over the weekend...i was surprised to meet alot of local (not all was hawaiian), that is from oahu.....and they all admit...they hate it there......one was a driver for a bus route.....he can not wait to send his kids from oahu away from his druggie ex-wife......then there was a women from oahu that had to get away from her husband that we beating her up, then there was a few punk kids hanging out at the mall....to learn that they are from oahu.....wow.....my question is how can we on maui nui RETURN what belongs on oahu......for we no need no more TRASH and DOMESTIC problems from this illegal state of oahu....we already get our own here on our Kingdom of Maui Nui...dealing with the unwanted Tourist of residents/citizens of Usa, the old timers of the illegal plantationers and now the filth of oahu fake state.....please Ke Akua i ask for the Removal of the Continued Filth that is flowing within our Kingdom of Maui Nui....amene~~~amene~~~amene~~~!!!
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the Trash that was caused by the homeless of oahu....is causing concerns for our maui nui.....because we are noticing more is coming out of oahu to our sacred Maui Nui.....the this includes the homeless of oahu!!!!
just watching on TV (last night news), how this kind of living is happening and allowed on oahu....on their beaches......the filth that is caused......by these homeless (hawaiians or non-hawaiians)
where is these people going??????.....just to another place to be homeless......oahu need to look into this problems of homelessness and seek to solve it or it will get even WORST and this is due to the OVER POPULATION of humans on oahu....
I understand--it's true in a sense and we are trying to deal with this problem, but losing the battles on the frontline.
Our teenage boys that are 18 years hold are the highest for poverty in the state of Hawaii. So where are the governing services, huh?
We need to address this problem soon because not only is it spreading to other islands--it's also taking a turn for the deep six too.