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From: R. Kawehi Kanui <>
Date: Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 9:23 AM
Subject: Fw: Cultural consultation request regarding the preparation of an archaeological inventory survey plan (AISP) for the HHCTCP Construction Phase 3 (Airport) (Halawa and Moanalua Ahupua'a)
To: Amelia Gora <>

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From: R. Kawehi Kanui <>
To: Ena Sroat <>
Cc: Kawehi Kanui <>
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Cultural consultation request regarding the preparation of an archaeological inventory survey plan (AISP) for the HHCTCP Construction Phase 3 (Airport) (Halawa and Moanalua Ahupua'a)

Aloha e Ena,

Did talk with cousin Amelia Gora and I believe you already got her message.  Although we are related, we come from a different way and would like for you to understand where I am coming from on behalf of the; Kaholi and Kauihana 'ohana who are descendants of the Kahuna Holoa'e, grandfather of Hewahewa Nui and Puou who are also ancestors to the Liloa lines all the way to Polynesia back to Israel, we are the descendants of "Benjamin" in the Bible Story of "Joseph" and the Alien Lines that descended from the planet Nibiru.  On my mother's side, who is a descendant of Kamehameha through her gg grand father, William Naukana (I) hanai son of Kame'eiamoku (of the Twins) along with Amamalua and Koahou, also hanai sons and brothers of Wm. Naukana, making my mother a direct descendant of Kamehameha I.

According to oral history, it is the family of Kekaulike who are the real heirs to the lands in Hawai'i and it was through Kekaulike's children that these lands in Hawai'i were supposed to go to but was usurped by Charles Bishop Reed and his minions.  Today, the Princess Bernice Pauahi Paki Trust has been in turmoil and needs to be put straight if it is going to survive.  As one of her 1/2 cousins I applied to oversee her intentions and Will are applied according to Hawaiian Kingdom Laws as further explained in: The Liliuokalani Agreement signed by US President Grover Cleveland and our Queen Liliuokalani, restoring and obligating the US Government to follow the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom government back in Oct. 18, 1893 (nine months after the purported overthrow) but it fell on deaf ears, now it's 118 years later the continual illegal US military occupation of our islands and look forward to the full restoration of our government according to the laws and the vote of the governed.

As the State of Hawai'i and the US Federal Government DO NOT HAVE LEGAL, MORAL, POLITICAL, GENEALOGICAL, HISTORY, OR SPIRITUAL connection to us or our aina, we have to state for the record that to stop the RAIL project is the best thing we can do as descendants to shut this project down because as we state above, our government was restored and our people still with their status' made pono it is our hope to use these lands to put our people on it as directed in the Great Mahele that secured the land to our people, until the State and Federal government, like bullies have invaded our space to make a profit and leave their garbage on our lands, in our waters and in our lives, we
want the illegal occupation to end...fix the problems here and give the people in Hawai'i a "Civilized Constitutional Monarchy" to look forward to in the new future.

In closing, we claim all the bones along the "Rail Route" and call for the project to cease and desist, as the Po'o Hewahewa 'Ohana Council and co-owner, Hawaiian Kingdom Law Office based in Honolulu...keeping all RP's, LCA's and TMK's under careful guard not to get polluted.  Too many to list here and privately protected we can only provide general information to protect iwi kupuna from further exposure and desecration.

Me Kealoha Pumehana,
Kawehi Kanui

Without getting to technical this is our genealogy in a nut shell and we claim all the bones

From: Ena Sroat <>
To: 'R. Kawehi Kanui' <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: Cultural consultation request regarding the preparation of an archaeological inventory survey plan (AISP) for the HHCTCP Construction Phase 3 (Airport) (Halawa and Moanalua Ahupua'a)

Mahalo and I look forward to hearing from you.
Ena Sroat
Archaeological Technician
Cultural Surveys Hawaii, Inc.
Office (808) 262-9972
From: R. Kawehi Kanui []
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 3:53 PM
To: Ena Sroat
Subject: Re: Cultural consultation request regarding the preparation of an archaeological inventory survey plan (AISP) for the HHCTCP Construction Phase 3 (Airport) (Halawa and Moanalua Ahupua'a)
Dear Miss Ena:

Thank you for youe e-mail.
Yes, we are in touch with many other family members and getting their input as well.
We will get back to you by the end of the week.

Kawehi Kanui
--- On Mon, 6/13/11, Ena Sroat <> wrote:

From: Ena Sroat <>
Subject: Cultural consultation request regarding the preparation of an archaeological inventory survey plan (AISP) for the HHCTCP Construction Phase 3 (Airport) (Halawa and Moanalua Ahupua'a)
Date: Monday, June 13, 2011, 10:39 AM
Aloha Ms. Kanui:
Under the terms of the Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project’s (HHCTCP) Programmatic Agreement (PA), Cultural Surveys Hawai’i (CSH) is preparing an archaeological inventory survey plan (AISP) for the Airport construction section (Kalaloa Drive to Middle Street). In accordance with this PA and with Hawaii Administration Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-275-5(c)(3), CSH is seeking cultural resource information regarding the land use of the project area and its cultural context. During the recent June 8th, 2011 OIBC meeting at the Kalanimoku Building you described your genealogical and cultural connection to Halawa Ahupua’a, through which the HHCTCP Phase 3 will traverse. CSH would appreciate any mana’o and knowledge of the ahupua’a of Halawa that you would be willing to share, such as traditional place names, mo’olelo, land use, cultural practices, old photographs, where families lived, etc. This information will assist in documenting the land use and cultural context of the ahupua’a , as well as help to identify areas of cultural resources and sensitivity. CSH would welcome any mana’o or ninau you might have. I can be contacted at any time via telephone or email.
Ena Sroat 
Archaeological Technician 
Cultural Surveys Hawaii, Inc. 

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  • Message pretty clear!


    "until the State and Federal government, like bullies have invaded our space to make a profit and leave their garbage on our lands, in our waters and in our lives, we

    want the illegal occupation to end...fix the problems here and give the people in Hawai'i a "Civilized Constitutional Monarchy" to look forward to in the new future."
    I watched the filming done by Pono at the  meeting on the rail at NBC.  Kawehi was pretty clear!  So was everyone.  Stop the rail!
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