Discounted Casualties
Part II The Threat in Our Backyards
Concerned Citizens
Akira Tashiro
Grassroots Push for a Ban
"We did what we could." "Yes, but the cleanup is just beginning."
Reviewing their 11 years of grassroots activities were writer Mary Jane Williams (56) and former high school teacher Judy Scotnicki (57)
Accusations of Radiation Contamination
Members of Citizens Research and Environmental Watch (CREW) were gathered in Judy's home in Concord, Massachusetts.  Since 1989, the two women have spearheaded the fight to keep Starmet Corporation (formerly, Nuclear Metals Inc.) from contaminating the environment with radioactivity from the manufacture of DU penetrators.
     "And for this we were labeled extremists by Starmet and by all the members of town governing boards who are cozy with the company.  All we've done is ask them to guard the safety of the people." Mary Jane, CREW's first president, flushed as she spoke.
     The first things CREW worked on were (1) measures to protect against the DU materials processed by Starmet; (2) a residents' evacuation plan for disasters; (3) setting a deadline for the removal of the radioactive materials left on the premises; and (4) securing funding for this removal. After obtaining nearly 1,000 signatures, they presented a petition to Concord's Board of Health in 1990.
     "The reactions were harsh.  The company has contributed to the area by paying taxes, making donations to schools and hospitals, and in other ways. So the board ignored us." said Judy.
Analyzing 1,200 Pages of Materials
Dr. Marvin Resnikoff, a nuclear physicist employed by CREW in 1991, analyzed 1,200 pages of relevant materials possessed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the state Department of Environmental Protection.  His report was publicized in the local daily newspaper.  The Minuteman Chronicle, on March 31, less than a month after the cease-fire agreement that ended the Persian Gulf War.
     "During the Gulf War, allied forces used armor-piercing projectiles produced by Nuclear Metals Inc.  To help destroy Iraqi tanks. Closer to home, however, Concord residents have been voicing concerns that the uranium used in the production of armaments and other Nuclear Metals products may threaten their future health."
     Dr. Resnikoff's analysis of the materials revealed that the groundwater and soil on the property of the factory were contaminated by DU, and that minute uranium particles had drifted off the site.  At one time, only two of the company's almost 50 smokestacks were fitted with filters.  It was also revealed that highly flammable DU frequently sparked small fires during the manufacturing process.
     CREW members worked untiringly on appeals at gathering and town meetings; letters to the editor; petition campaigns; negotiations with the Concord Board of Health, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the company; and commissioning specialists to study soil contamination.
Seeking Complete Decontamination
"These 11 years, we've been doing everything we could think of to teach ourselves about the dangers of DU contamination and share it with the people of the community.  People have gradually come to understand.  But it's still urgent that they clean up the contaminated soil and groundwater under Starmet's land," said Judy.
     The members of CREW want Superfund designation by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the site to ensure the availability of funds and expertise for cleanup.  Town governing boards finally reached consensus that seeking status as a Superfund site was a good idea in early 2000.  The company, Starmet, continues to argue against Superfund status.
     In September 2000, the governor of Massachusetts formally requested the EPA to designate the Starmet site as a federal Superfund site.
     The efforts of Judy Scotnicki and the others go beyond applying pressure to the company and local governing boards to completely clean up the site.  CREW also networks with groups around the USA who are dealing with radiation contamination from DU and other sources, and with Gulf War veterans suffering from disorders.
     "How much have DU weapons harmed people and the environment?  When we think about that, we feel that we residents of Concord should assume responsibility for getting a production ban on DU penetrators."
     The CREW members nodding agreement with Judy's remarks seemed determined to carry their fight a wider arena.
The Akaka Bill has to be stopped!

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  • Amelia,

    I 'm shocked and in disbelief not about the lack of cooperation from governing entities--that's a given, especially if they are Na Kanaka. Although I don't agree to Superfund Status after the deliberate contamination of the Pentagon, and their application for a License to posses and use DU in their live fire exercise, I just can't imagine that they are still pruducing penetrators.

    I can't believe that we have a stock pile of penetrators in Hawaii, and a need to get rid of this stuff by applying for a license to posses and use this in their live fire practices. What about the military personel, does one think the US will help them walk to their death bed, that's what's family members are for--sure if you have one.

    This last sweep--the last to go was an old black (super cranky) veteran. What I remember was his need to have some form of dignity as he carried his things into a pile. I challengd myself to get the police to use compassion as well as the city park workers, which was the easy part--the stress was a dumb haole asshole cop that I argued with a few weeks before at guardrails. Setting my ego aside, it just took bits and pieces of gathering information to argue for human rights. The old guy had a Parole officer and he wanted to have him arrested. It just get's to be tricky sometimes. I'm off topic.

    Back on topic--even if the DU sparked the fires ones that drifted off Schofiled--DU still exist and fire does not do away with DU which is why I don't support the Superfund Status. Lolo Heads--mostly Na Kanaka
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