Here is what I found on what self proclaimed genealogist, e-book author, blogger, Amelia Ku'ulei Gora is posting on the internet copying and pasting things here from Maoliworld. She's taking things out of context here on postings on Maoliworld. I guess because she couldn't find anything but good on the internet about who I am, she decided to create something "bad" against me. Sad sad thinking this Amelia Ku'ulei Gora she making her ancestors proud of her isn't she? Hmmmm. And for the sake of other people's safety here on Maoliworld I am going to close this discussion so that she does not do harm to you either. Is this the way to use the tools of Maoliworld?...SAD In the words of Amelia gora as posted here on Maoliworld, "closing discussion is an option". Well I option the privilege of everyone's safety here on Maoliworld and will close this discussion, but you ALL need to know the character and integrity of Amelia Ku'ulei Gora aka: THE A.G. aka: hwnwahine aka: hwnsurfchick...she may change her profile again you never know. Beware of the newbies who enter Maoliworld, it may also be her entourage of followers. Is this the true division of Hawaiians and why we can not have unity? Hmmmm.... Malama Pono.

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