Mike Huckabee says Julian Assange Should be Executed. Video Last week he called for the death penalty for the whistleblower. t a Bet El Dinner for the Jewish community in New York last night he said whoever leaked the material should be "prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law". His comments were greeted with applause. Posted December 06, 2010<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
They are so elementary simple-minded that try to insult our intelligence by assuming we believe all the crap they sputter like rats squeaking as they run for cover. Some of the revelations have been out there for years and are transparent as clear water in a lagoon. Much is no surprise as we already knew about some of these things.
Assange is being railroaded and charges are contrived. We should check the bank account of the two swede women who allegedly are making those charges against him. Washington spokeswoman claims this has nothing to do with wikileaks and is independently charged against him as another issue with no relevance to wikileaks. (Yeah, right!).
The U.S. government snollygosters are outraged that their secret thoughts have been exposed. Loose lips-sink ships as they say; and they have the loosest lips due to their arrogance. No pity for them; they must be held accountable for their actions and not Mr. Assange who is the hero in this fiasco. LOL..........
As soon as I got off work, I called Pono. He's at home.
check out this new article....just posted by Paul Craig Roberts former editor of the Wall Street Journal and Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury:
(note his comments about Hillary Clinton, etc.,)
Western Civilization Has Shed Its Values
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By paul craig roberts (about the author) Page 1 of 1 page(s)
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"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State." -- Dr. Joseph Goebbels
Western Civilization no longer upholds the values it proclaims, so what is the basis for its claim to virtue?
For example, the US print and TV media and the US government have made it completely clear that they have no regard for the First Amendment. Consider CNN's Wolf Blitzer's reaction to the leaked diplomatic cables that reveal how the US government uses deceptions, bribes, and threats to control other governments and to deceive the American and other publics. Blitzer is outraged that information revealing the US government's improprieties reached the people, or some of them. As Alexander Cockburn wrote, Blitzer demanded that the US government take the necessary steps to make certain that journalists and the American people never again find out what their government is up to.
The disregard for the First Amendment is well established in the US media, which functions as a propaganda ministry for the government. Remember the NSA leak given to the New York Times that the George W. Bush regime was violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and spying on Americans without obtaining warrants from the FISA court? The New York Times spiked the story for one year and did not release it until after Bush's reelection. By then, the Bush regime had fabricated a legal doctrine that "authorized" Bush to violate US law.
Glenn Greenwald, writing in Salon, has exposed the absence of moral standards among WikiLeaks' critics. A number of American politicians have called for the US government to murder Julian Assange, as have journalists such as neoconservative propagandist Jonah Goldberg, who wrote: "Why wasn't Assange garroted in his hotel room years ago?"
WikiLeaks' critics could not make it clearer that they do not believe in accountable government. And to make certain that the government is not held accountable, WikiLeaks' critics are calling for every possible police state measure, including extra-judicial murder, to stamp out anyone who makes information available that enables the citizenry to hold government accountable.
The US government definitely does not believe in accountable government. Among the first things the Obama regime did was to make certain that there would be no investigation into the Bush regime's use of lies, fabricated "intelligence," and deception of the American public and the United Nations in order to further its agenda of conquering the independent Muslim states in the Middle East and turning them into US puppets. The Obama regime also made certain that no member of the Bush regime would be held accountable for violating US and international laws, for torturing detainees, for war crimes, for privacy violations or for any of the other criminal acts of the Bush regime.
As the cables leaked by a patriotic American to WikiLeaks reveal, the US government was even able to prevent accountable government in the UK by having British prime minister Brown "fix" the official Chilcot Inquiry into the deceptions used by former prime minister Tony Blair to lead the British into serving as mercenaries in America's wars. The US was able to do this, because the British prime minister does not believe in accountable government either.
The leaked documents show that the last thing the US government wants anywhere is a government that is accountable to its own citizens instead of to the US government.
The US government's frontal assault on freedom of information goes well beyond WikiLeaks and shutting down its host servers. In a December 2 editorial, "Wave goodbye to Internet freedom," the Washington Times reports that Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski has "outlined a plan to expand the federal government's power over the Internet."
The obvious, but unasked, question is: Why does the US government fear the American people and believe that only news that is managed and spun by the government is fit to print? Is there an agenda afoot to turn citizens into subjects?
Perhaps the most discouraging development is the accusation that is being spread via the Internet that Julian Assange is a dupe or even a covert agent used by the CIA and Mossad to spread disinformation that furthers US and Israeli agendas. This accusation might come from intelligence services striving to protect governments by discrediting the leaked information. However, it has gained traction because some of the cables contain false information. Some have concluded, incorrectly, that the false information was put into the documents for the purpose of being leaked.
There is another explanation for the false information. Diplomats concerned with advancing their careers learn to tell their bosses what they want to hear, whether true or false. Diplomats understand that the US government has agendas that it cannot declare and that they are expected to support these agendas by sending in reports that validate the undeclared agendas. For example, the US government cannot openly say that it is endeavoring to create a climate of opinion that gives the US a green light for eliminating the independent Iranian government and re-establishing an American puppet state. US "diplomats," a.k.a., spies, understand this and fabricate the information that supports the agenda.
In my opinion, the most important of all the cables leaked is the secret directive sent by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to 33 US embassies and consulates ordering US diplomats to provide credit card numbers, email addresses, phone, fax and pager numbers, frequent-flyer account numbers and biographic and biometric information including DNA information on UN officials from the Secretary General down, including "heads of peace operations and political field missions."
The directive has been characterized as the spy directive, but this is an unusual kind of spying. Usually, spying focuses on what other governments think, how they are likely to vote on US initiatives, who can be bribed, and on sexual affairs that could be used to blackmail acquiescence to US agendas.
In contrast, the information requested in the secret directive is the kind of information that would be used to steal a person's identity.
Why does the US government want information that would enable it to steal the identities of UN officials and impersonate them?
The US government loves to pretend that its acts of naked aggression are acts of liberation mandated by "the world community." The world community has been less supportive of US aggression since it learned that the Bush regime lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Consequently, the UN has not given Washington the green light Washington wants for a military assault on Iran. Neither has the UN given Washington the extreme sanctions that it wants the world community to impose on Iran.
As the UN refused Washington's menu of sanctions, Washington unilaterally added its own sanction package to the UN sanctions, to the dismay of the Russians and other governments who believed that they had arrived at a compromise with Washington over the Iran sanctions issue.
Could it be that Washington wants to be able to impersonate UN officials and country delegates so that it can compromise them by involving them in fake terrorist plots, communications with terrorists real or contrived, money laundering, sex scandals and other such means of suborning their cooperation with Washington's agendas? All the CIA has to do is to call a Taliban or Hamas chief on a UN official's telephone number or send a compromising fax with a UN official's fax number or have operatives pay for visits to prostitutes with a UN official's credit card number.
The report in the Guardian on December 2 that the CIA drew up the UN spy directive signed off by Hillary Clinton is a good indication that the United States government intended to compromise the United Nations and turn the organization, as it has done with so many governments, into a compliant instrument of American policy.
Perhaps there is another plausible explanation of why the US government desired information that would enable it to impersonate UN officials, but as a person who had a 25-year career in Washington I cannot think of what it might be.
Paul Craig Roberts was an editor of the Wall Street Journal and an Assistant Secretary of the U.S. (more...)
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.
note that much of the information about the wrongs of the U.S. can be found in John Nelson's article which uncovers how and why the U.S. Presidents and Congress has run amok ......they did without the approval of the American people......overturned the Constitution and are a gang of criminals who are documented treasonous to the American citizens! see Americans need to prosecute their own Presidents and Congress or take back their government!
p.s. notice though that the nations are now realizing that the same problematic countries and corporations are the same ones that were bankrupt since the American Civil War are the same ones that can be seen in the news today...............guess the SLEEPING GIANTS are not only our Aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli but all of the nations of the World who looked away when the U.S.,, England/ Great Britain and the bankers did so much wrongs against a neutral, friendly nation since 1893.......and the reality of the matter is that monies, etc. are owed to the Hawaiian government, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina who are similar to the Jews in that genocide activities are on the itinerary by the bankrupt - economically, politically, morally, physically nations aspiring to be the leaders/bullies/pirates of the World with the goals of New World Order/One World Order who are now viewed as a sinister gang of scoundrels, belligerents, murderers, thieves, wicked sons and daughters of bitches or as Father Damien, sainted to maintain "obedience" amongst the people (the Vaticans input - the Vatican being part of the Secret Treaty of Verona in `1822 along with the Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, U.S., and England/ Great Britain....Father Damien called them belials /sons of devils...................and notice how that alliance now seems to be falling apart......hmmmm......
here here to the Hawaiian Kingdom! cheers! salute/salutay! banzai! and more...... see for cheers the locals around the world.....yes!
to the true aloha, Truth, which is Love, Peace, Unity thru goodness, kindness, respect, and not aligned with instability, aggression, piracy(ies), criminal deviance, obstruction of peace, enslavement, genocide, all that is evil, wicked, etc....
Assange was arrested in London.............this is a comment that was posted at OPED news:
Become a Fan
Amelia Gora
Wikileaks Head Julian Assange, if a descendant of Royals....
Wikileaks Head Julian Assange would need to utilize his Royal person status, which means immunities.........
Alternately, he could request for immediate citizenship with other true democratic nations, who could try to help, including the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kou Hawaii Pae Aina, etc..........
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
Amelia Gora
P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786
by Amelia Gora (1 articles, 0 quicklinks, 1 diaries, 1 comments) on Tuesday, Dec 7, 2010 at 10:09:29 AM
When I heard about Wikileaks I thought at first it was Wikipedia so I had this so what attitude. Then, I had to go do some information search. These are just some of the things that I cut and pasted to Documents, because I wanted to return to it just incase, I loose the information.
One comment:
Paypal is a bank, for all intents and purposes. Just because it may post a "user agreement' which might allow Paypal to freeze one's assets, doesn't mean it's legal. In any ordinary bank, a court order is required before assets of any kind are withheld. This was a "popularizing" and publicity effort on the bank's part, and overtly political. How could donors to Wikileaks possibly be harmed by their willful desire to continue their contributions to what many thinking people still consider a worthy cause. It is Hilary Clinton who has embarrassed the American people, and who could cost the lives (if not their reputations) of Wikileaks personel in retribution for idle, low-level (albeit) sinister "diplomatic" cable gossip.
Even more embarrassing are comments from mid-echelon analysts perched on country desk and spouting opinions (yes personal opinions) in policy meetings. (See: Russia and Turkmenistan...blather about the current president).
And why in the world would Clinton ever need additional "machines" (personal profiles) on foreign leaders and institutional chiefs, when it has been the traditional realm of the CIA to provide such underhanded biographies. My feeling is that the State Department CIA, DEA, DIA and Homeland Secuity (et al ad nauseum) are so inextricably snarled, that no one knows just how redundant all this "dumbtel" has become. The "Confidential" or "noporn" (sic) classification of these would-be highly sensitive cables, should give rise to further questions about even more sensitive babble of higher classification and precedence.
Second comment
Thank you, Wikileads, for the peek into our (America's) sordid bureacratic bedroom.
But more to the point, boycott Paypal!
donated US$100 three days ago which for a poor student is a lot of money. There are two main reasons why I did this:
1) I fully support everything that Wikileaks is doing and want them to continue. For those who have a rich understanding of what democracy means, they know that a fundamental requirement is that citizens have information to hold their governments accountable. Secrecy is used by government actors to cover-up things they know their constituents won't like.
2) Fully understanding the potential risks that come with donating, I choose to do this precisely to voice my discontent with US foreign (and domestic) policies. The US has unequivocally become an imperial menace and actions to expose the villainous behavior are welcome. Studies show that when Americans are aware of the actions by the US government overseas, they are not supportive.
Put simply, if I had more money, I would give it all. Assange is a democrat par excellence!
third comment:
Trivialising the holocaust is just lovely. Everybody has a laugh at the way some folks twist and distort the truth, like you. Washington was a place of hope and justice but now it is cia and mil central. I don't like terrorist either but the way the USA has conducted itself this past decade is stain on the reputation of the land of free.
Democracies don't gun down journalists - the Russian do that.
Julian Assange is the greatest journalist the world has ever known.
Maybe they should rename Washinton - Dirtington.
And don't bother threatening me.
The USA is a nation gripped by madness. Its people kept in the dark so long they hate the light of day.
This comment was only too gripping for me:
.Wikileaks made two things very clear.
1. If you don't have nuclear weapons there is nothing you can do when Murder Inc. comes calling from America.
2. If you have nuclear weapons you can get away with murder.
From this moment on I started to pay attention even more with what is Wikileaks?
And what came to mind was that Maoliworld was a Na Kanaka Wikipuka!
On my way to work, I was listening to the radio show and I heard things that came from maoliworld--good grief.
In addition, I'm reading the news paper and low and behold the word 'debate' yes, yes, yes!
I couldn't ask for a better day of protest, one that my grandmother would smile from another part of the universe. And I did not participate today in the protest. So the hard work goes to those that did show up and protested the governor's inauguration on the Iolani Palace grounds.
I strongly believe, that Wikileaks will be the 'condom' for peace throughout the world.
No more Army unaccountability, no more opinions and then go ahead and kill innocent civilians--just because.
What is so sad, the soilders have not realized that they too are victums by their own hand.
Absence of rule of law and I believe this is where Keanu is going--not sure.
thanks for the posting may we see more and from that jumping off point maybe a lot of people will use the forum as a means to spark 'debates' on things that are impacting our children, the old and all the between.