- TO:
Monday, July 25, 2011 8:04 AM
Added information for this report per Pomai Kinney: da Princess of Maui Nui also known as Valerie/Valaria Aquino did also threaten his life.
It was noted after posting to Pomai Kinney in the Chatroom of Maoliworld.com today at 7:30 a.m. approximately.
Amelia Gora
----- Forwarded Message -----From: amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
To: "hpd@honolulu.gov" <hpd@honolulu.gov>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
Honolulu Police Department
Many Interested Others
Many Interested Others
My name is Amelia Gora. Please add the following names to the Genocide Activities File:
Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.
Luwella Leonardi has stated the following words with the purpose of damaging/slandering my name, my character, my good reseach, etc.
The documented words used: "asshole", "donkey jackass", "yellow bellow coward", "low life", "sick minds", etc. against myself/my person.
She is all the above stated and more.
She has also threatened Pomai Kinney's life, called him an exhorbitant amount of nasty names (on the internet and in private conversations) with the intent to defame his character, name, etc. as well.
"Valarie /Valerie Aquino" has made a number of statements to demean both my and Pomai Kinney's character, name, research, etc.
She has no documented genealogies and falsely claims our Royal families as well. Identity theft appears the motivation of both Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.
Both are genocide activists/corruption agents working against our genocide race; therefore needs to be recorded for evidence. All of the comments made by them are records of genocide against our families, Queen Liliuokalani's families, Kamehameha's families, Royal Families documented.
Their multiples of comments appear on maoliworld.com etc.
Both claim to be descendants of Royal Families, have not the documents to prove themselves.
Possibilities of "terrorist threatening" charges against these people will be left open due to the documented threats affecting life, properties, etc. made in the discussions at the forums on maoliworld.com
Further reports may be made in the event these people fail to cease and desist /refraining their toxic mentality against our families who are indeed part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented.
On a post, Luwella Leonardi did state:
"To think that the audience is stupid and they are unable to see right through this is despicable!
No it's the low life of an assimulated mind set of deviance and ignorance. Tane is far from both of your sick minds."
Note :
Tane is part of our families of Queen Liliuokalani and the two genocide activists namely Luwella Leonardi and Valaria/Valarie Aquino are not part of our Royal Families.
The two Luwella Leonardi and Valerie/Valarie Aquino are modern day genocide activists perpetuating the frauds, the deceit, the lies, the criminal wrongdoings of their ancestors, etc.
Amelia Gora
copy(ies) to HPD/Honolulu Police Department
interested others
Reminding all about the ete from Maui making comments...........and showing her ignorance..........reminder of what hewa she did over time........for it will in turn go back to her............
Valerie Pilipina would not be able to show her direct connect to those she claims.......because her lines simply are not there in the records..........
I know.........am a long time researcher.............so, am thinking that she must be on crack......and she is on the Police List.
E Komo Mai !! Welcome !
Kanaka Maoli Patriot
Since he was 19 years old, Pomai has been
"lobbying the Legislature" !
Honolulu's Favorite Son !
Giving Imperialism Hell
Individualism Unleashed ! Why Co- Operate ??
in Court ??"
In Honolulu the Patriots Rally
"After renouncing my citizenship to the
United States on January 17, 1993, I have
gone home to my country, my nation, my
Hawai'i, the Hawaiian Kingdom. My loyalty
as a Hawaiian Kingdom national is to the
Hawaiian Kingdom."
"I can see through your mind.
I can see through your brain
like I see through the water that runs down my drain."
Our Queen Lili'uokalani
On March 31, 2009 the U.S. Supreme Court took back
the Apology to the Hawaiian People and got the United
Church of Christ completely off the hook for any
"reconciliation" whatsoever !
"They speak with forked tongue." -- Pomai
Total and Complete INDEPENDENCE !!
http://etexts.tripod.com/KINNEY/Reminding All of these past posts...................
KU'E 11-24-08 Pomai Kinney.m4v
Kupu'āina Coalition A Rally Demanding that Governor Lingle RESPECT NATIVE HAWAIIAN RIGHTS and WITHDRAW the Unnecessary Appeal of the Ceded Lands ...
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Native Hawaiian Sovereignty Bill:
www.c-spanvideo.org www.angelfire.com returnvoyage.com online.wsj.com washingtonexaminer.com statehousenewsonline.com
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For the Records - sent to many - Governor Abercrombie, HPD/Honolulu Police Department, DOE/Department of Education - Personnel, etc., Mayor of Maui, and interested others:
Department of Education
Personnel Office,
copy to Honolulu Police Department, etc.
to interested others
Attached find a significant complaint regarding about your employee Luwella Leonardi who continues to post slanderous material against myself, Amelia Gora and Henry Richard Kinney/Pomai Kinney.
Her conduct has been like this for several months now for me and years for Henry Richard Kinney/ Pomai Kinney.
This post by the way from Kaohi/ Luwella Leonardi is filled with hate, animosities, lies upon lies.......Mrs. Leonardi appears to be confused, mixed up individual whose interactions with Special Ed children must be reviewed.
Her thinking is certainly clouded, confused, and attacks people on the internet.
She has hundreds of postings at www.maoliworld.com available for review.
I have saved many of the posts, have reported her (and her new supporter named Valerie/Valaria Aquino who is trying to run for Mayor on Maui).
This is her latest comment on the internet specifically Maoliworld.com which shows that she has issues or a number of issues:
"Henry and Amelia,
Are both the biggest frauds in the State of Hawaii. And because we had very little participants in the fields as well as researchers, I tolerated their mental and at times deranged antics.
People lie so much that they wake up believeing their lies. I do not care for the British Flag (Hawaiian Flag), but we had to give it an up shot from the 'Hawaiian Kingdom' which is a commerce flag! That flag was for the ships that went into harbor and a flag needed to be flown on board a ship, I believe it was China.
Besides John Waihee a Hawaiian governor was called a treasones when he raised the flag above the Palace in 1993.
Henry was no where to be found. Have you ever noticed the American Flag and the Hawaiian Flag? So if one is a Veteran holding the Hawaiian Flag, what do you think the spirit flag holder is the vessel of?
That is the image I see Hawaiian Flag and the US Flag when ever it flies. I try to see 'Liliu's' monogram on the flag that she sewed on herself and gave it to some boys scout at Kapiolani Park. She saw these boys in the park, asked what they were doing, and came back the next day and gave it to them.
We duplicated that flag and used it in 1992, the Queen sewed her name 'Liliu' on the british flag which was given to her while she was in prison. She tore up bits and pieces of material and created her monogram.
As for research, it is not valid unless it is sanctioned by an academic depart and professor. It has to be objective, not slanderous. Research takes time, money and always by academic rules, because when people publish it has to be valid and not slanderous.
Maoliworld is a makaainana 'talk story' narrative. One has to have identity, location and experience for ones talk becomes true. From this stepping off point the forum becomes a comparative of 'truths', questions, to validate the focus of subject. The collective exchange process and often times super trash, which is edited and filtered. Unfortunately, much of the research ends up in the a cyberspace land fill.
So I write renewable pieces that are 'presenceing' it's what hybrid cyberforums do to keep moving forward. Fresh thinking and moving so that one does not remain in the battle zone that is rotting in reconstructive history.
Sadly, the Federal Recognition was just a test ground for the State Recognition for all busy bodies! The Amelia's and Henry Kinneys won their state definition. The (A) group which is an OHA definition.
The basic reason that both Henry and Ameilia are doing their posting in fevor is because they won! And they want this political power base to move in their favor which is what is happening.
The Amelia's are dime a dozen...and Dr. Haunani went up against this type of women when Subic Bay closed down. There was 50,000 children left beside the US ships that left port in 1991. Her way of professorship is to challenge her students to not work in margins for the center. This is difficult to do, and if you check Keanu Sai, one will see the work that is real professorship. We were very lucky that at least one student worked deligently and produces a product that had context. Amelia is always out of context!
The walking dead and out of context are both detriment to the Hawaiian Movement!
The 'real' challenge is here and I am not for the Act 195 and spent the last umteen years reading other people posting against the Akaka Bill and now that it is here, all I see is cartoons about the governor and his wife! And when I posted the application, the attack turned my way, why? Knowing how OHA was built by the candidates, the same people are building the State Recognition act 1934: to debunk the 'Rehabilitation' for one, and to operate commerce which is the brain child of the Hawaii Republic, and own and operate DHHL available lands. The DHHL now a Trust, has two beneficiaries 50% bloodquantum and general public (Amelia and Henry Richard Kinney).
They have to do their best hit hard and attack hard ..what's the difference ...bombing children in the middle east and attacking my children and the iwi in the ground. This is what the US do all the time and assimulated Hawaiians like Amelia and Henry Richard Kinney are just that people that can't see their asshole from a hole in the ground.
Amelia claims the bullet that killed Hawaiians and with a smile! Henry Richard Kinney uses 'pedophile' images 'Lulu' little girl and gets away with it. Why? Pedophiler's always have female helpers! I asked these two to stop their Cyber bulling for years--now it's an addiction problem.
So we must post our narratives that are presencing and strive for moral gains, our future generation are in perils at this time with the Act 195. Why because it is the death certificate that they are asking for and our birth certificates are what DHHL uses. We've gone from signatures on a negative, to computer, and now it's invalidation!
Act 195 will set fire to all birth certificates in Hawaii, especially ones with signatures and state seals.
I don't have time to edit"
I did post the following to both of them as shown below:
"No one is promised a tomorrow.........only God knows...........shows your mama did not teach you the realities of life.....
a repost:
totally bent out of shape aren't you............
and Luwella Leonardi's unprofessional/non professional remarks over time is certainly an area where your EMPLOYERS, the Department of Education WOULD NOT BE TOO HAPPY ABOUT.........
there's enough evidence for a reprimand, etc.........and it seems appropriate to have them know about it too...............I was a teacher with the Department of Education........have a Bachelor's in Science - Liberal Studies emphasis in Psychology and Sociology, etc . and it's obvious that something soooo wrong is up with you people........compounded with the fact that Luwella is in contact with little ones?
you don't sound like you have had any formal education......
Keep it up because all of these ongoing posts ...........are displaying characters of both of you which should be reviewed, parts of which is being sent to the DOE.
A reprimand seems in order.
Continue your nastiness both of you because as Pomai says:
good bye.......
p.s. the County of Maui should also know about your activities on these forums........and don't plan to win the Mayor position any time soon........just being real ."
Submitting this formal complaint for the records.
Amelia Gora
cc: Honolulu Police Department - Genocide Activities File (see letter posted today) Additional Evidence
Fw: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Ge...
From: amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
To: "hpd@honolulu.gov" <hpd@honolulu.gov>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
Many Interested Others
Note: Ramifications of the above can be many.............for Pomai Kinney also has an opportunity to press charges....fyi.
Message from our Families of Queen Liliuokalani, et. als...............
Note: on the DOE Website, the following is shown:
....Our standards set the course, while students, families, and community fill the sails with expectation as we voyage with the treasure of bright, young minds ready to lead the way to the future.
repost from another forum:
"kupuna kaohi was connected to both you amelia and kinney......remember she is no longer connected to you both......she has risen above the level you ameilia and kinney still linger in......i am so proud of Kupuna Kaohi for taking one step higher to Imua (move forward) leading the next generations to make the right decisions........by giving information to choose correctly...for this is the place to learn lessons daily by the voices of the right from the wrong and to identify the good from the bad......mauruuru
she'll probably be put on probation, released, reduction in force, fired, etc....but the letters are out....
and you are exposing yourself, your true self on these forums.....your letters are out too....
thanks for talking about the Tiger because I'm one too.......lol.
kaohi ...........although married and dating others........seems to be some kind of law being broken.....legal and spiritual.....hmmm........also a certain someone is not interested in you that way......the Truth, never thought I'd say it but here it is. Multiple law breaker under the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom..........all based on evidence too, admissions, verbal history from credible people, etc.
Caution Tiger at work..........lol.
goodbye you two........have wasted too much time on you Hewa Hipa already.
Department of Education
Personnel Office,
copy to Honolulu Police Department, etc.
to interested others
Attached find a significant complaint regarding about your employee Luwella Leonardi who continues to post slanderous material against myself, Amelia Gora and Henry Richard Kinney/Pomai Kinney.
Her conduct has been like this for several months now for me and years for Henry Richard Kinney/ Pomai Kinney.
This post by the way from Kaohi/ Luwella Leonardi is filled with hate, animosities, lies upon lies.......Mrs. Leonardi appears to be confused, mixed up individual whose interactions with Special Ed children must be reviewed.
Her thinking is certainly clouded, confused, and attacks people on the internet.
She has hundreds of postings at www.maoliworld.com available for review.
I have saved many of the posts, have reported her (and her new supporter named Valerie/Valaria Aquino who is trying to run for Mayor on Maui).
This is her latest comment on the internet specifically Maoliworld.com which shows that she has issues or a number of issues:
"Henry and Amelia,
Are both the biggest frauds in the State of Hawaii. And because we had very little participants in the fields as well as researchers, I tolerated their mental and at times deranged antics.
People lie so much that they wake up believeing their lies. I do not care for the British Flag (Hawaiian Flag), but we had to give it an up shot from the 'Hawaiian Kingdom' which is a commerce flag! That flag was for the ships that went into harbor and a flag needed to be flown on board a ship, I believe it was China.
Besides John Waihee a Hawaiian governor was called a treasones when he raised the flag above the Palace in 1993.
Henry was no where to be found. Have you ever noticed the American Flag and the Hawaiian Flag? So if one is a Veteran holding the Hawaiian Flag, what do you think the spirit flag holder is the vessel of?
That is the image I see Hawaiian Flag and the US Flag when ever it flies. I try to see 'Liliu's' monogram on the flag that she sewed on herself and gave it to some boys scout at Kapiolani Park. She saw these boys in the park, asked what they were doing, and came back the next day and gave it to them.
We duplicated that flag and used it in 1992, the Queen sewed her name 'Liliu' on the british flag which was given to her while she was in prison. She tore up bits and pieces of material and created her monogram.
As for research, it is not valid unless it is sanctioned by an academic depart and professor. It has to be objective, not slanderous. Research takes time, money and always by academic rules, because when people publish it has to be valid and not slanderous.
Maoliworld is a makaainana 'talk story' narrative. One has to have identity, location and experience for ones talk becomes true. From this stepping off point the forum becomes a comparative of 'truths', questions, to validate the focus of subject. The collective exchange process and often times super trash, which is edited and filtered. Unfortunately, much of the research ends up in the a cyberspace land fill.
So I write renewable pieces that are 'presenceing' it's what hybrid cyberforums do to keep moving forward. Fresh thinking and moving so that one does not remain in the battle zone that is rotting in reconstructive history.
Sadly, the Federal Recognition was just a test ground for the State Recognition for all busy bodies! The Amelia's and Henry Kinneys won their state definition. The (A) group which is an OHA definition.
The basic reason that both Henry and Ameilia are doing their posting in fevor is because they won! And they want this political power base to move in their favor which is what is happening.
The Amelia's are dime a dozen...and Dr. Haunani went up against this type of women when Subic Bay closed down. There was 50,000 children left beside the US ships that left port in 1991. Her way of professorship is to challenge her students to not work in margins for the center. This is difficult to do, and if you check Keanu Sai, one will see the work that is real professorship. We were very lucky that at least one student worked deligently and produces a product that had context. Amelia is always out of context!
The walking dead and out of context are both detriment to the Hawaiian Movement!
The 'real' challenge is here and I am not for the Act 195 and spent the last umteen years reading other people posting against the Akaka Bill and now that it is here, all I see is cartoons about the governor and his wife! And when I posted the application, the attack turned my way, why? Knowing how OHA was built by the candidates, the same people are building the State Recognition act 1934: to debunk the 'Rehabilitation' for one, and to operate commerce which is the brain child of the Hawaii Republic, and own and operate DHHL available lands. The DHHL now a Trust, has two beneficiaries 50% bloodquantum and general public (Amelia and Henry Richard Kinney).
They have to do their best hit hard and attack hard ..what's the difference ...bombing children in the middle east and attacking my children and the iwi in the ground. This is what the US do all the time and assimulated Hawaiians like Amelia and Henry Richard Kinney are just that people that can't see their asshole from a hole in the ground.
Amelia claims the bullet that killed Hawaiians and with a smile! Henry Richard Kinney uses 'pedophile' images 'Lulu' little girl and gets away with it. Why? Pedophiler's always have female helpers! I asked these two to stop their Cyber bulling for years--now it's an addiction problem.
So we must post our narratives that are presencing and strive for moral gains, our future generation are in perils at this time with the Act 195. Why because it is the death certificate that they are asking for and our birth certificates are what DHHL uses. We've gone from signatures on a negative, to computer, and now it's invalidation!
Act 195 will set fire to all birth certificates in Hawaii, especially ones with signatures and state seals.
I don't have time to edit"
I did post the following to both of them as shown below:
"No one is promised a tomorrow.........only God knows...........shows your mama did not teach you the realities of life.....
a repost:
totally bent out of shape aren't you............
and Luwella Leonardi's unprofessional/non professional remarks over time is certainly an area where your EMPLOYERS, the Department of Education WOULD NOT BE TOO HAPPY ABOUT.........
there's enough evidence for a reprimand, etc.........and it seems appropriate to have them know about it too...............I was a teacher with the Department of Education........have a Bachelor's in Science - Liberal Studies emphasis in Psychology and Sociology, etc . and it's obvious that something soooo wrong is up with you people........compounded with the fact that Luwella is in contact with little ones?
you don't sound like you have had any formal education......
Keep it up because all of these ongoing posts ...........are displaying characters of both of you which should be reviewed, parts of which is being sent to the DOE.
A reprimand seems in order.
Continue your nastiness both of you because as Pomai says:
good bye.......
p.s. the County of Maui should also know about your activities on these forums........and don't plan to win the Mayor position any time soon........just being real ."
Submitting this formal complaint for the records.
Amelia Gora
cc: Honolulu Police Department - Genocide Activities File (see letter posted today) Additional Evidence
Fw: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Ge...
From: amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
To: "hpd@honolulu.gov" <hpd@honolulu.gov>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
Many Interested Others
Note: Ramifications of the above can be many.............for Pomai Kinney also has an opportunity to press charges....fyi.
Message from our Families of Queen Liliuokalani, et. als...............
Note: on the DOE Website, the following is shown:
....Our standards set the course, while students, families, and community fill the sails with expectation as we voyage with the treasure of bright, young minds ready to lead the way to the future.
Note: Ramifications of the above can be many.............for Pomai Kinney also has an opportunity to press charges....fyi.
Message from our Families of Queen Liliuokalani, et. als...............