What is air source heat pump

heat pump "> 1. What is a heat pump? Heat pump is not a water pump or even a pump, but a complete set of equipment. The English name of heat pump is heat pump, which has two definitions: Definition 1: a circulating equipment that absorbs heat from low-temperature heat source to high-temperature heat source. Definition 2: a device that transfers heat from a low-temperature heat source to a high-temperature heat source by compensating for the consumption of a portion of high-grade energy (mechanical, electrical, or high-temperature heat). Let's recall the physical knowledge: the first law of Thermodynamics: the law of conservation of energy. The second law of Thermodynamics: heat can be transferred spontaneously from a body with a high temperature to a body with a low temperature, but it is impossible to spontaneously transfer heat from a body with a low temperature to a body with a high temperature. Is the heat pump a monster that violates the laws of thermodynamics? Is heat pump a perpetual motion machine? Let's take a look at the working principle of heat pump:

pressure cooker: if the pressure is greater than 1 atm, the boiling point of water will exceed 100 ℃, in other words,Under high pressure, water vapor will condense into liquid at over 100 ℃! At two atmospheres, the boiling point of water is 121 ℃!
Low pressure boiler: under 1 atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water will be lower than 100 ℃, in other words, under low pressure, water will evaporate into gas under 100 ℃! At 0.12 ATM, the boiling point of water is 50 ℃! Through the work of compressor, the working medium will produce physical phase change (gas liquid gas state). By using this reciprocating cycle phase change process, heat is absorbed by low-pressure boiler (evaporator) and released by high-pressure boiler (condenser). Free heat is absorbed by heat absorption device, and cold water is heated by heat exchanger. Hot water is sent to users through water circulation system, so heat pump is not against the rule Anti thermodynamics law.

The steam engine started the first industrial revolution, and the world has entered a new era of energy utilization. Its principle is Carnot cycle, which is a way to convert heat energy into mechanical energy, and the energy efficiency is always lower than 1. Heat pump has opened a new era of energy saving. Its principle is reverse Carnot cycle, using mechanical energy to convert low-temperature heat into high-temperature heat, energy efficiency is always greater than 1, heat pump is the best way to save energy.
The most dense form of energy we know is electricity.
The best way to use energy in China:
2. Advantages of air source heat pump. Air source has many advantages. The most basic is safe, efficient, pollution-free and convenient. Some people say that to call heat pump renewable energy, the annual average energy efficiency ratio of heat pump should be greater than 2.7? Now 70% of China's electricity comes from coal. From this point of view, experts are right, but the application of heat pump for the following two reasons is highly recommended: 1. If the power comes from clean energy such as hydropower, wind power, solar energy and wind power, the application of heat pump is very environmentally friendly; 2. If the power used is rich in the power grid The rest of the power, this power is not used, equivalent to waste, at this shop here time heat pump application of this part of power, can play a very good role in peak shaving. In addition to the above regions with long sunshine time (such as Tibet and Yunnan), in most regions of China, heat pump has more advantages than solar thermal solar energy. Heat pump is the main player, and it is not economical to invest in heat pump and solar energy at the same time. Everything has two sides, heat pump is no exception, so what are the disadvantages of heat pump? 3. Disadvantages of air source heat pump 1. Low temperature performance degradation. 2. Frosting causes performance degradation. The shortcomings are not terrible, there are always more methods than problems, so there are corresponding countermeasures for these two shortcomings. Four, how to overcome the shortcomings of the air source heat pump, for the low ventilator machine supplier temperature performance decline measures have five points: 1, larger heat exchange area; 2, frequency conversion technology; 3, two-stage compression technology; 4, cascade compression technology; 5, air injection enthalpy increase technology.
There are four solutions to the second problem: 1. Larger heat transfer area - delaying frosting; 2. Reasonable fin heat exchanger design - delaying frosting; 3. Effective defrosting method modelFormula - shorten defrosting time; 4. Accurate defrosting entry and exit points - reduce heat loss. The future of air source heat pump the application of air source heat pump is very extensive, which can be summarized as two points: heating and domestic hot water and industrial use. On the application of air source heat pump industry professionals also have an idea: comfortable residential energy-saving see here solutions. The basic requirements of comfortable living include: sufficient hot water, fresh air, safe drinking water, warm winter and cool summer.
There are also some disadvantages in the traditional solutions for comfortable human settlements:
other disadvantages of the traditional solutions include high energy consumption, large investment and space occupation:
for the traditional solutions, we propose a solution for single family centralized equipment:
while the advantages of providing energy-saving solutions for comfortable human settlements through heat pump are relatively obvious.

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