Q) What is your "Procedure" or "Process" that you belive will "Restore & Liberate The Hawaiian Kingdom" from the "Wrongful & Racist Occupation of Hawai'i?"


Please join me on Hawai'i TV Live tonight from 7pm - 8:30pm on http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hawaii-tv. If you want to learn more about what current "Procedures" and "Processes" are currently out there that says that the "End Result" is to "Restore & Liberate the Hawaiian Kingdom," but in "Reality" is placed out there to lead us all to a place of "No Where," and a "Dead End," you definitely do not want to miss out on this very "Stimulating" issue and topic on Hawai'i TV Live, again from 7pm-8:30pm on http://www.ustream.tv.channel/hawaii-tv.





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  • i couldn't hide, my HA (breath of life) was to strong with too much energy, from my Kupuna Na Kahiko
    you know i am for real, and i am a TIGER,,,lol.
    i REFUSE to be silent when so much more needs to be presented with Facts and Findings
    yes, with a little dash of Grace, but please do not mistaken my Grace for Weakness,
    mahalo Ke Akua...............mauruuru......................~da princess~
  • this is my first attempt to check this wholesome information above out and i will relay my response to all of you....
    mahalo Ke Akua for you have done and is doing your calling and fullfilling the mission of you ancestors...
    you and your ohana will be blessed abundantly with good health and the wealth of continued knowledge..

    please give my greatest aloha to your beautiful wife and the ohanas
    please when you come back to maui nui, i would love to sit and learn
    more about the Facts and Findings to share with others and how concerned
    ones have gotten back their lawful rightful lands, waters, and rights.....

    i love you and yours for Kukanaka (stand tall) and speak out!!!!
    you are a wonderful special tool of wealth and if oahu do not Respond
    please i will bring it on to my Kingdom of Maui Nui, which in History
    Maui Nui was the original Hawaiian Kingdom Government Capitol
    on the Village of Moku'ula , Kingdom of Maui Nui and it is the place
    that i was also born and raised on by my living kupuna na kahiko.

    kaleo, let me know when you coming and i will meet you on my Village of Moku'ula
    that i have breathe the HA of my kupuna na kahikos till today,
    and always with a luncheon at Waiola........lol...................................................mahalo Ke Akua...................~da princess~~~
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