Off of Facebook:

Hawaiian Embassy
I would like to share that I believe that bad representation is better than no representation at this point. I am not saying that what we choose will be bad. I think we fear that is we give our approval to some entity or person to stand up for Hawaiian rights they will sell us out. If we think there is a disconnect between assigning leadership to someone and then we give up all checks on that person, that is a mistake. The vacuum that is created by having no clear representation allows the US and OHA to make false claims. I seek leadership not dictators and the Laws of the Kingdom prevent that from happening. At this time no negotiations are happening between the Hawaiians and the US on Land, Trusts, Human rights and occupation. Why? because the Americans do not have to. The Kehea is to stand up, to get our wallet back from the usurpers and end occupations. How does everyone in vision that we do that?
· · · 4 hours ago ·
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    • Hawaiian Embassy Keaweaweʻula Kiwalaʻo Kauikeaouli Kaleiopa pictured above designed the legal construct of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the one I live by. A beautiful way for Hawaiians to live in peace and justice. That is the leadership of the process and keeps the people safe on the roads and their efforts preserved for their own benefit. Only need the Kanaka to wear those position to give it a full life and of course the people permission,
      4 hours ago · · 2
    • Santos Alvarez The occupation of the HAWAIIAN KINGDOM has created substantial division among the native peoples. This very result of divide and conquer has created a gargantuan obstacle against national (Hawaiian) unity,thus effectively thwarting any true progress towards achieveing independence. I feel that massive peaceful protest rallies are needed.Not only throughout the Hawaiian islands,but at the state capitol level as well. Much unity between native Hawaiians and their true supporters is a must inorder for this to take place. Maybe if the residents of each island select their own representatives,that would in turn unite to organize these peaceful rallies. I personally am not sufficiently versed nor educated regarding Hawaiian affairs,but seeing how inflexible the US will remain prompts me into believeing that more unified actions must be taken by those of us who truely believe in Hawaiian independence. What if Hawaiians attempt collective alliances for change with their north american Native counterparts who as we all know are equally oppressed? Protecting the Aina,the Olelo,the sacred spiritual beliefs is crucial. Also,Native Hawaiians are now the minority population throughout the islands. Rallying the support of the non Kanaka throughout the islands,might be beneficial as well. Just some thoughts from someone who loves the Hawaiian Nation and her strong resilient people. Before i close, another deterrant is the amount of monies that need to be raised. that factor is a huge obstacle.
      4 hours ago · · 1
    • Jayson Flint Like maybe The Hawaiian Constitutional Convention?
      3 hours ago · · 1
    • Hawaiian Embassy One obstacle is the "native" Hawaiian. Yes the Kingdom was made up of so called native and that of subject citizens from all over the globe. The reason so many Hawaiian speak of native rights is that was put out by the US to lessen rights that are absolute, because tribal rights do not own the benefits of our nation. We can not be drawn into racist views of rights and expect to exercise them without problems, that is my opinion anyway, Kai Landow
      3 hours ago · · 3
    • Hawaiian Embassy I dont believe we need a convention at this point. Those essential rights are without question. Occupation is the question, piracy is the question, looting is the question and genocide. We will have a convention as needed I am sure
      3 hours ago · · 3
    • Pete Sayer get everyone of the various" entities'' to kukakuka. without the danners and Oha interference . come to terms that the Kingdom still exist ...... have a huge civil disobedience rally and go with an elected
      house of representatives ...which I believe just happened with LHG ....
      3 hours ago ·
    • Donna Blevins Willard Its easy to prove that we are militarily occuppied, actually been done already, that menas the seat of government is still the same according to the rules of occupation, some people have been seating at the seat of government for more than three years and cant be removed, I think they might be the ones we want to look at...
      2 hours ago ·
    • Alan D. Ackerman ‎~~~ Enemies of The Kingdom ~~~ " the danners and Oha interference " ~~~ Enemies of The Kingdom ~~~
      2 hours ago ·
    • Donna Blevins Willard we all want to be thesame place, there are so many things that we are worrying about that is irrelevant to getting there. Theya re thigns that we can work out when we get there. If we dont get out acts together when we get there there wont be anything for us to work with...
      2 hours ago · · 1
    • Maria Taylor Keaweaweʻula Kiwalaʻo Kauikeaouli Kaleiopa was brilliant. He set out the protocol - if that is not followed, there will be continued losses and confusion.
      2 hours ago · · 1
    • Alan D. Ackerman Protocol is Primary ... Donna is correct in stating we need to stop worrying and just DO ... We have Protocol and Constitution ... ~~~ WE NEED OUR PEOPLE >>> E ALA E ~~~
      about an hour ago ·
    • Donna Blevins Willard it rally is time for us to rally behind one leader. I have "followed" pretty much all of them at some point either very activly or as a passer by. Some many of us have. Right now I am standing frmly behind Mahealani, Head of State Ko Hawaii Pae Aina. For me its simple she is sitting at the seat of government, has been for three years and when she locked the gates I personally flew there to see what the heck was going on. And when I saw what was going on I could not help but cry and shake all at once because I knew then adn there she had soemthing and I knew the other side also knew. And I was there when they got arrested last week, nope I was not arested with them, when I wtched how they handled her and her staff that night and the next morning when the judge disrobed in the courtroom that was further confirmaiton for me. I wish the eladers woudl go sit and understand where her efforts are at. Everyone who ahs been a leader every group has contributed in very big ways to bringing us to this point But now is the time for them to show what magnificance leaders tehy are and coem together. The Hawaiian Kingdom exsisit till today, the opala of the occuppier was laying on it but it has been shaken off and ew are in the midst of chagning over, it would be quicker and easier if everyone would come help , the Kanaka maoli called th process kanunu...shaking it up to clean it...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Amelia Gora The Royal Families House of Nobles has Protective Orders in place for all kanaka maoli who locked up the palace in the past....during Linda Lingle's period......our Protective Orders currently covers more than 1000 kanaka maoli in the Hawaiian Islands today....we're the only ones on the whitehouse website see: P.O. Box ss17a1 H H - The White House
      also see who really is the "seat of the government" in HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2, Rex vs. Booth case, then you'll see the answer or see the meaning of "Hawaiian Government" at
      so, unless the leaders of each group can show they are part of the Sovereigns or House of Nobles descendants/heirs... all are no different from those who dethroned our Queen in 1893!
      33 minutes ago ·
    • Amelia Gora ‎[PDF]
      P.O. Box ss17a1 H H - The White House

      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
      Sep 29, 2009 – Japan <> ... My name is Amelia Gora, a Royal person and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of ... or see,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=ba1579b3058242b6&biw=1024&bih=655

      30 minutes ago ·
    • Amelia Gora also, our families are currently in court because we did file a lien on all the Crown Lands with TMK's project by our families which cost more than $20,000 personal expenses - no grants, etc. which entailed purchasing maps off the internet ---yes, the real maps are owned by haole on the mainland.....and a project headed by one of the members of our families did a fine detailed work on the entire Crown Lands and many of us filed affidavits and filed in at the Bureau after properly serving it to DLNR, the Sheriff's office, etc....they had 30 days to respond and defaulted....that was BEFORE the Supreme Court case on the Crown Lands! now, the AG is moving to expunge the liens....interesting how they defaulted, now are trying to charge us $5,000 for each person, etc. I've tried to contact you Donna and you haven't responded and then i was pretty exasperated to find you with Mahealani who gets her people to sign off all their interests to her.....sure, i love her information but some of the issues are pretty unsettling for the facts found in the Supreme Court Law Library...I've been there a lot recently...i have a B.S. and a Paralegal Certificate and I am not part of the Partners in Crime Club - the Bar which is part of the Masons and Freemasons....we truly need to talk! aloha.
      14 minutes ago ·
    • Amelia Gora Remember the Kahana people who were being evicted/homes to be smashed down? Well, they were the first to receive Protective Orders and Injunction Notices from us, recently, the same were given to the Lui family (remember Abel Lui/Simeona/ Makekau family who was arrested 69 times, his home smashed down 27 approx. times)....well they too are being supported by our families... Maka Ala people.....we're helping to correct the wrongs, the criminal deviance against our families, our people....the House of Nobles...Royal Families House of Nobles exist...watching, observing, and moving behind the scenes.....btw some of Mahealani's people have documents/Protective Orders to help malama our families interests......we need to pull all those who move to help their people and even in law it is documented who are the true members, the permanent members of the "Hawaiian Government" .....there's nothing wrong with utilizing branches of government based on already formed 40+ groups calling themselves the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc. Hope everyone will do their homework and then we can all kukakuka.... as an example, i am a descendant of Kamehameha and three members of the original House of Nobles - Permanent groups.... thru genealogies the direct connect is important......aloha.

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  • note everyone that these forums will continue with the following kind of input......



    if you miss the truth........... join the hawaiian genealogy society/hawaiian genealogical society at or read the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk on the web and review ;p

  • Well People,

    FYI this was on "Hawaiian Embassy's" website recently............and according to Landow the Facebook account was removed...................hmmm.............

    one thing for sure, the projects being worked on, even the Court Case that we're on is being kept from the Public.......


    Because we are the only ones who have been authorizing kanaka maoli to help malama our families lands and assisting many with documents, that's why...........

    Because we are the families of Kamehameha through his wife Kanekapolei, Kamehameha II - Liholiho through his wife Pale/Pali (w); Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli through his hanai children - the John Young families; through Kamehameha IV - through his siblings/stepsiblings; Queen Emma's families; Kamehameha V - through his siblings/stepsiblings; King Lunalilo - through his stepsiblings; King Kalakaua - through his children; Queen Kapiolani's sibling and hanai sibling;  Queen Liliuokalani - through her children/stepchildren/hanai children; Kalanimoku - through his nephew; his last wife; Kaahumanu - through her sister Namahana/Piia's son, etc.

    The Crown Lands are in the Courts now, with the criminal deviants/Court system trying to purge the TMK liens that was filed and charging $5,000 each, etc. for disrupting their claims to the "ceded" lands........the PIRATE WORD for Crown Lands...........

    Realistically, because Kamehameha's heirs and successors are here..............the TREATIES are and remain in place.

    We are not operating in conjunction with any of the so called "Hawaiian Kingdom's" but we will support the kanaka maoli....................our families are based on genealogies, which is the basis of the land ownership in the Hawaiian Islands................and we are the descendants of Kamehameha, his heirs and successors; descendants of at least three(3) of the permanent members of the original House of Nobles heirs and successors.

    Can any of us call ourselves King's, Queen's .............NO!

    Although some of us are descendants of Princess we call ourselves PRINCESS?......NO!

    Just for your information.............for all to see and read........................because we have been operating from behind the scenes continuing from opposing Americans in the Hawaiian Islands...........legally opposing Statehood from great grandmother's cousin Cathcart...............delivering a letter of regret to the Japanese Consulate for the war move "Ramming" of the Ehime Maru.............through helping defending our kanaka maoli on the lands..........

    Many of the "groups" should be complemented for having cohesiveness amongst the people...........yet everyone must realize that some of their so called King's, Queen's, leaders move to assume the interests of their followers..... and that's not what we're about...........

    Oppositions to genocide activists is real, including here on Maoliworld.

    Lot's of projects ahead, including working with the us if you're part of the Konohiki families.

    Most of my research, my posts have been moved elsewhere.  Only family, friends, foreign nations are directed to where the posts are. 

    My 25+ genealogy, history, etc. books will be brought out again soon.........based on 30+ years of research, at the Archives, various Libraries (even the outer islands), Bureau of Conveyances - the buildings sitting on our families lands btw............and we are the Kawaiahao Ahupuaa konohiki heirs........Queen Liliuokalani's house/"Washington Place" sits on lease lands of Kalanimoku.....who was married to our great great grandmother....we also descend from Kalanimoku's brother......who married Kalaniopuu's daughter............lots of  projects being worked on.

    The Treaties are in place, the State of Hawaii made up of PIRATES are another project worked on..............

    So, dear people, the documented descendants are here and have been working behind the scenes and deny being related to Spinney, Landow, et. als. at this time.


    p.s.  this is the ending note here on Maoliworld.  Malama Pono.





    Kool piks found at



      • Hawaiian Embassy post at facebook disappeared or was removed...........this is what I posted for everyone's info because it appears that Spinney/Alfred Spinney is with them....he was with Norman Keaanaaina before/Kahu Norman Keaanaaina, left, then went into hiding, and was sent to jail, served some time.............and someone said that he enjoyed himself because he was able to reach out to others there..............I know several who were placed into "solitary confinement" and were actually political prisoners and some of them are not the same.........of course this is genocide issues..........sharing as a Public Notice of Genocide Activities and sending off to the Honolulu Police Department as well for the record................from Amelia Gora
      • Amelia Gora
        Amelia Gora [PDF]
        P.O. Box ss17a1 H H - The White House c1dc2d2b35964f0392b21da2d9b05b4 2.pdf

        File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
        Sep 29, 2009 – Japan <> ... My name is Amelia Gora, a Royal person and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of ... or see #sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp &q=amelia+gora+on+the+whitehouse+website&pbx=1&oq=amelia+gora+on+the+whitehouse+website&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=4326308l4334199l1l4334715l37l23l0l0l0l0l1192l11440l0.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=ba1579b3058242b6&biw=1024&bih=655
        guess the truth hurts.........p.s. btw in regards to the Kahana case, I had at one time passed it to Spinney to take care of it....while he was under Norman Keaanaaina....that file is back with us, the Royal Families House of
      • 211569_1222635883_7648049_q.jpg
        Amelia Gora
        What happened to Hawaiian Embassy's post? This was posted: Amelia Gora The Royal Families House of Nobles has Protective Orders in place for all kanaka maoli who locked up the palace in the past....during Linda Lingle's period......our Protective Orders currently covers more than 1000 kanaka maoli in the Hawaiian Islands today....we're the only ones on the whitehouse website see: P.O. Box ss17a1 H H - The White House

        also see who really is the "seat of the government" in HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2, Rex vs. Booth case, then you'll see the answer or see the meaning of "Hawaiian Government" at

        so, unless the leaders of each group can show they are part of the Sovereigns or House of Nobles descendants/heirs... all are no different from those who dethroned our Queen in 1893!
        33 minutes ago ·
        Amelia Gora [PDF]
        P.O. Box ss17a1 H H - The White House

        File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
        Sep 29, 2009 – Japan <> ... My name is Amelia Gora, a Royal person and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of ... or see,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=ba1579b3058242b6&biw=1024&bih=655

        30 minutes ago ·
        Amelia Gora also, our families are currently in court because we did file a lien on all the Crown Lands with TMK's project by our families which cost more than $20,000 personal expenses - no grants, etc. which entailed purchasing maps off the internet ---yes, the real maps are owned by haole on the mainland.....and a project headed by one of the members of our families did a fine detailed work on the entire Crown Lands and many of us filed affidavits and filed in at the Bureau after properly serving it to DLNR, the Sheriff's office, etc....they had 30 days to respond and defaulted....that was BEFORE the Supreme Court case on the Crown Lands! now, the AG is moving to expunge the liens....interesting how they defaulted, now are trying to charge us $5,000 for each person, etc. I've tried to contact you Donna and you haven't responded and then i was pretty exasperated to find you with Mahealani who gets her people to sign off all their interests to her.....sure, i love her information but some of the issues are pretty unsettling for the facts found in the Supreme Court Law Library...I've been there a lot recently...i have a B.S. and a Paralegal Certificate and I am not part of the Partners in Crime Club - the Bar which is part of the Masons and Freemasons....we truly need to talk! aloha.
        14 minutes ago ·
        Amelia Gora Remember the Kahana people who were being evicted/homes to be smashed down? Well, they were the first to receive Protective Orders and Injunction Notices from us, recently, the same were given to the Lui family (remember Abel Lui/Simeona/ Makekau family who was arrested 69 times, his home smashed down 27 approx. times)....well they too are being supported by our families... Maka Ala people.....we're helping to correct the wrongs, the criminal deviance against our families, our people....the House of Nobles...Royal Families House of Nobles exist...watching, observing, and moving behind the scenes.....btw some of Mahealani's people have documents/Protective Orders to help malama our families interests......we need to pull all those who move to help their people and even in law it is documented who are the true members, the permanent members of the "Hawaiian Government" .....there's nothing wrong with utilizing branches of government based on already formed 40+ groups calling themselves the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc. Hope everyone will do their homework and then we can all kukakuka.... as an example, i am a descendant of Kamehameha and three members of the original House of Nobles - Permanent groups.... thru genealogies the direct connect is important......aloha.



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