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Eviction of Abel Lui and supporters at Kawa underway

October 25, 2012 | Ka‘ū

ABOVE PHOTO: The scene at Kawa this morning. County dump trucks and vehicles – along with an ambulance – were stationed along Highway 11 in front of Kawa. Abel Simeona Lui, seen in the photo, and others were evicted from the property in preparation of an archaeological survey. Photos by Geneveve Fyvie courtesy Ka’u Calendar.

Lui's home at Kawa

By David Corrigan

KAWA, Hawaii (updated 1:45 p.m.): The eviction of Abel Simeona Lui and his supporters from Kawa is reportedly underway at this hour.

Initially, there was confusion over whether or not Lui had been taken to the hospital, as police are said to be clearing visitors out of the area. A spokesperson for the mayor said Abel was not taken to the hospital, he left the scene of his own volition. The county is reportedly poised to demolish the homes and structures that Lui has called home for years.

Mark Thomas, who spoke directly to Big Island Video News over the phone, posted to Facebook that “Abel is being taken to the hospital.access to Kawa is being denied to all. county dump trucks are poised to demolish his house!! we need videos and witnesses!!!!!!” Thomas has been by Abel’s side throughout Lui’s troubles with authorities over the land.

Julia Neal of the Ka’u Calendar reports the county has confirmed it is conducting the action at Kawa today. Big Island Video News eventually obtained the media release as well. In it, the county states:

Social service agencies will assist anyone staying at Kāwā with securing other living arrangements. Any structures on the property will be disassembled by workers from the County’s Department of Public Works.

Ilihia Gionson, an executive assistant to the mayor, says the structures found on the property were not demolished. Instead, they are being disassembled carefully by carpentry crews “such that the structures, along with any other property found, can be claimed within 30 days and reassembled on a more appropriate site.”

The county purchased Kawa from the Edmund Olson Trust last year through the Public Access, Open Space and Natural Resources Preservation Fund. Lui has long argued that the lands are his by allodial right, saying his great-great-grandfather, Timoteo Keawe, received the land in a royal grant and that under kingdom law. Lui says the title held by the county is clouded and invalid. He has lived on the land for years, acting as konohiki and caretaker of the aina.

Big Island Video News has been following this situation since 2008, when nervous officials were stopped by Lui and other native subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, before they could survey the lands. This happened under a different administration. Harry Kim was the mayor at the time. Despite the passions on display, the stand-off ended peacefully. At the end, everyone joined hands in prayer, led by Lui.

Since that time, things have gotten more desperate for Lui. When the purchase of the land seemed eminent in 2010, Lui took to the Highway, living by the road in a constant vigil, trying to raise awareness for his struggle.

Meanwhile, court decisions affirmed the county’s right to go ahead with the land acquisition, purchased from the Edmund Olson Trust in November 2011 for $3.9 million. The court also granted the county the authority to evict Lui and his supporters at their discretion.

All the while, Lui grew increasingly erratic, as his time on the land appeared to be limited. As his roadside vigil continued into its second year – transforming the area into a makeshift homestead complete with a working garden – Lui stressed that he wanted to meet with the mayor personally.

Lui has been a divisive character. Some find him to be a sympathetic figure, fighting for his rights as a native Hawaiian. Others see him as a squatter, and have been pressuring mayor Billy Kenoi to oust him and his supporters from the area.

Lui and his supporters welcomed the mayor and some staff to the area of Kawa in April. For a time, it appeared as if there might be a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

But when an archaeological survey of the property began in September, part of the creation of a management and stewardship plan, tensions began to rise again.

“We’re going to take care of Kawa Bay by working with the families, protecting the cultural and archaeological sites,” Kenoi told West Hawaii Today’s Nancy Cook Lauer . “We want to put our management plan in place and then execute a transition. It’s all about doing it right.”

In Thursday’s county media release, the mayor’s office says that once the archaeological survey of the reported “large burial complex, numerous smaller burial sites, and hundreds of archaeological features” which are protected under law is complete, “a management plan will be implemented to protect the cultural, historical, and burial features of Kāwā while allowing public access to learn about and enjoy this wahi pana, this special place.” In the meantime, sources say it appears no one will be allowed down to the popular beach.

The reports are already riling those in support of Hawaiian sovereignty. In an email blast sent out to press and public officials, Jim Albertini of the Malu ‘Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action wrote, “It’s a sad day that a Hawaiian Mayor, Billy Kenoi, could not engage in Ho’oponopono with Hawaiian Abel Simeona Lui and others at Kawa’a to resolve matters in a just and peaceful way. The Hawaiian people and the land cry out for justice not police action.”

We will have more on this as it becomes available. A news videographer will be on the scene.


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    1. Suzi Cyr says:

      This breaks my heart. I believe it’s all about money and Uncle should stay. He is an ambassador of aloha. I pray that uncle Abel is ok..


      This is Criminal………………………..STOP…………………………Leave us alone…………………………………………….

    3. Anonymous says:

      Can’t by stolen land…

    4. Louanne says:

      I m very happy this is happing.. No more Harassments , no more Fear,
      No more Worries, no more Hurt . No more rubbish, no more illegal plants, no more shacks !!Now all can enjoy/ peace!!!

    5. Onyou says:

      Thank you Jesus! Our Kupuna can now rest in peace without being disturbed!!

    6. Onyou says:

      A September 2012 site visit to Kāwā by the State Historic Preservation Division confirmed the presence of a large burial complex, numerous smaller burial sites, and hundreds of archaeological features. Burial and historical sites are afforded protection under law.

    7. irony@itsfinest says:

      1st off, ITS NOT A CRIME to take something away that he never owned to begin with.

      2nd. Abel= “ambassador” of aloha to those who recognize him as KONOHIKI and give him makana.

      3rd. ITS NOT about money its about preservation, something Abel does not recognize if it does not suit his well being

      4th. “taking care of the land”? have any of u been there to walk through the uncleared areas. cause i have… u WILL find where unwanted ‘OPALA is left behind. as far as i am concerned he has been taking care of HIMSELF!!

      5th. Ah how history repeats itself… hasn’t our Kupuna taught you to not be bias and know both sides of the story before you speak? cause it only makes you look more incompetent to those you speak ill of.

      6th. “poor Abel” what about poor iwi kupuna? they were there first and deserve the respect and love that you forget to show but yet you come to the aid of someone who chooses to desecrate rather than MALAMA. SHAME!!

    8. ForItsTime says:

      No More Ha-Ka-Ka!!… For our Keiki’s can now enjoy :) )

    9. Hana says:

      Return Kawa to its rightful owner, Abel and leave the Kingdom be.

    10. Hana says:

      Never give up Uncle. We are all behind you. Truth will prevail.

    11. Protective Orders from the Hawaiian Kingdom was given to the family to also help protect our family(ies) interests.

      The 1849 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom with the United States of America locks in the 1849 U.S. Constitution, the Treaty(ies) supercedes State Law, etc. see:

      The Treaty was made between the King, his heirs, and successors – his families alone with the U.S.A. President Taylor………and OBAMA cannot change it due to the contract documented and even validated by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.

      Every Kanaka Maoli also has the rights of native tenants secured to them by Kamehameha III.

      Everyone needs to refer to the 1859 Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom which is the basis for the Hawaii Revised Statutes 172.11, etc.

      Contact: for supporting laws……….


    12. Observer says:

      Abel Lui has NOT been at Kawa forever. I’m from Ka’u. I know that years ago, he showed up from “who knows where” claiming that’s his ohana’s land. Dropping names of no one I’ve ever heard of. Just because you set up your shack in the bushes and say that the land belongs to you doesn’t mean that it magically does LOL. Kick his ass out already damn!

    13. Annon says:

      Perfect! For like 15 years I was scared to go there because I was always scared of Abel and his creepy stares and balls hanging out—smoking weed with the surfers!!! It was only those who smoked him out that was on his good side!!! Then more “Hawaiians at heart” moved in and the place just looked like a DUMP!!! Lots of stories of things you can still see/hear as far as obake….maybe now they can rest peacefully!!!!

    14. Tiare Reed-Hauanio says:

      All Hawaiians should be living like the Kings and Queens that we are!! Instead most are happy to take the White mans scraps….hilahila Kanaka Maoli!!

    15. Lani says:

      This action by the county demonstrates and alien approach to the land of Hawai’i. The ploy of displacing a man of true cultural heritage and practice in the name of history archeological preservation parallels the lie of going to war to obtain peace. It is obvious now that the county and its executive are NOT there to look after the best interests of the people, but of industry and alienation of any who do not feel the need to bulldoze, pave and charge a fee in order to appreciation our natural blessings. FYI county this alien mentality is on the outs!!! So go ahead and get fat on your alien glory, while my generation gets strong in aloha and consciousness. WE WILL RUN THE LAND THROUGH COMMUNITY! Not through exploitation and greed!

    16. Country Living says:

      I am so GLAD this is happening. Yes, poor able, but what about the community of Ka’u who get denied access to go down to the beach from Abel? I have been going to Kawa’a for the last 25 years years of my life and prior to that my father and gradfather have been living off of Kawa’a, NOT living on the land, but visiting every weekend and taking what we NEED.

      People say that Abel has been caring for the land. But in actuality him & his supporters are making the place look LEPO, DIRTY, like the beach is a homeless shelter. It does not seem like he is caring for the land, but staying on the land because he doesnt have anywhere else to go.

      How can a person, claim something with no documentation whatsoever whereas there was a previos owner who HAD documentation and sold the property to the county LEGALLY.

      I AM A NATIVE HAWAIIAN AND BELEIVE IN SOVEREIGNTY BUT THE RIGHT WAY! Abel is a shame to the Hawaiians and our kupuna. Hawaiian live the the motto do what is Pono & by the actions that Abel has taken does NOT show that he was being Pono or had actions to keep the culture going down at Kawa’a and caring for the Aina. What he was doing is providing a home for himself and others who are not able to support themselves.

      He he really wants the land, he should do it the right way, BUY IT & then claim what is HIS.

      & as for the COUNTY & RESEARCHERS. Good Abel is out, now just clean up the his opala and leave the land and our ancestors alone at peace. Dont go digging into the land and soil to upset them, what are you trying to prove. Keep the Pono and let our ancestors be.



    18. Blessed says:

      *Tiare, isnt that a ignorant thing to say coming from a grown woman….maybe you should keep your nose in the books for the word trader’ is spelled traitor!.

    19. Kaipo says:

      I have to take issue with a lot of what has been written here. I won’t say that Abel is some grand savior, but he is not a bad man and he does not deserve to be bad mouthed. For years, Abel was the only man who took care of the heiau at Kawa and the surrounding area. I know because for many weeks I helped him rebuild much of the damage. I went to Kawa daily for years to surf. For weeks on end the only people I would see would be Abel and a couple other surfers. Back then Abel would accumulate and take his trash out, or ask others to take it out for him.

      Although I no longer live in Ka’u, I still get back from time to time and I always make time to visit Kawa. I don’t always surf, but Kawa is my favorite place on Earth. I still sit down and talk to Abel, I’ve never found him to be unapproachable or mean to those who don’t smoke pakalolo with him. Perhaps he favors the surfers because we actually take care of the beach? When you love some place, you take the time to take care of that place. Perhaps if you sat down with Abel and talked to him you’d find your assumptions are wrong. I’m not saying that some haven’t tried to take advantage of Abel, and the results haven’t been the best for Kawa. But Abel has had the best interests of Kawa at heart and done more for Kawa than just about anyone in recent history.

    20. Mummy Wummy says:

      Poisoned hearts, poisoned minds. So much of America has swept it’s way into too many Hawaiians who are laying down like lemmings before the leap off the cliff. Some will buy anything – “oh, Abel has a scary face”….huh? I think that should read as “I’ve heard rumours about Abel so I’m scared and so I believe him to have a scary face”.

      Pot smoking. Um, er, ah, ya! Great medicinal plant though I don’t imbibe myself….hey, used to be legal till Dow Chemical lobbied the government after the way to shut down hemp production so Dow could sell it’s nylon rope.

      This is all about manipulation, just like the Akaka Bill was…..can you spell ‘sucker” on the foreheads of too many Hawaiians? Yeeeee-up!

      And really, do we have to re-visit the fact that ohanna should take care of the bones, not the State or County? Geeze, look at Bishop Museum and what they got in there, yet the state/county says Hawaiians are not allowed to take care of their ancestors….gimme a break with the double standards.

      Oh, and one more point of grave interest (so to speak)….the country has covered and filled in the lava road that leads to Kawa…….that road has astronomy markers on it from the ancient days…..but then hey, they know what they’re doing NOT while they complete their inventory for what will become Billy and Wally World.

    21. Ka'u Ohana says:

      Good Abel not going be in Kawa anymore. He was there for himself and only himself. Sure people comment that he do this and that on the land, so what you saying if Abel was to come live on your land and build a stone wall he deserve to have the right to claim your land is his? He chase the kids whose ohana has been in Ka’u before he ever show his face in Kawa. He like land, tell him go buy his own! No go on somebody land and claim as his!

    22. Onyou says:

      So if the” county has covered and filled in the lava road that leads to Kawa……and that road has astronomy markers on it from the ancient days,” then why the hell didn’t Able stop everyone from using it, I tell you why, cause he was to busy defacing it himself! You must be one of the nut cases that lie around on the rocks with crystals and dance in the moonlight, what a bunch of nut cases!!

      And by the way, nobody asking you for your opinion on the burials, so you should just mind your own damn business!!

    23. Has it ever dawned on some of you that Abel Lui are actually the direct descendants of TIMOTEO KEAWE, the land owner on record on the Royal Patent which was conveyed in “ano alodio/alodio” perpetuity for the descendants/heirs? obviously the “Hawaiians or claimed Hawaiians on this forum” are not aware of the alodio system which is forever to the family(ies)… many are renting huh? jealous even?

      The Lui family(ies) have spent lots of monies on their housing and appears that the City and County of Hawaii have been destroying their homes many times over……..

      Now who are the peoples who have been here for 3,000 to 5,000 years………and remain under duress like our Queen Liliuokalani who was wrongfully dethroned by treasonous, conspirators, pirates who PREMEDITATED the takeover of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation………….it is obvious that OCCUPIERS think they own something and they really don’t…………learn your history, and you indoctrinated Hawaiians……you really should learn your true history…………shame on you for putting down those who would go to your defense in the event you find that your tutus land still belongs to you…..and it does… stop mouthing off and do your homework!

      As for the Hawaiian burials, respect from our Kanaka Maoli continues and if you read the 1859 Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom you’ll find that there are laws set in place which prosecutes those who disturb burials….and if you people don’t know……tutus will take care too………..and btw is it ok to dig up your families burials too?

      Rights of way are also allowed by the Konohiki………then again OCCUPIERS don’t know and don’t understand……btw you do know that Occupiers can never own Hawaiian lands ….and should sue the title companies and the banks, etc. to get their monies back …..Kamehameha’s descendants/heirs exists which means Racketeering, Piracy(ies), Genocide Activities, etc. are on record……….do you have a conscience?

      Many call our Kanaka Maoli the “host” culture……….doesn’t that mean that many others are the “parasitic” culture?

      aloha from one of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kalanimoku’s youngest brother’s, Keliimaikai’s, et. als. descendants —if you don’t know these names, look them up in the RULING CHIEFS – by Samuel Kamakau, etc. and maybe you’ll learn something and then some. …..

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