The Wailua-Kapaa Neighborhood Association invited proponents of both sides to present their positions at our July 25 and August 24, 2009 meetings. On September 8th, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) reversed its position and came out against a bike path/boardwalk on Wailua Beach, preferring the existing path behind Coco Palms. They are now offering the public a chance to vote on this issue. Please vote NO, I do not support teh bike path on the beach and prefer an alternate route.

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  • Stay on the path of protecting our Na Kupuna from the bulldozers because that is what our Kupuna requested: Quick comment on an e-vote. I take full responsibility for gramatically incorrectness.

    “If people really knew the true facts about our iwi (ancient bones), that are located in the sands of Alio. I listened to my Kupuna talk about how he regretted removing his ancestral bones, from the hotel directly across to build a foundation for a basement. So sad that this koruna had to carry that on his shoulders all those years. I could see the weight of this iwi disturbance in his body language. Uncle took care of the iwi following traditional protocols--it still hurt him deeply. He instructed us not to disturb any more iwi in the Wailua area. Fortunately, uncle is a lineal descendant of Wailua and he was able to properly repatriate his ancestors with love and care. It is not pono according to uncle to disturb any more iwi. A bike pathway over the iwi disrespects his wishes. The problem is that the government civil servants are not properly educating the public so that the e-voting are based on democratic diplomacy between the families of the iwi and the general public. For I am personally well aware of how the state gives out contracts to low bid grave robbers! That is how our state deals with the shameful cost of procurements, permitting, and expenses by the exchange of booty and mismanagement of collected data. The lost of our information means genocide to the first people of the Hawaiian Islands. At this time with uncles' testimony and other past down documented oral research about the ancient ways that are still being practiced in private in this area will no longer be possible should the e-voting continue its path of misinformation. I personally spent a day with Hawaiian practitioners at Wailua and they shared their practices and named different areas that are spiritual to Kauai’s' first people. We have documentation and clear description to whereas visitors could learn and appreciate their spirituality in Wailua's sacred places. Under Public Law 95-341 Freedom of Religious Act, in general, people from all parts of the world can come to this area and follow the protocol of the host culture just for the mere asking to be in the presence of our ancestors. The city and county, and their 'path' to hell entity enjoy the dehumanizing of people that have given nothing but aloha to the world." Kaohi
  • Aloha Lana:

    You are quite correct. Those polls aren't the voice of the people on that island. It reminds me about the superferry that polled and respondants were mostly military people and their families and those living on the U.S. continent, and U.S. Americans living in Hawai'i.

    Kaua'i Burial Council should have a say in this and not OHA who has kidnapped the issue and imply to speak for us and as we know OHA doesn't since they are voted in by the community at large; so they represent the state rather than the "native Hawaiians"

    • Aloha Kaohi, Ululani, Tane and Lana,

      I have been trying to get the direct lineal descendants on board, in this endeavor to protect and preserve our Iwi's O Kupuna O Wailuanuiahoano. I am a descendant from the Kukona-Owali, Mano O Kalanipo, bloodline, but I was NOT born or raised on Moku O Mano O Kalanipo. I only came here 22 years ago, (From Hana ) and I don’t feel it is my place to make decisions prior to consulting with descendants with inherited birthrights who were born and raised here. The only problem is that many are afraid or shame to step up and voice their positions.

      I was thinking about organizing an informal KUKONA Ohana meeting here on Kaua'i, (so that this get together will have more “Ohana" overtures rather then political) inviting ALL descendants of KUKONA-MANO O KALANIPO lines. I do not know if this will be effective but at least everyone who is connected to Wailuanui will have an opportunity to “show up” and share his or her Mana'o regarding the handling of our Kupuna Iwi’s.

      Thank you for all of your support!
  • Aloha Ululani,

    Noelani will be very happy to read your post. It was after 12 last night when we decided to do something such as posting, at the top of her's and my head, hip etc.. to turn or stop the vote in favor of the bike path which was coming in from New York and else where. Pono was up so he helped Noelani to get the information posted and out in information land. Mahalo Kaohi
    • Aloha kaua e Kaohi.

      In Florida while not perfect it is literally the sunshine state in that they advocate full disclosure. In fact the sunshine law originated in 1967 in Florida and Florida is called "the sunshine state" (1970.) Two women at FSU wrote about it in the FSU Law Review Volume 35:245:

      This is significantly different in Hawai'i where many things are well... shady. It's disgusting.

      For example Florida has many bike paths. We have a bike path in Starkey Park and another one along the Pinellas Trail. The beach walk along Clearwater Beach which can be seen here is not even ALONG the beach. Instead there is a significant setback from the beach and is not along the beach. It also took FIVE YEARS to develop whereas in Hawai'i they literally pave over the iwi because they want to enjoy "paradise."

      Like I stated earlier though... some rich people (not necessarily haole where I define haole as "American and/or European") move to Hawai'i then expect amenities that they are accustomed to on North America. *THIS* would not be tolerated in Florida where they make unscientific online polls that anyone from anywhere can vote in with little to no checks and balances.

      From what I have read the bike path is VERY close to the beach:

      " Burials have been discovered adjacent to Coco Palms and Kuhio Highway. The burials correlate with Mahunapu‘uone, the documented historic sand dune burial area. In addition to sandy sediments along the coastline, isolated burials inland have been found, including locations of former kuleana, particularly in Wailua mauka of Coco Palms. Strong opposition to the mauka alignment was expressed by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs."

      Even more problematic is that once again OHA seems to be assuming a role on behalf of Hawaiians acting as though they speak for Hawaiians when they are not authorized to do so by many. It seems as though they did not get input from Hawaiians living ON Kauai and instead went to OHA yet many of its directors are OUT OF TOUCH with Hawaiians. I know some people are moles for OHA because they want to work there so will do whatever they can to stand out.

      This is why I like people like you because who will watch the watchers since few people do. They so busy surviving.

      E malama pono.
  • E kala mai e Noelani but I serve on several boards and being oiwi I expect some oiwi to be represented on a board especially a neighborhood board to represent the people of that neighborhood especially on Kauai.

    From the pictures thus by phenotype only

    but they LOOK like they are rich people who moved to Kauai and now want the amenities that they may be accustomed to on North America.

    So NO OFFENSE but it seems like they want the bike path... for themselves. I work with wealthy people so am used to how some want amenities to suit their lifestyle especially in Hawai'i where they will try to push for development at all costs.

    In Florida the general public has input for public facilities. In the "state" of Hawai'i there are so many shady people doing shady things... plus have they checked to see if got iwi kupuna along the bike path.

    "We are now offering the public a chance to vote on this issue. "

    The online poll isn't even scientific. Someone can log into another computer from another location. Outsiders can vote too. That is how they do things in Hawai'i but that kinda crap would not be tolerated in Seminole country....
  • Aloha,

    If people really knew the true facts about our iwi (ancient bones), that are located in the sands of Alio, the desecration would not be happening. I listened to my Kupuna talk about how he regretted removing his ancestral bones, from the hotel directly across to build a foundation for a basement. So sad that this Kupuna had to carry that on his shoulders all those years. I could see the weight of this iwi disturbance in his body language. Uncle took care of the iwi following traditional protocols--it still hurt him deeply. He instructed us not to disturb any more iwi in the Wailua area. Fortunately, uncle is a lineal descendant of Wailua and he was able to properly repatriate his ancestors with love and care. It is not pono according to uncle to disturb any more iwi. A bike pathway over the iwi disrespects his wishes. The problem is that the government civil servants are not properly educating the public so that the e-voting on Vizu are not based on democratic diplomacy between the families of the iwi and the general public. For I am personally well aware of how the state gives out contracts to low bid grave robbers! That is how our state deals with the shameful cost of procurements, permitting, and expenses by the exchange of booty and mismanagement of collected data. The lost of our information means genocide to the first people of the Hawaiian Islands. At this time with uncles' testimony and other past down documented oral research about the ancient ways that are still being practiced in private in this area will no longer be possible should the e-voting continue its path of misinformation. I personally spent a day with Hawaiian practitioners at Wailua and they shared their practices and named different areas that are spiritual to Kauai’s' first people. We have documentation and clear description to whereas visitors could learn and appreciate their spirituality in Wailua's sacred places. Under Public Law 95-341 Freedom of Religious Act, in general, people from all parts of the world can come to this area and follow the protocol of the host culture just for the mere asking to be in the presence of our ancestors. The city and county, and their 'path' to hell entity enjoy the dehumanizing of people that have given nothing but aloha to the world. Kaohi
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