The U.S. has been in continuous violations of the laws of occupation and disregarding Hawai'i's international status as a neutral nation. Add to this is the crime against humanity and human rights which it has infringed upon while it fosters its doctrines of Manifest Destiny, Imperialism; all the while, it makes a mockery of justice, democracy and freedom. Its dishonor will be its demise especially when it victimizes its own citizens; much less when it commits crime against countries like ours. It has been known that U.S. Americans practiced genocide and ethnocide within the Kingdom of Hawai'i by poisoning with arsenic of known ali'i families; spreading the small pox epidemic like they did with the native Americans; disseminating dangerous drugs into Hawai'i's communities; taking the kanaka maoli children for adoption out of the country to the U.S.A.; and (mahalo Kaohi for this info) -> The missionaries created Koolau detention home that came out of Industrial School which undid the Puuhonua in Waiamanalo near the golf course. And my tutu's lived through that evil, including the vasectomy that was given to male boys, don't forget the Lobotomy at Kaneohe. This discussion contains The Articles of Belligerent Occupation that affect the Kingdom of Hawai'i and its nationals: Military occupation and the laws of war There have long been customary laws of belligerent occupation as part of the laws of war which gave some protection to the population under the military occupation of a belligerent power. These were clarified and supplemented by the Hague Conventions of 1907 [Hague_Conventions_(1899_and_1907)]. Specifically "Laws and Customs of War on Land" (Hague IV); October 18, 1907: "Section III Military Authority over the territory of the hostile State."[1] The first two articles of that section state: Art. 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. Art. 43. The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country. In 1949 these laws governing belligerent occupation of an enemy state's territory were further extended by the adoption of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV). Much of GCIV is relevant to protected persons in occupied territories and Section III: Occupied territories is a specific section covering the issue. Article 6 restricts the length of time that most of GCIV applies: The present Convention shall apply from the outset of any conflict or occupation mentioned in Article 2. In the territory of Parties to the conflict, the application of the present Convention shall cease on the general close of military operations. In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year after the general close of military operations; however, the Occupying Power shall be bound, for the duration of the occupation, to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory, by the provisions of the following Articles of the present Convention: 1 to 12, 27, 29 to 34, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59, 61 to 77, 143. GCIV emphasised an important change in international law. The United Nations Charter (26 June 1945) had prohibited war of aggression (See articles 1.1, 2.3, 2.4) and GCIV Article 47, the first paragraph in Section III: Occupied territories, restricted the territorial gains which could be made through war by stating: Protected persons who are in occupied territory shall not be deprived, in any case or in any manner whatsoever, of the benefits of the present Convention by any change introduced, as the result of the occupation of a territory, into the institutions or government of the said territory, nor by any agreement concluded between the authorities of the occupied territories and the Occupying Power, nor by any annexation by the latter of the whole or part of the occupied territory. Article 49 prohibits the forced mass movement of people out of or into occupied state's territory: Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. ... The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. Protocol I (1977): "Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts" has additional articles which cover military occupation but many countries including the U.S. are not signatory to this additional protocol. In the situation of a territorial cession as the result of war, the specification of a "receiving country" in the peace treaty merely means that the country in question is authorized by the international community to establish civil government in the territory. The military government of the principal occupying power will continue past the point in time when the peace treaty comes into force, until it is legally supplanted. "Military government continues until legally supplanted" is the rule, as stated in Military Government and Martial Law, by William E. Birkhimer, 3rd edition 1914. Examples of military occupations Main article: List of military occupations In most wars some territory is placed under the authority of the hostile army. Most military occupations end with the cessation of hostilities. In some cases the occupied territory is returned and in others the land remains under the control of the occupying power but usually not as militarily occupied territory. Disputed occupations The following presences are often referred to as military occupations, but this status is disputed by a party to the situation. Kingdom of Hawai'i (I added this as it is pertinent to our situation). Disputed to be a military occupation by local population Nagorno-Karabakh— occupied by Armenia, legal territory of Azerbaijan [2] Kingdom of Hawai'i (I added it here also since it fits this catergory as well). Disputed to be a military occupation by the nation of military dominance in an area Occupation of the Georgian territories - South Ossetia and Abkhazia - by Russia (the occupation process began in 1992 and "ended" in 2008, August) Tibet — A unified Tibetan empire was created in the 8th century, and fell apart a century later. Mongol conquests in the 13th century made Tibet part of a Mongol-ruled Chinese empire [Yuan_Dynasty], and four centuries later the Manchu-ruled Qing Dynasty further incorporated Tibet into China. [3] In 1914, the 13th Dalai Lama signed a treaty granting Chinese suzerainty over both "Inner Tibet" and "Outer Tibet" establishing direct rule over the former and leaving the latter autonomous.[4] Subordination to China was reaffirmed in 1934.[5][6] Chinese sovereignty was confirmed by both Beijing and the Tibetans[7][8] after PLA occupied the Tibetan region of Chamdo. The region is still claimed by the Republic of China. Golan Heights — captured by Israel from Syria in 1967, de facto annexed by Israel in 1981 (but explicitly unrecognized by the UN see Golan heights#Current status) Gaza strip — occupied by Egypt in 1948 Arab-Israeli_War (except for four months of Israeli occupation during the 1956 Suez Crisis), occupied by Israel in 1967- Six-Day_War. In 2005 Israel instituted a unilateral disengagement plan, removing settlers and ground forces. However, disputes remain over whether Gaza effectively is occupied with some international organizations holding it is. West Bank — captured by Jordan in 1948 Arab-Israeli War and annexed in 1950, captured by Israel in 1967 Six-Day_War Jordan proclaimed a relinquishment of sovereignty to the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1988. East Jerusalem was annexed by Israel in 1967 (incorporated into Israeli "Basic Law" in 1980) but the annexation is not recognized by the UN or European Union. Western Sahara — disputed between Morocco and the Polisario Front, with the latter considering it to be occupied. Lower Kuril Islands: Kunashir/Kunashiri, Iturup/Etorofu, Shikotan, Habomai — was annexed by USSR in 1945 (which considers the matter non-negotiable). *** sounds like the U.S.A. Other Kashmir — held in part by Pakistani Kashmiris, partly held by People's Republic of China in the Ladakh region and India, parts or all claimed by all three governments in Islamabad, Beijing, and New Delhi. Cyprus: the northern part of the island, is occupied after a Turkish invasion in 1974 See also Occupied territories Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts Project (RULAC) Military government Nazi-occupied Europe Allied Occupation Zones in Germany Occupied Japan Palestinian territories Kingdom of Hawai'i (I added this as it should be) Further reading David Kretzmer, Occupation of Justice: The Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories, State University of New York Press, April, 2002, trade paperback, 262 pages, ISBN 0-7914-5338-3 ; hardcover, July, 2002, ISBN 0-7914-5337-5 Sander D. Dikker Hupkes, What Constitutes Occupation? Israel as the occupying power in the Gaza Strip after the Disengagement, Leiden: Jongbloed 2008, 110 pages, ISBN 9789070062453 Open access Belligerent Occupation The Law of Belligerent Occupation Michal N. Schmitt (regarding occupation of Iraq) Footnotes ^ Laws and Customs of War on Land" (Hague IV); October 18, 1907: "Section III Military Authority over the territory of the hostile State source The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School ^ Mr David Atkinson, United Kingdom, European Democrat Group, (Rapporteur) The conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region dealt with by the OSCE Minsk Conference , Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, 29 November 2004 ^ Grunfeld, A. Tom, "Reassess Tibet Policy" , 2000 ^ By the Simla Convention (1914) and its appendix Tibet identified itself as "under the suzerainty of China.....[forming] part of Chinese territory"[Article 2, Note 2]. Full text ^ Goldstein, Melvyn, "A History of Modern Tibet", pp239-241 ^ India Office Records, IOR/L/PS/12/4175 ^ Gyatso, Tenzin, Dalai Lama XIV, interview, 25 July 1981. ^ Goldstein, pp812-813 ^ "Israel: 'Disengagement' Will Not End Gaza Occupation" Human Rights Watch. October 29, 2004 ^ "Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories" July 6, 2006" ^ Israel considers the West Bank and Gaza Strip to be disputed rather than occupied territories. This opinion is based on the claim that a territory can be occupied only if prior to the entry of military forces that territory was part of a sovereign state. Because the West Bank and Gaza Strip were not recognised internationally as being an integral part of a sovereign state prior to the entry of Israeli military forces into them in June 1967, these territories logically cannot be regarded as occupied.[citation needed ] ^ Staff. Greek Cypriot properties under Turkish military occupation © 2006 - 2008 Republic of Cyprus, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ********************************************************************************** Go here for the more complete Fourth Geneva Convention Article and action: It would be good to get a better understanding of these laws that protect us. Tane

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  • Mahalo for the pictures Amelia,

    Maoli world has perfect shots of what our graves look like especially next to the richest school bus stop. I have children who are grads and grandchildren and I like the idea that they sit and play at that bus stop near their grand-great mother and aunt too on their dad's side of the family. And no I never knew that Joseph Kahahawai was buried there until my dad confirmed what you said. Where did I get the idea he was buried at the airport?

    I don't have much to say, except will you be there to listen to the Massie Case discussion?

    I suspect, they are trying or someone is trying to stir up legal justice through the Civil Rights under the race card in hopes they can revive how Clarence Darrow screwed up in Hawaii with two justices in US court. Justice for whites and no justice for non whites which is how Clarence Darrow left it in Hawaii. It's ironic how he tried and won a case for African Americans and came here dirt poor and did just the opposite.

    I was watching Father Damien tonight and next time I visit my dad which should be this week, I'm going to ask him about uncle Pua whom was sent to Molokai as a leper. Uncle Pua was just above my dad in the order of siblings. He was my dad's favorite big brother and my dad felt safe with him. Uncle Pua was also a beautiful singer and played music.

    It's interesting I would never interact with my dad on anything outside of the dinner table or in the garden, my interaction with my dad is practical ocean, mountain, sky, smells things that are natural. I get body language if I ask questions outside of his world. Sadly, my dad has so much to offer in the way of what or how he think about the politics around him. And I'm an obedient daughter, to the ' degree. It's so funny my dad is so ill and has dizzeness but he will tell me to sit down at the table, and he will prepare my food and stand up multi times to get me a spoon, mustard, coffee, a drink, a napkin etc... good grief I'm 61 years old and my dad is still serving me dinner! I don't dare say anything just sit and watch my dad knowing all the while he is feeling dizzy. Each time he walks back to the table he tells me how he feels and his journey to and from point A and B and the show of pride that he made it. Is this a 2,000 year old way of life for Kanaka men? Have they always fed their children like this?

    Getting back to the massie case, North Carolina is a place that is twisted in slavery, native American tribes and bankers, I wish noelani well in her endeavor of justice for her brother. I hope she find justice at least for closer.

    Which is why the details of Joseph Kahahawai case is important because of it's ritualistic killing, it happened at Ogalala too, same details some 40 years later? The details was discussed at Atherton building UH with the Ogalala women sharing their painful experiences. Do you think this panel will remember the song 'strange fruit' slaves hanging from trees? Stannards attack on Mandala, at Atherton building in the 90s don't add up. Do you think they will play the race card, and hope to connect with the Civil Rights justice department for humane treatment for prisoners? Do you think Obama will listen to Leonard Peltier's injustice? I can't edit, my apologies--please do your best to make sense of my talk. Mahalo again for posting these pictures, I think Joseph is happy, I have a sense of this and Gail Prejean too. Kaohi
    • I had to chuckle when I read what Kaohi said, "Is this a 2,000 year old way of life for Kanaka men? Have they always fed their children like this?"

      This reminds me of my Dad who shared the duty of feeding us. I find myself following in the same role. This was done even when there were eleven of us kids at the table; but there was a time when we had duties to set the table and clean up after. When I would baby-sit my siblings, once in a while I would make pancakes and ask what color they wanted and what animal shape they wanted it in. LOL... I would use the food dye to mix in the batter to create the color they wanted and then pour it into the shape of the animal they desired. It was as much fun for me as for them. LOL...

      My grandfather was sent to Kalaupapa when he was a boy. It was traumatic for him as they threw him overboard to swim to shore; all alone and afraid. I still cry about it when I think of how he was treated. A kind Hawaiian couple took him in and cared for him while he was there. Later, they discovered that he didn't have Hanson's Disease, but Bells Palsy and returned him home, back to Kaua'i. He never forgot that part of his life. Although he was prevented from continuing school since the 6th grade, he learned through reading books. Before his retirement from Hawaiian Electric, where he was a foreman, they discovered when he took a math test that he was a genius in math and outscored two graduates from college. He taught us children fractions before we entered kindergarten. LOL...

      My Dad and and other fellow both belonged to the Holy Name Society Statewide Association had initiated and spear-headed the campaign for the second statue in the statuary hall in Washington and Hawai'i. It was for Father Damien and that's why there's one in front of the State Building and the U.S. Statuary Hall.

      Joseph Kahahawai's demise was often discussed while I was growing up and gathered the sense of outrage for what had transpired. Thalia was always getting drunk at a bar on Ena Road while her husband was away on duty and she was sleeping with his fellow officers. She was domestically abused and they blamed it on the innocent four young men. The detectives made the car and boys fit the crime and that was enough outrage to start with. The sailors kidnapped the Chines guy, and took him up to Nu'uanu where they beat him up and planned to lynch him but was interrupted and so they left him there.

      Joseph, unfortunately was kidnapped outside of the court building and taken to their home in Manoa where he was shot; then castrated and they shoved his penis into his mouth. This is what they did to the blacks in the South to further desecrate and humiliate them; sometimes even before killing them. How sadistic is that?

      Fortesque and the Massies were found guilty and their sentence was commuted to refreshments in the governor's office for about and hour then they boarded the ship for their home in the U.S. As justice would have it, Mrs. Fortesque when insane; Thalia and her husband divorced; and Thalia committed suicide.

      I saw the cartoon which depicted a black afro-gorilla assaulting a virginal white-blond woman who was shrieking with horror. This stirred up the U.S. Americans with hate-filled racists comments about Hawaiians; especially when we knew she was having an adulterous affair with her husband's fellow officer.

      I've seen this mentality and attitude exhibited by the military while growing up even to today. Shame on Andrew Dussell's family. This reminds me of the Massie Case and the miscarriage of justice. Here you have the Asinine Andrew Dussell, his no-class wife and friend committing a hit and run mishap; Ms, Dussell-Dork physically attacks the boy, then wails into his mother; and all the racist State Attorney and the news media can say, is that it was a racist crime by the local people because the kid correctly addressed them as haole and the "poor" military husband just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. Big f'n deal! The Dussells attacked the Pa'akaula family and Mr. Pa'akaula ended the assault waged against his family.

      Dussells got what they deserved and I have no pity for them, they are the ones who should be prosecuted for their crimes and not exonerated because they are in the military. Dussells and their military friends who called and terroristically threatened the Pa'akaula family are the scum of the earth.

      When the Dussells hit the Pa'akaula car (legally parked in a stall) and proceeded to run away; the son called them "Fuckin' haole!" This led to them to return and beat he and his mother who was trying to stop the fighting. The father comes out of the store and sees these people beating up his family and stopped it by beating the assailants up; which I would've done. U.S. Attorney Carlisle then miscarries justice and calls it a hate crime and lets the Dussels go free for their hit and run and assault on their victims.

      The real victims get charged and the boy is sent to the "boy's home"; the father is sent to prison for assault; and the wife gets calls from the soldiers who threaten to kill all of her family, then click their guns without bullets over the phone so she can hear them. Their actions was continuous for a long time; I don't know if they have stopped their terroristic threats to her today. This is similar behavior that the military exhibited back during the Massie case. Nothing's changed!

      This is all the more reason why the U.S. must de-occupy our country and go to hell!
  • Lana,

    I lived in the dorms at UH Manoa for 10 years and I know every crack (in the concrete) and crany as to intellectuals middle and upper middle income thinkers working papers. To appease the white professors not all but most it was best to write accordingly for a grade. In truth, I didn't pay much attention to this, however, when I came home to Waianae--I saw the written words in the body language of our Na Kanaka, one being teen suicide. Lot's of grant monies are written on this particular social problem, I'm pretty crazy when I see this happens.

    I have lots of Wiccan friends Hawaiians too. I am not a wiccan, but I do know their language and behavior around our spiritual space. It pisses me off. Need to check out Thielens latest action on Maui Pono did a post, Friday night. With in 48 hours, I went from Joseph Nawahi at UH on Thursday, Noho Hewa at Windward on Friday and Thielen's disaster Maui meeting and last night visiting my ailing dad, so I was spinning a little bit. I stopped in to have a talk story with Tane for grounding before I came home. As Pono would say pit stop for brain crapping.

    I told Tane I wanted to rip through Maui'ans for not standing up to DLNR over the water from crown lands being diverted from their taro patches. For being 'too nice' is their usual play with politics, giving authority to the fake state, and not demanding that they replace all water stream flows to our ancient lo'is. She would never get away with this bull shit on Kauai in Hanalei.

    You can see this phenomenon of prostrating to the fake state, the white goddess in Pono's posting by our Kanaka men, beginning with Wendt who was presenting facts and reasoning. It layed ground for prostrating. The pretty princess was the usual motif and tantilizing, barbaric princess projection of expression-- it's just the times. It use to be Pocohantas style of sleeping with the enemy so to speak, a romance made in Disnesyworld.

    The DLNR, wants to put back some water by weight (white) and economic class. Our old people knew how to malama the stream from Mauka to makai. It was of a certain width and at each meandering it was design to meet rushing flows with boulders, and calm waters. The differences is it fed into the awai steadily regardless of rushing flows or calm waters. One can see this phenomenon at UH Manoa and compare to other streams that were altered with out this hydro design. At each meandering one can see a purposely built wall of pohaku, as a student and too as a child I like walking up stream seeing and smelling the waters and this whole natural sense of our people.

    When I swim at rest camp, I like to go at 3 pm because of the bacteria in the water. The high BTU's supposedly kills bacteria by the time I enter the waters. I can smell the supposedly freshwater/ sewage flow from the ground it swells to the surface of the shoreline waters. I can also smell the honu when they are near me, sometimes they brush up against my legs while I'm swimming. Berfore the sewage treatment was built our bacteria count was 22-- today it's over 100, so very sad that we are swimming in our own piss and fecal matter. We see more sharks on the Waianae coast during high levels of bacteria. The homeless kids they are very smart to know when to stay out of the water. If we have keen fishermen in the camps they watch or tell the big kids to pay attention and watch the little ones.

    At this time, the shorelines are being nationalized by the feds level of authority because of funding monies can be gotten in the millions for research. These research monies was invested into Pasadena 'old' money banks after stop the bombing of O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalama. Now the investment monies are available for educational research, sadly it's attached to military procurement. UH Manoa is setting up policies for these outside entities to come into the institute and do research using federal funding. I attended a mainland college and eventhough they had budget problems students refused to let the federal government come into their college. I was shocked to hear this and I certainly didn't understand the whole idea paying for your own college instead of federal funded projects. Talk about blood money, that's the real thing. Tad Davies held a secret meeting in Nanakuli with UH Manoa psuedo scientist, I was livid. I'm still reacting to this wretched meeting. I go face to face with those that attended and I do the shame on you thing for their docile action towards Davies deadly agenda. I give them his sustainable five year plan of in/out of the fence policy which he will be presenting very soon to the NRC which inturn will sway the President to adjust to his plan under the statue of 5(f).

    Returning the water stream means navigational waters such as Waialua river on Kauai. Under the EPA, but the stream has to be navigational before it can land the protection of the federal government for funding no less. Thielen knows this so she was just toying with our kanaka men's olos, squeezing it sometimes in foreplay which is what the governess likes to do with Aiona and other Kanaka men. She learned this play from her mother and the governess. The governess learned this foreplay from living on Molokai. Cynthia had Emmet milking out of the palm of her hands during the PKO years.

    You are right Makahiki is on the rise soon, we need to hush hush and find other avenues to maintain our deep thinking skills. I have lots of reading and writing I want to do and fix up my yard too. Nanakuli doesn't have a Waste water treatment plan so I guess I' m going to do more swimming at Zablans.

    I asked my dad about the Massie Case. I asked him if he was in attendance of the funeral, he said the children didn't go in his family. And he confirmed that he's buried at the Pohaku cemetary across from the Kam bus terminal. He also told me that they there was uncle Sonny, Jimmy, Walter, Joseph, and Glady's who past away two months ago and one more still living Momi in Waimanalo. Just one more voice still living from all his brothers and sisters.

    Antoher draining part of my visit, there will be a new book authored by Paul Bonson and my dad signed a paper to give him absolute rights to everything of my fathers an Edward Niaupio--so to speak. I believe Paul has just ripped out our history and reconfirmed pass research such as Handy and MacClalistor (sp) for Bishop Museum. Hopefully that in his stealing that he left some crumbs or piece of human dignity for my family.

    My dad is in the book under the pukinekine (sp) tree his dad use to put him under. My grandpa would not take my dad to the where the iwi was because of his worship, chanting, and Hawaiian way of Kahea. My dad did asked Paul on the first visit what happened to the iwi, Paul said they took it out. I'm pretty nutty but it's the norm for me and I will get over this, I told Pono and Tane I was just going to rest and clean house for my therapy. So thanks for being there and reading my ha'kaka. Forgive me I'm too tired to edit. Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo Kaohi
  • Cut and pasting Lana's quote:

    "what is the mindset of those who want the U.S. de-occupy yet are willing to take their money."

    Thanks for asking the questions and giving us an opportunity to respond to it, I feel that the process which is a lot of work, is worth it. Especially after the romance of being told and than protest, and really we need analysis in the aftermath. Our comprehensive interpretive analysis and if someone doesn't ask or answer than it's only romance."

    The military makes so much money on our lands, free rent, and huge profits on procurement. The blood money it's made on land where our ancestors laid to rest and was removed 3,000 sets of iwi removed from Kaneohe marine base. They were all on the top of the rim of the crater for the birds to eat their flesh and than we were suppose to gather the bones to be reinturned mauka. Makahiki is near and we honor our ancient Na Kupuna's in ceremonies. Aloha Kaohi
    • Mahalo e Kaohi.

      I was just reading your other comment about Dr. Beatrice Krauss and awa. Also about white women toying with kanaka men and how oiwi women are the ones to clean up. Another heated issue. I have a distate for those pseudo-intellectuals by the way some whom you have written about here. That and about career suicide if one dare teach or speak the truth. My eldest niece is now at UH-Manoa.

      Truth versus mistruth and have been paying attention to what you've been saying here. I look forward to reading your mana'o as usual. Fortunately Makahiki is near.

      E malama pono, Lana
  • Aloha e Keliiaumoana:

    I am estatic that you brought in your mana'o which is often thought and not aired often enough. I am proud of you for taking the time out to reveal how you feel. During the invasion and occupation of Hawai'i, some Hawaiians had to sign the oath of allegiance to the enemi in order to keep their employment to sustain their families. These same people also signed the Ku'e petitions.

    Sometimes being a hostage by a stronger group; one must comply to survive to fight another day. It was a strategy some used. Today in many cases, many are ignorant of the situation due to not being told the truth and later caught in a catch-22. The decision is a normal one which is to take care of your family; the priority more than a political overpowerment in an arena for political leaders. The difficulty is the mind game and constant violations of the laws of occupation committed by the U.S. to cover its criminal activities.

    If Hawaii was de-occupied and ran its own government and country; I'm sure people would be employed in the same type of career they chose. The everyday, common person has dreams and interests that can support one's family. Life doesn't cease and living doesn't stop. Maintaining the truths and teaching one's children; maintaining the language, values, and heritage is the key to strengthen who we are. Support those fighting for freedom and justice and live your life the best you know how. I think you have found the balance that you can live with and the logical juggling to go around the issues beyond your control. No one can steal your mind and thoughts no matter what country we live under. When one is forced into a situation, you have a choice to make lemons or lemonade; it's human nature. Stand up and be counted when necessary and give support to your beliefs. Just be aware of things and make it work for you and your family. You do what you have to do and in your own time until things get resolved or when the time is right. There are more ways to skin the cat. Just keep supporting the movement toward justice and freedom of our people.

    • ALOHA Kakou, Right now under the FAKE State of Hawaii all the materials coming into Hawaii from Asia first goes to California. Their the materals are unloaded and reloaded on other ships and brought to Hawaii. Adding the extra cost to the Native Hawaiians and the general public of Hawaii. After 50 years of the FAKE STATE of Hawaii Honolulu is not considered a Port Of Entry where all the materails coming into Hawaii from can come into Hawaii.
      Under the revived Hawaiian Kingdom, all materials coming in to the Hawaii will come to Hawaii. Saving the extra cost of sending those materails to California. Bring down the cost of living in Hawaii.
      We all know that in Hawaii everything that we grown is No Ka Oi, the Best. The Kingdom needs to developed the growning lands of Hawaii for Organic Foods. All chemicials needs to be Outlawed in the Kingdom. We must Stop the Pollution of the lands of Hawaii. Only with the revival of the Hawaiian Kingdom will we be able to return ALOHA AINA to Hawaii. Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
  • Keliiaumoana,

    I don't know how your posting jumped in between, but it's an interesting logistic threading. The shame corner pop's up and center stage within us and that's a cool thing to process in ones head. I've been in the movement for a very long time and 1974 to factual. And it came with a cost, I do not encourage anyone to join 'Hawaiian activisim' I encourage anyone however to preserve our language, take care of their family and oneself. The movement will always be there, one can jump in anytime and leave it without guilt.

    As for the blood money it's as Howard Zinn says, "The concept of paradox is useful to our innocence. We keep it as a last defense, first erecting two other barriers. The first is not to look for, or not to see, those facts that challenge our deepest beliefs. The second is (when the world will not tolerate our ignorace) to keep separate in our consciousness those elements which, brought together, would explode the myths of our culture. When both those restraining walls collapse, we fall back, as an emergency meausre, on the explanation: It's one of those paradoxes--an incredible but true combination."

    I was at Borders reading the Dalai Lama on violence, I got frustrated with it because I couldn't distingush the voice from the author or his holiness. But I think he was coming from Howard Zinn.

    "Churchill lent an air of nobility to ugly realities. Boer War... . This war from beginning to end has only been a war of duty."

    Just wanted to say 'stay on duty' the best way one knows how, and don't forget to learn the language. It's comforting. Kaohi
  • Okay Lana,
    I printed out the 22 pages Covnention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

    Fantastic citation to discuss and rearrange to where tane is coming from and your questions are the right questions to ask. The question is can I focuse on the the points you made and react to it's values and still maintain my premise. Not sure! So, you are standing on solid grounds to challenge Tane. I'm sure he is going to be challenged at night to respond until I'm focused and your questions will take us on the processes journey. Terriffic challenge, will get back on this thread after I read the literature and postings again. Kaohi
  • Let me answer the question with your question. Aren't all U.S. Americans accepting blood money... and if so are they returning it based on their high level of consciousness and awareness of its source? Those troops who actually commit the war crimes; raping, slaughtering the innocent, pillaging, and torturing innocent civilians; are they returning it or do they plan to return their blood money? The U.S. economic structure is largely based on the military industrial complex and the U.S. has a war-economy.

    To me, that's a catch-22 type of question. It's also irrelevant whether one favors U.S. de-occupation or not. The inference is we are being ungrateful of our occupiers and should ingratiate ourselves with them. What you are seemingly stating is that we should feel guilty to want the U.S. to de-occupy our country and they are here paternalistically for our own good and that we lack the confidence to be who we were and are? What part of belligerent/hostile occupation am I missing? What makes this occupation okay to live under? Who is this satisfying?

    Am I to understand that crime does pay and it's okay because of the assumption, it's better than nothing? There are things that we have control over and things that are beyond our control. Do we fix it or keep the status quo that has been imposed on us? Are we to accept the fate of an imitation of life as a racist U.S. WASP that believes in its scurrilous Manifest Destiny and imperialism?

    LOL... I guess I posed more questions than you did, eh? All this was stimulated by your questions. Oy veh! So, tell me den, did I answer your questions? I'm starting to get punchy; I need a nap right now. ttyl.

    Love ya!

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