Political scientist rebuts myth of Puerto Rican natives’ extinction

December 2, 2011  |   |  86 Comments
Man in shorts standing amid palm trees

Tony Castanha traces survival of the Puerto Rico indigenous people

Tony Castanha grew up in Hawaiʻi, eating Chinese food and aware of his mixed blood, which also includes Portuguese and English ancestors. He studied in Seattle, lived in Europe and taught in Japan.

Long active in the Hawaiian movement, he wrote his University of Hawaiʻi master’s thesis on the effects of Hawaiian sovereignty on the non-native population.

But it is the Jíbaro blood of the Puerto Rican immigrants on his mother’s side of the family that called to him. Aware of his cultural identity and prompted by curiosity about that island’s experience with colonialism, the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa ethnic studies instructor turned his eyes to the Caribbean.

The Jíbaro, or Boricua, are the indigenous peoples, the “Indians,” encountered by Columbus on Borikén, the native name for Puerto Rico. Subjected to colonialism, they were considered virtually extinct as a people by the mid-16th century, and the refrain has been made over and over.

Castanha refutes that notion in his new book, The Myth of Indigenous Caribbean Extinction: Continuity and Reclamation in Borikén (Puerto Rico). “Whole communities of Jíbaro people survive today,” he said.

cover of book The Myth of Indigenous Caribbean Extinction: Continuity and Reclamation in Boriken (Puerto Rico)

The myth of Boricua extinction results from history written through colonial eyes, he explained. Castanha used ethnographical data, turning to family histories gone “underground” and accounts gathered from artisans, academics, activists, cultural practitioners, elders, campesino farmers, curanderos (healers) and espiritistas (shamans).

The book, which draws on his research as a UH Mānoa doctoral student in political science, documents five centuries of remarkable resistance and cultural continuity.

“I look at the cultural continuity of people in Puerto Rico,” he said. People practice old traditions in agriculture—such as planting by the moon, mixing different plants and planting in mounds—as well as spiritual practices and use of medicinal plants. Indian words persist in the names of places, foods and plants, and Indian accents prevail in many Spanish words spoken.

“I’ve made many trips to Puerto Rico. I feel a strong cultural connection—I’m mesmerized,” he said. “I don’t deny my other backgrounds, they just don’t touch me like my Native American background.”

In Puerto Rico, as in Hawaiʻi, there is a resurgence of native culture, he observed. The indigenous Jíbaro provide the root culture in Borikén.

Puerto Ricans in Hawaiʻi

The colonial experience of Puerto Rico and Hawaiʻi isn’t just an academic comparison. After the great San Ciriaco hurricane and famine, more than 5,000 Jíbaro were brought to Hawaiʻi as laborers for the sugar plantations via 11 voyages at the turn of the 20th century—after the Portuguese, Japanese and Okinawans and before the Koreans and Filipinos.

Oʻahu’s Hawaiʻi Plantation Village includes a Puerto Rican camp, although it doesn’t identify the indigenous nature of the immigrants, Castanha said.

Most of those who survived the trip across the North American continent and Pacific Ocean stayed. The community, much closer in the 1930s and 1940s, has largely dispersed now, although the oldest and largest cultural association, the United Puerto Rican Association of Hawaiʻi, still exists and large populations remain in areas on Maui and the Big Island.

“A lot has been lost in terms of knowledge about the homeland,” Castanha said, but the culture persists in dances with Jíbaro music, foods that people cook and the mannerisms of the people.

He hopes his book will serve as an educational tool in understanding the past 500 years. He plans to have it translated into Spanish.

“I believe it’s an important subject, partially because Puerto Rico is still a colonial possession of the United States. This is not a kind of ‘revisionist’ history I’m telling. Lives are still at stake.”

More on the book

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  1. Kidys Medina says:

    I’m Puerto Rican and also a UH Manoa student and just wanted to point out that the indigenous people of Puerto Rico are not the “jíbaros” but the “taínos”. “Jíbaros” are the people who live in the mountains, the country side, a bit secluded. The “taínos” are, in fact, extinct, although you can still see their physical characteristics on a lot of the population. The “jíbaros” do exist and are still keeping our traditions alive but there aren’t too many and most of them are old people. Puerto Ricans use the term “jíbaro” nowadays, when referring to someone who’s shy and inexperienced.

    • Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez says:

      Sister Kidys Medina the Jibaro is synonymous with Taino and no the Taino are not extinct DNA has already proven that check your facts. The fact that any trate of the Taino still exist is proof enough. As I always say, y tu abuela donde esta? You are, we are what they are. To deny any part of our hereritage is to deny who and what we are as a people. The Taino is alive and doing well just take a look and you’ll find us. Take care waitiao may the spirits of our ancestors bless you and all of your loved ones, Tau! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Taino-Boricua-News/
      Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez

      • Pedro says:

        Tomas,iread your posting with great interest!i am
        aware of Taino pride en los Boicuas.i am totally
        ignorant on the matter,besides i left PR in 53!
        i have posted the following;
        own a book published in 1977 by Luis Hernandez
        Aquino. “Diccionario De Voces Indigenas de Puerto
        Rico”.A profesor at the University of Puerto Rico the rest of titles are to long for me to write here. are you familiar with the book? where the
        latest vocabullary coming and if there are new dictionaries published? i have no idea why dad
        Had the dic.mentioned above. my main interest the
        history Of PR in general.

        • Pedro, para mas informacion sobre palabras Taino te refiero al siguiente link.


          Creo que te va a interesar. Esparte de parte de “Clásicos de Puerto Rico segunda edición, editor, Ediciones Latinoamericanas, 1972″ fueron compllados por el historiador puertorriqueño Dr. Cayetano Coll Y Toste de la “Real Academia de la Historia”. El autor es el Dr Cayetano Coll y Toste (1850-1930), un hombre muy querido y respetado en su rama.

      • Kidys Medina says:

        Tomas, obviamente no me referia al DNA porque demas se ha comprobado que somos una mezcla de Tainos, negro africano y españoles, ese es el puertorriqueño asi que en ese aspecto estas correcto, la sangre taina no esta extinta. Nunca he negado lo que soy, naci y me crie en Yabucoa, la mitad de mi familia es jibara y la otra afroantillana, simplemente expuse mi opinion con respcto a la manera despectiva con que se usa el termino “jibaro” en Puerto Rico, no digo que esta bien y habemos muchos que lo usamos con orgullo.

    • Pluma Barbara says:

      Kidys…you should ask your grandparents how they were call…jibaro will be the only word you will hear or indian…
      In fact your right the TAinos are extinct, since they never existed, they are extinct…it was the Jibaro, us that truly exist…
      Maybe if you study somexis native history you would learn that the colonial world will always put the traditional names as something that is wrong, or stupid, so it is very irresponsible to accept the mistake of thinking that jibaro refers to inexperience people…

      • Kidys Medina says:

        Pluma, I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. We study our history throughout elementary, middle, and high school, even college plus as I stated before, my family are half jibaros and half anfroantillano. Tainos DID exist, as our friend Tomas and other pointed out (DNA & physical traits, words we still use in our language, centros ceremoniales, etc). Jibaro is not even a colonial term and I was referring to nowadays in PR, yes, we ALL know what jibaros really are but it is used (and I dont condone this) as a derogatory term a lot of times.

    • Xavier Ramos says:

      Im Puertorican living in PR and your statement is not correct, the jibaro is the farmer who was brouhgt to the island from the Canary islands because of the similarity of the rugged terrain both places have mountains and some spaniards couldnt deal with it, the Tainos escaped to the mountains so the Jibaros interacted with them creating the pool gene of the Boricua almost 33% have Taino blood as an Interamerican University study found, and it makes sense, the Tainos are alive and theres a huge chance that they are doing it even inside you and in your kids.

    • Dear Friends, I would like to clarify and point out that the word or term Jiba-ro with its meaning of “Men of the Forest” is of a linguistic Taino origin and was simply a new world term in the 1500s or name that was given by the Tainos to any Taino children who were mixed blooded, Spanish European and Taino American Indian. These “mestizo Taino people” are the same people living in the central mountain hill country of Puerto Rico. It appears that the children of Spanish European whom later would become the Puerto Ricans and whom also would become the future writers and historians started a new trend of referring to the Jibaro as the humble hill people as campesinos. It is without question that the Taino of the past never became extinct but simply mutated into “El Jibaro del Campo” retaining the original values, cultural patters and philosophy of the life and the old Taino way of living.

  2. Alejandro says:

    The Jibaros are not the indigenous people of Puerto Rico; they were called T A I N O. “Jibaros” are my abuelos people that lived in the mountains or worked with the crops they used the iconic pava hat and had jibaro music Puerto Rico’s folk music instruments like el cuatro etc…

    The error could have been made by the person who wrote this article not the author.

    ps The TAINO lives!

    • Pedro says:

      i grew up and lived in Puerto Rico thru
      my first year at the university there.
      i have read that 64% of the women on the
      island have certain physical features (theeth)
      formation found on the native Tainos.
      A website,”Puerto Rico en Breve” is an excellent
      on historical facts about the island.
      i am 77 and the text books we used were in english
      including the our history!

    • Pluma Barbara says:

      Invocations to you all…
      I like with much respect to correct that the native people of this island are called the Jibaros that comes from our ancestor word Cachibalo…I stand firm to this because I have made many investigations noting oral history on P.R. around the islands, in mountains…I have interview many native that have never gone down from the mountains and they called themselves JIBAROS , only the people that have read books or have had any experience with the academic panorama use the word taino…I have also investigate academical researchers and books written by antropologist and arqueologist…
      I have proof of all that I say…but, let me tell you also that the modern world created colonial strategies that has change our name from Jibaro to Taino with the only intention to declare that we dont exist…The taino word is just a nominal name in terms of archeological time

      • Pluma, I do not remember ever hearing the word “Cachibalo? What does it mean? Where does it come from? I have looked around for some definition and can not find one even though I have seen it in reference to some video. If at all possible and if you can, could you please give some links as to where I can find this information? Thanks

    • Kidys Medina says:

      Gracias, esto se ha convertido en un campo de batalla con personas qu dan una opinion irresponsable, especialmente cuando ni siquiera han vivido o estudiado en PR.

  3. As a Boricua & graduate of Univ. of Hawaii (Manoa 1969) I can confirm that the Taino indian were exterminated during the Spanish colony. As a matter of fact, the Spaniards had to import African slaves to replace the Tainos working the land. The “Jibaro” was and is all those borne inland (away from the coast) that worked the land. Just as the two previous comments explain. And if you are from San Juan or Ponce then anybody else is a Jibaro.

    • Swizz says:

      I agree with much of what you said. Except that the Taino’s were all exterminated. My daughters, Great Grandmother (she was born in 1922), gave birth to all her children in a Bohio (by choice), behind their house in Utuado. I belive it still stands to this day, the proof is in the DNA, studies have been done. Also they imported slaves because the Tiano’s would rather die than be a slave. When I lived in Puerto Rico, I was a Jibaro, and prode of it.

      • Swizz, been born in a “Bohio” does not make you a Taino. All it says is that your parents were “Jibaros Puertorriqueños”. The type that has “La Mancha de Platano”, nothing more. My family is from Barrio Cedro Arriba in Naranjito and most of them did live in “bohios”, so I think I know what a Jibaro is and is not. I can accept that there is still some residual of the TAINO blood because of the crossing of Spaniard and African blood with the Taino indians but not to the degree of 20-30%. As I have mentioned before, my father told me that we had some Taino indian blood that I have calculated to be in the 1/16 to 1/8, most likly in the 1/16 ratio. My mother side was puere Spaniards. I am 74.

  4. Look for a painting of Ramon Frade by the name “El Pan Nuestro” to see what a Jibaro look like back before the early 1950′s.

  5. Pedro says:

    as a mater of fact my father was an artist also and we
    visited Don Ramon at his studio in cayey.that was a long
    time ago.
    i was born and raised in san juan, just in front of
    the fortress of san cristobal on norzagaray st.
    i am in no way disputing your knowledge of Puerto Rican
    history. at my age i have seen more jibaros that you
    can imagine. i finished only one yr at the UPR.it turns
    out that i enjoy Puerto Rican history than when i was
    in school!where are you from in PR?
    Puerto Rico en breve: historia, cultura y genealogía. History, Culture …of PR.Check this site!
    http://www.preb.com/ -

    • I was born in Cayey (on the first floor of Ramon Frade’s house (he and his wife (Doa Reparada lived upstairs) and raise in Rio Piedras through my High School (Republica de Colombia Class 55). Ramon Frade was my godfather and myself and my brother were used as model for some of his paintings. Today I am 74, I lived in Naranjito and visited my grandfathe many time in his house in Cedro Arriba, Naranjito where we did mingled with the real Jibaro. To go to his house was a couple of weeks of planning the trip since they had to send horses the “la Linea” if the had any available. Otherwise we had to walk which would have taken us some 3 hours to get to their house.

  6. Tony Castanha says:

    Just for clarification, there were numerous reasons for writing the book. It also dispels the idea that “Taino” was used as a term of self-ascription. The word in this context is a nineteenth century anthropological invention coming from the periphery, not from inside the communities. The term does not survive in family histories, at least before this time. The Jíbaro are the true “Indian” people of Puerto Rico according to their own accounts, adapting over the centuries to many changes. Similar to how the term “Kanaka” became disparagingly used to depict the indigenous peoples (the Kanaka Maoli) of Hawai’i, so too were the Jíbaro at one time shamed and stereotypically seen as “backward,” “primitive,” “uncultured,” etc. Many people in primarily rural and mountain regions take pride in their culture and still identify by this native name, just as they did before the European arrival. Recent research further reveals that about 61 percent of the population on the island tests positive for Amerindian mitochondrial DNA (from the female line only). These are the Jíbaro Indian descendants, still there, not frozen in time, practicing their native culture in their subtle unassuming ways. However reading the book may be more convincing of this as it seeks to rebut long entrenched myths.

    • Pedro says:

      This is getting to be an interesting discussion.
      evidently you never expected native Puerto Ricans
      to read your assertions. where is all you write
      about coming from?

    • Dear Mr. Castanha you should go back and look at the history of the Caribbean to learn a bit more about the Caribe and Taino Indians. The Caribe from Dominica Island (still with a reservation on the island) ant the Taino in Puerto Rico. By the way the name “Indian” came because Christopher Columbus was “looking” for India the country and its silk and spices and when he found land the natural thing was to call its inhabitants indians. Yes there were and in a limited amount there still some Taino blood in Puertorricans but ever generation it looses its place in our DNA. I myself have about one 1/18 to 1/8 Taino blood for what my father told me. The history of Puerto Rico is been taught in Puerto Rico with a book written by someone by the name of Escarano or something to that effect. I will look it up and let you know. But you are wrong on your claim of the Jibaro as original inhabitants of the island. Maybe you are tranporting the Jibaro Indian from Ecuador-Peru-Brazill Amazone to Puerto Rico and this never did happened.

    • AmaHura says:

      Guakia Taino Yahabo- We the Taino People are still here no matter what anyone else says. Mr. Castanha your research is correct and there are thousands of us still here who carry on the Taino language, custom, traditions, areitos and more. Please feel free to contact me at any time for more information or just to link up with other fellow Taino’s. Taino ti and many blessings as you walk this road of discovery.

    • Pluma Barbara says:

      Thank you Tony for clarifying this…I like to add that the modern world can deal with us the native in books and history but not alive…so that is why modern history has invented the name Taino for our people and burry our truly name Jibaro…how history has dissapeare us is not a mystery…historian just change our name to a fake name creating an abyss in our existence…through our truly name Jibaro we can proof that we have never dissapear…
      ‘ Cause Im here, Im alive, Im resisting the historical genocide….

    • Mr Castanha, following mmy own recomendation o you, I went back and loook for more information on the word TAINO. well acording to Cayetano Caoll y Toste this is what he wrote;

      “Tayno – Bueno . Dice el doctor Chanca: “E llegóndose alguna barca a tierra a hablar con ellos, dicióndoles tayno, tayno , que quiere decir bueno .” Bachlller y Morales aplica este nombre a los indo-antlllanos, en general, para oponerio al de Caribe. Los caribes insulates procedían de los caribes del Continente; y los otros indígenas, anteriores a los caribes en la ocupación del Archipiélago antlllano, venían de los Aruacas de Tierra Firme; por lo tanto, lo natural y lógico es llamaries los Aruacas insulates; y al determinarlos decir haitíanos, quisqueyanos, ciguayos, boriquefios, siboneyes, xamayquinos, etcetera, según la isla.”

      In another writing here I do mention about the “Boricua and Boriquen” names also from his writing. As you can see we all learn something new every day no matter how old we are.

      • pedro says:

        Hi Jorge this is Pedro, your info is correct and
        i have read the same. i am begining to wonder
        were these other people are getting their information from on this matter. there are so
        many resources in PR for those that would want to research about our history. as always i am in
        agreement with you.

        • Back in 72 Rafael Hernandez Colon was elected Governor and he started the “Nationalization” for the Puertorricans when he started calling the Parks, Newspapers, Radio etc National meaning the island. until them everything was understood to be “insular” but not “National”. The Taino studies were accelerated and by the the 1979 Caribbean Games we even had invented Taino dances that were presented during the inauguration of the games. Since those days there has been many interesting discoveries and “inventions”. I assume many of these people are basing their information on the findings during these time and without going back in history to analyze what they are talking about. If you see many of those writing here are going by what they were told an many were not even born and/or raise on the island. some of them are pure Boricuas by blood but many I am sure are xxxricans. Nothing wrong with that but their culture, puer Boricuas by blood or not is different from the culture of those born and raise on the islans and that is a fact.

  7. Although I have never heard the term “jibaro” used to refer to the culture, Boriken or a derivative like Boricua would more accurately describe the indigenous people of Puerto Rico. We say Taino today after Colombus. Story goes that they introduced themselves as “Taino” or “good and noble” people and so the term stuck. However they identified themselves by the name of their land, Boriken being Puerto Rico, Cubanakan for Cuba, etc. Jibaro, an indigenous word, persists as the term for the peasant class that took to the mountains, but also with many “taino” fleeing to the mountains to escape the yoke of colonialism and enslavement much of their bloodline continues in these areas, down to the moon-based agricultural practices that persist and even in elements of jibaro music like the use of the guiro and the maraca, indigenous instruments used by the original people of Boriken. To use the term “jibaro” to refer to “shy/ inexperienced” people or as was used in other communities where I grew up in Brooklyn as the equivalent of “hick” here in the states is to perpetuate the racism that is prevalent throughout the Americas that would still choose to portray indigenous people as inferior, incapable, etc.
    As for extinct, I prefer to use the term for the animal kingdom where a species of animal ceases to exist. But if mitochondrial DNA studies have proven that more than 60% of Puerto Rico’s population possesses Native blood then we are just a product of the racial intermixing that came after the Conquest in 1493, the arrival of the Spanish and of Africans. Lastly the cultural evidence is overwhelming.

    • I forgot to mention that I greatly appreciate the references of the historical links between Hawaii and Puerto Rico as a result of the US conquest of each in 1898. More needs to be done about the links, commonalities and overlaps between these two communities.

    • Not been Puertorrican, born and raise ion the island it is understandable to inject “racism” to the calling someone a Jibaro. Puertorricans are very proud to be called a Jibaro for your information. You have been mixing your US mainland culture to that of the ones in Puerto Rico. Two (2) cultures totally different. This is a mistake made by most descendent of Puertorrican parents or those young Puertorricans that were brought by their parents to the mainland and grew up here. For your information the phrase of “llevas la Mancha de Platano” is one use by us to identify ourself as Puertorricans and it is use as a tribute to the Jibaro that worked the land producing plantains. This is not to say that there is no discrimination on the island but it is nor even a tenth of what is here on the mainland. One love expression used very much on the island is to call your love one “negrito or negrita mio(a)” and nobody get offended by it.

  8. Ramon Ojeda Santos says:

    my parents along with my uncles when to Hawaii in 1920 with a group of 20 thousand Puerto Rican to work and in 1900 a group of 20 thou. had gone to Hawaii before them, my parent and my uncle were one of the few to return to P.R. i was station in Pear Harbor for over a year and met many Hawaiian Puerto Rican i was at the Puerto Rican Association on School St. about a mile from the base most of them don’t speak Spanish but they sing Puerto Rican music in spanish and eat arroz con gandules and pasteles for Chrismas. i would like to make a correction about the article the jibaros were the European people from the Canary Island, Corsica and Sicily brought to Puerto Rico by the Spanish Gov. who were given free land to farm in the interior of P.R. to replace the Taino who ran away to the mountain when the Spanish try to slave them. Puerto Rico was not a Colony of Spain it was province with representative in the Spanish Court and Spain never traffic slave they brought Catholic priest to Christianize the Taino and make them slave. my mother was Spanish decent and my father was Taino i’m a member of the Borinquen Tribe, 96% of P.Rican have European blood and about 46% have Taino blood so about have of the P.Rican population have Taino blood not African blood, the English were the one that traded slave from Africa was for the most part and to some extend the French an the Dutch. pa Que sepa

    • I think you should check you history again. The Spanish did bring blacks to replace the Tainos working the land. Yes the English and Dutch brought blacks to the Caribbean but the Spaniards did as well.

  9. Peace

    1. the term jibaro applies to two distinct groups of peoples: a. distinct ethnic group in Venezuela/Brazil regions. b. a person from the country side in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic, that may have had some native blood or not.
    2. The native or indigenous people of Puerto Rico were the Taino people. While there are no pure blood Tainos left, mixed blood descendants abound.

    • 1) The Jibaro Indian is from the jungles of Peru. Ecuador, Brazil primarily. The Jibaro in Puerto Rico is call anyone that lived inland and worked the land.
      2) as you say the indigenous people of Puerto Rico ware the Taino Indian which were related to the Arawak Indian. Today the is some, but very diluted DNA of the Taino Indian in many Boricuas. I was told by my father that I was 1/8 to 1/16 Taino indian and I am 74 years old. So make your calculation and look at the dilution of the blood.

      All we know of the Taino is what Bartolome de las Casas and others of that period wrote. First hand information died with the last Taino.

  10. Yarizel Negron says:

    I’m Boricua but was born and raised in the states. As a historian I have researched a lot about my people, so I can understand the controversy that comes from this subject. I’m not going to comment much on this part because enough has been said. This article however has brought back good memories. I’m full Puerto Rican but half of my ancestors were Spaniards and half were Taino. My dad used to tell how he would go to his grandmother’s house in Jayuya (a town in the mountains). She was what he called an “India” and she would be chewing tobacco on the porch while he and his brothers would run around the house. One time she spit out the tobacco juice and it landed on my dad’s hand. He complained about it and she told him it was his fault for being in the way of her spit. Lol! Puerto Rican mothers and grandmothers were usually so rude and aggressive. She was also a santera, a woman who practiced Santeria. My uncles would stay over her house on some occasions and at night they would hear really loud footsteps above them. They would enquire about the footsteps the next morning and their abuela would say it was just her “Indio” spirit friend that would hang around the house and protect her every night. Remembering those freaky and funny stories always makes me want to visit. I hope I can go next summer.

    • Santeria is an Afro culture-religion not Taino. the indians they did have “medicime man” but did not practice Santeria. Santeria comes from working with the “Santos=Saints” of the Catholic church.

    • Yarizel Negron says:

      Wow, you guys are intense. I never said Santeria was a Taino custom, I said that is what my great-grandmother practiced. Because of African cultures brought to the island, African beliefs and customs as well as European, mixed with the practices of the natives (as has happened all over the Americas) and created many of the cultural practices on the island today. I was just remembering the stories my father told me, and wasn’t here to lecture people about what is right or wrong. As a historian, I could sit here and waste my time doing that, but I’m not going to. Es una pena que en vez de tener una buena conversacion y discusion sobre la historia de nuestra bella isla, estamos teniendo una competencia de quien conoce a Puerto Rico mejor. Disfrutemos nuestra mezcla de etnicidades que nos hace uniqos. Si la palabra es Taino o Jibaro, parece que eso depende de a quien le preguntes. Yo estoy agradecida que por lo menos todavia hay gente como Castanha que toman tiempo para estudiar e investigar el pasado y estan orgullosos de tener sangre Taina/Jibara.
      For those of you who have been confused by the bickering about the genetics of the people of Puerto Rico, here is an article about the studies conducted by Dr. Juan Martinez Cruzado and published in 2003.

      Good luck to all, and if you are Puerto Rican, don’t rub it in other people’s faces because then they’ll never get to appreciate the beauty and wonder of our island, our culture, and our people.

      • pedro says:

        Ms Negron Pues si! Boricuas are intense!! and thanks for the link.Check one link called

        PS Felicidades a todos!!

      • Ms Negron, as our friend Pedro states, we Boricuas are intense in just about we do. From my part I can tell you that growing up on the island an having family and lived in the mountains of Naranjito-Corozal-Barranquitas we (I) did learn a lot of what we are talking here. Naranjito in the 40′s and even early 50′s was a place where the Jibaro came to town on horses with the “banastas” full of bananas and other staples to sell, Tabaco was produce and there was no asphalt other than the main road though town. Our “history” classes were based on an English book by a guy by the name Miller if I recall correctly. The only book used for many years on the island. I lived in Najarnjito during the Don Pedro Albizu Campo attempt revolution in 1952 where they attack the police station. I do write here when I see something that I believe to be wrong, I do try to be polite and respectful. I believe that it is our right and duty to try to enlighten those decedent Boricuas that were born or raise on the US mainland (xxxricans). I believe we all learn something new every day no matter how old we are and throughout the years to look up different sources even or when something is said that do not match what I think I know. I just do not like those people that I consider to be over enthusiastic about anything and try to pass it on as “true and the only truth” or when some “xxxricans” talk as if they were more Boricuas than those that where born and raise on the island. That there is some Taino blood still around in Puerto Rico, of course there is but that many of the things we are discovering today are as they were back in the 15-1600, please. To many historians invent or project things from written records and/or hearsay so it is important to read more than one historian to learn what could be true. I try, if at all possible, to the horses mouth to learn and make my opinion on the subject.

        Sorry for this long and kind of jumping all around on subjects. As our friend Pedro did say we are intense!!!

      • Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez says:

        Tau Wei waitiao Yarizel,
        Greetings from the Big Apple sister Yarizel, I’m sitting here reading and enjoying the postings on Jibaros and Taino. some doing research coming up with conclusions on whom and what is right and wrong according to the sources they come up with to prove a point. It’s all good it bring to the fore front the continuing saga of the Taino survival. Until the Taino resurgence movement of 1998. The Taino was dead and buried, extinct and to some who are in total denial, it never happened! Go figure. It was through the will of Yaya and the grace of Atabex that our women continued giving birth to the Taino, the good, the noble people. We as a people continue to live and thrive stronger than ever. Finally the Taino has taken its rightful place and no longer ignored, denied! but not ignored.
        I had occasion to visited Cuba in 1999 and celebrated the survival of the Taino in Cuba. With Don Fernando, a local Cacike from the mountains of Guantanamo and his people who were brought down from the mountains to participate in an Areito in their honor in Santiago de Cuba. Even Fidel Castro has lay claim to being Taino. You brought this memory back to me with the question about Santeria and the Taino. We celebrated the whole day singing, dancing and eating. Exchanging gifts and trading our regalia and feathers with one another. That night at the stroke of midnight, los Santeros started celebrating with a Bembe of all Bembes. I was allowed to participate with some of the drummers and low and behold who was there dancing and fully participating in el Bembe? The Taino hand in hand with the Santeros. Just as the Africans had to convert to Catholicism in order to serve. So did the Taino within Santeria. No big thing just survival mi gente!
        I hope the discussion continues and that more articles and books are presented and introduced to the readers so that they may educate themselves about the Taino del Caribe. Ahiahud waitiao, han han katu.

  11. Pedro says:

    Muy buenas! Ms Negron, by bringing in Santeria we are
    going into a different subject, Santeria roots
    are African and as you know you will find similar
    practices in the Caribbean and any place in Latin
    Amerca that slaves were brought to.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Just wanted to point this out…because it annoys the hell out of me when this word is used improperly… Boricua means woman in Taino so for a man to use it is a little eeehhhhhh… but back on the topic yes the Tainos and the Caribes are both indigenous peoples that stem from the Arawaks which were thought to have migrated from Central America and spread all over the Carribean. Very rich history great to see people still have an interest in other cultures!

    • AmaHura says:

      Boricua DOESNT mean woman in Taino- The Taino language is linguistically related to Arawak. The word Boricua means – Person of the House of the Great/Valiant Chief. Woman in the Taino language is Inaru- dont post wrong information up here that will mislead people.

      • Boricua means a person from BORIKEN, BORIQUEN, BORINQUEN, in other words, Puerto Rico. BORIKEN is what the Taino indian called the island whn Christopher Columbus landed on the island.

        • Going over the writing above as to “. . .Boricua means woman in Taino. . .”. You know, this person “Anonymous”. must be regular gringo or a xxxrican (newyorican, Chicagorican” etc that has not learn that just because ending in an “a” does no mean that is feminine. Unlike English, Spanish has that unique virtue that can be masculine when it ends on an “o”, can be feminine if it end on an “a”, or can be both it all depends on what it is. This is one of little things that many non native Spanish speakers do not know or understand. And why I have always said that just because you are a descendent of Puertorrican (one or two parents) and specially if you did not grew up on the island you are not a Boricua / Puertorrican (con mancha de platano). However that does not mean not to be proud of your ancestry. You are a proud Newyorican or whatever “rican” and proud of your ancestry like Italians, Germans or others are proud of theirs.


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  • Tanio is a special gold in many peoples hearts

    1. “Whole communities of Jíbaro people survive today”

      This reminds me of a recent article in Smithsonian where they looked at indigenous people from Cuba and the Caribbean and found similar examples of native culture being alive and incorporated into today’s civilization.

    2. For all Boricuas and its decedents ere is a hymn written by Edmundito Disdier one of the best composers from Puerto Rico


      Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas


      • pedro says:

        Que puedo decir! Me gusto el video y me a puesto
        sentimental.this must be shown to all others that
        are participants in this forum.I knew Disdier, he
        was amember of the PR Air National Guard as the same
        time i was! Also on that day in 1952 i was getting ready to go to school! then the attack at “La Fortaleza” was announced. Como pasa el tiempo, verdad?


      • Awilda Rojas says:

        That song is beautiful-Merry Christmas! The ‘intense’ comment broke me up! I’m reading all this great blog with- you got it- INTENSITY! My parents are Boricuas and I’m born in NYC-One item I’ve found interesting is how on Columbus’ writings the people of the Boriken Island are described as beautiful, both female and male. That they smiled when they spoke and the sound of their speech he likened to music. That the men were handsome and no hair on their beautifully formed chests. The women very beautiful as well. Beautiful full hair they kept cropped short. I do enjoy reading blogs like this where my people can debate yet relate at the same time! Yes, I have some stories, too. But this research is entertaining enough for me! I’m fascinated by our people. I know I have to be called newyorican or something – I’d prefer it be something like “Puertorican +”. We are so stereo-typed all the time and meanwhile our community is very deep! My Mom worked and kept us kids at home, not the streets! We’re bi-lingual and inherently twice as nice and I even studied French just for a hoot! Will get back to reading this fine blog and keep up the good word. The more aspects to our story the better! Thanks for all your thoughts and links and references.

        • Pedro says:

          que tal Awilda this is Pedro!
          check for a site “www.prenbreve.com.” algo asi.
          it has lots of historical data about PR.
          GOOGLE it. by the way my daughters were born
          in California and they are?? Japaricans!
          my wife is Japanese!

          • Jorge says:

            Of my three kids, two are Hawaiirican, the other one was born in PR but primarly was raise primarily in the mainland, FL, AZ, CA . . . so what do I call him USArican o Amerirican? You know we are ALL AMERICANS with Puertorrican ancestry. However, there is nothing wrong if you want to call yourself a Puertorrican just be proud of you culture from where ever you grew up at.

            By the way I just posted my Xmas face for this year on my Facebook page.


          • Awilda Rojas says:

            Encantada, como mi Isla Borinquena, Pedro. Thankyou for the web info. This blog gives me quite a ride! I couldn’t stop reading the comments yesterday. Following the latest comments as well and linked on the Gran Combo for my grand finale! Posted that on Face-Book! You’re daughters must be exotic looking-That’s the beauty of the Puertorican Blend! All my 52 years I have China Chino Negro Negra India Indio Cano Canita Blanca la Triguena Charon Chuito Sabatche-Man, it’s endless! I love the nick-names! We really are Blessed and come a long way. Tagged affectionately. I wasn’t given a nick-name, except my Tio Lito called me Awildita! Oh,Dear! My siblings do. All I know is after dinner Mami formally addressed me as “AWILDA MARIA!!!! Te llaman los trastes!!!” I just remembered what my nick-name was. Whenever I cried they called me “MANTEQUILLA”!!! Anyway, this blog is like being with family. Thoroughly enjoying all the comments and info.
            Colombus wrote in his journal that Taínos had beautiful, tall, slender bodies. Their color was dark or olive, and they wore short haircuts with a long hank at the back of the head. They were clean-shaven and hairless. The islands were densely populated. According to Cristóbal Colón, the Taíno tongue was “gentle, the sweetest in the world, always with a laugh.”
            Along these lines is what I’m searching. Found out why I’m always sweeping! They kept the indoors immaculate!


        • Pedro says:

          Awilda,por ahi viene la parranda!!! tried to find
          you in facebook y nada! there are other Awildas. estoy cofundido.hope you have checked out the web site with lots of historical facts about la Isla
          del Encanto.I am also in facebook.Awilda i grew up in Old San Juan. i enjoy reading about our history.

          Pedro L. Trujillo Lora

          • Awilda Rojas says:

            Pedro! How refreshing! That’s the first time anyone said there are a lot of Awildas! Usually noone ever even met an Awilda unless they’re in Boriken! Wow!I’m on Myspace as well as I’m looking for some family members including my Tio Lito! I’m still laughing at what you said! I forgot to mention that I had indeed found that web site. I added it to my favorites as with other web sites offered so helpfully on this blog. Estoy bota en Long Island…My pic on FB has my daughter and Granddaughter with me. I know where you grew up as I read on this blog. You make me more interested in keeping up with all the comments! I’m very happy to have happened across it and is why I subscribed to it. I know you were up front citing your trying to get your facts together and are honestly accumulating your historical data. I too, am being objective in my quest and have specific queries regarding our beautiful and noble ancesters.

    3. Pedro, what years were you in the PRANG? Yo estuve en ella por un par de años y fui a Sampson Air Base a tomar el entrenamiento basico del Air Force el verano del 1955 (esta fue el primer grupo que participo en este programa del AF) Si tienes SKYPE me consigues ahi como “riveraja”.

    4. pedro says:

      was there almost 2yrs left in 53 just before going to NYC.
      finished AF basic Tng in early 54 and retired in 80!
      estoy en calif. @ the PRANG i was assigned to the
      motor pool.droe the convoys to Roosevelt Roads.
      a lo mejor nos vimos en Isla Grande?

    5. Domingo Hernandez says:

      My own DNA test comes as 20% Taino which is almost a quarter. A few years ago most people were saying there was no Taino blood left. Or if there was it was so watered down that at most it would be in the 5% area. Well now we know that 80% of the population has some Taino dna. That the average (mid-point)is 15% which means that out of a population of four million there are thousands with over a 30% blood quantum. Latest news is the discovery of mounds in Utuado that may indicate tainos still living separatly into the late 1780s. Let’s wait and see.Everyday more and more evidence is appearing to show that the Taino contribution to our culture and population is as important as the European and African elements.

    6. Rebeca says:

      Those of you reading all of these comments and wondering, “will the real Puerto Ricans stand up” will be dissapointed. Most of these points of view are as Puerto Rican as they come. They represent the tremendous diversity of perspectives that characterize us as a people. I would urge all of us to continue sharing information in the spirit of helping one another discover new sources, rather than as a way to prove how correct we are. In the end, to most US inhabitants we are undistinguishable from Mexicans, Cubans and other Latinos. They don’t even know or care where our island is! So celebrate the courageous affirmation that is to identify as Rican in the mainland or Hawaii, applaud those who regale us their personal memory of how a term has been used, say thank you to those who take the trouble to cite sources, appreciate how islanders have defended the culture despite more than a hundred years of occupation, and above all realize that the author of this book, no matter how right or wrong, was on a sincere quest for his cultural roots.
      Que, ¿que ahora van a hacer como Monsanto, a sacarle una patente a la puertorriqueñidad? Dichosos debian sentirse que hayan jovenes y viejos interesados en sus raices culturales, y con gentileza y amor podrian contribuir lo que saben con un poquito mas de humildad para no asustar a aquellos que todavia se encuentran al principio de su busqueda. ¡Caso cerrado!

      • Pedro says:

        Very well said!! Muy bien dicho!! Ms Rebeca


      • I do agree with most of what you say and as our friend Pedro said “Very well said . . . Muy bien dicho . . .”. However . . .

        You say that “. . . to most US inhabitants we are indistinguishable from Mexicans, Cubans and other Latinos. . . .”, and you are right. And that is the problem with our nation. We, Boricuas, are different from Mexicans as Mexicans are different from Cubans as Cubans are different Argentinians or from any other Latin country. The only thing we have in common is our language and that our ancestors primarily come from Spain.

        It is like saying the Italians are the same as Germans, French or English. Or that a New Yorker is the same as a Texan or a Kentuckian. Yes they are Americans but that is all.

        We all live in the same continent but our roots, in most cases, and most important aour culture are totally different. Which is my point ans issue when I run into people like Chicago’s Representative Gutierrez that try to pass himself as a Puertorrican. He born and raise in Chicago and his culture is that of others in Chicago not San Sebastian or Jayuya or even San Juan.

        Listen you should be proud of your ancestry. But do not try to speak for me, do not try to represent me with your Chicagorican or xxxrican culture. Our culture is totally different. Yes, your parents did teach you about Puerto Rico as they remember their life was but you grew up in the streets of Chicago, or any other US city a totally different culture from Jayuya or San Sebastian or even San Juan streets.

        Listen lets be proud of our ancestry but lets call things as they are not as we would like them to be. Al Pan Pan y Al Vino Vino.

        • Rebeca says:

          Don Jorge I have lived more time in the island than in the states. If I write in English it is for the benefit of those you attempt to put down with your intolerant words. You write as if it was possible or important to separate “pure” island resident Puerto Ricans from those who have embraced that part of their heritage while living in the mainland. It is not. In fact, these artificial separations what are much more harmful, because they perpetuate the myth of cultural purity. There is no such thing. Now, if what you want to state is that living in the island is a completely different experience from that of living in the states, I don’t disagree. Once out of the island, most Puerto Ricans realize that the distinctions you make do not matter to those who benefit from our squabbles.
          Tranquilizese que yo hasta estoy de acuerdo conque el uso del termino jibaro en el libro no es la forma en que yo lo hubiera usado. Pero considero la atencion al tema un logro importante en un mundo donde los libros sobre el tema, escritos en ingles, son pocos. Y esto viene de alguien que tiene a ” El Jibaro” de Manuel Alonso en su biblioteca.

          • Rebeca, you have taken wrong what I have written. I do not “. . .attempt to put down. . .” anyone. I just like to make clear that just because you were born on the mainland or even on the island, and grew up in one of the many cities of the US mainland, you can talk about Puerto Rico as if your know what you are talking about. Just because of what your parents were able to tell you about the island does not make you an expert.

            I have lived and studied in Argentina and Hawaii but you do not see me talking about these two places as an expert. I might argue on what I did learn on these two places but I am always open to be corrected because my culture is totally different as those that were born and raise in these places. If you were born in New York and went to Texas or California when you were one, two or three years old and grew up in these states do you call yourself a New Yorker or Californian? Of course not. I have nothing against been proud of your ancestry. Be proud of it but know where you are FROM and be proud of that too, that is what you are and not what you might want to be. I have two daughters and I know they are very proud of their Puertorrican ancestry but they both were born and raise in Hawaii. They both have visited Puerto Rico but you do not see them talking as experts on Puerto Rico way of life. They are very proud of been Hawaiian, even if they do not have Hawaiian blood (only Irish-Scotish and Boricua blood). And I am very proud of them for what they are as I know they are also proud of their Boricua blood.

          • Pedro says:


            Ms Rebeca Felicidades!! cut and paste this link.

    7. Aldo Torres says:

      With all due respect to all… As far as I am concerned; in order to be extinct a species (a class of individuals having common charactoristics or qualities)must be totally gone. If this is the case then common sense dictates that since we share these common charatoristics or qualities, of the Taino, including Taino blood, the TAINO IS NOT EXTINCT. To say that the Taino is extinct is to say that YOU and I are extinct and we all know that this is NOT the case. I am Puertoriqueno, I am Boricua, I am Africano, I am European and I AM SO VERY VERY PROUD TO BE TAINO!!!! ALIVE AND WELL!!!

    8. KaohiWaianae says:

      Mahalo to all the contributing voices and your stance of existence. Hawaii and their academic community are just a speck of a segment of Hawaiian cultural history. Sadly, in a tightly held group and rules to live by in an academic group-community they are limited to the Anglo-Saxon versions of definition. An objective and bias outlook disperses in the wind much talk of non existence so that one’s contention exist. A clean ground stance for voice and publications. What is most interesting and I must admit that as a native Hawaiian residing in a community that is 50% plus bloodquantum set forth by US congress one cannot speak by UH Manoa law. To read the comments it was delightful! So many comments in so short a time. Speak up and let the academic community know that they are culturally insensitive when defining their parameters. My Hawaiian sovereignty voices tears apart the very fabric of our ancestors voices in their publication of absolute.

      • Awilda Rojas says:

        Aloha! The History books in general must be revised and not leave people with more questions than answers. There is an enormous amount of rich informationdi irresposibly disgarded because somebody decided that a culture is not worth in-depth exploration.

        • Jorge says:

          You are absolutely correct Awilda. The main problem is that today many historians are trying to change history as it did happened so we have to be very critical when we see incorrections. An I am not talking of very old history. today politically correct historians are changing what did happened during the time of President Reagan in the 80′s and this is just an example of the problem.

          • Something additional on Boricua . . .Please check Cayetano Coll y Toste writings. You will find the following . . . “Boriquen – Nombre indígena de la isla de Puerto Rico. Asi está anotado en el mapa de Juan de la Cosa (1500), y en el mapa de Martin Waldeemüller (1508) conocido con el nombre de Tabula Terrae Novae; y así aparece en las obras de Oviedo (1535) y Las Casas (1550)” So, Boricua means someone from Boriquen, Boriken, Borinquen = Puerto Rico.

        • Pedro says:

          AmaHura you are totally correct!
          as i mention in another post i have a
          “A Diccionario de Voces Indigenas de PR”
          and you are right!!

      • Pedro says:

        I own a book published in 1977 by Luis Hernandez
        Aquino. “Diccionario De Voces Indigenas de Puerto
        Rico”.A profesor at the University of Puerto Rico the
        rest of titles are to long for me to write here.
        his definition and i quote from this book.
        “BORICUA”. Adjetivo gentilicio,refirendose a una persona o cosa de Boriquen.(V.Boriquen,Borinqueño)

    1. Nelson W. Canals says:

      El término “jíbaro” se usa en Puerto Rico para referirse al campesino empobresido, desnutrido y analfabeto. También se ha usado despectivamente para indicar ignorancia, atraso y falta de inteligencia. El concepto se usa en Cuba como “guajiro”. Ni en Puerto Rico ni en Cuba los términos jíbaro o guajiro se refieren a la población aborigen. Tanto en Cuba como en Puerto Rico se reconoce el importante componente Taino en la cultura y biología de ambos pueblos.

      • La primera definicion de Jibaro que das arriba FUE correcta hace años atras. Vuelvo y os refiero a la pintura de Don Ramon Frade “El Pan Nuestro” para que vean a este Jibaro de antaño Hoy dia nuestro Jibaro a mejorado muchisimo y no tiene nada de analfabeto o de desnutrido, empobresido, quizas pero muchos son mas ricos que tu y yo. Aunque todavia usan su “uuhu”. Si llamar a alguien Jibaro puede ser en forma despectiva pero tambien puede ser honrroso. Hoy dia se usa en ambas formas.

      • Pedro says:

        Nelson,su comentario lo encontre interesante!yo
        sali de PR en el 53.pues no se la situacion presente
        del campesino de hoy.
        “El término “jíbaro” se usa en Puerto Rico para referirse al campesino empobresido, desnutrido y analfabeto”.
        esto mas me recuerda a los tiempos antes de los 50.
        si ud.vive en la isla hoy quien sabe la situacion sea diferente.

    2. I was taught as a child in PR coming from NY that Boriken meant “the land of the great chief” however my family had a diferent take on the name for them (coming from my great-great-grandmother Dona Salvadora, half Taina, half Spanish [Canary Islander} it actually meant “the garden of the Son of The Chief” because a house was artificial and the land was a garden. I always felt that this romantic interpretation was closer to the way that Tainos saw the land they lived in. As for identity, my family had ancestors from all over, Africa, Canary Islands, South America (Venezuela in particular) and other islands in the caribe. Part of the problem of identity is who says who you are.

    3. jocko says:

      Oh, please just get over it. This constant rehashing of old grievances is beyond tiresome. It’s one thing to take a scholarly look at the past, but all too often in academia today, it’s used as a cudgel against the “evil white men” who visited untold calamities on indigenous peoples. Would any of you care to go back to the old ways of human sacrifice and cannibalism? I didn’t think so.
      God Bless America

    4. I am a 58 year old Boricua born and raised in Arecibo Puerto Rico. The Jibaro name is of Amirindian origin which is why the same word is used in Ecuador and other parts of South America. In Cuba it is used to define a wild Dog living in the bush or mountains. This connection to being wild and living away from the towns may have a relationship to why the Jibaros called themselves as folk from the mountains. The Jibaros people is where most of the Taino culture and blood survived in relative isolation until the 1900s. Photos taken in the 1940s show the indian faces of many of these ancestors. They may not have been full blood indians but they lived in Bohios, ate in ditas and drank from Jatakas. They spoke a Spanish mixed with Taino words that are still used to this day and identified as Jibaro and Boricuas neto, meaning original Boricuas. The town people used the word as an insult much the same as indio is still used as an insult in Central and South America. However the Jibaro cultivated a pride in their identification. With the building of roads and television the culture has been more watered down but many people still identify as Jibaro with pride. The author is making the point that the indigenous culture and blood remained the strongest with the Jibaro which in my understanding is true. The extinction myth has been pushed by academia and politicians but science and dna studies are showing that the offical story is not correct. According to the 2010 census 20,000 individuals identify as Native Inigenous currently in PR. 62% is of Native background on the mother’s side, but further autosomal studies show a tri-racial people up to 80% with an average of indian blood of 15 to 20%. Average in a population of 4 million means thousands who have more than 20 to 30%. Many of these identify currently as Taino and certainly have a right to do so because of ancestry and cultural continuation via the Jibaro culture that survived strongly until the 1950s. In the USA and Puerto Rico is part of the USA regardless of personal feelings to the contrary, persons of much less blood quantum are recognized as indians. This identification based on family and ancestral oral history is defended by the UN as a human right. This book goes agaist the grain but is in total accord with what the Jibaro themselves say about our indian ancestry and culture.

    5. Pedro says:

      your last sentence shows you are ignorant about
      the history of the caribbean in general and specially
      Puerto Rico. What is your problem? Cannibalism? in
      Puerto Rico? where did you go to school? Go back and
      read all posts and check what is the argument all about!
      God Bless America!!
      I served this country for 27Yrs!!! in the military!!
      Yes, God Bless America!!

    6. Listen, if you want to call yourself Taino, go ahead. There is nothing wrong with being proud of you ancestry. Now, been 20% to 30% Taino blood I just do not see it. Not with all the mixing that has gone on in Puerto Rico. As I said before I am 74 years old and my father did tell me that we (my brother and me) were 1/16 Taino blood. To have 20% Taino blood means that by the late 30′s early 40′ there were pure 100% Taino blood in Puerto Rico. I don’t think so.

      It is interesting how some people try to make thing fit their idea of the truth base on older writings. This without thinking that one word means one thing in one country and the same word means something totally different, and sometimes nasty in another.

      Just like the initial; Puerto Rico’s history books was written by Americans, now written by Puertorricans and you find many differences how they interpret their sources to make history look from their own point of view. The same is happening here in the US Mainland in the history books. So please take all these books about history from anywhere with a grain of salt and always look for other books that might clarify what really happened.

      • Kidys Medina says:

        Thank you Mr Rivera. That’s excatly what I meant when I first posted the whole “tainos are extinct”,(obviously not counting the DNA argument here). Hay tanta mezcla de razas en nuestra Isla que es dificil creer que todavia haya puros tainos. Yo seguire describiendome como boricua de pura cepa.

      • Domingo Hernandez says:

        Dear Sir,
        Your explanation of how the blood quantum waters down each generation, is correct but only if the persons in questions kept mating outside of their own race, with each generation. But it seems this was not the case. If two mix bloods with the same blood quantum marry or reproduce, the blood quantum would stay the same for the children. Most people today have no concept of the isolation Puerto Rico suffered up till the early 1800s. Even after the American take over they only found about 60 miles of paved road on the whole island. It was not until the 1920′s that the goverment began to build roads in the interior of the island.
        According to Martinez Cruzado if we had done his DNA studies 200 years ago the results would have been higher than 62% of the population, he says it would have been around 80%. The mestizo and Zambo population could have held a very high Taino blood quantum because of marrying within their own communities until the mid 1800s when the population rose highly due to European immigrents with the Celula de Gracias. The average quantum today is 15% an 1/8th is 12 and a half % so the average Puerto Rican is over an 1/8th. You doubt the 20 and over % yet you can go on line just by typing Taino genes or Taino DNA and you will access studies which show samples of many who got 20 to 23 and more in their DNA test results. Now that said I personally do not hold that one is Taino descendant based on quantum. For me it is not enough to have the blood. It’s the heart and the spirit. I took the test and tested my father’s mother because I wanted to prove to myself the oral tradition.

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