
  • Tane said, "I hope this brings more clarify of the ruse established by the U.S.A. which it coveted and then stole from a weaker nation that had the same standing in the world as the U.S.A."

    thanks Tane read through and copied for my students. Kaohi
  • The United States and its puppets are still practicing the doctrines of manifest destiny on a nation that is actually belligerently occupied by it. It's a violation of international laws, their national laws and the Rule of Law. Let me reiterate the foundation of Manifest Destiny so one can clearly understand what was and is underway with the U.S.A. and the Akaka Bill.

    Pope Urban II sent out his edict in 1095, Papal Bull Terra Nullius as land of no consequences, empty of human habitation belonging to no one. This meant that Christians were given the right of discovery and could claim land in non-Christian
    areas . The inhabitants were deemed subhuman and not civilized by their standards; thus had no nation to recognize as parallel to theirs.

    This is contrary to the existence of the Kingdom of Hawai'i which was recognized as a Christian natiion parallel and equal to that of the United States of America.

    In 1452, Pope Nicholas V sent out the Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex, that stated these barbaric, non-Christians needed to be converted and civilized according to their standards. In essence, they could occupy the land but have no rights since it is God-given only to Christians. The natives on the land could be put in perpetual slavery; the monarchs convert them and use them as they wish; and make profit off of them, since they were considered property and their possession.

    Despite the fact that the Kingdom of Hawai'i did not fit this definition, the U.S consistently apply it to Hawai'i through racism because our nation was not a caucasian country and it was considered inconsequential since it was a small "feeble" country.

    In 1452, the Dum Diversas, issued by Pope Nicholas V , empowered King Alfonso V of Portugal to shackle any Muslims, pagans and any other unbelievers to perpetual slavery, which began with the slave trade in West Africa. Because Hawaiians were of dark complexion, they regarded us like the blacks and discounted the fact of us being a Christian nation.

    Pope Alexander VI issued Papal Bull Inter Caetera in 1493, the Doctrine of Conquest. This justified waging war on all non-Christians; a jure belli, a just war blessed by God, a jihad/crusade of which gave legitimacy of Christian domination over pagans, sanctifying enslavement, and dispossession of property. This they managed to do quite well in their dealings with Hawai'i and its people.

    Europe commonly accepted the right to discovery of countries unknown to all Christian people and no other "member" could interfere in their conquest of the globe. The USA and Europe asserted the ultimate dominion to be in themselves and acknowledged the rights of "natives" as occupants.

    This created a dilemma for the United States of America since relations were established with the British before the U.S. Americans. The U.S. began to vie for the favoring of the Hawaiian Kingdom over the British and disdained the influence of the British and their close relationship with Hawai'i. They figured they could sway us to voluntarily to choose the U.S.A. and annex ourselves to them of our free will.

    Their constant presence in Hawai'i is confirmation of that fact as they sent more of their citizens into Hawi'i to change our attitude of them while still maintaining their manifest destiny dogmas on us. This is why it took the U.S.A. over 60 years to validate their invasion and belligerent occupation. This was done over the constant opposition of the Kingdom of Hawai'i and its citizens. It didn't happen overnight because the Queen wanted to propose a new constitution; her cabinet of traitions did a bait and switch on her to fulfill their plot against her, her nation, and her people (the bona fide subjects of her kingdom versus the foreigners residing within her territory).

    I hope this brings more clarify of the ruse established by the U.S.A. which it coveted and then stole from a weaker nation that had the same standing in the world as the U.S.A.

  • ALOHA Kakou, We should all begin to prepare to KUE A NUI LOA when the AKaKa BILL is passed by Congress.
    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
  • Right on Kamatose, mahalo for posting.
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