nov. 23, 1993

103d Congress Joint Resolution 19


to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the January 19, 1993

overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii

and to offer an apology to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the United States

for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii


the truth will reveal itself......for the voices can no longer be put in silent

and the corrected visons be annouced very soon......kukanaka (stand tall) and unite......mauruuru


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  • kupuna kaohi......ask it, believe it and soon we will recieve it......remember Ke Akua united you and me together to move us forward.....our next generation is hungry for somekind of Correct Leadership....we have been guided by the deaf dumb blind and Lost generations of old......we are the new and improved next generation in our Royal Kingdom LINE to move forward and get above the waters...this old and tired weary generation is leading us to no where to go..HELL!!!.....we now have a plan to always REMEMBER, REMOVE AND REPLACE to soon enjoy and REJOICE for our next Royal Kingdom Heirs to finally carry the Living Lite Torch of INDEPENDENCE...mauruuru Ke Akua for your correct Leadership and proper Guidance of the Protocals of our Royal Kingdom Ancestors.....da princess of moku'ula...Lahaina the orginal Royal Capitol of our Royal Hawaiian Government

    whereas, a unitied monarchical government of the Hawaiian Islands

    was established in 1810 under Kamehameha I, the King of Hawaii;


    (we already had a legal monarchical government.......we need to violate these illegal outside influenced INTRUDERS) 

  • I wish that unite was true, but I don't see that happening any time soon.  we are basically imploding--much aloha for your posting of hope!
    • i have tried to unite my 11 siblings and with the strenght of Ke Akua i have met with my other 2 older siblings to discussion future arranagements for our ohana nation of Maui Nui (finally), i believe it is always in Ke Akuas good grace that we are to move forward.

      thank you Kaohi and good to hear from you again.....we are of the next generation of voices to be recognized and respected within our own communities as the Host culture Kingdom Heirs of our Sacred Hawaiian Kingdom.

      my many more Blessings to you and your ohana nation and soon we will unite within our kingdom hawaiian islands under the legal and rightful Hawaiian Ohana Nation Kingdom Government. we are also educated in todays chaos and am aware of yesterday History of Truths..........mahalo Ke Akua......mauruuru.......da princess of moku'ula, lahaina the capitol of the Hawaiian Kingdom Islands



    Whereas, prior to the arrival of the first Europeans in 1778, the Native Hawaiian people

    lived in a highly organized, self sufficent, subsistent social system based on communal land tenure

    with a sophisticated language, culture, and religion;


    (we neva need outside foreign influenced INTRUDERS....we were a Legal Hawaiian Kingdom Government of Hawaii~mauruuru)

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