trask girls vs danner girls

in the 70's and 80's i remember the trask girls, both of them aggressive in their quest to share their views of what was happening within our kingdom nation. today we have the danner girls, with their own views and missions, the question is: it is really for our people the kanaka maoli's or is it for the recognition for another tribe like the ones on Alaska???? next year, i believe both girls, the trask and the danners, will be in the view of what they are all about and where are their missions and visions taking the minds of our people, the kanaka maoli's. the trask girls has been low key for awhile, not for long, for their mission is not complete, they must continue the vision to educate and follow through what they have started, we the next generation is waiting for Leaders to idetify themselves and stand for the Rights of our people to stay independent and not be part of a tribe of nations set up by the usa......................~da princess~

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  • kaohi---listen to yourself, your mouth is just as bad as Mr. Guy Aina.
    go look in the mirror and tell yourself what a bad example you are to
    us the next generation of educators and Kanaka Maoli's...

    you are a angry women not quite a kanaka maoli wahine warrior- which you are not!!!
    your words of anger divides our people, you are not a Leader but has proven yourself as a DIVIDER among us.
    i have seen wanna bees and you can not be a kupuna, you have to work on your anger management....
    to be heard by us the next generation.

    your mouth and words in the past few months on this blog has turned PILAU, period.
    go back to your kupuna's, they are waiting to disipline your MOUTH.
    as an older person, (senoir citizen) not one Kupuna, you should be a SHAME of yourself, bad seed
    worst than the Trask or the Danner Girls, please dont converse with me,
    i have No time for small immature minds that just dont want to learn or know Better,
    and wants to stay in the same old thinking of NO WHERE TO GO>>>>>> .......................................~da princess~
  • I think this is a really good discussion because by comparing these two sisters that have been acting as part of our leadership, it helps to think about what we want to see in the future.

    I personally don't see myself in the work that the Danner sisters are doing. It seems totally foreign to me - probably because they align themselves with so much American policy. Sometimes people say that they do all they do just for the money, and while that may be true, I'm not sure. I can see from their point of view that they think their way is just better for everyone. The fact that they think they can just come along and make decisions about what is good for everyone's futures without aligning themselves with any form of our people's consent however isn't good no matter how you look at it.

    The Trask sisters are a different story to me however. Just from my own testimony of what these women mean to me, even if I've never known them personally, no matter what houses or other things they've collected, if I had something else to give them for what they've done for us, I would. I know to some people that words don't seem important, but the words the Trask sisters have said and written has personally given me, and I know countless others, the strength and the knowledge to keep moving forward in our struggle. These women have fought against enormous bureaucracies and have said things to people at times that no one else could say or had the right words to say which were so important and necessary for us to progress. They helped create part of the language that we use today in our current struggle. Not only that, their actions also have reflected the fact that they very much drew from our own people the directions that they chose to go. They are not the isolationists that the Danners are who never seem to tap into the true movement of our people and who are advocating for us to become Indian people instead. The Trasks sisters instead have worked to liberate us in every sense of the word, not just on the outside, but on our inside too. We can't blame them that they didn't accomplish everything for us or that they were imperfect. No one is perfect or can accomplish everything.

    As for the future, we can't depend so much on the Trasks. They have worked for a long time now. In recent times, their presence has faded. To me, when we stopped hearing so much from them, this wasn't a betrayal. These women have given almost their entire life's work to us and at some point, we have to pick up where they left off. This is just life - the truth of each generation. People become older, and good old people spend their time trying to teach us - like Haunani has done by working to build the Hwn studies program, but they leave a void that we have to fill eventually.

    For me, I learned from both Haunani and Mililani that there was a whole other world outside of our little colonized box and to be fearless in trying to break down those walls. The Danner's to me are like part of the wall of colonization around us and they show me how vigilant we have to be as our generation moves forward into the void left by our Kupuna in acknowledging who we really are. They are the difference between people who worked to make it so that we had the rights to live by our own values vs. people who live by other people's values who have worked to impose those on us without our consent. In the future, I hope to see more leaders who will value our people's opinions and our vision for the future. And I also hope that we will see people who are unafraid and who are willing to fight against American institutions.
  • believe me the big mouths will expose themselves and yes this gives us the time
    to identify and some times we have to put up with them, too.
    we can not just ignore them while they are in the faces of our people, the kanaka maoli's.

    key to success, unite and gather what we already have in our leaders
    we no need down another kanaka maoli, we need to Pray and Rely on Akua
    to guide all of us to do what is Right, as Kanaka Maoli's..........................................~da princess~
  • Mahalo surfkick,

    For we are loosing the battle with low level DU in Waianae, I don't know what to say at this time. I tried to speak out at a public mike, but I don't know if it was understandable. Pono told me to attend and try to share my mana'o.

    The information was important, but I noticed the citations had some from Hawaii but they were old.

    I read the part about the 'sucking jellyfish' children. I cannot believe that I had experienced these 'jellyfish sucking children' both Hawaiian and micronesians here in Waianae.

    Well we have a volume of DU that was aggregated across Waianae due to the fires from the military burning through the use of chemtrails. It was set purposely to bring the death count down from the Maili clusters and near Koli Koli pass area where the stream of DU came from.

    Can you search the 40 names for Hawaiian winds. I know that it is posted or written somewhere in the archives. I don't know what I can do at this point. It is expected that we will not present a good argument to stop the spread of DU in Hawaii and specifically Waianae. Kaohi
  • Princess,

    "for me kaohi, i am not responsible for the interpretation and translation of one’s individual take on any one subject, however it is my responsibility to seek the facts and findings of different issues that has been exposed in my mothers and my lifetime, to go to this forums for educating myself from all sorts of people’s ideas rather we are kanaka maoli's or not, is education that will give me the opputunuty to share with my ohana."

    You are a total embarrassment and someone should have told you that, but they don't know how to communicate with an illiterate person such as yourself because one have followers that muck around in the mud--like pigs.

    I am tired of Crystalmeth users that enjoy the war within and contribute nothing to mankind, but total evil. I hear your version of ohana every fricken day from crystalmeth users and it makes me ill, to have to bear down the vicious ignorance. My concern is with the old, handicap, and children. In truth I want the crystalmeth users to eat shit and die along with their pilau pimps. So, mother welfare may you find your next thrill in hell next to the devils ass.

    • wow kaohi--- in good english, i learned its not the words but the ears that has a problem, you are the only one that just dont get it. no schooling or training is needed in this case of yours, its plan foolishness on your part to use your english, translation and interpretation of a language so easy to grasp, and yes it is in a childs innocents that will succeed for the future of our next generation to come.
      Senior Citizens like yourself has given up and like the A'ama Black Crab you have become to divided, not Lead.
      Stop Kaohi, and justify your words and actions of Hate and Anger, go get anger management help,
      believe me kaohi, you need it>>>go cleanse plenty pilau you stay harboring, let go and release,
      for this is a new year and in our next generation we need new not old baggage...................................~da princess~
  • Swimming around in circles with too much ignorance. No one needs to speak to you about responsibilities. No one needs to make a distinction between two sets of Kanaka Maoli women. All of this should be a given. However, it's the drama that thrills ones soul. You know what to do--step up to the plate and start nurturing what you say you represent. Take the plunge and quit being a child. Take an English course at a community college. No more child like talk. It's over! It's time to grow up and leave the fantasy. Kaohi

    well said!!! like a true Kupuna, no one else could have said it Better,
    this is the kind of wisdom we need to unite to get us to hear the truth
    and view our options, Tane you are like a lighthouse to bring us back on the path,
    to what this is all about and yes, we all have to participate and do our share.

    we have come to identify some of the key people in educating us and getting us the needed
    information, in order to know what the next step is going to be, without them it is like
    driving at night on a road that is not familiar to you with No lights, you would get there
    but at a lot slower pace.
    i will listen to you Tane and rethink my position in a positive way........................~da princess~
  • True, sometimes we can be our own enemies; especially when we neglect critical thinking and using good rationals. How long are leaders to take the front seat? The trasks have been in it for about 40 years. They have made their impact and moved ahead to concentrate on relevant issues that affect native Hawaiians. Most people become aware of the leaders' activities and sit on their couch watching
    TV and critiquing without so much as lifting a finger to move the movement ahead within their capabilities and expect those that precede them and who sends out the message and info to continue the fight for them. Where are all these sovereignty groups/ political entities when issues affect us and our rights? Have you heard from them lately or otherwise? In my family I encourage to pass the baton to the younger ones who have more energy than I. Leadrship is to share and spread to other to help pick up the banner and go forward.

    Be grateful for what they have initiated and pushed forward. One person cannot do it all for the rest of us. This is a kakou thing. One has to pick up their personal kuleana and move it forward and involved their next generation. This elemakule cannot swing on the banyan roots or hike back into the kuahiwi like I used to. The responsibility to lead within one's family or community-at-large is a heavy burden and awlfully lonely especially when there isn't support from those you are trying to help.

    When one sees others pick up the banner to continually educate or actively participate in protests and testimony; then one can go to work on higher kuleana to make things work. If they spent all their time being in the front and speakout against the injustices and nothing else, there would be no time to take care of personal things.
    who would fund them for their personal needs? there comes a time, also when one can easily burn out with all the stress and burdens. How often can the same thing be said repeatedly before others pick up the banner? What is OUR kuleana?

    As for the Danners, they are funded by the enemy to make us comply to the seditious bill of compliance to the U.S. They believe in and promote the U.S. racist Manifest Destiny and would have us have the U.S. as our lord and master. They personally benefit from it and we all get screwed because of it.

    What of Bumpy, Henry, Akahinui, Mahealani, etc. in all this? OHA , CNHA, and other organizations get the publicity in the U.S. American media; some paid for by our entitlement funds. But why wait on them to do actions? Where are we? What have we research? Are we to rely only on their words? We each have a gift and ample intelligence to gather and research the facts. I'm sure we are resourceful enough than to demand the attention of the appointed leaders. Facts and perspective and creative ideas have been shared enough for us to rally together and be creative with what we know. Know who are the enemy and where they lie.

    This issue then depends on perspectives and which side of the fence we stand knowing all the facts we can gather to make an intelligent decision. Some have moved into the international arena while others have remained within the national and local arena. One goes where one can do the most good for our people. There are enough "jobs" to go around for all to participate in; especially where one has the talent and gifts to execute better. The action then is our kuleana to do or support in ways to get our voices heard. So, let's rethink our positions and move in a positive way.
    • well said!!! like a true Kupuna, no one else could have said it Better,
      this is the kind of wisdom we need to unite to get us to hear the truth
      and view our options, Tane you are like a lighthouse to bring us back on the path,
      to what this is all about and yes, we all have to participate and do our share.

      we have come to identify some of the key people in educating us and getting us the needed
      information, in order to know what the next step is going to be, without them it is like
      driving at night on a road that is not familiar to you with No lights, you would get there
      but at a lot slower pace.
      i will listen to you Tane and rethink my position in a positive way........................~da princess~
  • kaohi-with due respect, for one i honor the voice of Tane, this is not drama- far from it.....this is exposure of leaders in my generation. This issue will be spoken in the days of my mo'opunas as adults.
    for me kaohi, i am not responsible for the interpretation and translation of one’s individual take on any one subject, however it is my responsibility to seek the facts and findings of different issues that has been exposed in my mothers and my lifetime, to go to this forums for educating myself from all sorts of people’s ideas rather we are kanaka maoli's or not, is education that will give me the opputunuty to share with my ohana.
    i won't appologize for being a strong kanaka maoli women, nor will i be in silence like some of my ancestors or other kanaka maoli i have come across with, who refuse to talk due to FEAR----of losing a home, a job or state income.
    i am proud of all those who speaks with confidence, especially kanaka maoli wahines warriors,
    too many have died in silence, we will kukanaka (stand tall)
    and speak out in heavy honor to the allegiance of our kupuna kahiko's (ancestors)
    and to our Hawaiian Nation under our Hawaiian Kingdom Government.
    we cannot be tired and weary or even up in each other’s faces
    we need to unite and use our given skills and knowledge to unite as one nation, the Hawaiian Nation..~da princess~
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