, without warrant or due cause, your movements are monitored all day every day. Your telephone calls and emails are monitored and recorded. You will soon be required to carry and show upon request identification that carries biometric information about you. If you come into contact with the police, your DNA will be taken and stored. There is no way you can avoid their watchfulness.
        “May you come to the attention of those in authority”
        Sold to the “sheeple” with the “it’s for your protection and safety” lie, defended by the foolish with their “if you’ve done nothing wrong, there’s nothing to fear” claptrap, this ever more pervasive web of control has a purpose. Those that rule us are frightened that sooner or later they will be found out and objected to. They fear that they will be arrested, tried and hung for their crimes. They fear that their illegally acquired masses of wealth will be taken from them. Most of all they fear losing the control they have enjoyed for probably millennia.
        Like all predators, what they fear most is that the herd will turn and crush them. This fear drives them to ever increase their instruments of control and to ally and co-opt more and more servants to their evil empire, people who share their guilt and are accomplices to their “common purpose”. Witness the poor greedy thieves in the British Houses of Parliament, working diligently for the great force of evil that spans the world for a few grubby fiddles, sharing the guilt, dipping their snouts in the trough for a few thousand pounds and a fat pension for life, a trough full to the brim with the blood of the dead babies of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Witness the coppers beating protestors, increasingly aware that they can do anything they like to you, even arrest you without charge and imprison you as a terrorist without evidence. Or get you carried away by MI 5 or the CIA to be tortured and buggered until you die. If it wasn’t true, one would think it was some sort of sick joke.
        “May you come to the attention of those in authority”
        Unfortunately, history teaches us that there is never a shortage of recruits to organisations like the SS. Never a shortage of volunteers to be camp guards at the Belsens and Auschwitzes of history, never a shortage of neighbours willing to spy on neighbours. All power corrupts, even the pettiest and most small minded.
        “May you find what you are looking for”
        The culmination of the three curses doesn’t sound that bad, does it? I often used to say to people “be careful of what you REALLY want, because that’s exactly what you’ll get”.
        Same thing, different words. The reason the last curse is such a frightening prospect is because the author, whoever that was, had a deep understanding of the sheeple, of most people. What most people really want is a life free of fear. Can you imagine a life free of fear? Most of us live in a state of being overwhelmed by fear: money worries, job worries, health worries, relationship worries, fear of terrorism, identity theft, mugging, robbery, war, biological warfare, breasts or penises too small, bum too big the list is endless. The media do everything they possibly can to reinforce these fears, constantly barraging us with stories that reinforce our fears and sense of inadequacy. It’s as if the people in charge of the media understand that if we aren’t constantly worried, we might start to think for ourselves and make the world a completely different and better place. And of course, that’s exactly what they do understand.
        So why is “may you find what you are looking for” so bad? Simply because most people’s fears are in direct response to the frightening things created by the bastards that run things, and the escape route offered to them (ie what they want) is always offered by those same bastards, and is the very thing the elite wanted in the first place. It’s the Hegelian dialectic: problem- reaction- solution. The maker of the problem is also the provider of the solution we are instructed by the press and media to want, and the solution is always a terrible, terrible thing. Ask an Iraqi mother.
        There’s one more Chinese proverb I really like:
        “When a tree falls, the monkeys scatter”.
        The tree is about to fall. The elite have gone too far. The apocalypse (the “lifting of the veil” in Greek) is happening right now. They won’t go without a struggle. They won’t go without trying to inflict a vindictive harm upon us for daring to challenge them. Many of us will hurt. Many will be lost. But the future will be ours, brothers and sisters of the human race.
        Let’s make those monkeys scatter.
        Posted by Olive Farmer at 11:49 PM  


        Zeital said...

        "When living under a insane reign that is to dangerous to resist openly, it's better to use your time to gather strength and conceal your resisting ability". Lao-Tsé

        "To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !"

        Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C

        May 30, 2009 at 3:11 PM
        hwnwahine said...

        Thank you for sharing your 'wisdom of a sage' filled article.

        As one of the anti-war, anti-nuclear, peace activists from Hawaii, I admire your truth, your writing and pronounced clarity.

        Your article has been posted on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web to many, many friends, others in Hawaii, other nations and the world.

        You're welcome to submit your articles too at hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com or theiolani@gmail.com

        Amelia Gora


        May 31, 2009 at 8:33 PM

        For Civil Beat: Community Opinions

        Mauna Kea: The “Sacred” and The Destruction of Hawai’i’s Next Generation

        Williamson Chang
        Professor of Law
        University of Hawai’i, at Manoa

        April 17, 2015


        Protecting Mauna Kea: Why the Mountain?

        by WILL FALK on APRIL 23, 2015 · 25 COMMENTS


        MrPubXHNUlkgyPnY7Jb9QXqrHGz4yyNWH4yZh_4KT02GTViB1c-xtisXuo5igwurCJgq5Toxai13IXEb_VPayxkxfur9VscfGHYNnz0jjhBMnZCLstkwNYbLx89fyHHM733CgSYoDR3syb7dhERMGBWdrAdF=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=http://sandiegofreepress.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Mauna-Kea-S..." alt="The Mauna Kea Summit in winter" width="300" height="150"/>

        The Mauna Kea Summit in winter

        By Will Falk

        I am preparing to leave for Hawai’i to offer myself in support of resistance to the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project that would place a large telescope and stadium-sized structure on the peak of native Hawaiians’ most sacred place – Mauna Kea.

        The project, funded by a partnership including the University of California, the California Institute of Technology, and the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy among others, would also place a 5,000 gallon chemical waste container above the largest freshwater aquifer on Hawai’i Island.

        I first heard about this struggle from the brilliant documentary film-maker Anne Keala Kelly when she spoke at the Earth at Risk conference in San Francisco organized by the Fertile Ground Environmental Institute last fall. I was beyond excited when a friend recently put me in touch with Keala explaining that the Mauna Kea protectors seek more support from the mainland.

        It’s been over a year, since I gave up on the possibility that – as a white settler – I will ever truly be able to call stolen native land “home.” Instead of settling into one place, I believe I can be more effective traveling in support of indigenous sovereignty. So, after a wonderfully encouraging conversation with Keala, I am resolved to go.

        The first practical step towards getting to Hawai’i is finding the funding. After some donations from friends and a generous offer from the organization that originally introduced me to the struggle at Mauna Kea – Fertile Ground – it looks like I will be set to leave in the next couple weeks.

        Before I go, however, it is important to articulate exactly why I am going. Why is stopping the construction of a telescope on top of a mountain thousands of miles away so important? Why, with all the social ills in the world, are you headed to Hawai’i, Will? Or, to borrow the phrase forming the title of Keala’s current documentary film project, “Why the Mountain?

        One essay is insufficient to articulate why, but I will start with this:

        The dominant culture currently threatens the ability of the planet to support life itself. No where else is this more apparent, perhaps, than in Hawai’i. Hawai’i is widely known in ecological circles as the extinction and endangered species capital of the world for the staggering rate of extinction decimating Hawai’i’s largely endemic plant and animal populations. Bird populations are the famous example.

        According to Dr. Les Beletsky, a wildlife biologist formerly of the University of Washington and now a full-time writer, at the first arrival of Europeans in Hawai’i 200 years ago, 59 known bird species existed in Hawai’i. 21 currently survive and more than half of those are endangered. One of the important connections to make here is that colonization – the theft of indigenous land and destruction of indigenous peoples – precedes ecological collapse. It is a pattern that has played out around the world for centuries. With every species wiped off the face of the planet, every indigenous culture destroyed, every acre of old-growth forest lost, we move closer to total annihilation.

        I’ve spent the last year traveling in support of indigenous sovereignty and environmental protection. Before that, I spent a year as a public defender and three years as a law student volunteering in prisons trying to use the system to fight institutional racism. My experiences lead me to believe we will never see a mass movement to save the world. If we’re going to save the world, we’ll have to do it ourselves. And, because we must do it ourselves, we need to be armed with an analysis that allows us to strategically maximize our effectiveness. To maximize our effectiveness we need to recognize the root processes fueling the destruction of the world. Then, we must attack and defeat those processes.

        Over the next few weeks, my essays will attempt to point out the processes at work in Hawai’i that even make the desecration of a place as sacred as Mauna Kea possible.


        I want to back up, though, and get back to answering why I personally feel so strongly about protecting Mauna Kea. One of the first reasons, I am going to Hawai’i is because I am sick of those in power – whether they are men, astronomers, or the American government – refusing to take no for an answer.

        My experiences that follow are an attempt to show just how deeply this refusal to take no for an answer runs. I share these experiences because I want the attacks on those I love to stop. And, the first step involves all of us recognizing that these attacks are happening.

        In the last few months, I’ve sat with four different women – all of them close friends – as they’ve told me they’ve been raped or severely beaten by men. I have heard similar stories from other women, but never at this rate. Of course, this will come as no shock to women, but the conversations have become commonplace. Writing the word “commonplace” to describe conversations about the rape and battery of my friends makes me feel physically ill.

        Sometimes, I know the man who did it. Sometimes, I can only picture him and then feel disturbed by how easily it is to imagine a man doing this. Sometimes, I watch as pain pools in a friend’s eyes. Sometimes, I want to reach out as a distance seems to open in a friend’s mind.

        Sometimes, she seems to be struggling with a presence I only vaguely detect. Sometimes, there are tears. Sometimes, there is only an icy determination to recite the story. Every time, though, I feel an overwhelming desire to take the pain away. And, in those moments listening, I know I can’t. I know I can’t stop violence that’s already happened.

        With each successive story, I find myself wondering how these almost unspeakable horrors continue to be possible. I cannot call the stories “unspeakable” because these women have been so brave speaking about what has happened to them. They have shown incredible courage revisiting traumatic memories to name the abuse they’ve suffered. My pain, simply listening to their stories, is nothing compared to the pain they’ve felt and continue to feel.

        I know I cannot take their pain away, but I can work to make sure this shit stops happening.


        Abuse is essentially a refusal to take no for an answer. Rape happens when a woman tells a man no and he refuses to respect that. The degradation of natural communities happens when humans refuse to respect boundaries set by other beings.

        Mauna Kea and the Hawaiian people are being abused by the TMT project. It started in 1898 when Hawaiians wrote to Congress after they were forcibly annexed to the United States explaining that they did not want to be Americans. It continues as Hawaiians say no to the desecration of Mauna Kea.

        What allows men to decide that rape is acceptable? What is it about the American government that allows it to decide that the occupation of a land that does not want it is acceptable? What is it about the TMT project that allows them to decide they can desecrate Mauna Kea?

        In each case, it’s a culture of entitlement. I’ve heard culture defined simply as the stories we tell ourselves. Men are told through the media, through pornography, and through centuries of institutionalized hatred towards women that women are objects to be used. Hearing these stories, men feel entitled to take from women what they want.

        The American people are told that the American government is the best possible government in this scary world and as such the government is entitled to take the land and lives of other peoples. Meanwhile, a steady rain of American bombs falls around the world.

        The scientists, astronomers, and corporations backing the TMT are told that science is going to save the world, that spending billions of dollars to make sense of planets lightyears away while the planet we’re on burns is justified because science is the highest form of knowledge the universe has ever seen. As a result, one of the world’s most sacred places is under attack.

        I, for one, am ready for some new stories.

        Comparing abuse of all kinds to the TMT project at Mauna Kea is more than just a passing connection. When we allow violations to occur over a whole culture’s protests, we normalize the abuse. We give the dominant culture another story of entitlement to add to a bloody list that’s already grown much, much too long.

        So, why am I going to Mauna Kea? I am going because a people have clearly said no and I am sick of this violation imperative harming those I love while destroying the world.

        YhGNql25Ci3p6uRH7gnuarVGZ2Mh1dwjUYskKvBLnA8S01bjJWhEaTvNOCbRMl8bTEXmIYFZUmpm29_Sy9na=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=http://sandiegofreepress.org/willfalk.jpg" height="64" width="64" alt="avatar"/>

        Will Falk

        Will Falk moved to the West Coast from Milwaukee, WI where he was a public defender. His first passion is poetry and his work is an effort to record the way the land is speaking. He feels the largest and most pressing issue confronting us today is the destruction of natural communities. He is currently involved in support work for the Unist'ot'en Camp - a pipeline blockade situated on the Unist'ot'en Clan of the Wet'suwet'en people's unceded territories in so-called British Columbia.


    Kansas - Dust in the Wind (Official Video)


    • 2654288405?profile=original  

      OUR ROYAL FAMILIES   - The Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors
      In the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/
      Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian
      Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii or

      Corrected Version:  Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners: The Royal Families/ Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research by Amelia Gora (2015)



      Corrected Version:  Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners:  The Royal Families/Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research

                                                                                        by Amelia Gora (2015)

      The following are some of the Descendants/Heirs of Kamehameha Found in Research.  

      Introducing the Royal Families who are the Crown Land, etc. Owners who are not subject to the laws, have sovereignty, maintain all non-treasonous persons/kanaka maoli and subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and maintaining the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Treaty with Japan, Treaty with the Netherlands, Convention with Portugal, Convention with Russia, Treaty with Spain, Treaty with Sweden and Norway, Treaty with the Swiss Confederation, Postal Convention with Tahiti, etc.:

      Kamehameha's Family/Bloodlines/Heirs/Children/Descendants:

      1)  Kaoleioku - his four (4) children were:  Pauahi (w); Hanuna/Hanuno (k); Keola (k) and Konia (w)

      2)  Kanekapolei (2) - her children were:  Kikau (k); u.i. others/research incomplete

      3)  Kahiwa Kanekapolei - her children were:  Kepelino (k); u.i. others/research incomplete

      4)  Keliiokahekili (w) - her children were: u.i. others/research incomplete

      5)  Liholiho/Kamehameha II - research incomplete

      6)  Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III - his children were 10:  Keawe 1(k); Keawe 2 (k); Opunui (k); Kekipi;                          Keawe; Mahoe (w); Kahalaoa; Papa; Nalimu; and Albert Kunuiakea.  His hanai                                            hookama/ adopted and inherited sovereignty:  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV;                                 Hueu Davis, Kale Davis (w), and Peke Davis (w)

      7) Nahienaena (w) - her u.i. child/research incomplete

      8) Kamamalu (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children

      9)  Kinau (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children

      10)  Kinau (k) - his children were:  Miriam Kekauonohi/Kekauonohi (w); Maulili (k); and                      

                              Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k)

      11)  Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (k) - his children were:  Kalaniulumoku (k) and Abner Paki (k)

      12)  Kahalaia (k) - was with Pauahi (w) the mother of Ruth Keelikolani; also married Kekuanaoa (k)

      13)  Kapapauai (w) - child u.i. - research incomplete

      14)  6 other u.i. siblings of Liholiho/Kamehameha II; Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; and

                               Nahienaena  (w) - research incomplete        

      Kamehameha's had 19 Children, which includes those being researched.              


      So, the foreigners claimed that Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V was the "last of the Kamehameha's"

      In 1874, Sanford B. Dole, a treasonous, conspirator, pillager, pirate did write an article stating that Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V(died in 1872) was the "last of the Kamehameha's".,  see the article "Thirty Days of Hawaiian History" from the PACIFIC  COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER at:  http://theiolani.blogspot.com/2014/05/vol-iv-no-494-wednesday-weekl...

      Sanford B. Dole was one of the planners of taking over the King's/Queen's position or the Royal Families genealogies, lands, assets, resources since the 1870's.  

      The other planners included Charles Reed Bishop, husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who was a hanai sister/adopted sister of Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Ruth Keelikolani, et. als.  

      Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V died in 1872.

      Ruth Keelikolani died in 1883.  

       Ruth Keelikolani was also called "the last of the Kamehameha's" by the foreigners.  She died in 1883.

      Ruth Keelikolani died in 1883 and it was claimed to have left all of her lands to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was also claimed to be "the last of the Kamehameha's" by the foreigners, a lie that was promoted and perpetuated by treasonous, conspirators, pirates, pillagers named Sanford B. Dole, Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, et. als.


      The Truth:

      Kamehameha had a total of 19+ children.

      Royal Families are Not subject to the laws.  Kamehameha's descendants/heirs existed and were living in Kamehameha's life time.  

      Let us review where "the last of the Kamehameha's" Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, and Ruth Keelikolani came from:

      Kamehameha's  three (3) of his 19 children and their children:

      Child #9:                                                         Child #1:                                             Child #11: 

      Kinau (w)               ( step siblings)          Kaoleioku (k)                                   Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (k)

            /                                                                        /                                                                                      /

      Moses Kaikioewa                          Pauahi (w) daughter:  Ruth Keelikolani (w) 1) Kalaniulumoku(k)

      David Kamehameha                     Hanuna (k) children: Kapule, Kini(w),Hookahi(w),  2) Abner Paki(k)

      Lot Kamehameha/                                                   and  Poohina (w)                                          /

        Kamehameha V                      Konia (w) daughter:  Bernice Pauahi (w)     Bernice Pauahi

      Alexander Liholiho/                         hanai daughter:  Kaeha/ Makaeha/

         Kamehameha IV                             Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani                         Kalaniulumoku (k) ch:

      Victoria Kamamalu                     Keola (k)                                                                               Kalola (w), Alapai(k)


      hanai/adopted:  Bernice Pauahi (w)                                                                                  Jane Loeau (w)                                                                                                                                                               Abigail Maheha(w)

                                                                                                                                                                 P.F. Koakanu (k)

                                                                                                                                                                      et. als.,

      step children:  Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua (k) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 1st wife - Kalehua)

                                  Ruth Keelikolani (w) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 2nd wife - Pauahi)

                                   John Kapena (k) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)

                                   Sam Kapena (k)  (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)

                                   Umiokalani (w) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)


      Note:  Kinau (w) and Pauahi (w) were two of the five (5) widows of Liholiho/Kamehameha II.

      1) Mataio Kekuanaoa, House of Nobles member, married  Kalehua - Son:  Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua(k)

      2) Mataio Kekuanaoa married Pauahi (w)  - Daughter:  Ruth Keelikolani.  

      3)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kinau (w) - Children:  Moses; David; Lot/Kamehameha V;

                                                                                        Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu;

                                                                                        hanai:  Bernice Pauahi

      4)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kaloloahilani/Kalolo (w) - no children

      5)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married step sister:  Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w) - her children were

                                                     John Kapena, Sam Kapena, Umiokalani (w), Alenoho (k), Kapehe (w) et, aks

       Mataio Kekuanaoa had a total of five (5) marriages.

      Mataio Kekuanaoa had a Probate disregarding the fact that he was a Permanent member of the House of Nobles, a Sovereign successor through his ancestor Kaumualii.

      Mataio Kekuanaoa was part of the Royal Families who are not subject to the laws.

      Mataio Kekuanaoa, a successor, a non-Kamehameha descendant/heir of was made heir of a Kamehameha descendant Victoria Kamamalu by the First Circuit Court Judge.

      When Mataio Kekuanaoa died, his heir was Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop, et. als..

      Ruth Keelikolani  who was not the only heir, left her interest to her hanai sister Bernice Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

      Kamehameha's successors are  Kalaniopuu's - Alii Nui/High Chief of the Big Island, uncle of Kamehameha -six (6) children who became the step children of Kamehameha, and Kamehameha II - Liholiho:

      Kalaniopuu and Kalola Child: Kiwalao (k)
      Kalaniopuu and Kalaiwahineuli Child: Kalaipaihala (k)
      Kalaniopuu and Kamakolunuiokalani Child: Pualinui (w)
      Kalaniopuu and Mulehu Manoua/Manowa (w) Child: Asa Kaeo (k);
      ; Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (son of Kamehameha) and Manoua/Manowa (w) had sons: Abner Paki (k) and Kalaniulumoku(k)
      Kalaniopuu and Kanekapolei Child: (Twin)Keoua Kuahuula (k)
      Kalaniopuu and Kanekapolei Child: (Twin) Keoua Peeale (k)
      Kalaniopuu and Kekuohi/Kekupuohi Child: u.i.

      Kamehameha's Additional Successors were Kaumualii's - High Chief of Kauai -  nine (9)  children:  1) Kealiiahonui, A. 2) Humehume/George Humehume, 3) Kinoiki, 4) Kahinu, 5) Haupu/Kahekili, 6) Kuheleaumoku, 7) Kahai, 8) Kanekoa, 9) Kaulia.  Children 5-9 were the sons of Namahana/Piia who was married to Kamehameha and Kaumualii.  She was the sister of Kamehameha's other wives:  Kaahumanu and Kaheiheimalie/Hoapiliwahine.

      Kamehameha's hanai children were:  1) Hueu Davis, 2) Kale Davis (w), and 3) Peke Davis, true children of Isaac Davis, English Counselor of Kamehameha with John Young/Olohana.

      Problematic Issues

      1)  Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop were Not the "last of the Kamehameha's".

      2)  Kamehameha had a total of 19+ children and the three - Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop were from  three (3) out of his 19+ children.

      3)  All three (3) were Kamehameha's descendants leaving first cousins existing who were also descendants/heirs of Kamehameha.

      4)  All three (3) were Kamehameha's descendants, part of the Royal Families who were Not subject to the laws, as with their siblings/step siblings/cousins who were Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.

      5)  They were and remain beneficiaries, reciprocal beneficiaries of all of Kamehameha's lands which includes the Crown Lands, etc.

      6)  It was the desire/greed/lust, etc. of the non Royal Families/foreigners/whites/Americans, et., als. to assume Kamehameha's lands since their arrival in the Hawaiian Islands.

      7)  The foreigners who made up the third part of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary, voted in position called the House of Representatives helped to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, did conspire, premeditate, pirate, pillage lands, estates, trusts, etc. of the Royal Families.

      They were treasonous and did belonged to the third part or temporary voted in part of the three-part government.  The permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government was headed by the Sovereign's / Kamehameha's heirs and successors, and the House of Nobles heirs and successors.

      It was the treasonous group which dethroned Queen Liliuokalani and acted as the Provisional Government which was backed by the United States.  

      The United States of America became the United States and the American Empire as documented in the Peacock vs. Hawaiian Republic case in 1899. ( see HAWAII REPORTS at the Archives, Main Library, or the Supreme Court Law Library,)

      Queen Liliuokalani did state that those who dethroned her was an entity, neither de facto nor de jure.  Reason being that the treasonous persons were only part of the voted in, temporary body of a neutral, friendly, non violent nation which was supported by the United States, England, and the bankers - including the J.P. Morgan bankers who were the investors for bankrupt nations United States, and England due to their American Civil War losses, etc.

      8)  The foreigners moved on the genealogies, the history, and the legal activities to accommodate themselves but have been discovered through research the criminal undertakings with the intent to defraud, assume, pirate, pillage what is not theirs, does not belong with documented evidence, etc.

      9)  The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV is applied against all who have pirated, pillaged, against our Royal Families, which includes Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs/descendants and successors which includes Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha I's, and Kaumualii's children, step children, hanai children/adopted children, and including the House of Nobles permanent members descendants/heirs documented in articles posted for the Judicial Tribunal evidence, etc.


      The above shows the 19+ heirs of Kamehameha,  the six (6) children of Kalaniopuu, Alii Nui/High Chief of the Big Island, and  nine (9) children of Kaumualii, Alii Nui/High Chief of Kauai.

      Kamehameha's heirs and successors existed then and their descendants/heirs exists today. including myself, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs from four (4) of his children,  two (2) of his hanai/adopted children, four (4) of his successors through Kalaniopuu, and two (2) of his successors through Kaumualii.

      In other words, our families, for example, have multiple claims through heirship and reciprocal beneficiary heirship.  

      As one of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's descendants/heirs, I am one of those who are party to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, and did invoke the Treaty with other family members in the Judicial Tribunal.

      The above shows the Kamehameha heirs.  The successors list are posted at http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/our-royal-families-part-2 "Our Royal Families Part 2".

      All of the above is part of the genealogy, history, legal research which uncovers the treasons, criminal frauds, the mega frauds, pillaging, piracy(ies), racketeering, corruption engaged in by the Americans supported by a bankrupt, corrupt, deviant nation which wrongfully Plundered upon a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and wrongfully utilized villainous characters to conspire against the true land owners, the true title owners who maintains the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, which recognizes the Constitution of the United States of America even today.

      This evidence is also being used for the purposes of the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc. and supports the reasons why it is Not O.K. to utilize our Families, our Nations funds for the use of Wars and wrongful Plundering Upon Innocents at our expense, etc.

      There are legal reasons why the American Consulate needs to operate here because War crimes have been committed and crimes against our Royal Families, subjects, friends, and supporters is unacceptable.

      The entity State of Hawaii along with their branch DLNR - Department of Land and Natural Resources who Leased Lands to the University of Hawaii, etc. are Not the Land Owners and are documented Pirates, Pillagers, Fraud entities who criminally claim that they are the "successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii".  

      The following were listed in the Judicial Tribunal list of Pirates, Pillagers, etc. affecting the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV.

      425)  The State Legacy Land Conservation Commission

      426)  Land Use Commission

      427)  Department of Land and Natural Resources

      444)  U.S. and American Empire Federal Government and Agencies in the Hawaiian Islands

      445)  State of Hawaii and agencies in the Hawaiian Islands

      446)  City and Counties and agencies in the Hawaiian Islands


      It has also been discovered that the Territory of Hawaii is documented as claiming "successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii" in 1912.  The following is part of a discussion about false claims to annexation by Judge Scalia at:   http://www.civilbeat.com/2015/03/on-annexation-of-hawaii-justice-sc...


      My comments:


      *sad to see that many kanaka maoli don't know the true history....know that Premeditation has been uncovered which shows the conspiracies, the pillaging, piracy of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by broke a--/bankrupt nations including the U.S. and England....read http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9F0CE6DC1F3FEF33A2575AC0A9679C94629ED7CF for starters then read all 537 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web theiolani.blogspot.com or accelerate your learning by reading the latest Legal Notice to President Obama, Governor Ige, et. als. because the Royal Families still exist...the land owners, the true Hawaiian Kingdom exists whether anybody likes it or not...and are the only parties to the permanent Treaty of 1850 at http://theiolani.blogspot.com/2015/03/special-posting-saturday-3715.html oh by the way Scalia is bound by the U.S. Constitution because the treaty supersedes State, Federal laws....and it was locked in place before the usurpation of the American people as documented by the bankers Secret Constitution in 1871 with the information thanks to and by whistle blowers Karen Hudes, World Bank; Vladimir Putin, Russia - who denounces One World Order/New World Order, etc. which can be seen at http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updated-chronological-history-of-our-queen-liliuokalani-by-amelia and http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updated-chronological-history-of-our-queen-liliuokalani-by-amelia by the way appears that my letter is the only one on the whitehouse website http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/formsubmissions/54/c1dc2d2b35964f0392b21da2d9b05b42.pdf bet you that even you don't know that the U.S.A. became the U.S. and the American Empire documented in court case Peacock vs. the Republic of Hawaii in 1899.....bet you didn't know that the treasonous persons/conspirators/pirates /pillagers also placed Queen Liliuokalani back on the throne for a day in 1915 to celebrate the European's Balboa who visited the Pacific Ocean in 1514, etc....... empower yourself with knowledge, then blast the hell out of those who lie.......and by the way spread the truth and deny that the entity House of Representatives turned conspirator, treasonous persons supported by the U.S. and the American Empire, turned Provisional government, then Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii by U.S. President Eisenhower's executive order, are successors to our Hawaiian Kingdom as claimed in "THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII TO REGISTER AND CONFIRM ITS TITLE TO CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN LAHAINA, ISLAND OF MAUI, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, AND KNOWN AS PA PELEKANE" (1912), HAWAII REPORTS Vol 21, Supreme Court of Hawaii, RH 345.4 H32 v.21 pg. 177 
      "That the Territory, as successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii, has obtained title to this lot by prescription."

      There was no treaty of Annexation, the Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors exists and are parties to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America"


      see also:

      http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/identity-theft-by-the-state...  also read the article "American Mafia"

      The entity State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii are NOT related to our Royal Families and are Not on the List of Heirs and Successors to the Kamehameha Families's as documented above showing Kamehameha's 19+ children, Kamehameha's 3 hanai/adopted children, Kalaniopuu's six  6 children, and Kaumualii's nine  (9) children who are the legitimate successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaii.  

      Therefore, the entity State of Hawaii are Identity Thieves of Hawaii's Royal Families.

      The Royal Families existed since the time of Kamehameha, and their descendants/heirs and successors exists today.  They include the descendants/heirs of 19+ children of Kamehameha, 3 hanai/adopted children, 6 children of Kalaniopuu, 9 children of Kaumualii, successors, including King Lunalilo whose mother was married to both Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho, treasonous King Kalakaua, and under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation Queen Liliuokalani whose mother was a hanai/ adopted daughter of one of Kamehameha's grand daughter.  

      The grand total of Kamehameha's Heirs are 19+, and Successors are 21.

      The entity State of Hawaii are Not part of the Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors and a documented Pirate, Pillager, Fraud, Identity Theft setup, etc.

      The entity State of Hawaii, DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources, etc. supported by the United States are Not the Land Owners and have taken on illegal contracts with agencies/entities and the contracts including the University of Hawaii contract for Mauna Kea lands, etc. have been null and voided by myself, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's heirs, successors and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representatives, and konohiki.

      Maintaining our Royal Families land claims, all kanaka maoli land claims in the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii and aloha.

                                                                        Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, successors,

                                                                       House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Konohiki, Hawaiian

                                                                       Genealogical Society member - Hawaiian Kingdom

      References:  theiolani.blogspot.com  http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037



      • More References:

        Friday, May 29, 2009

        May you live in interesting times.....

        Let’s scatter some monkeys!
        The Chinese know a thing or two about proverbs. I thought it might be nice to look at some of them, especially the three curses that begin with:
        “May you live in interesting times”
        The world is run by criminals. The criminal warmongering and war profiting usurious luciferian baby murdering elite masters that exercise their evil control over the politicians and lawmakers of the world , and those puppet politicians ,their servants or slaves, that are busy fulfilling their program of driving us to the Apocalypse and to the mass control matrix of the fifth Reich.
        That they are criminals is unarguable. A review might be worthwhile, if only to remind us:
        No1: Top of the list must go to mass murder. The British and American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, over 1.3 million dead and many more leading blighted lives as refugees. Any thinking person will acknowledge that the events of 9/11 (c.3,000 dead), even if not a “false flag” operation (the “new Pearl Harbour“ called for by PNAC), by simple mathematics have been more than avenged. And yet they persist, and the spread is about to widen into Pakistan, Iran and probably from there to the entire globe, repeating the blood fest of the first two global wars-but with a far more dangerous arsenal.
        May you live in interesting times.
        No2: Must go to “FEAR”. Right across the globe the elite and their greedy and pathetic political puppets waste no opportunity to induce fear in the public. Fear of terrorists, fear of global pandemic, fear of economic catastrophe, fear of global warming, fear of terminal illnesses, fear of global nuclear war, the list goes on. Like rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming juggernaut, the sheeple mentally freeze. They’ll agree to anything if they are given something to fear. The loss of civil liberties won over millennia of struggle by our forefathers which now make it almost impossible to publicly protest about governments and the people that run them. The “War on Terror”, that fabulous invisible enemy , giving “just cause” to genocide and baby murder. The list goes on and on. Be afraid, be very afraid, it helps them get what they want.
        May you live in interesting times.
        No 3: Straight theft, but on a grand scale. I’m still amazed at the numbers of people that do not understand that the global banking system is owned by a few elite bloodline families and that most governments do not issue their own money but borrow it from these blood sucking usurers. They have achieved this state of affairs after many ,many years of plotting, blackmail, murder and political chicanery. Today, every child born in the UK owes them £30,000 the day they are born as a share of the national debt. A child’s birth certificate records that child as an asset of the UK Corporation and the child immediately assumes responsibility for the debt. Just how long do you think it took the elite blood suckers to get that system into place? This world domination business is a long, long game. The recent bank bailouts saw governments the world over borrowing money off the banksters to pay to the banksters in the greatest fraudulent robbery of all time. It’s as if they had broken into your house and taken $50,000 from a shoebox under your bed, then woken you up and told you not to object because it will be good for you in the long run. And guess what? Most people believe it.
        May you live in interesting times.
        I could go on and on. Torture. Kidnapping and holding against the will. Rape. Poisoning. Blackmail. Drug running on a grand scale. On and on Ad Nauseam.
        We truly do live in interesting times, and my guess is we ain’t seen nothing yet.
        “May you come to the attention of those in authority”
        The second of this increasingly ominous set of curses has already happened to me, for writing this, and to you, for reading it. It is almost impossible these days for anyone who objects in any way to the genocidal thieves that run the world and their lackies and lickspittles in the police, the security services, the civil services and any of a thousand more busybody apparatchik organisations to avoid their intense watchfulness.
        You now live in a society where, without warrant or due cause, your movements are monitored all day every day. Your telephone calls and emails are monitored and recorded. You will soon be required to carry and show upon request identification that carries biometric information about you. If you come into contact with the police, your DNA will be taken and stored. There is no way you can avoid their watchfulness.
        “May you come to the attention of those in authority”
        Sold to the “sheeple” with the “it’s for your protection and safety” lie, defended by the foolish with their “if you’ve done nothing wrong, there’s nothing to fear” claptrap, this ever more pervasive web of control has a purpose. Those that rule us are frightened that sooner or later they will be found out and objected to. They fear that they will be arrested, tried and hung for their crimes. They fear that their illegally acquired masses of wealth will be taken from them. Most of all they fear losing the control they have enjoyed for probably millennia.
        Like all predators, what they fear most is that the herd will turn and crush them. This fear drives them to ever increase their instruments of control and to ally and co-opt more and more servants to their evil empire, people who share their guilt and are accomplices to their “common purpose”. Witness the poor greedy thieves in the British Houses of Parliament, working diligently for the great force of evil that spans the world for a few grubby fiddles, sharing the guilt, dipping their snouts in the trough for a few thousand pounds and a fat pension for life, a trough full to the brim with the blood of the dead babies of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Witness the coppers beating protestors, increasingly aware that they can do anything they like to you, even arrest you without charge and imprison you as a terrorist without evidence. Or get you carried away by MI 5 or the CIA to be tortured and buggered until you die. If it wasn’t true, one would think it was some sort of sick joke.
        “May you come to the attention of those in authority”
        Unfortunately, history teaches us that there is never a shortage of recruits to organisations like the SS. Never a shortage of volunteers to be camp guards at the Belsens and Auschwitzes of history, never a shortage of neighbours willing to spy on neighbours. All power corrupts, even the pettiest and most small minded.
        “May you find what you are looking for”
        The culmination of the three curses doesn’t sound that bad, does it? I often used to say to people “be careful of what you REALLY want, because that’s exactly what you’ll get”.
        Same thing, different words. The reason the last curse is such a frightening prospect is because the author, whoever that was, had a deep understanding of the sheeple, of most people. What most people really want is a life free of fear. Can you imagine a life free of fear? Most of us live in a state of being overwhelmed by fear: money worries, job worries, health worries, relationship worries, fear of terrorism, identity theft, mugging, robbery, war, biological warfare, breasts or penises too small, bum too big the list is endless. The media do everything they possibly can to reinforce these fears, constantly barraging us with stories that reinforce our fears and sense of inadequacy. It’s as if the people in charge of the media understand that if we aren’t constantly worried, we might start to think for ourselves and make the world a completely different and better place. And of course, that’s exactly what they do understand.
        So why is “may you find what you are looking for” so bad? Simply because most people’s fears are in direct response to the frightening things created by the bastards that run things, and the escape route offered to them (ie what they want) is always offered by those same bastards, and is the very thing the elite wanted in the first place. It’s the Hegelian dialectic: problem- reaction- solution. The maker of the problem is also the provider of the solution we are instructed by the press and media to want, and the solution is always a terrible, terrible thing. Ask an Iraqi mother.
        There’s one more Chinese proverb I really like:
        “When a tree falls, the monkeys scatter”.
        The tree is about to fall. The elite have gone too far. The apocalypse (the “lifting of the veil” in Greek) is happening right now. They won’t go without a struggle. They won’t go without trying to inflict a vindictive harm upon us for daring to challenge them. Many of us will hurt. Many will be lost. But the future will be ours, brothers and sisters of the human race.
        Let’s make those monkeys scatter.


        Zeital said...

        "When living under a insane reign that is to dangerous to resist openly, it's better to use your time to gather strength and conceal your resisting ability". Lao-Tsé

        "To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !"

        Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C

        hwnwahine said...

        Thank you for sharing your 'wisdom of a sage' filled article.

        As one of the anti-war, anti-nuclear, peace activists from Hawaii, I admire your truth, your writing and pronounced clarity.

        Your article has been posted on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web to many, many friends, others in Hawaii, other nations and the world.

        You're welcome to submit your articles too at hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com or theiolani@gmail.com

        Amelia Gora


  • The Most Rain?

    Rainiest States in America

    Hawaii overall is the rainiest state in the US, with a state-wide average of 63.7 inches (1618 millimetres) of rain a year. But few places in Hawaii fit the state's average.

    Many weather stations on the islands record less than 20 inches (508 mm) of rainfall a year while others receive well over 100 inches (2540 mm).

    Hawaii's climate is dominated by moisture-laden air rolling in off the ocean that releases massive amounts of water on an island's windward side, while the other side enjoys a rain shadow. On the Big Island of Hawaii for instance, Papaikou Mauka near the east coast gets 202 inches (5130 mm) of rain a year. But rainfall drops to just 11 inches (280 mm) annually at Kona Village on the island's western shore.

    Mt. Waialeale on Kauai not only gets the most rain in Hawaii, but it's also the rainiest place in the United States. A weather station on the mountain from 1931 to 1960 averaged 460 inches (11,684 millimetres) of rainfall a year.

    Other American states with lots of rain year round are in the southeastern part of the country and along the Gulf coast. The top 10 rainiest states average at least 50 inches (1270 mm) of rain a year, or 4 inches (101 mm) a month, based on state-wide averages of monthly precipitation.

    During summer, the country's rainiest weather creeps northward into Iowa, West Virginia and New Jersey. While in fall and winter, the northern coastal states of Washington, Massachusetts and Rhode Island join the list of ten rainiest states.

    In the wettest months of all, average rainfall amounts to seven inches (178 mm). Only two states normally get that damp every year, Florida during June, July and August, and Hawaii in March and November. While the monthly averages for Hawaii take in wide variation across the state, most places in Florida get similar amounts of rain, close to the state-wide average.

    The 10 states with the most rain and snow in the US based on state-wide average precipitation.
    Rank Year Winter Summer
    1 Hawaii Hawaii Florida
    2 Louisiana Mississippi South Carolina
    3 Mississippi Alabama Louisiana
    4 Alabama Louisiana North Carolina
    5 Florida Washington Georgia
    6 Tennessee Tennessee Alabama
    7 Georgia Georgia West Virginia
    8 Arkansas Rhode Island Iowa
    9 Connecticut & North Carolina (tie) South Carolina Mississippi
    10 South Carolina Arkansas & Kentucky (tie) New Jersey

    • Titanium Oxide Minerals in Soil

      Some of the mineral resources of the Hawaiian Islands

      CONTENTSWEATHERING PROCESSES OF HAWAIIAN GEOLOGICAL MATERIALS 6TITANIUM DEPOSITS 9DESCRIPTION OF TITANIFEROUS DEPOSITS 12MINERAL COMPOSITION AND USE 14IRON ORE DEPOSITS 17MANGANIFEROUS SOILS 17OTHER MINERAL POSSIBILITIES 20INDUSTRIAL CLAYS 20DESCRIPTION OF CLAYS 21RECOVERY OF SALTS FROM OCEAN WATER 24DISCUSSION 25SUMMARY 26A description of mineral resources present in Hawaiian soils and a description of their environment have been presented. The data presented in this paper indicate that the following conclusions are justified: 1. The soils of the Hawaiian Islands have a very high titanium oxide content. The titanium oxide content averages 5 per cent. In individual types of soils there has been an accumulation of titanium oxide content to as much as 35 per cent. 2. The soils having from 8 to 35 per cent titanium oxide can be considered as a source of titanium ore for industrial purposes. These rich deposits are of two types. They are, namely, titaniferousferruginous laterite, which has an iron oxide content in excess of 40 per cent, and titaniferous clays, which have a low iron oxide content. The possibility of developing ore dressing methods for the separation of titanium oxide appears to be more feasible for the latter than the former. The development of special ore dressing methods for these ores is absolutely necessary before these deposits can be developed. 3. The titanium oxide probably occurs as anataseleucoxene in the titaniferous clays; and, while anatase has been identified in the titaniferousferruginous laterite, it is being questioned. There is a need for additional mineralogical studies in this type of deposits. 4. The ferruginous laterites have a very high iron oxide content, but due to their high titanium oxide content they are not suitable for industrial development. 5. The manganiferous soils of the Hawaiian Islands can only be considered as a source of manganese in cases of dire need in a national emergency. The manganese oxide does occur in concretions from which it is possible to separate it if cost is not a factor. 6. The Hawaiian Islands have a great variety of clays. These clays vary greatly in their properties, depending on their mineral composition. Kaolin, kaolin free oxide mixtures. montmorin, allophanegibbsite, and free oxide mixture clays occur in deposits in the islands. The shrinkage factor will limit the industrial utilization of these clays. 7. It is possible to recover a variety of salts from ocean water by solar evaporation in Hawaii. LITERATURE CITED 27

      Data and Resources

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      Metadata Source

      Harvested from NPS JSON

      This is a list of countries by titanium production in 2010–2013 based on USGS figures.[1][2] The production figures are for titanium sponge, units are in metric tons.

      Rank Country/Region 2010 2011 2012 2013
       World 137,000 186,000 200,000 222,000
      1 China China 57,800 60,000 80,000 100,000
      2 Russia Russia 25,800 40,000 44,000 45,000
      3 Japan Japan 31,600 56,000 40,000 40,000
      4 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 14,500 20,700 25,000 27,000
      5 Ukraine Ukraine 7,400 9,000 10,000 10,000
  • Thirty Meter Telescope
    Top view of tmt complex.jpg
    Artist's rendering
    Organization TMT International Observatory
    Location Mauna Kea Observatory 13 North[1][2]
    Coordinates 19.8327°N 155.4816°WCoordinates19.8327°N 155.4816°W[3]
    Altitude 4,050 m or 13,290 ft[2]
    Wavelength Near UV, visible, and Mid-IR (0.31–28 μm)
    Built Postponed
    First light est. 2022[4]
    Telescope style Segmented Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
    Diameter 30 m or 98 ft
    Secondary dia. 3.1 m or 10 ft
    Tertiary dia. 2.5 m × 3.5 m or 8.2 ft × 11.5 ft
    Collecting area 655 m2 or 7,050 sq ft[2]
    Focal length f/15 (450 m)[2]:52
    Mounting Altitude-azimuth mount
    Dome Spherical calotte
    Website www.tmt.org
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