
  • I thought the interview was terrific! I did notice that the host didn't know how to address us as he kept stuttering with the words Hawai'i nationals vs tribe of Hawai'i. It is confusing on how to define us from their perspctive and find themselves more comfortable to regard us as a tribe rather than a group of nationals of varied ethnicity although we are overwhelming Polynesian Hawaiians. The labelling along with the status has been flip-flopped and interwoven to create such a confusion on their part that sometimes they have difficulty in comprehending our status.

    Too bad they had a time limit to eally discuss the broader picture. When one takes into consideration the level of participation of the Hawaiian Kingdom internationally, the active participation along with the rest of the international family of nations, the over 90 some odd consuls and legations, the impact of our country within the international arena,; it gets mind-blowing for them because they had no knowledge of our deep participation on the international level.

    That's why it is good that you differentiated between indigenous and national identification. People must realize this distinction. The U.S. insists on speaking of American indigenous tribal and we are standing with our trus status as Hawai'i citizens, subjects of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. They try to mix it up; but it never works, like Cinderella's sisters with the luau feet trying to fit into the American glass slipper. It doesn't fit! Just like the Akaka Bill they are trying to shove on our luau feet. It doesn't fit and never will!

    Mahalo again for all you both do.

    • I think you have hit on exactly what we are putting out there. Tiokason is new to understand our status and it was just a few minutes before the interview that I explained to him what was going on. He likes to interview from a position of just finding out about a subject. In the end it worked to bring out the Kingdom position. We will be doing more interviews with Tiokason and others and hope to get to the broader picture.

      Mahalo for your Mana'o

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