What's the big deal about the tragedy in Tucson?

When one compares the viscious murder and massacre of hundred thousands of children by U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and at the hands of the Israelis in Palestine without any remorse; it's hard to grieve for a little girl in Tucson whose name and picture is shown by the news media.  With all the tragedy within the U.S. over the years; one could imagine that it's God's retribution  for the U.S. purposely slaughtering children throughout the world.   Sooner or later the karma returns to the apathetic and indifferent U.S. citizens accustomed to mocking God and those who feel their lives are more valuable than other people and those of other nations.


It would be better to be outraged for any kind of senseless killing no matter where it exists and to pray for those innocent souls made nameless and impersonal and of no consequence.   Thus, I not only pray for the soul of those that lost their lives in Tucson but for all the innocent people slaughtered by the U.S.  and other criminals who take the life of others.  Every life is a special gift by God and we should remember that regardless of what station in life they possess.   Pray for those that don't have anyone to care or pray for them.   Maybe then, God can begin to smile on us and give us peace in the world.





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  •                                                         F  R  E  E    H  A  W  A  I  I 
  • The "Tragedy In Tucon" is another sign that United States is falling down from within its own self.  It's as simple as, What Goes Up, Comes Down. 

    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Nationals Royalist 1993


    I try to remember to say little prayers in all tragedies, even for all those Plundering upon Innocents, et. als.


    It was a political move for Obama to go to Tuscon............and because one of their comrades was gunned down on 'friendly' territory, the move was to represent the 'legal' representatives, or all in Congress.


    I used to wonder at funerals why people cried...........is it for the person or for themselves, because after all, no one leaves this earth alive............therefore, when it comes to Obama and his Congress representation, he was really there for himsself.............and all in Congress have or have had thoughts about the same gunning down/ assassination attempt may just happen to them as well........along with some of their supporters who may one day be another headline in the future.


    Also, it appears many opportunities are taken when something important is happening.......in other words, Obama is and was acting on that as a diversion to something greater going on......such as Congress passing laws that have slipped by the Congress watchdogs, whistleblowers, etc.


    My daughter was there at the hospital, she and other surgeons were called to the emergency room to help..........they thought it was a gang shooting again............many lives have been saved there, as well as many lives lost there as well............... prayers go on everyday for all (nondiscriminately) in the hospitals every day.........




    ......therefore, OBAAAAMA/ Obama did act in a discriminating manner..............are American/Amerikkkan whites more important that others? even those innocents killed daily? even in ongoing Wars started by the U.S, England, and the bankers (which funds Corporations - Oil Corporations, etc.).................even in Tuscon where many are shot/killed by gun fights almost daily, especially since the sheriff of Tuscon did say that Arizona was the 'prejudice and bigotted mecca'.....


    ........lastly, a white person shot and killed many, injured the Congress woman...........am glad it was NOT a person of color......


    God smiles on us every time it rains, for 'water is the source of life' as my grandmother said that our ancestors said in the past............God smiles on us every time there's sunshine...........sunshine also gives vitamins for our bodies, helps our food grow, etc. see message from Kealoha Aiu:


    Aloha, Enjoy this presentation.

    Be Blessed,

    Aloha o `Io

    In His name I remain His servant,

    KeAloha Aiu / Founding servant
    "The voice of the Lord" Ministry



    awesome stuff...............aloha

    • Aloha amelia,


      On my way home, I stopped to talk story with a person that was in prison for 25 years.  I knew his grandfather and all his cousins in Waimanalo.  So, we talked about many things mostly about staying away from the bad things that can come his way.  He's a pretty strong person in his mind, but out here in Ke Akua's country, it can be pretty rough with the urban sprawl.  Any how, about my friend I always pray for him because his grandpa that I knew in Kauai really helped me in need. 


      Much aloha, in this time of loss "We are the World"


    Each time someone is gunned down in Waianae, I feel the problem.  I feel it because it is close to home and that it is a never ending story.  All that one can do is wake up and begin your day, in hopes that one can assert a change in a young persons life.


    I decided at the age of 10 that I would be a 'Democrat' donkey or elephant not sure, and it was because I wanted peace in the world.  The only politician I liked as a child was Matsunaga as to whether he did native Hawaiians justice; I like to think that is true.  If not, oh well!


    At the University of Hawaii at Manoa there is a Peace Institute a Sparky Matsunaga research program.   I was intrigued but really didn't have time to get involve with the program.  Just talk story with the people involved.


    I did call my daughter in law to say a few words to her for my grandchildren were born in Tucson.  A typical trend Kamehameha grad goes away to college and marries is college sweetheart native of Arizona. 


    But I believe if one reads (needs citation) Bill Clinton has a said something to that fact about children getting caught up in the war zones and I believe it was my understanding that he was projecting it upon Bin Laden.  So ever since, the children of the world have been on my mind too.


    I recently listened to the songs by Michael Jackson 'We are the world' the recent one was Haiti; I believe we did one too.  And yes, all children are our hearts and minds, and often times the pain and sorrow gets expressed.  I wish I had the answers but for now I just have questions and more questions.


    In a classroom in all US educational environments we have children that are confused, not accommodated in the learning contents, and are left behind.  I believe Jared's psychological problem is much more prevalent in varying degrees in educational institutions.  The pschology is not well understood by the populace to where as a teenage child can develop a sense of right from wrong.  Today children are inundated with three dimensional avatar's and often time get mixed up in their minds as to what is real and what is not.  And with mind altering drugs, I believe that too enhances the confusion between reality and mystic realism images. 

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