Gmail Amelia Gora <>

Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0014 Copy to Sally Hannan - U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, etc. Cease and Desist, etc.

Amelia Gora <> Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:50 AM
Gmail Amelia Gora <>

Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0014 Re: Signing of Act 15, that settles unresolved claims of income and proceeds with Office of Hawaiian affairs

amelia gora <> Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:14 PM
To: Governor Neil Abercrombie <>
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0014 Re: Signing of Act 15, that settles unresolved claims of income and proceeds with Office of Hawaiian affairs

amelia gora <> Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:14 PM
To: Governor Neil Abercrombie <>

[Kanaka Maoli flag]


                Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0014  Re: Signing of Act 15, that settles unresolved claims of income and proceeds with Office of Hawaiian affairs

Opposition was documented against your claims to the Crown Lands dubbed Ceded Lands by others and myself, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.

An active Case is in Court as we speak.

The Judge(s), yourself and many others have been placed on the "Genocide Activities" list, kept in a file at the Honolulu Police Department.

Opposition was documented many, many times over through letters, e-mails, hand delivery to the Attorney General's Office with the knowledge that they are the legal parties who accept your mail, etc.

As stated in the Senate Hearing with a room full of witnesses, camera running, I did maintain Opposition to the illegal transfer of lands that you people have no claims to.  You are NOT a member of our family, You are NOT a Kamehameha descendant/heir and as pointed out in the Senate Hearing, I did state on the microphone that "you guys are a bunch of Pirates".

This is the posting that has been sent around the World.

Notice of Crown Land ownership was served to the State of Hawaii and there was no response.

Conspiracies, Premeditation, Racketeering, Criminal Malfeasance, Treason is documented through intense research made for more than 30 years in history, 22 years in genealogies, and more than 12 years in legal research.

Our families are on record for Opposing the criminal wrongs of those Deviants, Conspirators, Treasonous persons supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan Bankers - part of the Bank of England.

The Hawaiian Government, the real Hawaiian Government exists because the permanent parts are the Sovereign - heirs and successors, and House of Nobles - descendants/heirs existed in 1893 and now.  The third part is a temporary, voted in group called the House of Representatives who did conspire, committed treason, premeditated the criminal takeover of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation in 1893. 

The House of Representatives called themselves the Provisional Government, then the Republic of Hawaii, then the Territory of Hawaii, and the State of Hawaii with documented opposition every step of the way.

Our people have been here for more than 3,000 years.

Queen Liliuokalani did Oppose all of you over time as well.

Admission of wrongs were recorded in Public Law 103-150 and signed by former President William Clinton.

The historical points in the Admission are incomplete.

Rents and Leases are due to our families who own the lands, are the title holders of the lands that the Iolani/Iolani Palace, State Capitol, Washington Place, Attorney Genera's Office, Bureau of Conveyances - DLNR, Hawaii Housing, etc. sits on and we have the proof.

Corruption is documented, Genocide is documented, and expectations of the case moving on due the active Crown Lands Case is expected.

The Attorney General is claiming $6,000+ against our families for filing the Lien which took more than two years to document.

There are many liens recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances by our families.

My first lien was filed, and served to Governor Cayetano, President William Clinton in 1996, which included liens on the Crown Lands.  Many of the liens were served through certified, return receipt requested through the Postal System which our families continue to have treaties with, etc.

I do believe that based on the genealogies uncovered, etc., the Treaties are in place, which means you have no jurisdiction to proceed.  Cease and Desist.


                                                       Amelia Gora, a Royal person, one of the
                                                       descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, Liholiho -
                                                       Kamehameha II, Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III,
                                                       Alexander Liholiho - Kamehameha IV, Lot -
                                                       Kamehameha V, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua,
                                                       Queen Liliuokalani, Queen Kapiolani, Queen Emma,
                                                       Princess Poomaikelani, et. als.; Representative
                                                       of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, and Acting
                                                       Liaison of Foreign Affairs - House of Nobles, a
                                                       living human being

copies/posts to many interested others


[Kanaka Maoli flag]

U.S. President Obama

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

                              Re:   Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0013; 2012-0012; 2012-0011 Permanent U.S. Treaty In Place - State of Hawaii Needs to be Under the American Embassy/Consulate from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs

Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0013;  2012-0012;. 2012-0011 Permanent U.S. Treaty In Place - State of Hawaii Needs to be Under the American Embassy/Consulate from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs

Opposition to Monsanto, GMO Support by the State and Federal Governments on our lands Occupied by those who Premeditated the takeover of our Queen, etc.

2:28 AM (4 hours ago)
to sennishihara

I, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, and owner of the Crown Lands wrongfully dubbed as the "Ceded Lands"; heir of Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani hereby document opposition to the following which was posted on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 390.

I ask that you drop this giveaway to the rich and powerful claimed landowners, developers, and GMO corporations who have no title to the lands......our families are the title holders and those that you are assisting have no titles because they are not related to our families who are kanaka maoli and have been in these Hawaiian Islands for more than 3,000 years.

Premeditation is documented, genocide issues are documented which means that these are International Issues and are concerns which fall in line with the Permanent Treaties which was signed with the Sovereign his heirs and successors.

The Hawaiian Government a permanent set-up based on the Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy have two permanent branches
:  1)  Sovereign - his heirs and successors; 2) the House of Nobles - their descendants/heirs -  our families are descendants/heirs of both branches.  The last part is a temporary, voted in group called 3)  The House of Representatives which was the basis of the conspirators, treasonous persons who premeditated the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani, called themselves the Provisional Government, then the Republic, then Territory, then State of Hawaii with documented Oppositions by our families every step of the way.

I, Amelia Gora, hereby document Opposition to your and the State of Hawaii in proceeding in this venture which is a failure of all governments due to the failure of protecting the health, safety of their citizens.

As Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs for Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago, I hereby document that as a descendant/ heir of two permanent branches maintain Opposition to protect the health, lives, safety of our Kanaka Maoli, "Hawaiian Nationals", American and Foreign citizens who currently reside in the Hawaiian Islands.


                                       Amelia Gora, a Royal person,
                                       One of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogical
                                       Society, the House of Nobles descendant/heir of Kamehameha
                                       et. als.


information to many others, including Foreign nations


RED ALERT_GMO Pre-emption bill raises its ugly head again_WE NEED TO ACT FAST!‏



Aloha all;


FYI guys, Rep Tsuji and Speaker Say are at it again.  This is Monsanto's "pre-emption" bill language and it's raised its ugly head again.  They tried this three years ago in the taro gmo ban bill.  This time it's time hidden again in what was once a good bill HB2703 (see below) but is now horribly compromised.

Conference Committee Meeting will reconvene on Friday 04-27-12 11:30AM in conference room 224
The switched language isn't even posted.
The language will take away the authority to protect Hawaii's residents at the county or state level from gmo food or agricultural crops.  The "catch phrase" is that the states can rely on the federal laws.  This is not true - federal law will hand the bag to Monsanto and the rest of the biotech industry.  We will lose our right to protect our families, farms and communities and the food we grow and eat if this language passes.  They are assuming that as a last minute bait and switch, that no one will be able to stop it.
From experience - calls to Tsuji and Say will have little impact.  They've been bought.  Do it anyway.  AND call every legislator you can and match callers to their reps and senators.  We need to make this public really fast.
Is it illegal what Tsuji did - no.  Is it reprehensible - absolutely!  Has Monsanto paid everyone off - likely.  They have the highest paid lobbyists in Hawaii and the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association working for them behind the scenes and the Hawaii Farm Bureau working in the front.
At the very least press for a deferral until that has time to be posted and reviewed.  Be aware if it misses the deadline it will be alive next year.  If it is killed in committee, it's dead (unless it's snuck into another bill).
As hard as everyone has worked on this bill, you will need to be ready to kill it if there is any indication that it might pass with the pre-emption language intact.  Taro farmers were forced to do that with the gmo kalo ban bill three years ago.  Brit Bailey helped us on this last time - she had experience in killing the language in California (and they barely were able to make it).  Brit, if you are out there - hope you can help!
Here's a summary of Monsanto tactics
  Number 3 has a link to the map on states succumbed to the pre-emption law which Monsanto and Vilsack crafted.
Here's background and resources on the seed pre-emption laws
FYI, just last month, Monsanto announced the buy out of an independent bee research laboratory that had strong evidence that chemicals such as RoundUp were a source of bee colony collapse disorder.  Nifty way to put a stop to undesirable findings or "inconvenient truths."  So much for the protection of good science.
We have been working hard to pass HB 2703, a bill that would establish a priority to double the amount of food we grow in Hawaii – setting the stage for a raft of measures that would ignite a food farming revolution.
But oh noAt the very last minute the Chair of the House Agriculture Committee, Mr. Clifton Tsuji, took it upon himself to hijack months of work and replace our bill with language not seen or discussed before - some of which is not even within his committee’s remit and has no relation to the title of the bill. 
It’s Undemocratic
In other words, what Tsuji did was not just a dirty political trick that flouts the wishes of the hundreds of people who have lobbied for this bill, it’s probably unconstitutional.
So now we need you to call and email Rep. Tsuji at:
and tell him to go back to the original Senate version SD2
And call and email Senator Nishihara at:
and ask him to either defend his SD2 version or kill the whole darned thing.  Yes, its’ that bad.
What does Tsuji want to do?  
To start with, he wants it explicitly stated in the bill that the food self-sufficiency goal shall be non-binding – of course!  And if the Department of Ag doesn’t like the goal they should be allowed to cut it nearly in half – naturally!
Then, as if these aren’t bad enough, he wants our food and farming bill to be tied to “other goals of equal priority.”
Like what?  Well like:
§  Building as many new homes as the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation deems necessary by 2020. (What’s a housing issue doing in an ag bill?)
§  Meeting our renewable energy portfolio standard in 2020 “partly with biofuels and biomass crops at the volume estimated by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism.”
§  Requiring that “the community growth boundary of a county's long-term general, development, or community plan shall be respected,” which appears to be an effort to kill the Honolulu City Council’s recent decision to consider designating as Important Agricultural Lands the farmlands of billionaire developer Donald Horton and billionaire developer David Murdock at Ho‘opili and Koa Ridge (which between them grow 40% of the food currently grown in the state).
What else? Let's Protect GMOs!
Yep: he wants to legislate that there shall be ”no state or county prohibition on the growing, raising, possession, or consumption by people of genetically engineered agricultural products within the state if the products are grown or raised in compliance with federal law.” 
That’s because this brave representative of the people probably receives more money from GMO corporations than any other member of the Hawaii state legislature, indeed he may be one of the top recipients of GMO funding in the nation.
Let’s Steal Your Water
Oh and then he inserts language that contradicts and nullifies public trust protections of water resources, by making commercial agricultural diversions a “public trust purpose” – something that big monied interests have tried and failed to promulgate for years.
It stinks
It seems there is nothing too skanky for this gentleman to insert in a bill that was supposed to be about boosting food farming, creating an agricultural renaissance and stimulating our economy.
No One’s Responsible
And here's one last beauty: “No person may bring an action against the state or any state officer or employee for an act or omission alleged to be contrary to attainment of the food sustainability benchmark.”
He wants to stink-up this bill so badly that we’ll be forced to lobby against our own measure.
OK so you get the idea. 
The Legislature has received literally thousands of pieces of written testimony and phone calls from supporters of this bill.  Dozens of people have come to the Capitol to testify in person.  Just today a group of farmers published an editorial in the Star-Advertiser calling for passage of this bill.
Yet this one little man has chosen to subvert the democratic will.
Call Rep Tsuji NOW!
I urge you to call and email Clifton Tsuji’s office and tell him what you think of his shenanigans. Ask him to drop his giveaway to the rich and powerful landowners, developers, and GMO corporations. Urge him to pass the Senate version of the bill known as SD2
Mr Tsuji’s phone number is: 808-586-8480,  Email him at

And please call or email Senator Nishihara at 808-586-6970  Email him at
and ask him to defend his original SD2 version of the bill or to kill Tsuji’s poisonous mess. Yes, it’s that bad.

Let’s flood their phone lines and mailboxes
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0011 Permanent U.S. Treaty In Place - State of Hawaii Needs to be Under the American Embassy/Consulate from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs

e-mail sent previously :


Research has uncovered many frauds, deceits, conspiracies over time.

The ongoing issues includes the criminal claiming by the United States/United States of America, State of Hawaii, the Alii Trusts, etc. who haven't titles to properties belonging to our Royal Families, Subjects of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.

The ongoing moves to assume lands for the purposes of Rail, Cables/Underwater Cables, GMO/Genetic Modified Organisms, Depleted Uranium Use, Toxins developments, contamination storage, bombs, the theft of monies from innocents-specifically kanaka maoli who are made to pay taxes to an occupying nation, etc., the removal of innocents from parks, operations of a quasi legal appearing court system supporting criminal claims, the criminal assumption of the Crown Lands not criminally coined "Ceded lands", military claims of Crown Lands coined "Ceded lands", water, resources, conspiracies documented, premeditation of assuming a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy government, creations of organizations/bodies to give appearance of being legal such as OHA /Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian Homes which has been made to give the appearance that all is legal, etc. is not O.K.

The 1850 perpetual treaty between the United States (President, and Secretary of State) and the King, his heirs and successors supersedes all the above.

To make corrections, it seems most appropriate to place all of the above agencies/ governments/counties/branches of government including OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian Homes, etc. under an American Embassy, or American Consulate, for example.

Our families, the Royal Families who are the King's heirs and successors are interested in resolving the ongoing pirating activities pursued by various entities moving to build rails, remove burials (Kawaiahao Church yard, etc.), lay cables, further contaminate (GMO's, DU/depleted uranium, toxins developed - Agent Organge, etc.) our lands, waters, etc.

The following are some of the things necessary to make corrections:

1.  Place the State of Hawaii, the Counties governments, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and other arms such as the U.S. Court, State of Hawaii Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, Hawaiian Homes under an American Embassy or American Consulate.

2.  Place reins on all activities that have no rights to operate on Sovereign lands includes the Rail, GMO's - Monsanto, DU - depleted uranium, other toxins, contaminants, etc.

3.  Pay Rents and leases remain due - $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins.   Our government is interested in a payment plan made by the U.S. and other nations who did assume, wrongfully assume monies belonging to the Hawaiian Government which was approximately $2 - $3,279,000 as of 1892.....interest is not included in these figures.  The Morgan investor for both England, and the U.S. did utilize the funds as documented in various evidence from Queen Liliuokalani's files, etc.

4.  Pay for water usage, Resources, Mineral rights, etc.

5.  Return of our "Coins of the Realm" as well as the gold bullions, silver, etc.

6. Return of our government buildings, office keys - the Iolani/the Palace, buildings sitting on our families lands.

7.  Return of all of our Hawaiian Government Records, books which is temporarily being housed in the State of Hawaii's buildings.

8.  Ongoing land use requires rents, leases.....for example, the State Capitol sits on our families lands, as well as the City & County District Courthouse, the Bureau of Conveyances, the City Hall, the State of Hawaii Courts, Court Buildings, the Federal Courthouse/Building, etc.

9.  Discussions of ways to fund the Hospitals to accommodate the people in the Hawaiian Islands, handling of American Embassy/Consulate issues in a neutral nation - Ko Hawaii Paei Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago, etc.

We are open to a meeting(s) as soon as possible.

A meeting(s) held for the above issues can be held in the Iolani Palace or the State Capitol as it would be agreeable to our families.

Please contact our families.  Looking forward to hearing from you.  We reserve the right to invite other nations personnel to be present at our meeting(s) as well.


Amelia Gora
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs

P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands  96786
articles, pamphlets, books, news on the web:  IOLANI - The Royal Hawk, 378 issues to date by Amelia Gora and the following article:

The U.S. LIVING A LIE IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS - The EVIDENCE Is Here.....(short version to send to your contacts)


by Amelia Gora
(Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands)

Queen Liliuokalani

Queen Liliuokalani

Queen Liliuokalani

Am a longtime researcher (30+years history, 22+ years genealogies, 10+ years legal research) and have discovered and documented that the U.S. in the Hawaiian Islands claims is a Big Fraud, a Big Lie!  The following gives reasons why:

New York Times - The Learning Network Perpetuates and Promotes Erroneous Hawaiian History

    Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2012 at 8:20am in Politics

January 17, 2012, 4:01 am
Jan. 17, 1893 | Hawaiian Monarchy Overthrown by America-Backed Businessmen
    Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, which makes the claims of the violators null and void.

    Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the U.S. breached the treaties, and breached the Law of Nations. The U.S., England, departed from the Law of Nations and with the bankers formed organizations which differed from the Law of Nations and move towards One World Order/New World Order.

    Oppositions to Annexation was documented by Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects (21,000+) - see vs. 5,000 Americans and their paid off supporters - see PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS at http://myweb.ecomplanet/GORA8037

    Opposition to the deed of lands/trust of Queen Kapiolani was documented against Princes Kuhio and Kawananakoa who failed to follow the instructions of Queen Kapiolani.

    Opposition to the claimed Trust Deed by Queen Liliuokalani defended by treasonous person Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, and William Smith was documented in the Will of Queen Liliuokalani. Colburn, administrator, failed to make corrections and did support the treasonous Prince Kuhio.

    Queen Liliuokalani's true trustee's descendants existed then and exist today. Issues remain unresolved.

    Families of Queen Liliuokalani existed then, and their descendants exists today.

    Kamehameha's descendants existed then, and their descendants exists today.

    Bernice Pauahi Bishop was NOT the last of the Kamehameha's. Her first cousins descendants existed then, and their descendants exists today.

    Reference: and other articles, books by Amelia Gora

    Auwe! Genocide Evidence folks.......Send to many....Premeditation by the U.S. against a neutral, friendly nation documented......

     The State of Hawaii and the counties government needs to be under the American Embassy or the American Consulate......because the descendants/heirs of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli exists along with the Kamehameha, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani's descendants/heirs exists and are part of the permanent treaty created by the U.S. and The King's heirs and successors............the conspirators, the trustees of the Alii Estates, State of Hawaii, Counties, and OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs are NOT related to


Amelia Gora

A Royal person, a Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago

P.S.  The Cease and Desist Notices that have been posted, filed, served to the Attorney General at the State of Hawaii sitting on our families properties have been documented.  The above is part of the evidence affecting all lands in the Hawaiian Archipelago.

    Reference:   Article by Amelia Gora (2012) EVEN MORE EVIDENCE ON PEARL HARBOR
    Even More Evidence on Pearl Harbor - Fraud Claim by the U.S. by Amelia Gora (2012)


LILIUO FREE..............aloha.


Liliuo FreeL

Tags: Liliuokalani, Mana, Queen, Sovereignty, U.S., criminal, mecca


Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Records No. 2012-0012 Crown Lands Owner(s) Oppose Claims by State of Hawaii Abercrombie; Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs Exists - Treaties Supersedes State of Hawaii

Amelia Gora <> Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:14 AM
To: amelia gora <>, Amelia Gora <>


You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • Comment by Amelia Gora on January 12, 2012 at 10:49pm
    Delete Comment



    This is the article printed BEFORE Mataio Kekuanaoa died:




    • Comment by Amelia Gora on January 12, 2012 at 10:48pm
      Delete Comment

      CCompare the 1867 Genealogies and the 1874 Genealogies........

      Notice how Ruth Keelikolani's father changed from Kahalaia to Kekuanaoa.....Kekuanaoa died in 1868.

      Notice how Queen Emma's husband Bennett Namakeha's genealogies were eliminated and not shown in the 1874 genealogies.

      Notice how Kahekili, Kalola (w) genealogies were eliminated in the 1874 genealogies.  Our families are descendants of these lines..............

      Can you see the the heirs had been eliminated.........but the names are documented in the testimonies, etc. which validates the 1867 genealogies.

      Many were afraid of our tutu Kekuanaoa.........and when he died in 1868, lots of criminal deviance occurred............and now this is exposed for all to see...............


      Replies to This Discussion

      Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 19 minutes ago

      13) 1895-
      President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani……

      14) 1897 – Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano:……

      Annexation Opposition (page 2)……

      Annexation Opposition (page 3)……

      Annexation Opposition (page 4)……

      15) The Hawaiian Disgrace……

      16) Shameful Conspiracy……

      • Ex-Queen Liliuokalani to the President.
        (Received February 3, 1893.)

        His Excellency BENJAMIN HARRISON,
        President of the United States:

        MY GREAT AND GOOD FRIEND: It is with deep regret that I address you on this occasion. Some of my subjects, aided by aliens, have renounced their loyalty and revolted against the
        constitutional government of my Kingdom. They have attempted to depose
        me and to establish a provisional government, in direct conflict with
        the organic law of this Kingdom. Upon receiving incontestable proof that
        his excellency the minister plenipotentiary of the United States, aided
        and abetted their unlawful movements and caused United States troops to
        be landed for that purpose, I submitted to force, believing that he
        would not have acted in that manner unless by the authority of the
        Government which he represents.

        This action on my part was prompted by three reasons: The futility of a conflict with the United States; the desire to avoid violence, bloodshed, and the destruction of life and property,
        and the certainty which I feel that you and your Government will right
        whatever wrongs may have been inflicted upon us in the premises.
        In due time a statement of the true facts relating this matter will be
        laid before you, and I live in the hope that you will judge uprightly
        and justly between myself and my enemies.

        This appeal is not made for myself personally, but for my people who have hitherto always enjoyed the friendship and protection of the United States.
        My opponents have taken the only vessel which could be obtained here for
        the purpose, and hearing of their intention to send a delegation of
        their number to present their side of this conflict before you, I
        requested the favor of sending by the same vessel an envoy to you, to
        lay before you my statement, as the facts appear to myself and my loyal
        This request has been refused and I now ask you that in justice to
        myself and to my people that no steps be taken by the Government of the
        United States until my cause can be heard by you.

        I shall be able to dispatch an envoy about the 2d day of February as that will be the first available opportunity hence, and he will reach you with every possible haste that there may be no
        delay in the settlement of this matter.

        I pray you, therefore, my good friend, that you will not allow any conclusions to be reached by you until my envoy arrives. I beg to assure you of the continuance of my highest consideration.

        HONOLULU, January 18,1893.


        Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 4 minutes ago

        For the Public Records, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Records/Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Records, etc.:


        CERTIFIED DOCUMENTS CLAIMING THE CROWN LANDS WERE FILED IN 1996, TO PRESIDENT WILLIAM CLINTON, ETC. and over time......Many Liens/Affidavits/Notices were filed as well.



        Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs in multiples of lines, Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next of kin's descendants, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's Families, etc.

        Headlines by FeedBurner

        Sunday, July 03, 2011


        Repost: History that should not—and will not—disappear: July 4, 1894, illegal overthrow of Hawaii completed

        President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.

        by Larry Geller

        Cannon on the steps of Iolani palace

        Cannon on the steps of the occupied Iolani Palace

        On July 4, 1894, the Republic of Hawaii was declared, with Sanford B. Dole as president. The illegal overthrow of the independent nation of Hawaii was complete.

        Yes, although your daily paper may want you to forget this, it is history that should not be ignored. There’s even a federal law confirming the truth of the history they refuse to print.

        • From the Apology Resolution, United States Public Law 103-150:

          Whereas, in a message to Congress on December 18, 1893, President Grover Cleveland reported fully and accurately on the illegal acts of the conspirators, described such acts as an "act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress", and acknowledged that by such acts the government of a peaceful and friendly people was overthrown... President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.

          Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum.

          A treaty of annexation was never passed by Congress, and President Grover Cleveland withdrew the treaty. Then on this day in history…

          On July 4, 1894, the archipelago's new leaders responded to this rebuff by proclaiming a Republic of Hawaii, with Sanford Dole as president. Under its constitution, most legislators would be appointed rather than elected, and only men with savings and property would be eligible for public office. This all but excluded native Hawaiians from the government of their land… [From Overthrow, a book by Stephen Kinzer]

          What was the motivation? Need you ask? Why is the US in Iraq?From the Washington Post review of Overthrow:

          As Stephen Kinzer tells the story in Overthrow, America's century of regime changing began not in Iraq but Hawaii. Hawaii? Indeed. Kinzer explains that Hawaii's white haole minority -- in cahoots with the U.S. Navy, the White House and Washington's local representative -- conspired to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her throne in 1893 as a step toward annexing the islands. The haole plantation owners believed that by removing the queen (who planned to expand the rights of Hawaii's native majority) and making Hawaii part of the United States, they could get in on a lucrative but protected mainland sugar market. Ever wonder why free trade has such a bad name?

          The road leading up to the declaration of the Republic of Hawaii was rocky, and can’t be summed up in a short blog article. Did you know, for example, that a US Senate investigation revealed that a bribe had been offered to Queen Liliuokalani to turn against her people and support the Republic? This snip is from a New York Times article on the Senate investigation, dated 1/29/1894:


          The declaration of the Republic was not a single, static event. There was considerable debate in Congress on resolutions condemning the overthrow and proposed annexation. For example, this snip from the 1/25/1894 New York Times will give you an idea of the complexity that we lose in simplifying Hawaii’s history:


          Each article is much longer than the snips above. It would be worthwhile to skim the New York Times for a complete account of the Congressional debate. No doubt this has already been done. If not, the articles are available on-line for the harvesting..

          If you’re not familiar with Hawaiian history, beware of websites that work hard to re-write it. The true picture of the overthrow is not pretty, nor can the acts of the US government be justified or whitewashed. Google cautiously.

          Let your children know that there is more to July 4 than barbeques and fireworks. It is a holiday that tears people apart here in Hawaii. See how you can work this history into your celebrations and festivities, so that it will never disappear.



          • Permalink posted by Larry @ 7/03/2011 08:20:00 PM  
            Thank you, Larry.
            # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 4, 2011 7:07:00 AM HST
            The 4th Of July is a myth about freedom, an example of American hypocrisy...Many thanks, Larry.
            # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 4, 2011 9:15:00 AM HST
            my pledge for this 04 Iulai 2011 is to never forget the freedom of my Kingdom. To live for justice and honor and to know that one day and be it a day soon, the Kingdom of Hawaii will be again for the people.
            # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 6:30:00 AM HST
            There are many similarities between Palestine and Hawaii; they are both illegally occupied. A NAKBA, A CATASTROPHE!!!Many thanks for daring to go where few venture!
            # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 10:02:00 AM HST
            July 4 is a triple holiday for Hawaii -- 1776, 1894, 1960

            July 4, 1776 marked the creation of the United States through the Declaration of Independence. Hawaii proudly celebrates that date as part of our heritage because Hawaii joined the union.

            July 4, 1894 marked the creation of the Republic of Hawaii through the publication of its Constitution. At least five delegates to the Constitutional Convention were native Hawaiians; the Constitution was published in both English and Hawaiian; the Speaker of the House was former royalist John Kaulukou.

            July 4, 1960 marked the date when the U.S. flag with 50 stars was first officially displayed, by being raised at 12:01 AM at the Fort McHenry National Monument in Baltimore, Maryland (where Francis Scott Key had written "The Star Spangled Banner"). This followed the tradition of naming the next July 4 following admission to Statehood as the date for official display of the new flag.

            Let's remember what Hawaii was like on America's birthdate in 1776. Captain Cook had not yet arrived. Hawaiians were  living in the stone age. They had not yet invented the wheel, had no written language, and no clay pottery. They had only extremely small amounts of metal that washed up in driftwood from sunken ships. There was constant warfare among competing warlords. There was no concept of human rights -- both slavery and human sacrifice were practiced. The death penalty was imposed on anyone who stepped on the shadow of a high chief, or any woman who ate a banana or coconut. 

            Things had functioned that way for a thousand years and would have remained unchanged except for the arrival of British explorers in 1778, followed by European and American whalers and businessmen, and then American missionaries in 1820. Hawaiians eagerly embraced reading and writing, Christian religion, human rights, private property rights, a market economy, the rule of law, etc. In 1893 a revolution led by a local militia with 1500 members put an end to a corrupt and ineffective monarchy, replacing it with a republic. 

            Thus we Hawaiians celebrate a triple holiday on July 4, for 1776 (U.S. independence) 1894 (Republic of Hawaii), and 1960 (50th star added to U.S. flag). Unfortunately most citizens today don't know that the Republic of Hawaii was internationally recognized de jure as the legitimate government of Hawaii by letters personally signed by emperors, kings, queens, and presidents of at least 20 nations on four continents in eleven languages, sent to President Dole during the last half of 1894.

            For details about July 4 as a triple holiday for Hawaii, see

            For a detailed and heavily documented rebuttal to the history-twisters' claims that the revolution of 1894 was illegal, the annexation of 1898 was illegal, and the statehood vote of 1959 was illegal, please see "Hawaii Statehood -- straightening out the history-twisters. A historical narrative defending the legitimacy of the revolution of 1893, the annexation of 1898, and the statehood vote of 1959." 
            # posted by Anonymous Ken Conklin : July 5, 2011 10:10:00 AM HST
            Ken, I knew I could count on receiving a comment from you on July 4. Thanks for reading my blog, anyway.

            There's no need for me to rebut all of it, but some is really interesting to me.

            I'm glad that you seem to object to slavery and human sacrifice. Too bad, though, that you don't object to it right here at home. Hawaii will be the site of the largest human trafficking (indentured servitude) trial in US history starting next year, and this month a related case begins in federal court. It looks like our agricultural economy, at least, is still dependent on human slavery. And we're not talking 1776, either. It's 2011. In case you didn't know it, our founding fathers had nothing against slavery and some kept slaves themselves.

            As to human sacrifice, have you not been reading the newspaper? Between the Taliban, Al Qaeda and yes, the USA, we're engaged in massive human sacrifice. We don't even care much about sacrificing our own troops. Or of course killing vast numbers of others. Now we've got drones to make it easier to kill. We're killing innocent men, women and children in various spots around the world in greater numbers than ever before. Our partner in crime, Israel, killed 1400+ people while we looked the other way, even though about a third (?) of those are children. Did we withhold our aid money, which made the massacre possible? No. We don't have much claim to nobility, and I'm talking again about today, not a hundred years ago.

            I need to draw this comment to an end, but I don't want to miss the US firebombing of Tokyo that killed more people than either atomic bomb, or of course the killing of innocent civilians with those two bombs. I mention this to put things in perspective. Hawaii, at any time in its history, did not rise to these heights of mass human destruction that we ourselves demonstrate and still accept. 

            There is also the question of singling out Hawaii in those days as a place that it is ok to take over because of the nature of its people. That was part of the openly imperial argument at the time. Remember, the occupiers could not get enough slave labor to run the plantations. We did not behave much differently, did we, once we took over? Does the designation of a people as savages, which is what you are doing, justify military and then genocidal action against them? Did not one "savage" simply replace others?

            The Hawaiian people were very capable of modern government, education, agriculture, and other aspects of "civilization"  that defy your implications, and their government was recognized fully by other countries. 

            By the way, imperfect though my own arguments may be, comments in this blog are really not structured to hold a proper debate about it, and I can't devote the time to reviving an old subject for your pleasure.

            So comments here will be closed with this one.
            # posted by Blogger Larry : July 5, 2011 11:10:00 AM HST
            Right on Larry!!!
            # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 1:12:00 PM HST
            Aloha e Larry & all others on this webpage and also those that will read what i will be posting, very, very shortly.

            1) Everyone must understand that the United States and/or the United States of America and Congress for that matter has been "Bankrupt." The President or CEO of this "Corporation," has "abdicated" his throne," and has given it up to another "King," and/or "Monarchy," the Governor of the "International Monetary Fund," see United States Code Title 22 -  Section 286: Acceptance of Membership by the United States in International Monetary Fund.

            2) Not one, and i mean not even one judge/attorney is licensed in the "State of" Hawaii???? Go down to the Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs," and go find and do your own research about what i just posted...That means that these "Foreign Agents" are both, "Foreign & Private Agents" of the "IMF," who receives funds for the Federal Reserve...Check out U.S.C. Title 18 Section 951; U.S.C. Title 22 Section 612; and especially this one, U.S.C. Title 8- Title 1481...

            3) That all courts of the Hawaiian islands today is controlled and is a "Private Judiciary."

            4) That the "Hawaii State Bar Association, who has a "private membership" now of almost 10,000, foreign and private agents to collect information and contributions for a "Foreign Power," is only registered with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, but like all "Judges/Attorneys/Lawyers, are not "Licensed" to do business in the "State of" Hawaii...

            There is a lot more i could freely share, but i believe this information that i have shared, in and of itself is enough for you all to chew on for a while...
            # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 6, 2011 7:43:00 AM HST
            Larry, you are the best! Thank you for giving us the original documents to read! And for pointing out the erroneous claims of Mr. Conklin. I plant to share this widely. (ie, on FaceBook) :-)

            • So comments here will be closed with this one.
              # posted by Blogger Larry : July 5, 2011 11:10:00 AM HST
              Right on Larry!!!
              # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 1:12:00 PM HST
              Aloha e Larry & all others on this webpage and also those that will read what i will be posting, very, very shortly.

              1) Everyone must understand that the United States and/or the United States of America and Congress for that matter has been "Bankrupt." The President or CEO of this "Corporation," has "abdicated" his throne," and has given it up to another "King," and/or "Monarchy," the Governor of the "International Monetary Fund," see United States Code Title 22 -  Section 286: Acceptance of Membership by the United States in International Monetary Fund.

              2) Not one, and i mean not even one judge/attorney is licensed in the "State of" Hawaii???? Go down to the Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs," and go find and do your own research about what i just posted...That means that these "Foreign Agents" are both, "Foreign & Private Agents" of the "IMF," who receives funds for the Federal Reserve...Check out U.S.C. Title 18 Section 951; U.S.C. Title 22 Section 612; and especially this one, U.S.C. Title 8- Title 1481...

              3) That all courts of the Hawaiian islands today is controlled and is a "Private Judiciary."

              4) That the "Hawaii State Bar Association, who has a "private membership" now of almost 10,000, foreign and private agents to collect information and contributions for a "Foreign Power," is only registered with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, but like all "Judges/Attorneys/Lawyers, are not "Licensed" to do business in the "State of" Hawaii...

              There is a lot more i could freely share, but i believe this information that i have shared, in and of itself is enough for you all to chew on for a while...
              # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 6, 2011 7:43:00 AM HST
              Larry, you are the best! Thank you for giving us the original documents to read! And for pointing out the erroneous claims of Mr. Conklin. I plant to share this widely. (ie, on FaceBook) :-)




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              Wanna Know the true story of Bishop Estate? The Lost Heirs of Mataio Kekūanāo‘a A riches to rags story. Who was Mataio Kekūanāo‘a ?  Kekūanāo‘a was born in Hawaii in 1793 and had a long and active career in Hawaiian government affairs. He accompanied Kamehameha II on his ill-fated journey to England in 1823, served in the House of Nobles and the Privy Council, was a governor of O‘ahu, the King’s chamberlain, and president of the Board of Public Instruction. His propitious marriage to Kīna‘u, a daughter of Kamehameha I, made him the father of two kings, Kamehameha IV and V. Kekūanāo‘a was married several times first to Kalehua (ca.1822 - 1825), then Pauahi (ca. 1825- 1826), then Kīna‘u (ca. 1827-1839), and Kaloloahilani (1845-1868). It has been reported that “no one married up, more than Kekūanāo‘a”, as his wives Pauahi and Kīna‘u were direct descendants of King Kamehameha I, and the Royal Family. Kekūanāo‘a was father the following children: Pa‘alua (k), son of Kalehua Ruth Ke‘elikōlani (1826-1883), daughter of Pauahi David Kamehameha (1828-18__), son of Kīna‘u Moses Kekūāiwa (1829-1848), son of Kīna‘u Lot Kapuāiwa, Kamehameha V (1830-1873), son of Kīna‘u Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha IV (1834-1863), son of Kīna‘u Victoria Kamāmalu (1838-1866), daughter of Kīna‘u During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Kekūanāo‘a was entitled to multiple parcels of land on Oahu, as his private estate, mainly in downtown Honolulu, they are not listed herein as they are too numerous. Kekūanāo‘a was Awarded larger parcels, which are listed as follows: The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7712 H, in the Districts of Kona, and Kohala, For the ahupuaa’s of Keokea, Waiapuka, Upolu. Land Commission Award 10474*H, in the Districts of North Kona, North Kohala, North, for the ahupuaa’s of Moeanoa, Awakee, Helelua, Kulaikahonu, Halelua, Weha, Puohai, Honokohau. The Island of Kauai Land Commission Award 7712 K, in the District of Kona, in the ahupuaa of Hanapepe. The Island of Oahu Land Commission Award 7712 O, the Districts of Kona, Ewa, in the ahupuaa’s of Honolulu, Halawa, Kalihi When Kekūanāo‘a passed away on November 4, 1868 he left no Will or instructions (intestate) on how his lands were to be distributed. The Supreme Court determined that to Ruth and Lota were entitled to rights of inheritance, according the Laws of Descent. This report focuses on three of Kekūanāo‘a’s children, who were descendents of the Royal Family of Kamehameha I: Her Royal Highness, Princess Ruth Ke‘elikōlani  HRH Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was born on June 17, 1826, her birth name was Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa KeʻelikōlanI, her mother was Princess Kalani Pauahi who was a granddaughter of Kamehameha. During her lifetime Ruth was known as a staunch defender of ancient Hawaiian traditions and customs. While the kingdom became Christianized, Anglicized, and urbanized, she continued living as an ali'i of antiquity. While her royal estates were filled with elegant palaces and mansions built for her family, she chose to live in a large traditional stone-raised grass house. While she understood English and knew how to speak it with ease and grace, she refused to do so. She used the Hawaiian language exclusively throughout her life, requiring English-speakers to use a translator when speaking with her. Trained in the Christian religion, she held fast to practices and beliefs that were considered pagan, including her patronage of chanters and hula dancers. During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was entitled to the following lands as her private estate, and in most cases was awarded in entire ahupuaa, with thousands of acres. The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7716 H, in the District of North Kona, including the ahupuaa’s of Laaloa, Kealia, Hianalolo, Hamanamana, Opea, Mahukona. The Island of Oahu Land Commission award 7716 O, in the district of Ewa, which is in the ahupuaa of Manananui, in an area known as Manana. The Island of Kauai Land Commission Award 7716 K, in the District of Halelea, for the ahupuaa of Waipa. The island of Maui Land Commission Award 7716 M, in the Districts of Kahikinui, Lahaina, Honuaula, for the ahupuaa’s of Auwahi, Kuhua, Kuia, Kanahena. When Ruth passed away, in May of 1883 she devised her Estate, and much of her lands to several people, including Bernice Pauahi Bishop, as her only son had passed away, and she left no other blood heirs. His Royal Highness Lot Kapuaiwa Kamehameha King Kamehameha V  Lot Kapuāiwa — reigned as monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi from 1863 to 1872. He was born 11 December 1830, and died on his 42nd birthday 11 December 1872. His motto was "Onipa`a": immovable, firm, steadfast or determined; he worked diligently for his people and kingdom and was described as the last great chief of the olden type, like his grandfather Kamehameha I. During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Lot Kapuāiwa was entitled to the following lands as his private estate, and in most cases was awarded in entire ahupuaa, with thousands of acres. The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7715 H in the Districts of Hamakua, Kona, North, Kau, Hilo, Kohala, for the ahupuaa’s of Hihiu, Kamano, Kahua 1, Kauapalaoa, Hikiaupea, Hawi, Kaloko, Kaupulehu, Keauhou, Puaa, Punaluu, Hilea 1, Paukaa. The Island of Maui Land Commission Award 7715 M, in the Districts of Lahaina, Hana, for the ahupuaa’s of Waiokama, Hanakaoo. The Island of Oahu Land Commission Award 7715 O, in the District of Kona, for the ahupuaa of Moanalua. When Lot passed away he left no Will or instructions (intestate) on how his lands were to be distributed. There remains issues if he had a daughter, but there are no records of his alleged daughter, from Abigail Maheha, of asserting any rights of inheritance when his Estate was Probated by the Hawaiian Supreme Court. As his half sister HRH Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was the only blood heir to appear during the Probate, entitled to rights of inheritance, according the Laws of Descent. Kekūanāo‘a ‘s other children, David Kamehameha, Moses Kekūāiwa, Alexander Liholiho had no children, died intestate and had Kindred (Blood) Heirs. Her Royal Highness, Princess Victoria Kamamalu  HRH Princess Victoria Kamamalu was born on November 1, 1838, her mother was Kinau, who was a granddaughter of Kamehemeha. She was the Prime Minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom from January 16, 1855 to December 21, 1863 and was in line to become Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom. During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Victoria Kamamalu was entitled to the following lands as her private estate and in most cases was awarded in entire ahupuaa, with thousands of acres. Victoria was Awarded more land than any other individual in Hawaii! The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7713 H, the Districts of Kau, Hamakua, Hilo, Kona, North, Kohala, North, Puna, for the ahupuaa’s of Kahua, Honokane, Holualoa 1,2, Kahaluu, Keopunui, Keauhou, Honuaino, Honokua 2, Haukalua 1, 2, Pakini, Kahuai, Kauhaleau, Kauaea, Kalalau, Pahoehoe, Onomea, Alae, Kuilei The Island of Kauai Land Commission Award 7713 K, in the Districts of Kona, Puna, for the ahupuaa’s of Huleia, Makaweli, Niumalu, Haiku, Kipu, Kalapaki. The Island of Maui Land Commission Award 7713 M, in the Districts of Lahaina, Wailuku, Hamakualo For the ahupuaa’s of Waihee, Paunau, Aki, Kelawea, Moalii, Kalua, Haiku, Makapuu, Kawela, Onouli, Kaumanu, Kahalehili, Kaeleku, Honokolani, Kawaipapa, Niumalu, Palemo, Pakakia, Kahuakamalii, Ihuula, Oloewa, Papalauhau, Mokae, Puekahi, Puuiki, Kapohoe, Pukuilua, Kaou, The Island of Oahu Land Commission Award 7713 O, in the Districts of Waianae, Kona, Ewa, Koolau & Kaluanui, Kawailoa, Paalaa, For the ahupuaa’s of Opukaula, Kilauluna,Hananau, Kanenelu, Pohe, Kaulu, Kapuna, Poupouwela,Kapaloa, Panio, Kuhialoko, Kahoaiai, Papaa, Kaohai, Kalona, Kuhiawaho, Kapuaihalulu, Haleaka, Piloaumoa, Kionaole, Hanakehau, Kapopou, Kalimukele, Kumuulu, Hapuna, Waialua, Kalaepohaku, Land Commission Award 02671, in the District of Kona, in the ahupuaa of Honolulu at Puunui, Nuuanu St. The Island of Molokai Land Commission Award 7713 MO, the District of East Kona, for the ahupuaa of Halawa. The Island of Lanai Land Commission Award 7713 L, in the District of Lanai, for the ahupuaa of Kaa. Victoria passed away on May 29, 1866 at a young 27 years old. When she passed she left no Will or instructions (intestate) on how her lands were to be distributed. Her father Mataio Kekūanāo‘a was determined by the Hawaiian supreme Court he was entitled to rights of inheritance, according the Laws of Descent. The Lost Heirs. After extensive research the records reflected that Mataio Kekūanāo‘a ‘ eldest son Paalua was born around 1823, his mother was Kalehua, was not from the Kamehameha line. The research indicates Paalua was hanai (adopted) lived a life of obscurity. Unlike Mataio Kekūanāo‘a ‘s other children, Paalua was not of Royal Blood from the Kamehameha line. During the course of extensive research it was discovered, there was no evidence that Paalua ever laid claims to his fathers or half brother and half sisters estates. Under the concept of a Royal family and the fact that Paalua was not blood of the Royal family, at the time, it would have been very improper for Paalua to lay claim to lands which were awarded to members of the Royal Family. When Mataio Kekūanāo‘a died, he left no Will or instructions related to distribution of his estate (lands). Ruth Keelikolani and Lot Kapuāiwa Petitioned the Supreme court of the Hawaiian Islands to affirm their rights of inheritance. Lot Kapuāiwa passed away during the Probate proceedings and on 9/11/1873 the court ruled Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was an heir. The only other person that made claims to Mataio Kekūanāo‘a lands was his brother. The court ruling that Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was the heir was correct at the time as she was the only child of Mataio Kekūanāo‘a to assert her rights during the probate. Prior to Ruth Ke‘elikōlani’s passing away she devised a Will naming several persons as heirs to her estate, including Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The biggest land grab in History! This story really takes a twist when Bernice Pauahi Bishop passed away, her Will called for a Trust to be created, this Trust became known as Bishop Estate. Bishop Estate claimed, and continues to claim today that all the lands inherited by Ruth Ke‘elikōlani from her father Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , half sister Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa we given to them as a direct result of Ruth Ke‘elikōlani’s Will, and they are entitled by law an absolute Fee simple interest in all these lands. These claims have worked well for the Trustees of Bishop Estate for over a 130 years, by enriching most of the Trustees, and few Hawaiians. Because Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa left no Will or instructions (intestate) of how their lands were to be disturbed when they die, the laws of the Hawaiian Islands defines who is entitled to rights of inheritance. The Laws are very clear under the “Civil Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), CHAPTER XXXII OF THE DESCENT OF PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL: Section, 1447. “Whenever any person shall die intestate within this Kingdom, his property, both real and personal, of every kind and description, shall descend to and be divided among his heirs, as hereinafter prescribed.” History reports that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was a “cousin” to Ruth Ke‘elikōlani. Under Hawaiian Kingdom Law, during Bernice Pauahi Bishops lifetime, the law affirms her rights of inheritance of lands inherited by her cousin Ruth Ke‘elikōlani. The rights to Land Commission Awards in the name of Ruth Ke‘elikōlani, given to Bernice Pauahi Bishop, are not at issue. The issue is the rights to lands inherited by Ruth Ke‘elikōlani, once Bernice Pauahi Bishop died. The law appears to indicate that as Bishop Estate is a corporate Trust, there are not “of the blood” of Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa, and they are not entitled in law to the rights they claim? The Laws are very clear under the “Civil Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), CHAPTER XXXII OF THE DESCENT OF PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL: Section 1454: “The kindred of the half blood shall inherit equally with those of the whole blood in the same provided; however, that where the inheritance came to the intestate by de­scent, devise, or gift, of some one of his ancestors, all those who are not of the blood of such ancestor, shall he excluded from such inheritance.” The keepers of the Royal Family of the Hawaiian Kingdoms Lands? Bishop Estate currently calls itself “Kamehameha Schools“, they tout themselves as the keepers of the Kamehamhea Legacy. The reality is that the first Trustees of Bishop Estate were the very bastards that claimed to overthrow the Hawaiian Royal Family and attempted to destroy the Kamehameha Legacy in 1893. With names like Stanford B. Dole who was one of the first Trustees, who became the first president and leader of the dictatorship known as the “Provisional Government” which re-branded itself as the “Republic of Hawaii”, and then re-branded itself the “Territory of Hawaii”, Bishop Estate has a long history of doing everything it can to tarnish the identity of the Hawaiian Royal family, and rob the Hawaiian people of their true Legacy. During the course of research it has been discovered that Bishop Estate not only claims the Royal Family Lands, but also claims perhaps hundreds of “Kuleana” parcels given to individual Hawaiian Families land Commission awards. As recently as October 2009 in a letter to Uncle Sonny Paalua, the lead attorney for Kamehameha Schools claims "the heir of Lot Kapuaiwa (Kamehameha) was judicially determined to be his daughter Ruth Keelikolani" as the baseline of their ownership to Mataio Kekūanāo‘a, Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa lands awarded by the Land Commission. If Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was the daughter of Lot Kapuaiwa this could radically effect Lost heirs such as Paalua’s legal rights to these lands. While Bishop Estate has been effective over the years of holding onto these lands for profit, they can not change historical facts with the amount of information available. The facts are Ruth Keelikolani was born in 1826, Lot Kapuaiwa was born in 1830, it is not humanly possible for Lot Kapuaiwa to be the father of Ruth Keelikolani. History is clear Ruth’s and Lot’s father was Mataio Kekūanāo‘a, Ruth’s mother was Princess Kalani Pauahi who was a granddaughter of Kamehameha. Lot’s mother was Kīna‘u . They were half brother and half sister, as with their eldest half brother Paalua. The heirs of Paalua have not claimed they are the “sole” heirs and understand there could be many, the issue remains these rights have not been divided, yet Bishop continues to not share!. What is pretty clear is that as the heirs of Paalua assert their rights, at some point Bishop Estate will have to take some sort of legal action, or turn over the revenues to the lands claimed by the heirs of Paalua. If Bishop Estate decides to “quite the title” it will be their burden in court to prove that their interest is superior to the heirs of Paalua. From the onset of Uncles communications with Bishop Estate he has encouraged them to act in good faith, in the spirit of lokahi and resolution, Bishop continues to act like they are the big bad wolf! No claim, no complain! In the case of the Heirs of Paalua, after years of research, documenting their genealogy, scouring through thousands of legal and historic records and documents, in January 2009 the heirs of Paalua have asserted their undivided hereditary property rights. The first round of the claims was directed to the lands held by Bishop Estate awarded to Lot Kapuaiwa. The issues are the same related to the lands awarded to Victoria Kamamalu and Mataio Kekūanāo‘a. These lands are the bulk of lands claimed by Bishop Estate. In the case of Victoria Kamamalu she was awarded more land by the Land Commission then any single individual. Mataio Kekūanāo‘a was awarded vast lands in downtown Honolulu, also claimed by Bishop Estate. Divide and conquer, the Legacy of Bishop Estate! On the surface, Bishop Estate, via Kamehameha Schools appears to major advocate for “native Hawaiians”. This is what is known as a half truth as today with the recent changes in compensation for the Trustees, versus the basically unlimited prior compensation for the Trustees, Bishop Estate is attempting to clean up its act. But the bottom-line is that Kamehemeha Schools is a religious school, based on Protestant values. Despite the fact that Bernice Pauahi Bishop Will calls for all “native born children” to benefit from her Will, Bishop Estate continues to limit their educational investments to “native Hawaiians”. It is true Bernice Pauahi Bishop instructed her estate to give “preference to indigenous children”, the fact remains that Bishop has controlled billions of dollars and only invested a small amount in creating schools. While Bishop uses lands of the Hawaiian Royal families, up till recently the focus of their educational process did not include the Hawaiian Language, promotes racism and division. These facts are under the light of who were the folks were that Bishop claims the rights for their lands. As demonstrated Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa were staunch defenders of the Hawaiian Kingdom and traditional and customary Hawaiian values, yet Bishop Estate has done everything it can to destroy the Hawaiian Kingdom and traditional and customary Hawaiian values? In Uncle Sonny’s case, much like his great great grandfather Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Uncle is a true patriot of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Uncle and his ohana have spent decades, thousands of dollars, countless hours trying to resolve and make right the issues Hawaiians continue to face. Uncle was a Plaintiff in Eono Hoaloha o Hawai’i nei in 1999, where the issue was if the “state of Hawaii is a legitimate government” under the light of the January 17th 1893 incident. It turned out the state of Hawaii did not claim they were a legitimate government and the crux was the state of Hawaii was claiming they are waiting for Hawaiian nationals to decide how to proceed with reasserting the nationality of Hawaiian Kingdom citizens. Like many Hawaiians, Uncle Sonny was on the waiting list for a Hawaiian Homes Commission lot. After 39 years Uncle finally got a his award which consists of a small lot, a mortgage, in a place that “a goat could not live on”. Tell a lie long enough, its still a lie! Today Bishop Estate portrays themselves as the keepers of the Kamehameha Legacy, through misrepresentations and outright fraud. “Pauahi Pākī was born December 19, 1831 in Honolulu, Hawai‘i to High Chiefs Abner Pākī and Laura Kōnia Pākī. She was the great-granddaughter of Kamehameha I, the warrior chief who united all the islands of Hawai‘i under his rule in 1810.” (From Kamehameha Schools website) But in the in the Estate of Charles Kaaina Probate, Charles Reed Bishop argued as an attorney that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was entitled to a “one ninth interest in his estate” based on the representations that her great, great grandfather was Kanaina, and her great grandfather was Hao, who was the father of her grandmother Luahine, her mothers mother? The “Genealogy of Bernice Pauahi Bishop” can be found in many places and in many forms, the Genealogy mentioned above comes from probably the most respected leader of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, in her book “Hawaii’s story”, appendix “G” at page 408. Bernice Pauahi Bishop may have a connection to the Kamehameha line, she is not a “great-granddaughter”. There is no intent to dishonor Bernice Pauahi Bishop, her intentions were extremely honorable, Charles Reed Bishop, her husband was also a respected citizen of the Hawaiian Kingdom. There is little historic evidence that Charles Reed Bishop was directly or indirectly involved in the January 17, 1893 attempt to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Trustees of Bishop estate are a very different story, each of them were directly involved with the attempted overthrow and the fraud that continues to be perpetuated on the citizens of Hawaii and the entire planet. These men were the scourge of the earth, pirates and profiteers. In any nation, one of the most evil acts a citizen can do against his country and fellow citizens is commit treason against their nation. Few people are aware of the Penal Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), these are written laws structured exactly like any modern laws. Not only were these Laws written in the official language of Hawaii,(Hawaiian) there were also written in the other official language, English. As with any other nation if you want people to understand your laws, then they must be written. In the case of the definition of Treason under the laws of Hawaii, the law is clear: Penal Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), CHAPTER VI.TREASON. SECTION 1. Treason is defined as follows: “1. Treason is hereby defined to be any plotting or attempt to dethrone or destroy the King…“ “5. To constitute the levying of war, contemplated in the first section of this chapter, it shall be requisite that the persons concerned therein be parties to some overt act, in or towards procuring, preparing or using force, or putting themselves in a condition in readiness to use force, either by being present at such overt act, or by promoting, aiding in, or being otherwise accessory before the fact to the same. “6. In order to constitute the levying of war, the force must be employed or intended to be employed for the dethroning or destruction of the King or in contravention of the laws, or in opposition to the authority of the King’s government, with an intent or for an object affecting some of the branches or departments of said government generally, or affecting the enactment, repeal or enforcement of laws in general, or of some general law; or affecting the people, or the public tranquility generally; in distinction from some special intent or object affecting individuals other than the King, or a particular district. Based on the Facts there is no issue that the First Trustees of Bishop Estate committed Treason. On October 19, 1893 in a Letter from W. Q. Gresham the Secretary of State of the U.S. State Department to President Cleveland, Mr. Gresham informs the president of the United States: “The PRESIDENT: The full and impartial reports submitted by the Hon. James H. Blount, your special commissioner to the Hawaiian Islands, established the following facts: Mr. Gresham cites the formal Protest of the reigning Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdoms official protest relating to the January 17, 1893 incident: “I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.” “That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose minister plenipotentiary, his excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the Provisional Government. “Now, to avoid and collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do, under this protest, and impelled by said force, yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representative and reinstate me and the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.” “…The Government of Hawaii surrendered its authority under a threat of war, until such time only as the Government of the United States, upon the facts being presented to it, should reinstate the constitutional sovereign After an extensive investigation by the State Department of the United States of America, on December 18, 1893 President Grover Cleveland fully informed the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives of the United States that the acts of the first Trustees of Bishop Estate were Treason against the Hawaiian Kingdom. “But for the landing of the United States forces upon false pretexts respecting the danger to life and property the committee would never have exposed themselves to the pains and penalties of treason by undertaking the subversion of the Queen's Government. “ The first Trustees were the major players and leaders of attempts to destroy the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Facts clearly document it was not a popular uprising of the people of Hawaii to create a “Provisional Government”, just 13 pirates, many were Trustees for Bishop Estate?. “I believe that a candid and thorough examination of the facts will force the conviction that the provisional government owes its existence to an armed invasion by the United States. Fair- minded people with the evidence before them will hardly claim that the Hawaiian Government was overthrown by the people of the islands or that the provisional government had ever existed with their consent. I do not understand that any member of this government claims that the people would uphold it by their suffrages if they were allowed to vote on the question.” The Queen Liliuokalani Trust? In May of 2010, after extensive review of documents, some interesting facts were discovered about this Trust. Lydia K. Dominis’s mother passed away, the estate was Probated, Lydia K. Dominis was deemed and heir to her mothers estate, the rights in the lands were divided between her brothers and sisters. Lydia K. Dominis’s rights to several large parcels were confirmed by the court. The Queen Liliuokalani Trust was created in 1909, by a “Trust Deed”, the Trust Deed never mentioned “Lydia K. Dominis”, the Trust Deed was never signed by Lydia K. Dominis? There is evidence that Lydia K. Dominis did not agree with the concept or creation of the “Liliuokalani Trust“? The records reflect that persons who had witnessed the Trust being valid, were major players in the so called overthrow, of the Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Liliuokalani, and Trustees of the Trusts that were supposedly created? The Queen Liliuokalani Trust has been plagued with problems, since its creation. It is reported that the Trust currently has over $300 million as “assets” and about $30 Million in annual income? Forgive, never forget! It is true the current Trustees had no involvement in the so-called overthrow, their refusal to address the long standing issues relating to the heirs of the Royal Family continues to rob the Hawaiian people of the Legacy left by na kupuna of Hawaii. The lawful heirs of the Royal Families must be allowed to utilize the money generated from these lands for purposes other than those of a school based on one particular set of religious values. Many Hawaiians, and people from all over the world support Hawaiian religious and cultural values that may conflict with some aspects of Christianity. We should not forget that cultural practices that tourists so enjoy today, like Hula, was banned by religious zealots for many years. In Uncle Sonny’s case he wants to insure that Hawaiian cultural values are allowed to flourish, without the constraints of any one particular set of religious values. One of uncles priorities will be during the transition from Bishop Estate management of these lands will be to develop cultural centers where all people are able to learn and live the Hawaiian culture. Another one of uncles priorities will be to move these lands into sustainable farming, more crop diversification, with less reliance on mono crops. While Bishop estate is just starting to invest in perpetuating the Hawaiian Language, uncle intends to offer some of the many children that have been attending Hawaiian language Immersion schools the opportunity, via scholarships and income, to become the teachers of Hawaiian language, not only for their love of all things Hawaiian, but to divert some of the revenues generated by these lands to provide income to insure the Hawaiian culture thrives. An intricate aspect of moving towards sustainability will be to help locate the families of the many kuleana lands that Bishop has taken control of, and empower those families with their rights as heirs and to begin to malama their family Legacy. Some of the revenues will help fund the Legacy Lands Project which helps heirs of Land Commission awards connect with their families kuleana lands. Bishop Estate has had the opportunity to use the billions of dollars generated over the past 130 years, by the Royal Family lands to help the Hawaiian people. As of 2010 the Hawaiian people continue to face the worst health and economic conditions, of any other people in Hawaii. Bishop Estate has failed, Queen Liliuokalani Trust has failed, it is time to forgive them, and never forget they had their chance, now it is time for the lawful heirs of these Legacy lands to have their chance to continue the wishes and Legacy left for all peoples of Hawaii. Want more information? 1-971-235-6219, Will be working on this!

              Created time: 2012-04-19T16:34:03+0000
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              Tags: Alii, Bishop, Estates, Kamehameha, Kin, Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani, Next, Queen, Schools, Trust, More…

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    Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Records No. 2012-0012 Crown Lands Owner(s) Oppose Claims by State of Hawaii Abercrombie; Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs Exists - Treaties Supersedes State of Hawaii

    Amelia Gora <> Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:14 AM
    To: amelia gora <>, Amelia Gora <>

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    From: Amelia Gora <>
    Date: Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:38 AM
    Subject: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Records No. 2012-0012 Crown Lands Owner(s) Oppose Claims by State of Hawaii Abercrombie; Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs Exists - Treaties Supersedes State of Hawaii
    To:,,,,, Web Japan <>, Switzerland Government <>,, Irish Government <>


    [Kanaka Maoli flag]

    U.S. President Obama

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

                                  Re:   Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0011 Permanent U.S. Treaty In Place - State of Hawaii Needs to be Under the American Embassy/Consulate from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs


    Kamehameha's Descendants and Heirs Exists Which Means the Crown Lands Are OWNED By Our Families NOT PIRATES, American Mafia/Syndicate, Historical Terrorists, etc.

    PIRATE Abercrombie and Friends Continue to Claim Properties that they have No Rights to, Have No Title to, are Not Part of our Families...........Wicked Ones Perpetuating the Crimes of Treasonous, Criminals, Racketeers, Mafia, Syndicate, American Mafia in the Hawaiian Islands in 1893 and Today...............supported by a Foreign born Illegal President Preparing to be a Dictator over Innocent Americans Today, Start World War III, etc.
    For the Purposes of Showing the Many Reasons Why the State of Hawaii DOES NOT OWN the Crown Lands............the following are part of the Reasons Why the U.S., State of Hawaii are NOT Title Holders to Lands in our neutral, friendly, non-violent Nation called Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago:
    Who Owns the 1.2 Million Acres called the Crown Lands and "dubbed/labeled Ceded Lands":

    Hawaii Ceded Lands Case

    Latest Updates - March 31, 2009

    • The opinion of the unanimous court is posted here

    Oral Argument posts

    Summary of the Issues

    The U.S. Supreme Court will be reviewing the Hawaii Supreme Court's decision in Office of Hawaiian Affairs v. Housing and Community Dev. Corp. of H..., 117 Haw. 174, 177 P.3d 884 (Jan. 31, 2008). The Court agreed to review the following Question Presented:

    In the Joint Resolution to Acknowledge the 100th Anniversary of the January 17, 1893 Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Congress acknowledged and apologized for the United States' role in that overthrow.  The question here is whether this symbolic resolution strips Hawaii of its sovereign authority to sell, exchange, or transfer 1.2 million acres of state land-29 percent of the total land area of the State and almost all the land owned by the State-unless and until it reaches a political settlement with native Hawaiians about the status of that land. 

    The Hawaii Supreme Court's decision is here.

    The U.S. Supreme Court's case docket in Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, No. 07-1372 (cert. granted Oct. 1, 2008) is here

    The Court's order granting cert in this case and nine others is posted here.

    The Court will hear oral arguments on February 25, 2009.

    Briefs (Merits Stage)

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