United Nations considers new resolution calling for transparency from depleted uranium users


"Amelia Gora" <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>

UN logo The resolution,
the third on the issue since 2007, has been submitted on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement. It
has been inspired by ongoing concerns that at least 400,000kg of
depleted uranium remain unaccounted for in Iraq, and worries over the use of the
weapons in other conflicts. Previous texts in 2007and 2008 established
that DU has the potential to damage human health and called on UN
institutions to update their research on the matter.

Reports submitted to the UN Secretary General in response to 2008’s
resolution and published last month (see PDF summary below) indicate
that the World Health Organisation (WHO) is yet to complete its review
of recent scientific research. Meanwhile a submission by the United Nations Environment
(UNEP) called for a precautionary approach to the use
of the weapons. This was their strongest statement to date. The International Atomic Energy
(IAEA) once again downplayed the risks from DU and claimed
that simple countermeasures could deal with contaminated sites. This is
at odds with the findings of ICBUW’s recent report on the Balkans A Question of
, which found that managing contaminated sites demands
technical expertise and can be disproportionately expensive.

"The passage of this modest resolution would help send a message to
DU users at a time when global concern about the long-term impact of
these weapons is growing,"
said an ICBUW spokesperson. "That the
UK has engaged with the UN on transparency and capacity building in Iraq following the 2003
conflict indicates that DU users can, and should, accept an obligation
to the countries that they use these weapons in. We hope that this may
be a first small step towards facilitating the monitoring,
decontamination and research on civilian populations that is so urgently

Voting on the resolution in the First Committee will take place sometime
between the 26th October and the 1st November. If passed, the text will
then move to the General Assembly for a second round of voting at the
end of November. The last resolution passed by a huge majority and was
supported by 141 states with 36 abstentions. Only four states voted
against – the US, UK, France and Israel.

The text represents a good opportunity for parliamentarians, groups and
individuals to lobby their governments to build support for the draft.
For help and advice on lobbying your government, please contact ICBUW. --------------
receive this message because you registered with the email address hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com
at the website "International
Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons
" (http://www.bandepleteduranium.org/en)

Note the highlighted parts:

"That the UK has engaged with the UN on transparency and capacity building in Iraq following the 2003
conflict indicates that DU users can, and should, accept an obligation
to the countries that they use these weapons in.
We hope that this may
be a first small step towards facilitating the monitoring,
decontamination and research on civilian populations that is so urgently

Voting on the resolution in the First Committee will take place sometime
between the 26th October and the 1st November. If passed, the text will
then move to the General Assembly for a second round of voting at the
end of November. The last resolution passed by a huge majority and was
supported by 141 states with 36 abstentions. Only four states voted
against – the US, UK, France and

the text represents a good opportunity for parliamentarians, groups and individuals to lobby their governments to build support for the draft.

Perhaps the Hawaiian Kingdom could also enter drafts? hmmm

  see more information below:


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Last update: 16 October 2010 h. 22:09

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  • Amelia,

    I forgot about this and returned. Still reading!!!! Today is the 26th!!!!!
  • Mahalo Amelia,

    Alawys good to keep on posting one of the real issues we are speaking to on this forum
  • watch?v=rD78i6eoGkMhttp:

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